Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 15

by Harloe Rae

  Once the pizza is in the oven, the three of us gather around the table to make the daisy halos we’ll wear tomorrow. It’s quiet while we weave stems and trim leaves so my mind wanders to Rowen. I saw him this morning before heading up here but a pang of longing already resounds in my chest. He grumbled about not sleeping without me next to him but he’ll survive one night. I’m not so sure about me though.

  “What are you smiling about?” Wren asks.

  I look to Willow, assuming she’s talking about her, but find my friend staring at me. “Huh?” I question dumbly.

  “You’re definitely thinking about a man. You look exactly like Willow when she’s thinking about Xander.” Wren giggles as she points at me.

  Willow chuckles too. “My dear friend has fallen in love.”

  My cheeks heat with their attention locked on me, but I’m not embarrassed to admit my feelings. “Sure am. You’ll meet him tomorrow, Wren. He’s one of Xander’s friends from the clinic.”

  “That’s how you two met?” She wonders while resting her chin on an open palm, clearly ready for a long story.

  “Actually no. Rowen and I knew each other before. Well, kind of. Years and years ago he came into the restaurant I was working at. It was just a moment but he disappeared before we could explore it. The first time I saw him again was their,” I motion to Willow, “engagement party.”

  “Ooooh, this has dramatic romance stamped all over it. Tell. Me. Everything.” Wren emphasizes her desire for details as her irises sparkle with joy.

  When I’m finishing relaying all the mush and goo that is Rowen and my fairy tale love-fest, Wren sighs happily with a smirk on her face. “Lucky bitches. Both of you.” Her gaze swings to her sister. “Speaking of happy relationships, how is Xander doing lately? I know he’s been spending a lot more time with his parents, which is great.”

  It’s Willow’s turn to release a relaxed exhale. “I love him so much, you guys. When we started planning our big day, I suggested doing something with just the two of us. That way he wouldn’t be nervous with others around, you know? But Xander refused and told me our families needed to be there. He also came up with using our clearing for the ceremony, which is obviously perfect.” A goofy grin forms while she stares off into space, picturing her hubby-to-be I’m sure.

  “He’s so wonderful, which I already knew, but he’s doing so many amazing things for others. He’s recently started facilitating his own group at the VA and regularly visits his mom to help her around the house. Their bond snapped back together pretty quickly once he started therapy. He missed her, his dad too, but there’s something special about the motherly bond. You know how devastated she was after visiting him here.” We both nod in understanding before she continues. “She told me once, when Xander and I were young, how excited she was to dance with him at our wedding someday.” Willow sniffles a bit before wiping under her eyes. “Tomorrow is that day and I’m so happy.”

  She clears her throat and attempts to compose herself. “Gosh, I’m getting all weepy already. What’s going to happen when it’s my turn to read the vows?” She fixes her watery gaze on us, only to find Wren and me in a similar emotional state. “Oh no, we’re going to be a bunch of sobbing Sallys.”

  We all share a laugh before I ask, “Did you write your own vows?”

  “Of course,” Willow shoots back with an exaggerated eye roll.

  “Then yes, we’re all screwed.”

  I admire my friend as she spins in place, which lifts the skirt of her dazzling dress.

  “Holy shit, Willow. You’re stunning. That gown is truly something else. Xander won’t know what to do with himself.” I breathe out while appraising her radiant figure.

  She sends me an admonishing glare. “Lark, it’s my wedding day. Can you keep the swearing down to a minimum?” Then she lights up like it’s Christmas morning. “Oh my gosh! It’s my wedding day!” Willow shrieks. “Say whatever you want. Who cares. I’m getting married!”

  I toss my head back with a short laugh before getting serious again. “Really, truly though. You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

  Willow smiles shyly while checking out the finished product in a nearby mirror, adding another twirl before standing still.

