Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 12

by Harloe Rae

  “Yes.” The plea is desperate as he continues alternating bites and licks against my sensitive skin. But then Rowen decides no. He abruptly pulls away and I want to scream in frustration. This guy has serious willpower.

  I reach up and palm his scruffy cheek. “You better, Casper. I can hardly wait.”

  Rowen releases me from his hold but snags my hand before leading us out a side door.

  “Do you own this place?” I ask.

  “I wish. It belongs to an army buddy of mine. We came out here a few times for R&R. I figured you’d love it. He gladly agreed to let us borrow it when I asked.” He explains while getting the fire going. The wood starts burning immediately and I’m not at all surprised by his outdoorsy skills.

  I sit in an empty chair and bask in the heat already rising around us. “It’s very serene and peaceful. I definitely understand why you escaped out here to relax.”

  There’s nothing around other than trees and the whisper of the flowing river. Although a gravel path appears to cut through the forest along the right side so maybe it leads to another house. I try peering deeper into the woods from my seat but can’t see much beyond the winding driveway. Before I can ask, Rowen spins and stalks forward before effortlessly scooping me up. Then he takes a seat with me straddling his lap.

  It all happens so quickly I’m a bit woozy but his whispered confession steadies me. “Pretty sure this is the ultimate spot to fall madly in love, too.”

  He closes the sliver of space between our mouths until we’re breathing each other in. This kiss is different than any other we’ve shared. It’s a slow, languid slide of lips and tongues. There’s no reason to rush and our bodies are taking proper time to explore each other. This mellow connection silently speaks of devotion and affection. I practically merge into him as scorching shivers take over. He must feel the pleasurable tremble in my limbs because the subdued tempo suddenly snaps.

  His muscular arm ropes around my back before yanking me closer until I feel Rowen’s undeniable hardness between my legs. His other hand roams up my shirt and his rough palm meets the smooth skin on my side. I glide my fingers up his chest and shoulders before weaving them into his thick hair. He moans as my nails scratch along his scalp and the vibration is electrifying.

  I rock into him as my head tilts to deepen the kiss. Rowen takes advantage of the new angle and begins feasting on my mouth. His tongue strokes along mine as he sucks my lips between his teeth. He thrusts up so his rigid length rubs along my seam just right. It’s my turn to whimper as more intense shocks pulse from my core.

  The intrusive crunch of gravel puts an abrupt halt on our steamy make-out session as our heads simultaneously whip toward the sound. Bright headlights stun my straining eyes and white spots dance around while my vision adjusts. Rowen’s truck is big but the approaching vehicle is effing enormous—the tires alone are taller than me. I chuckle that the owner might be compensating for something.

  A man and woman are illuminated by the flames as they slowly drive by so I offer a welcoming wave. “Are those the neighbors?” I ask while turning back to Rowen. “I saw a path over there earlier and wanted to ask if anyone lived nearby. Hopefully they weren’t scandalized by our smooching.”

  His nose brushes along mine as he whispers against my lips. “I don’t know who the hell they are other than an interruption. Although it’s a good thing they showed up so I didn’t strip you naked out here for anyone else to see.” His hungry growl is back and the prickles sprinting along my skin has become an instinctual response.

  Rowen licks along my neck before groaning loudly. “You taste so fucking delicious, Vix. I can’t wait until my mouth is between your delectable thighs again.” His naughty words have my cheeks heating in a mixture of excitement and anxiety. I’m still unsure about him going down on me but he really seems to enjoy it.

  Before I can respond, snapping twigs and stumbling footsteps echo in the dark. An extremely attractive couple enters our little clearing and my earlier assumption is immediately proved false. The man is seriously massive and no doubt needs a truck that size to accommodate his enormous frame. The girl is gorgeous and looks far too polished for being out here in the woods.

  Before my gawking gets awkward, I break the silence. “Hey! You guys are more than welcome to join us.” Suddenly realizing I’m still firmly planted on Rowen’s lap, I scooch out of his arms and plop down in an empty spot.

