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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

Page 11

by Harloe Rae

  Losing control.


  Arousal pumps through my veins in a wild rhythm and control is quickly slipping from my grasp. I want her.


  It’s time to claim what’s always belonged to me.

  “Let’s go,” is forced out between clenched teeth while I attempt to keep my cock under control. I refuse to bust in my pants with everyone watching. Without pausing for her response, I start stumbling carelessly backwards to drag Lark inside the house. She’s shielding the party guests from my obvious erection and I don’t mind being pressed against her luscious ass one bit. Our clumsy steps jerk the connection between us and blows my fucking mind.

  Once we’re through the screen door, I wildly scan the empty space for a room we can occupy. Lark wiggles in my hold but she’s not going anywhere.

  She breaks the silence. “If you’d let me turn around, I can show you where the bathroom is. Down the first hallway on the right.”

  My uncontrollable desire has taken over and everything around me is covered with a lusty haze. I notice the room she’s referring to and quickly move us in that direction. There’s no stopping to switch positions, even though walking backward isn’t the quickest or smoothest. We almost topple over while crossing the threshold but manage to stay upright. I spin Lark around to face me and can’t decide what to do first. My frantic thoughts are scattered with endless possibilities. I clench my eyes shut before taking a deep inhale—trying to get a fucking grip—but the effort evaporates as my sight devours her again.

  In the next moment, we’re locked in the bathroom and Lark’s back is shoved against the closed door. Her chest rapidly rises and falls with panting breaths while her fingers reach for me. The silver arrow resting along her collarbone is like a brand—mine. Her amber orbs are glowing with want—for me. I haven’t even touched her and my dick throbs with the threat of exploding. My starving stare feasts on each visible piece of flesh, which isn’t much, considering her outfit choice.

  “You always wear short dresses. Every time I’ve seen you, except today. Why did you wear a long skirt? What am I supposed to do with all that extra stuff?” My hands motion to the offensive fabric I’m referring to.

  Without answering, Lark swings her leg out to the side. The change in stance exposes a high slit that was previously hidden. I rumble loudly at the goddess spread out before me. This woman is trying to kill me.

  “Fuck. It’s like a trapdoor, just for me. My sexy little Vixen,” I mumble softly while stepping into her body.

  Her voice is a purr, luring me even closer. “You like it, Casper?”

  Is she blind?

  My cock is so hard the zipper is about to rip off the seams. I rub my hard length against her softness.

  “Yeah, Sweetheart. You’ve got me so worked up, one stroke is all it will take.” Sounds ridiculous but I’m not exaggerating. My lack of physical contact mixed with her overt hotness is a recipe for me coming embarrassingly fast.

  A throaty laugh bubbles from her and the sound sends another direct hit to my groin. Lark digs her fingers into my hips before sliding her palms around to my ass. She draws me in tighter before rocking her core along my straining cock. Her back arches, pushing her tits against my chest, before she stretches forward to reach my ear.

  “Now that you have me here, what will you do with me?” Her suggestion is clear but this will only be an introduction for what I have planned. Lark hasn’t told me everything I want to hear about our future but she will, especially after I get my tongue on her.

  My hand snakes up her bare thigh as my mouth lowers to hers. “Vix, are you wet for me?”

  She sucks in a sharp breath before nodding quickly. Lark tips her chin up, our lips almost touching. I drop a peck to her ruby pout as a short tease while my palm continues up her satin skin.

  When I reach the apex of her thighs and meet naked flesh, my balls tighten with an irresistible urge to blow but I bite my tongue to stave off the release.

  What the actual fuck is this little vixen trying to do?

  Choking out my reaction is a challenge. “No panties, Vix? You’re so fucking naughty and I love it.” I nip her jaw before licking away the sting. She tastes like vanilla frosting and I want to devour every delicious inch.

  My fingers glide through her wetness and Lark moans against my mouth. “Fuck, Rowen. That feels so fantastic. Don’t stop.”

  “Are you aching, Sweetheart? Do you need me?” My thumb finds her clit before circling around the tiny bundle.

  “Yes. Please.” Her plea echoes around the room.