  Her cream lace dress sweeps the wood floor. The mermaid style shows the right amount of curves while keeping it elegant. The row of buttons lining Willow’s spine took painstakingly long to loop but the effort was well worth it. Her makeup is classically simple, just light dustings of color along her eyes and cheeks, exactly where it counts. All of her long brown hair has been curled in perfect ringlets, which cascade over her left shoulder. A crown of daisies rests on her head to complete the sensational look.

  I tried convincing Willow to rock a stellar ruby lip but she refused. Telling me it would get all over when Xander kissed her. The thought caused gleeful flutters to erupt in my belly while a blissful sigh escaped. Today will be a spectacular celebration.

  I can’t wait to see the look on Xander’s face. He’s really is going to freak the eff out because even I want to whisk Willow away.

  Wren sashays out of the bathroom in a tight-fitting gown that matches mine. The deep purple compliments her tan complexion and I imagine she must drive all the cowboys crazy. Maybe one will manage to snag her heart soon enough. She catches me staring and casts a grin my way.

  “Keep looking at me like that and Rowen is going to have some competition.” Wren winks before gushing all over her sister, just like I did moments ago.

  While they hug and sniffle, I spread my signature red stain on my lips and adjust the ring of flowers in my golden hair. A smirk reflects in the mirror as I imagine Rowen wearing my color on his mouth after we share a passionate kiss. Shivers rush along my skin and I can almost feel his breath fan against my neck. But I shrug it off and turn back to Willow and Wren to join in their exuberance.

  After all the compliments are given and emotional babble is exchanged, I send Rowen a text letting him know we’re ready. The guest list is small so the event will be intimate, mostly comprised of very close family and friends. Willow and Wren’s parents are waiting outside to walk with us. They made sure the guys stayed away and didn’t see us before the wedding. When we open the door, the older couple have beaming smiles lighting up their features. It’s definitely going to be a day to remember.

  The summer weather today is absolutely ideal. The air is warm but a gentle breeze keeps it from getting too hot. Fluffy clouds dot the clear blue sky, providing a picturesque backdrop. I tilt my head toward the sun and let the rays heat my skin. I love everything about this morning already but it’s about to get even better.

  As we near the clearing, sizzling anticipation slithers up my back. Rowen told me he’s wearing a suit and the thought alone set my heart into a frenzy. This entire experience makes me realize just how ready I am to marry him. Maybe it’s crazy fast but he doesn’t think so and I threw caution to the wind once I agreed to be his.

  I sway into the open space, linking arms with Wren, and my sight immediately latches onto Rowen.

  Holy shit, he’s gorgeous.


  Holy shit, she’s gorgeous.

  I’m sure most eyes will be locked on the bride today but my gaze won’t stray from Lark. Her luscious blonde locks are loosely braided over her right shoulder with pink daisies peeking out on top. The dark purple dress clings to her and swishes along the forest floor as she strolls the aisle. The silk looks like flowing liquid as Lark floats toward me. We’d been given strict instructions to stay away from the cabin so I haven’t seen her until right now and it was worth the torture of being apart.

  Lark’s typical shade of red pops from her pout as her blazing brown eyes laser into me. My breathing is ragged and rattles in my chest, which seems to match the rapid rush of the stream behind me. Her pink tongue slides along her painted lip and the seemingly innocent act awakens my inconvenient desire. I bite my own lip in response as my heated gaze
continues eating up the sight of her. Lark falters and stumbles slightly but Willow’s sister keeps her upright. A natural flush blossoms on her face and my chest swells with happiness. I can’t wait to get my hands all over her sexy ass.

  My buddy seems ready to jump out of his skin and is probably feeling the same way about being kept away from Willow until now. Xander’s jaw is grinding as his fists flex tight. But then his face relaxes instantly as his bride steps into view. A dopey smile replaces the scowl that was present a second ago and I silently chuckle at his reaction. We are so whipped over our women and it’s fucking amazing.

  I watch Willow as she slides to her groom but I’m envisioning my little vixen in her place. An anxious ball drops in my gut as I imagine our wedding happening very soon. My eyes almost immediately seek out Lark again, which further sparks my matrimonial feelings. Her stare is focused on her friend but glances my way as if she can feel my gaze. I send her a wink before blowing a kiss, which causes a deeper blush to cover her cheeks. Lark isn’t a meek woman but when she gets a bit shy for me, my ego surges with pride.