  The woman smirks at my not-so-stealthy move before saying, “I’m Brittany and this is my boyfriend Nathan. I hope you don’t mind us coming down to say hello.”

  “I’m Lark and this is my . . .” My voice trails off as I glance at Rowen. We really need to chat about what’s going on between us.

  Of course he jumps to my rescue. “Her boyfriend, Rowen. Nice to meet you both.” We all take turns exchanging the obligatory nods and handshakes.

  Once they’ve sat down across from us, Brittany tilts her head slightly with curiosity. Her light blue eyes shine brightly. “Where are y’all from?”

  “We’re from Minnesota. Came down here to get away for a bit and relax. Figured this scene wouldn’t hurt while I’m trying to really make it official with Lark.” Rowen pipes up with far too much information.

  My cheeks burn as I say, “Rowen! Seriously? They don’t need to know all that.” I roll my eyes with extra exaggeration. “Sorry about him. Where are you guys from?”

  Nathan and Brittany exchange a knowing look before sharing a laugh. “We’re from Arkansas. Let’s just say we’ve been dealing with a lot lately and needed to get away also.” She explains while warming her palms with the crackling fire. I’ve always loved a southern accent and Brittany’s twang is extra sassy. I’m a huge fan.

  We sit and chat comfortably while time whittles away. They seem to have their fair share of trouble in the recent past, which reminds me a lot of our rocky journey. All too soon, Brittany and Nathan need to get back to their sleeping son. I hug her because, well, she seems like a distant bestie, and send him off with a casual wave. Pretty sure my arms wouldn’t reach around his bulky form if I tried.

  When Rowen and I are alone, we hover in taut stillness while waiting for the other to make a move. Our heated gaze is locked and loaded, ready to explode with desire. He’s the first to crack.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t want to be my girlfriend?” His hushed words appear to yell through the empty space separating us. His eyes shine in the firelight and seem to be pulling me closer.

  I shake my head slightly, lost in his soulful stare. “Of course I do, Casper. I just didn’t want to assume. And in my defense, we haven’t discussed all that yet.”

  Rowen hums before sucking his plump lower lip between his teeth, which causes me to fidget restlessly on the chair. “We’re so far past the point of assuming anything. I want you. Always. Just believe in us and you’ll always be right.”

  Now my head is bobbing in acceptance as I whisper, “Okay. I’m very happy you’re my boyfriend.” I send him a playful smirk and the blinding smile he gives me in return stalls my heart. We hold each other captive in a dreamy gaze, saying so much without uttering another word. Rowen breaks after my tongue peeks out at him in suggestion.

  “Should we go inside?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” My words are barely audible as Rowen stands and looms over me. My pussy clenches uncontrollably at his visible bulge that’s front and center. Without warning, I’m once again whisked into his grasp before we’re hustling back to the cabin.

  My stare is focused on Rowen’s bobbing throat as he strides down what I assume is the hallway. “Are you nervous, Casper?” I whisper against his stubbled skin.

  He draws me closer into his chest before muttering, “Fuck yes.” Another heavy swallow. “My plan is to pour everything out, have you reciprocate, and make dirty love to you all fucking night. Seeing as I’m about to proclaim some serious stuff, not to mention going three years without sex, I’m a tad edgy.”

  “Are y
ou sure I’m worth it? You’ve waited so long.” I can’t help insecurity from seeping out.

  “Sweetheart, I wasn’t waiting. All this time, I was searching for you.” Rowen sweetly murmurs, knowing exactly what I need to hear. He lays me on a billowy bed, the puffy comforter extra soft against my sizzling skin, before settling in next to me. Propping himself up on an elbow, Rowen stares deeply into my eyes while sweeping stray strands of blonde away from my face. The way he’s looking at me causes my insides to go haywire with a mixture of desperate longing, skittering nerves, and twirling adoration. I’m completely head-over-heels and ready to finally admit the truth.

