Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 13

by Harloe Rae

  She’s shaking her head violently against me. “No, I don’t want that now. I need to feel you inside of me. Please, Rowen. Don’t make me wait anymore.” Lark’s voice trembles while she tries pulling my shorts down.

  I hum happily at her attempts and rock into her. “My girl is eager and that really turns me on.” I growl against her neck before nipping the soft skin. “You won’t let me go down on you?”

  “Later, if you really want. Now get naked. I want to see all of you.” Her thighs shift and shake a bit while she murmurs urgently. The urge to argue further pings around my brain for a beat before I realize she’s practically begging me to fuck her, and I’m making her wait.

  I suck and lick along her throat, dragging my tongue down until I reach the low-rise neckline of her shirt. My teeth softly bite into the top of her tits where the pillowy flesh is shoved up from her bra. I moan and add more suction when Lark suddenly bucks her pelvis.

  “You’re driving me crazy, Rowen. I’m fucking burning up for you. Hurry up and unleash that giant from your pants.”

  My chuckle vibrates off her cleavage before I push up to my knees. “I’m trying to take my time and make this good for you, Sweetheart. Why do we need to rush?” My heated gaze eats up her writhing body as my rough palms begin sliding up her torso, removing the obstructive clothing as I go.

  Lark bows to make my task easier while gliding up my forearms with her hungry hands. “Because I can’t stand it anymore. My heart and soul crave you, Casper. I need to be one with you.”

  Her words hit me square in the chest and I’m sure she feels the shudder rattle through me. “Fuck, Sweetheart. That sounds real good coming from your sweet mouth. I love you, Vix.”

  Once her shirt is off, her glowing ambers seer into me again. “I love you too, Rowen.” Those words tunnel into me and suddenly a desperate ache to bury myself in her pussy takes over.

  My fingers find the clasp of Lark’s bra while she works on taking off my shorts. After those get stripped off, the only barrier separating us are my briefs and her panties. My already throbbing cock practically jerks at the obvious wetness from her core. The silk is drenched and her desire threatens to dissolve any remaining control I have left.

  I’m still distracted by the sight in front of me when Lark begins lowering my boxers. Her gasp has my chest clenching in concern, until her fingers wrap around my dick. “You’ve kept this beautiful piece locked away for three years? That’s an injustice to women and the human race. You should be showing off this bad boy to everyone. Look at how perfect he is.” She’s cooing at my fucking penis like he’s her new favorite toy, which wouldn’t be the worst thing.

  Ready to show her what all that waiting has done, I rip the scanty cloth from between her legs before kicking off my briefs. I grab her thighs and spread them wider while fitting into the juncture. Lark loops her legs around me and draws me in, which has my cock pressed tight to her hot pussy. My stomach presses against her belly as I lower myself down.

  My mouth is hungry when I latch onto hers, tongues thrashing as our hips begin flexing together. I slip through her slick slit, setting a rolling rhythm. Lark’s throaty moans ignite passion in my veins and the friction against my dick has me seeing stars.

  “Tell me you’re mine.” My demand is murmured against her swollen lips.

  “I’m yours.”

  My palm roams from her ass up along her quivering side. “Always?”


  “Forever?” I question while my fingers gently pinch her nipple and twist slightly.

  Lark gasps, “And ever.”

  “You’ll be my wife?”

  “When you ask me right.”

  “Mmmm.” I buzz along her jawline.

  That sounds damn good to me.

  The wait is over as I adjust until my tip nudges at her scorching entrance. As I’m sinking into her, my skin is hypersensitive and each millimeter feels like a mile. I push in slowly, almost painfully so, while Lark’s cries get louder and more insistent. She wants me deeper and faster and harder but all I can focus on is the tight clamp her pussy has on me. Lark stretches and welcomes me further as my dick sighs in relief after so long without experiencing this sensation.

  The farther I press in, the more forceful my urge to come gets, but I refuse to give in so soon. My jaw clenches as my eyes screw shut while I regain control and shove away from the brink. Everything seems heightened and electric as feverish sparks spread out from my groin. Nothing has ever felt so intense and I know it’s because we’re sharing more than our bodies—our souls are bonding as we become one.