  Xander’s father has the honor of marrying the happy couple and my attention turns his way once everyone is in place.

  “It is my great privilege to be the one up here between these two wonderful individuals. I’ve been told by my son to keep it short and sweet so I’ll bore you with a longer speech later.”

  That gets a chuckle from the tiny crowd.

  “Willow and Xander have been vital to one another most of their lives. Pretty sure we all knew this day would come eventually. My wife and I are very excited to welcome Willow into our family.” He looks at her and smiles wide. “You are an incredible young woman and we are so thankful for you.” His eyes get a little glassy before he clears his throat.

  Mr. Dixon looks between Willow and Xander before asking, “You’ve prepared your own vows?” They nod without breaking their intensive stare. “Great. Who’s going first?” Xander mutters something that I don’t hear but based on his dad’s response, he’s leading the way.

  I sneak a peek at Lark and find her amber gaze latched on me. Love thrums through me at lightning speed and I almost wobble from the blast. My woman has quite the hold on me with just one look. Lark seems affected too based off the tremble in her fingers as she swoops a piece of hair from her forehead. I’d do almost anything to close the gap between us and pour all my feelings into a scorching kiss to her stained lips.

  Xander’s gruff timbre drags me away from that enticing vision. “I love you, Wills. So fu—effing much it’s hard to breathe sometimes,” he starts with a hitch in his tone. “I imagined this moment when we first met, baby. As I stared into your bright emerald gaze, and you told me we’d be best friends, I knew you’d be my wife someday. It’s no surprise we’re standing here now, in front of our loved ones, but this wouldn’t have been possible without your strength and determination. You saved me from the darkness, Wills.” Xander exhales a shaky breath before clearing his throat. Willow’s thumb is continuously rubbing along the top of his hand, as if to soothe any jagged nerves he might be experiencing.

  He gives her a little smirk before going on. “I owe you so much, baby. This day wouldn’t be possible without you, Wills. Nothing would be possible without you.

  “Willow, you brought me back to life so I could spend it with you. Because of you, there is a future with endless possibilities we’ll explore together. No matter what, I’ll be by your side as we travel through this life, and the next one, together. Always. You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever been given and I’m thankful every single day that you agreed to be mine.” Xander’s volume is low and quiet, as though he’d prefer only Willow hears his words.

  The forest is almost completely silent other than the steady flow of a stream nearby. His rapid breathing is like a drumbeat pounding a special tune just for the occasion. It almost seems as if all of us being here is an intrusion. But as he stares at Willow, Xander appears to be exactly where he wants to be. The overwhelming devotion and adoration pouring from them causes my eyes to mist over before I can blink the emotion away.

  Willow is a blubbering mess after Xander’s vows so she takes a few deep breaths before attempting to speak.

  “I love you, X,” she sobs while her sister hands over more tissue. “Today I give my heart, soul, and body to you. Everything I am belongs to you. Now and forever. I’ve always loved you but on this day, I announce it to our family and friends. I promise to always be everything you need, whenever and wherever, every moment for the rest of our lives,” Willow whimpers through quivering lips.

  Her words are barely intelligible but that doesn’t stop her. “Anywhere our journey leads us, we’ll be together. You’ll always be my husband and I’ll always be your wife. You are my entire reason for living, X. Thank you for coming back to me.” Willow swallows audibly while more tears track down her face. “I dedicate and devote my life to loving you.”

  Xander moves to her until they’re locked in a tight embrace. Willow’s shoulders are shuddering while he whispers against her glistening cheek. Witnessing their irreplaceable bond in such raw form has my heart spasming as I glance at Lark. Her watery gaze lifts to mine and a wobbly smile tilts her lips. I know she feels it too. When I look back at Willow and Xander, their trembling fingers are accepting the rings that solidify their union. Although no symbols are needed to comprehend their undying love.