  My mouth slams down onto hers and she eagerly opens as our lips seal and tongues collide. The smooth slide compliments the sensual rhythm of my fingers’ ministrations. Lark begins to quiver, her arms trembling around me as her knees almost buckle. I press harder into her, everywhere, before putting a bit of space between us. Lark tries following me as my face eases away so I dive back for another searing kiss.

  I nibble along her bottom lip while stroking my knuckles through her slit. We’re both gasping when I pull away and start sucking down her neck to her collarbone. As I begin lowering myself down, Lark seems to snap out of her breathless trance.

  “What are you doing?” A hint of panic slips into her voice.

  “I need to taste you, Sweetheart. I want to feel you explode on my tongue.” My words are muffled against her stomach as I settle onto my knees.

  Lark tries to yank me back up and the similarities to that disastrous encounter at her apartment a few weeks ago don’t escape me. Her fingers scratching along my scalp shoot sparks down my spine and encourage me to continue my quest. I begin gathering the excess material of her skirt and pushing it to the side when Lark starts struggling.

  My gaze is hazy as I glance up at her. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  “You don’t need to do that. Really. Just keep touching me like before.”

  “But I want to, Vix. I need every piece of you. Why won’t you let me?”

  “It’s not necessary. I probably won’t even like it.” Her tone goes soft and hesitant as her gaze darts off to the side.

  “The fuck? What do you mean? You’ve never had a man go down on you before?”

  Lark scoffs. “Why would I? Guys don’t like doing that so it’s no big deal.” She sighs loudly before adding, “Maybe we should just go back outside.” For her it’s better to avoid the situation, but not anymore. Not with me.

  “I’m not sure what morons you’ve dated but that’s a crock of shit, Vix. I enjoy eating pussy and I’m going to love feasting on yours. Just relax and tell me what feels good, okay?” I try to keep the frustration from my voice after imagining Lark with those selfish idiots. She’s mine now and each part of her deserves to be spoiled, which definitely includes her satin center.

  Her timid nod is all it takes. Without further delay, I effortlessly hitch her leg over my shoulder to spread her wide open for me. She wobbles slightly before gripping onto me harder for balance. Her touch ignites a blaze of burning thirst so intense it makes me fucking light-headed.

  “I love your hands on me, Vix. Dig those nails in and leave your mark.” The order is rushed as my face dips toward her bare core.

  My nose rubs through her damp sex while inhaling the naturally sweet aroma. I suck and nip her glistening lower lips before flattening my tongue to lap up her essence. She tastes so fucking good, I want to savor every drop before digging in again.

  “Holy shit! What are you doing to me, Rowen? That . . . oh God, yes!” Lark’s incoherent sounds spur me on and I start really going after her.

  My mouth latches onto her clit while my finger eases into her, pumping shallowly through her tight walls. One of her hands slides through my hair before grasping the thick strands, pulling almost painfully at my roots. I attack her pulsing button with rapid flicks before swiveling a figure-eight pattern against the sensitive nerves.

  Lark’s entire body shudders as she mewls out more garbled
nonsense. Her noises encourage me to work harder as she begins to convulse around me.

  My cock is weeping with pre-cum and listening to Lark’s seductive cries isn’t helping. I’d rather not make a mess in my shorts so with a sly flick of my wrist and a few stealthy maneuvers, I get the button open and the zipper lowered. I moan as the cool air wraps around my heated flesh. The vibrations from my throat has Lark shrieking and clawing at my scalp. I groan louder while lapping faster at her pussy.

  Her trembling form bows away from the wall as her orgasm takes over. My sunken digit is sucked deeper into her fluttering core and her honey pools on my tongue. Without warning, fierce pleasure radiates from my balls and shoots warmth through my cock. I’m floating on an erotic high as tingling sparks rapidly spread out from my groin. My own climax plows into me but I don’t stop my wild attack on Lark’s body.

  Her muscles are tightly locked around me with passionate tension as she continues riding her release. My jaw aches as I slowly withdraw from her heat, which is already tempting me back for more. While Lark is still swirling in a blissful state, I find some tissue to clean up the floor. No one wants to see that shit.