  I suck Lark’s lip between my teeth and grunt when my cock fills her to the hilt. Being snugly wrapped in her depths causes my body to quake as I withdraw before slamming back in, much faster and harder this time. It’s like muscle memory suddenly clicks and my rustiness evaporates with a manic thrust. Her smooth hands glide along my shoulders and slide into my hair while her back arches and her pelvis grinds against mine. She can’t hold still and her frantic movements become more insistent as my pace increases. Each time I drive in, Lark screams and digs her claws into me. When I’m pulling out, her thighs cinch to keep me close.

  My starving cock can’t take much more before busting. “Wanna ride me, Sweetheart?”

  “Hell yes.”

  We roll seamlessly and manage to remain locked together. Lark already looks thoroughly fucked as she straddles me with her bee-stung pout, messy tresses, and flushed chest. Her tits sway and bounce as she begins rocking against me, creating a tantalizing pattern by swiveling her hips and squeezing my dick tight as hell.

  I plant my feet on the bed and pull my knees up so she can lean back against me. The angle gives me perfect access to her glistening clit and my thumb gets to work rubbing circles around the hard nub. My other hand palms her breast before clamping onto the stiff peak pointing right at me. Lark tosses her head back and releases a seductive scream. She’s rambling about how I’m the best she’s ever had and how amazing my big cock feels plowing into her.

  That shit goes straight to my head, both of them, so I surge up and drive straight into her. She shrieks and slaps her palms onto my abs before following the ridges with her nails. The sting zips straight to my balls, which draw up even further. Lark’s brown eyes are blasting me with golden flames while she continues gyrating at rapid speed.

  I watch my cock disappear inside her while my knuckle keeps rounding her bundle of nerves. The erotic sight is snapping my control as the threat of release floods through me. I’m swelling impossibly larger as sparks rush up my spine.

  “Rowen, I’m coming. Fuck, fuck! Yessss . . . don’t stop. Holy shit, you’re so fucking hard. Oh my God!” Her trembling body is a live wire as her core ripples around me.

  I pinch her nipple hard while strumming her clit. My cock jerks as the climax washes over me and propels jets of cum into her clenching pussy. Our combined moans echo around the room and my ears ring from the sharp sounds. My muscles are tense and locked as extreme pleasure roars out within me. Lark keeps helplessly shuddering, begging and crying out.

  Her figure goes limp and she collapses onto me. She’s panting and twitching as apparent satisfaction blankets her. I’m dizzy as fuck and can’t catch my breath but my exhausted limbs wind around my little vixen. My head rests against hers as my system reboots and begins regulating back to normal.

  “Holy hell, Casper.” Lark’s rasp is straight sex and has me thinking about round two. She clears her throat. “Shit, you made my kitty purr real sweet. It’s all throbby and tickly.”

  A hoarse chuckle rumbles up my throat. “You’re so fucking hot, Vix. Even when you’re talking nonsense.” My fingers skim along her lower back before delving between her seam. “Want me to kiss her and make it even better?” I’m still desperate for her tangy taste.

  “You didn’t wear a condom so I’m probably a mess. Maybe after a shower, I’ll lick you all up and blow your mind, too.”

enticing suggestion almost makes me forget the lack of protection part. “Shit, Sweetheart. I forgot to wrap up. I’m such an ass.” No wonder I could feel every smooth and soft curve.

  “I’m on the pill so it’s all good.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “You’re the only one I’ve ever felt bare. I’m glad you didn’t use anything.”

  “Fuck, Vix. I love that. A lot. Makes my possessive side very happy.” I mumble against her hair before kissing her forehead. “Want to get clean so I can make you filthy again?”

  “Only if you carry me. My legs feel like jelly.”


  I’m pressed up against the shower wall with Rowen’s mouth between my thighs, one leg swung over his broad shoulder. It took all of thirty seconds under the spray before he dropped to his knees. The sweet romance has been stowed away and his naughty side is taking charge.

  Another lazy lick drags up my slit and I shiver against the cool tile while water pelts against my heated skin. Any lingering hesitation about him doing this vanished after his first touch. There’s no denying the extreme pleasure tingling from my clit and I never want it to stop.