  Rowen places a barely-there peck against my lips that has me soaring. But when he starts talking, I’m effing done for. “You’re about to get everything from me, Sweetheart. I hope you’re on the same page.” I attempt to assure him because there isn’t a sliver of doubt, but he covers my mouth with his and stops my admission. His soft touch is gone before I can plead for more but Rowen is just getting started. “I’m glad you’re so eager to tell me whatever it is you have to say but let me get this off my chest first.”

  I lean into him until we’re kissing but it’s brief and innocent. Mostly because the gentle caress feels exquisite but it’s also a sign for him to continue with confidence because I’m along for the ride.

  “Go ahead, Casper.”

  “Have I told you how much that outrageous nickname means to me?”

  “Does this have anything to do with the speech you’ve prepared?”

  “Nah. I just wanted to let you know. The fact you took time to think of something to call me, no matter how silly, was a sure sign this would eventually work out.”

  The giggle flies out before I can trap it. “Oh yeah? Well, it started as a taunt but if I’m being honest, it’s pretty cute. Now get to the good stuff. Tell me what you want already.” The fake impatience in my voice causes a stunning smile to light him up.

  My vision bounces around his happy features, ready to hear the words he’s created just for me. Rowen’s joyful snicker shakes my entire body since we’re pressed so close. With laughter still painting his tone, he busts out the words every girl is desperate to hear.

  “I love you so much, Sweetheart.”


  That wasn’t exactly how I expected this epic reveal to start but I couldn’t hold back. Her eyes are shimmering like golden ambers and reflect pure happiness and humor. One minute she’s cracking me up and the next, I’m blatantly turned on.

  I devour the sight of her spread out along side of me, golden locks blanketing the pillow while she relaxes comfortably in my embrace. My blurted confession will be the only thing that happens prematurely tonight though. I hope Lark wasn’t planning on getting much sleep while we’re here.

  But first, now that I’ve started . . .

  “Pretty sure I’ve loved you since I stepped foot into Brack’s Box seven years ago.” A few beats pass while I pause for her reaction but my little vixen just silently stares at me, as if waiting for more.

  “Is it my turn already? I figured there was more up your sleeve.” Her snarky eyebrow is lifted as a smirk tilts her glossy lips.

  “You’re such a smartass, Vix. I’m trying to be romantic and you’re stomping all over it.” The amusement returns to my voice.

  She scoffs with a wide-open mouth as a palm slaps her chest. “Me? You’ve been acting like there was some gigantic speech, but the sudden love reveal caught me off guard. You just threw it out there. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy you feel that way because I do too.” A hitch hits her voice. “Oh my God, I’m ruining this by being a bitch. Am I being a diva? What the hell is wrong with me? Rowen, I’m really sorry—”

  “What did you say?” I cut off her ramblings as my mind snags on a few particular words.

  “Which part? I’m being a bitch?”

  “Nah, the feelings part.”

  Lark’s caramel irises bore into me and pressure pounds in my ears. “I love you so much, Rowen. Of course I do.” Her hand moves to cup my jaw so I lean down to seal her words with a kiss. I don’t linger long—just a quick exchange of air through our slightly parted lips.

  “I’m so fucking sorry about the past, Vix. If I didn’t have to rush out that day, everything could have been different. We would have been together all this time. I should have been treasuring you in reality, not just my dreams. I’m not afraid to admit my obsession of a future with you. We could have been married with a family years ago.” I huff, frustrated with fate or karma or whatever the hell kept us apart.

  Her fingers keep rubbing along my jaw. “How do you know it would have worked out then? Maybe we were meant to be separated until now.” Lark’s response makes me wonder if she’s a mind reader. She goes on before I can question her. “Sure it would have been nice to avoid the pain of rejection and heartache but who’s to say it wouldn’t have turned out even worse? Trust me, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but . . . Everything happens for a reason. Maybe I needed to be broken so you could piece me back together.”

  Fuck. This woman. She’s my everything. And I can’t wait until she’s my wife.

  “We should get married, Sweetheart.”

  “Easy there, tiger. No need to jump the gun. We just exchanged ‘I love you’, no need to fast forward to forever. I mean, we hardly know one another.” She lets out an easy chuckle but her imploring eyes speak the truth her mouth won’t admit. Lark is still worried this means more to her than me.