  Her breathing begins to calm as I stand and tuck in my junk. Lark’s amber irises gleam with relief as her relaxed figure sags against the door. The goofy grin lifting her lips makes me chuckle because she’s cute as hell, ruined and wrecked after I showed her how amazing it can be.

  When Lark is finally able to collect her thoughts, her voice is scratchy.

  “Jesus, that’s what I’ve been missing? Where the hell have you been all my life and when can we do that again?” Awareness seems to flicker in her caramel eyes before she asks, “Wait, what about you?”

  She blew my fucking mind without even touching my dick. “Don’t worry about me, I got off just fine. And we can have a repeat performance soon enough, Sweetheart. Can you take a few days off work?”

  Lark furrows her brow while glancing down at my pelvic region—currently lacking the typical erection I’m sporting whenever she’s around. If she keeps looking at me that way, the reprieve will wear off before I’m even halfway down.

  The confusion clouding her features clears a bit as my question registers. “What? Why?”

  “It’s a surprise but I’m planning something special. Just say yes.”

  “If you’ll give me more of that,” she gestures to my mouth, “absolutely. When can we leave?”


  “Do you think Xander and Willow know we christened their bathroom?” Rowen asks with a smirk on his face.

  “Trust me, those walls have seen far worse.” I laugh at his slack-jaw expression. “Do you know our friends at all? They can’t keep their hands off each other for a minute.”

  “I guess. Thanks for pointing it out. Now I have the vision Xander’s naked ass burned into my brain.” He retorts with that same horrified look covering his features.

  “Why are you picturing him? Or maybe I don’t want to know . . .” I let my silly suggestion hang in the air between us. Messing with Rowen is too fun.

  His head whips my way while still keeping an eye on the road. “Real funny, Vix. So, you’d rather have me imagine your friend?”

  I point at him accusingly but keep the humor in my tone. “Don’t start with me, Casper. We are so not swinging with them.”

  Rowen brings our clasped hands to his lips and kisses my wrist. The feel of his mouth on my skin shoots off a thousand sparklers all over me. “Sweetheart, you’re the only one for me. Pretty sure we’ve been over that.” He murmurs along my palm.

  There’s my cue to melt into a warm puddle of love-goo. If Rowen keeps talking like this, we’ll never make it to wherever it is he’s taking me. We’ve already been in the truck for almost eight hours and I’m getting antsy as hell. Our conversations have been pretty tame so far but maybe he’s ready to get more . . . intimate.

  “I suppose you’ve mentioned your feelings a time or two but we haven’t really talked about it. Tell me what you want, Rowen.” The words ooze out while I lean toward him and glide my fingers up his arm.

  “Vix, there is plenty I want but we’ll be speaking face to face when you hear it. I’m not pouring my soul out while driving.”

  I huff and sit back in mock-frustration. “How much longer?”

  He snickers before belting out a sharp hoot at my pout and raised brow. “You’re adorable, and almost too sexy for me to resist, but this is important to me. We’re about thirty minutes out.”

  “And where are we going exactly?” I’ve asked this before and he won’t budge so curiosity has been tickling at me this entire time. It’s really difficult to sit still for this long without knowing what lies ahead.

  And I’m more than ready to find out.

  He hums softly before sending me a grin that releases the swoony flutters inside me—sigh. Then he whispers, “You’ll see, Sweetheart.”

  Rowen wasn’t joking around about his plans. Once I agreed last night—while euphoria was thrumming through my veins—he wanted to leave immediately but we couldn’t ditch the party. After I explained how important the festivities were to Willow, and by extension Xander, Rowen relented and agreed we would take off in the morning.

  The evening was better than a typical bachelorette bash because honoring the pair together was more special. Pretty sure Rowen didn’t mind walking around their yard, holding my hand, and practically shouting that we are couple. I couldn’t stop myself from picturing us in their place but I kept thinking it’s way too soon for that.