  Rowen kisses my mound before breaking away. “I need to hear you, Sweetheart. Last time I feasted on your delectable pussy we had to be quiet, but not this time. What do you want, Vix?” His smoky growl rumbles along my hip.

  All I can do is whine and arch my pelvis forward, silently asking for more.

  “Tell me, Sweetheart. Do you like this?” He asks while stroking a finger through my wetness.

  “Yes,” I murmur.


  “Yes!” The word rattles from my throat.

  Rowen sucks along my lower belly and his question vibrates into me. “Want me to make you come?”

  “Yes, please,” I agree easily while nodding frantically.

  “You’re my dirty girl.” His hooded blue gaze burns up at me.

  More wild head bobbing. “Uh huh. I am.”

  “Watch me eat you, Vix. I’m fucking starving and you need to see how much I enjoy this.”

  Rowen buries his face into my waiting pussy like he can’t stay away another moment. My lids shutter rapidly as uncontrollable flutters take over when he laps along my seam. The pressure is already building as he finds my clit and latches on. A finger traces around my entrance in a teasingly slow pattern, driving my blistering need higher. My legs tremble while my feet twitch, like a reflex I can’t control. I begin shamelessly rubbing harder against Rowen’s mouth because the friction of his scruff along my sensitive skin is divine. I’m clutching handfuls of his luscious locks between my fingers and yanking him even closer. Rowen chuckles and the thrum shoots pulsing beats into me.

  “More, more, more.” The uncontrollable chant drops from my lips as my hips rock faster.

  He hums and dives deeper, smashing his nose against my pubic bone while his tongue licks at my throbbing nerve bundle. My core is rippling gloriously as Rowen’s fingers plunge in and discover my g-spot.

  Holy fuck.

  I’m boiling and whirling and melting while his assault on my pussy continues. My release is looming right in front of me as my pelvis swivels with Rowen’s rhythm. As I climb higher and higher, my insides liquefy and begin to bubble. Molten lava fills my veins and blinding sparks race up my back when he nips my clit before sucking even harder. Heat emanates from my core and floods my system with a type of pleasure I’ve never experienced. The trembling in my limbs can’t be controlled and I don’t care to try as my gyrating figure slides against the slick wall.

  My breathing is ragged as I pant out gobbledygook about how fucking amazing his mouth feels on me. His fingers spear and spread me wider, causing dark spots to dance in my vision. The desperation to come invades my brain until the need consumes me. Rowen is ruining me with this exquisite torture. His mouth is setting me ablaze and burning my body into a heap of smoldering embers so the gentle caress of his hands can resurrect me into something better, brighter, bolder. Without further warning, the orgasm to end all others rips into me viciously, and sends me soaring into the sky. Nonstop convulsions hijack my entire body while I float on a euphoric cloud.

  When the earthquake within my core finally settles, I stare down into Rowen’s roaring ocean stare and begin trembling for an entirely different reason. He’s done the impossible by reconstructing my broken heart and I can’t imagine my life without him. It no longer scares me. An uncontrollable desire to return the favor suddenly barrels into me and it has nothing to do with obligatory duty.

  As Rowen breaks away from my thankful pussy and slowly rises, I take a moment to appreciate his hulking male beauty and impressive frame. He’s made up of glowing golden flesh and perfectly sculpted muscles, but not the artificial shit you gain from a tanning booth or gym. Rowen’s body is built from tough work and manual labor. A detailed American flag tattoo spans along his left side, starting near his hip and reaching toward his ribcage. My fingers had danced along the colorful lines when we’d been lying in bed but it was a brief graze. I was far too distracted prior to my current blissed-out state to appreciate the ink but the vision calls to me now. I’ll have to ask more about it later.

  Staring at Rowen gets me worked up all over again, especially when my eyes scan the length of his solid dick. His piece was created to give pleasure and I am happy to reap all the benefits, please and thank you. His cock is smooth steel encased in silky skin that I need to get my hands, and mouth, all over.

  I eagerly reach for him. “Are you going to let me suck you off this time?” My words wheeze out while my palm strokes up his hardness.