  I smooth a finger down her flushed cheek before giving another huge part of me. “My mind doesn’t have a collection of useless information stored up about you and my body hasn’t felt your skin pressed against mine. But that’s not what really matters since it’s all surface level. What truly defines our connection goes so deep, we can’t comprehend it. We can only give in. My heart beats a rhythm only you can understand. My soul lives for yours, united in a bond so strong nothing can break it. I don’t know your favorite ice cream flavor or if you like butter on popcorn but in here,” I tap my chest, “we have been together for eternity. Destiny brought us together. Our story has been written and we need to start reciting it.” My breathing gets shallow after the words are out and my chest cramps with worry. Maybe that was too much, too far over the top. My anxious gaze frantically scans her features, seeking any sort of reaction.

  When Lark’s eyes mist and become glassy, it’s like a punch to the gut. The air chokes out of me as panic threatens to clog my throat. But then she quietly asks, “Do you really mean it? Truly?” Worry and wonder saturate her tone.

  My voice is still lost. All I can do is nod, my forehead resting against hers so the movement jostles both of us. Tears blur my own vision because the love pulsing between us is so fierce, it consumes every thought and demands to be recognized. I find the ink on her wrist before rubbing the decorated skin lightly.

  When the emotion clears from my throat, I murmur softly against her jaw while continuing to stroke the tattoo. “Your heart isn’t empty anymore. I want to fill it forever, with all my love. With everything I have to give.”

  I feel Lark swallow before taking a deep breath.

  “All right. I’m impressed. You proved me wrong. Again. I’ll stop questioning and just believe in you. In us.” She sniffs lightly before chewing her bottom lip. “You’re an amazing man and have a serious way with words. Pretty sure the jitters and butterflies are on constant assault.” Another deep inhale. “I’m so effing grateful you’re all mine.”

  Even in the serious moments, she makes me laugh. “Damn.” I sigh against her adorable pout. “I love you so fucking much. This,” I gesture down my body, “is definitely all yours, Vix.”

  Lark’s tongue peeks out between her teeth, looking like a naughty tease. “Are you ready to show me now?” Her palm drags across my pecs and abs before playing with the waistband of my shorts.

  “My words aren’t enough, huh?” Lark’s feisty side lights me up and I eagerly
play along.

  Her fingers instantly disappear as her face crumples. “Of course that’s enough. I wasn’t trying to push you into anything. Let’s just keep talking.” She tries to pull away so I tighten the arm looped around her waist.

  I snatch Lark’s hand and return it to the button she’d been toying with. “I’m fucking around, Vix. I’m so hard my dick is about to explode.”

  She grips me, as if to test my honesty, before giggling. “How romantic.”

  “You wanted everything, right? You’re about to get the fireworks show.”

  “Shall I oooh and ahhh?”

  “Shut up and give me those sassy lips.”

  Lark doesn’t hesitate and sags against me once our mouths meet. The snark from a moment ago evaporates as we get lost in our lust. She opens wider to accept more of my searching tongue. She sucks and strokes, giving me better than she’s getting, as arousal rockets through me with ferocious intensity. It doesn’t take long before I’m rolling on top of her while diving deeper into our connection. Lark is pushed into the mattress as my weight covers her entire body—my hulking form swallowing up her petite figure. Her nails are scratching into my back through the cotton t-shirt but I want to feel her dig into my skin.

  Easing onto an elbow, I grip the collar and yank the fabric over my head. Then I’m back at her lips, frantically devouring her while she moans into my mouth. Lark arches up so her covered tits push against my naked flesh. Her fingers are digging into my ass while my hands are threaded through her silky flaxen locks. I’m licking while she’s lapping and it feels like a sexy battle of tangled tongues.

  Lark breaks away to pant in my ear, “I want you, Rowen. Now.” Her hips bump up, as if encouraging me, so I grind my solid cock along her center.

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to get it. But first I need to taste you again.” My deprived dick will bust in two thrusts so I’ll make damn sure she gets off first.


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