  I glance over at him, wearing his aviator shades and a delicious amount of stubble, and now think maybe not. A pinch of panic hits me with those thoughts because I already love him and it terrifies me. I’m handing over my heart and Rowen better take damn good care of it.

  Time passes quickly as I get lost in daydreams of a white gown, a certain someone at the end of the aisle, and exchanging vows of forever. We veer down a heavily wooded path before an enormous cabin comes into view and my breath catches at the sight before me. The gorgeous building is made up of natural brown wood, colorful stone, and huge windows. It extends so far and wide that portions are hidden from view but I can’t wait to explore every square foot.

  Rowen busts out laughing suddenly and I’m sure it’s because my mouth is hanging open in shock. It’s a struggle to peel my eyes away from the stunning rustic mansion but I manage. The view of his handsome face lit up with delight is even better than our vacation spot and a weighty exhale leaves me as I get lost in his genuine smile.

  “What you do think, Vix? Can you handle spending a few days here?” Rowen’s excited tone reflects the joy on his features and I can’t help but stare in wonder.

  I am totally gone for this man.

  He squeezes my hand before asking, “Sweetheart? You alright?”

  All I manage is a jerky nod and a long hum of approval. He chuckles again and seems to understand that’s the extent of my communication abilities at the moment. Rowen swoops in for a quick kiss on my gaping lips before telling me to get moving.

  “Let’s go check the place out. Get in there while I grab the bags. The key should be under the mat.” He commands as he begins gathering our stuff from the backseat. I don’t need to be told twice.

  Scampering out of the truck, I take a few minutes to appreciate the outdoor scenery. There are beautifully blooming flowers spread over the landscaping and the color combinations create a vibrant rainbow over the ground. The cabin has a massive wraparound porch that makes me bubble with glee as I picture sitting out here with Rowen while watching the sunrise. Of course there are two perfectly placed rocking chairs specifically for that reason. This is definitely a spot where magic is meant to happen.

  After finding the key and letting myself in, I visually inhale the vast array of countrified details displayed throughout house. Every piece of décor has a place and it heightens the overall allure that much more. The entire back wall facing the river is mainly glass and I�
�m completely mesmerized when I lay eyes on the captivating view. That’s how Rowen finds me.

  He envelops me in a warm embrace that has me envisioning a fantasy future once again. Right here, in this majestic space with his capable arms holding me tight, it’s ridiculously easy to imagine. Tears blur my vision at the fairytale laid out in front of me, so close I can practically feel the warm glow of a happily ever after. The promising potential blankets me with soft velvet as my heart finds true love—finally.

  Could this be my life? For real?

  “Really something, right?” Rowen whispers in my ear.

  I shiver slightly from his heated breath before uttering, “It’s so wonderful.” My words echo the faraway enchantment I’m absorbed in and soothing swirls are floating through me. It’s almost like an out-of-body experience and I never want to wake up.

  Rowen gently kisses my shoulder and asks, “Do you want to take a walk?”

  His question pulls me from my stupor but I’m feeling a tad foggy from the lingering bliss. Spotting a fire pit nestled in the yard makes me hungry for s’mores. “Can we have a fire instead? Then take a walk tomorrow? It’s almost dark anyway.”

  “That sounds nice, Sweetheart. We can get all hot and bothered by the flames before I really heat you up.” His voice is practically a growl as he nibbles along my neck.

  “Maybe we skip the fire and explore the bedroom instead.” I’m already wet and practically panting in his embrace. The romantic setting mixed with his seductive tone is the best foreplay. This will be a long-ass night if we’re going to tease each other with what’s to come.

  A low groan rumbles from his chest. “Vix, you’re killing me with those squirming thighs and swaying hips. Are you aching for me again?” Rowen leans in to nip at my jaw before sucking the tender skin. He’s stirring up a crazy amount of want within me.

  After licking a slow path up my throat, he rests his chin on top of my head. “But let’s wait a bit longer, Sweetheart. It will be more fun to drag it out. Plus, you’ve been so eager for me to tell you what I want. Tonight I’ll tell you everything.” The way Rowen emphasizes that word has quivers erupting in my core. I turn around to face him and gaze deeply into his sapphire stare.


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