  Rowen’s warm laugh distracts me from his dick momentarily while I glimpse up at him. Water sprays against his smiling face and I want to lick the droplets away. “What did I say about your smart mouth?”

  “You love it?” I mutter against his wet jaw.

  He groans and thrusts into my hand. “That I do and I’m sure it will look exquisite stretched around my dick.”

  Rowen’s filthy words infuse me with confidence. This will be the best blowjob he’s ever had and I’m making it my personal mission to have him coming in two minutes or less. Just because he makes me so fucking giddy. I place a searing kiss against his lips while pushing against him and turning until his back is along the wall. My mouth breaks away from his when I begin lowering myself.

  I start with slow and deliberate licks around his crown, teasing his tip with what’s to come. With long swirls, I lap at his cock like it’s the most delicious ice cream treat. My hand wraps around his base but only my middle finger and thumb touch. I give him shallow pumps while moving my tongue further down his hardness. Rowen combs through my drenched hair before clutching my skull but he doesn’t force my movements.

  I’ve never been a huge fan of giving head. There isn’t anything too appealing about shoving a stiff rod down your throat until you choke. But sucking Rowen’s dick is so different; my mind is the one being blown. The silky texture glides along my tongue with every smooth pass. When I moan in delight, his knees practically buckle and that soaks my spirit with glee. His reaction encourages me to drag him in deeper and add stronger suction. Tears prick my eyes but I keep pushing. His cock brushes my tonsils and I relax to allow him in.

  “Fuck, Sweetheart. I’m going to come already.” Rowen moans when his entire length is in my mouth. “It’s so fucking good, I don’t think I can hold back. Your throat around me is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever felt.” His palm gently rests against my neck and I swallow so he feels it. “You’re so fucking sexy, Vix.” He purrs and stares down at me with heat so pure my legs tremble against the tile.

  My teeth graze very lightly against his rigid flesh on the way out and expletives fly from Rowen’s mouth. I fondle his tightening balls and silently cheer when his thighs clench. Using my tongue and lips to pull him back in, I suck extra hard and taste the start of his salty release. The hand still on my head tries to push me back but I remain latched around him.

  “Sweetheart, I’m gonna blow.” He warns but I just hum in response.

  That’s all it takes for him to explode deep in my mouth, an eruption of male flavor I eagerly take down. I milk Rowen dry and drink every drop.

  “Jesus Christ,” he pants. “You suck cock like a naughty angel sent to pleasure only me and shit . . . that was fucking incredible.”

  My lips are still occupied as I buzz around his barely-softening cock. When my watery eyes glance up, I find Rowen’s smoldering gaze burning holes into me. I giggle as I lick around his tip.

  “Now you’re in trouble, Vix.” His sky-blue orbs gleam with mischief. “Making me bust down your throat like a fucking fire hose. We’ll see who gets the last laugh.” In the next breath, I’m tossed over his shoulder while he stalks out of the shower. There’s no time for towels or drying off so we’re leaving a trail of water, but that’s not where my focus lies at the moment. Rowen’s sexy ass is right in my face and I can almost stretch down to take a bite. I’m practically hypnotized by the sight as we bound down the hallway.

  In the living room, Rowen sets me down and immediately bends me over the couch. In the next breath he plows into me from behind. A startled gasp escapes my lips before morphing into a passionate wail. My nipples tighten in pleasure as my pussy contracts from the sudden intrusion. He pins my arms down and the weighted pressure is fantastic. He rams into me with furious speed, our skin slapping with each aggressive thrust.

  Rowen’s knuckle brushes against my backside and I jolt forward, definitely not expecting the invasive touch. He chuckles darkly. “No?”

  “That’d be a hell no, Casper.” I snap over my shoulder, glaring at his filthy smirk.

  He makes a noise I’m not too pleased with, as if he’ll be changing my mind. “We’ll see, Sweetheart.” He leans down and whispers in my ear. “Remember I said everything.” I shiver against him and know if he pushes the issue, I’ll fold like a house of cards.

  The subject gets dropped as Rowen’s fingers pinch my clit before he resumes plunging into my pussy. I’ll never get tired of feeling so full with him, and he makes sure I’m completely satisfied as we go at it for hours in numerous positions and on every available space.


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