  While they share their first kiss as husband and wife, I rush toward Lark and wrap her in my arms. She collapses against me before sliding her hands around my waist. We stand motionless for a few long moments, the outpouring of adoration and devotion surrounding us, while I silently image tying the knot with this beautiful woman. The significance of this day is more than just celebrating an amazing couple—although that’s why we’ve all come together. For me, it’s about appreciating and understanding the importance of finding that one special person. And I most certainly have. I allow my sappy thoughts to soak into our connection. I kiss the top of her head while murmuring, “I love you, Sweetheart.”

  Lark lifts her face from my chest and whispers back, “I love you so much, Rowen.” And that’s all we need to say.

  As we separate slightly, I slip my palm into hers before bringing her soft skin to my lips. Lark sighs happily and squeezes her fingers along mine. We walk the aisle together as others begin to leave the clearing. I take another look around as we head for the path. This place could make the most negative cynic believe in love. The ground practically vibrates with the romantic emotion. If I wasn’t already crazy about Lark and planning our future, this little slice of heaven would do the trick.

  “Isn’t this a beautiful spot?” she breathes out as we walk, our connected hands swing between us.

  I hum in agreement and nod. “It really is. Makes me want to get married, Sweetheart.”

  Lark glances at me from the corner of her eye and smirks. “Seems anything has that impact on you.”

  A light chuckle rumbles in my chest. “Because of you, Vix. Never thought I would feel this way until you stomped back into my life.”

  “I did not stomp.” She scoffs.

  “You most certainly did.” I laugh again while recalling her sassy attitude that night in the bar.

  “Whatever, Casper,” Lark grumbles.

  I lift her hand to my mouth and brush a kiss along her smooth wrist. “Look how far we’ve come.”

  Her amber irises sear into me as she says, “And in such a short amount of time.”

  “That’s because we’re meant to be, Sweetheart.”

  “You managed to restore my faith in soul mates. I didn’t think it was possible.”

  “Happy to prove you wrong, Vix.”

  Lark snickers. “Such a charmer.”

  We arrive in the cabin’s backyard, which has been transformed for the reception. Xander told me he was surprising Willow with the decorations, and based off their cuddle against the shed, I’d say she was very pleased. They prob
ably won’t waste much time with us before finding somewhere more private.

  Xander strung up a bunch of lights around the perimeter so the small area glows as the sun is beginning to set. Tables piled with food and beverages are along one side while a makeshift dance floor takes up a large portion near the house. The picnic tables and benches Xander made have been randomly placed along the edges so I lead Lark over to an empty seat.

  “Want something to eat or drink?” I ask after she settles in.

  Her brown eyes glitter as she looks up at me. “Surprise me, Casper.”

  If only Lark knew everything I’ve been planning. This weekend has been giving me plenty of shock-value inspiration.


  This entire day has been an explosion of fairy tale romance and I couldn’t be happier as we watch the newlyweds share their first dance. My spirit soars as Xander spins Willow around and around, showing her off with a beaming smile on his face. These two should be spokesmodels for finding your one true love. My stomach almost aches with how sweet the sight is.

  When I glance at Rowen across the yard, my belly flip-flops as I catch his sparkling gaze devouring me. He’s talking to Xander’s dad but I’m not sure their conversation is mutual at the moment. The deep charcoal suit fits his broad frame perfectly and I can’t wait to peel each stitch of fabric off later. The black tie around his neck is already loosened and several creative uses begin pinging in my brain. My lower belly tightens in excitement as my skin prickles.

  “Holy shit, you weren’t joking about that guy,” Wren whispers over my shoulder, startling me a bit. She laughs at my expression. “Lost in the moment?”

  I turn to look at her before lifting a brow. “Right? My man is crazy hot.”

  “So jelly. They don’t have them like that in Wyoming.” She mutters.

  A giggle escapes me as I imagine the cowboys Wren is usually surrounded by. “Rowen is definitely one of a kind, but I’m sure there’s a man out there waiting for you, just got to look for him.”


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