Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 14

by Harloe Rae

  In a corner chair, I climb on his lap backward and ride him until he lays us on the floor. He slides into me slowly on the bearskin rug before flipping me over and covering my body with his. After another round of epic orgasms, I suck him back deep into my throat while straddling his face as he tongues my slit.

  Eventually we move off the ground and stumble along the cool hardwood as we prepare to dominate another space. Rowen hammers me into the kitchen wall before laying me across the counter with my legs around his waist. Then he bangs me against the staircase before fucking me in the entryway.

  “Again?” Is his soft whisper between each climax and I’m always eager to agree.

  “Yes. Please, yes,” I answer while spreading my legs wider or lifting my ass higher in invitation.

  We make up for Rowen’s three-year dry spell in one night and no area of the cabin is left untouched. Damn, I was one lucky ass recipient. He fucks and sucks me until my lady bits are weary and numb.

  “I can’t feel my vagina.” I whine after we collapse into bed.

  “Do you need me to revive her?” Rowen asks while dipping a few fingers into my exhausted pussy.

  “Oh, God.” I moan while contemplating another round, but shove his hand away. “No more. I need rest you sex-fiend.”

  A hearty laughs bursts out of him. “I’m the nympho? Pretty sure I had you begging for more on multiple occasions.”

  I make a noncommittal sound. “Yeah, yeah. But now it’s sleepy time.”

  And while the sun starts to rise over the river, we pass the eff out.


  Waking up with Lark’s naked body pressed against me is an experience I want every morning from now on. Her ass is cuddling with my dick, which has me harder than natural morning wood. I nuzzle into her neck before licking along the sensitive spot that drives her crazy. We went to bed a few hours ago so I should be taking advantage of sleeping in but there’s much more appealing options.

  I did filthy, unspeakable things to her last night and she fucking loved it. I already knew Lark was perfect before we had sex but damn, she exceeds that simple definition. It seems no matter what I toss her way, she responds with eager willingness and a few twists of her own. That blowjob? Fucking mind-melting. I’ve met my match in every possible way and we have the rest of our lives together.

  With the light of a new day, the mood switch has been flipped back and it’s time for softness again. I’m not a romantic in the slightest but this woman makes me want to be the biggest sap on the planet. For her, I’ll do everything and anything she needs. Always.

  My mouth keeps sucking on Lark’s sweet vanilla skin until she stirs awake and arches further into me. That’s all the invitation I need before slowly easing into her slick entrance. My little vixen was ready for me.

  “Were you dreaming of me, Vix?” I murmur against her nape while gently rocking in and out. My palm roams up her side before cupping her luscious breast.

  Lark’s breath hitches before she moans. “You were doing exactly this. How did you know?”

  I find her hand and intertwine our fingers before pulling her closer. “That’s the way it works with soul mates, Sweetheart.” Sentimental syrup keeps pumping through my veins and she seems to like my style. With more whispered words of endearment, we make sensual love until our bodies demand food.

  After feeding each other breakfast, we get ready to explore the beautiful outdoors. I’d love to spend our getaway devouring Lark’s body but we didn’t trek all this way to stay trapped inside the cabin. My arm winds around her waist as I lead her through the backyard to the river.

  “Can I ask you something, Casper?” Her breathy voice breaks the serene silence of the wilderness.

  My heartrate skyrockets instantly because no good news ever starts with that question. I clear my throat while tightening my hold on her. “Let’s hear it, Vix.”

  The expression on my face must show worry because Lark chuckles when she lifts her chin to look at me. “It’s nothing bad, Rowen. I just want to know about your tattoo.”

  The breath I didn’t realize was trapped in my lungs wheezes out in a relieved exhale. My ink isn’t the easiest topic to discuss but I’ll take it over her wanting to slow things down or some other bullshit. “I mentioned my fallen brothers before, right?” Lark nods slowly as I ease us to a stop before lifting up the hem of my shirt.

  “So many lose their lives each day fighting for our country and this is a memorial for the soldiers in my troop. Their names and dates are scrawled within the white stripes of our flag.” I explain while twisting my torso so she can see the men I’ll never forget.

  Her fingers dance along the permanent lines marking my skin while whispering, “There’s so many. How tragic.”

  “War is fucking tragic, Vix.” I inhale a sharp breath before continuing. “But they’ll never be forgotten and they live on through all of us who made it out.” My chest cramps in a painful knot as I remember my friends and sadness washes over me like it always does.

  Fuck, I miss them all so much.

  Lark’s palm rests along my ribcage. “This is a lovely tribute, Rowen. You’ll always have them close.”

  “Exactly,” I murmur against her temple before kissing the soft skin.

  “Can you tell me what you did in the army? Like what your job was?” She asks when we’ve started walking again, the rushing sound of water soothing my tattered emotions.

  “My official title was combat engineer, which is a fancy way of saying I made sure the areas we moved through were safe. A lot of surveillance and grounds watch, that sort of thing. My training comes in handy with our security company.” There isn’t much I can openly share with her but hopefully that’s enough.

  “Wow. So, you were obviously in a lot of dangerous situations.”

  I shrug my shoulders in response.

  It’s Lark’s turn to halt our movements before brushing her lips along my cheek. “I’m so glad you made it home safely, Rowen.”

  I seal my mouth over hers and desire for more rushes through me. I need her love, patience, and understanding along with her gorgeous curves. Lark seems to be easily handing over everything I crave and want. She’s the end all.

  Our moment is broken when a series of high-pitched moans echo around us. The distinct sound comes from our right, near the neighbor’s house. The shrill noise rings out again and my head snaps in that direction. My body shakes as the laughter bubbles out of me.

  Brittany and Nathan, the couple from last night, are going at it—hardcore—against a tree not far from where we’re standing. Lark sees them too and slaps a hand over her mouth to keep a cackle from breaking free. There isn’t much to see since the dude’s body is so massive but there’s plenty to hear.

  “Holy shit, they’re really enjoying the great outdoors.” Lark snorts as humor shines in her warm caramel eyes.

  “Shh, they’re going to hear us,” I utter while dragging her in the opposite direction, toward the path upstream. We stumble along, trying not to crack up from witnessing their X-rated show. Soon enough the river’s splashing current is all that greets our ears.

  I’m still laughing when we pause along the bend. “Don’t they have a kid with them? He can’t still be sleeping.”

  Lark rolls her eyes. “He’s probably napping. They have to get creative and use their time wisely, right? Good for them.”

  It’s great to know she thinks that way. “Maybe we should take notes for when our little ones arrive.” I suggest after pulling her sexy figure against me by her belt loop. “It will be helpful down the road.”

  Lark makes a strangled choking noise before slapping a hand to my chest.

  “Whoa, pump the brakes. What guy is desperate for kids? Don’t you want to just have sex without responsibility? Children shouldn’t be a thought in your mind.” Her wide eyes are searching mine, for what I’m not really sure.

  “Oh, Vix.” I start while nuzzling her neck. “Clearly, I’m not like most men. The s
ooner I get a ring on your finger and my baby in your belly, the better. I’m romantic like that.” More laughter bursts out of me at the stunned expression on her face.

  “Seriously, who are you? Did you actually come from a land far, far away? Once upon a time?”

  “Nah, just for you. This is a sensitive side you’ve managed to yank out of me.”

  Lark lifts a skeptical brow but doesn’t argue more. Her face softens suddenly as she lifts a palm to my cheek and I lean into her touch. “I’m sorry for being distant and cold to you at first. I had no idea you were so serious about us. I love you very much, Casper.”

  “I love you too, Sweetheart. And don’t worry, you have the rest of our lives to make it up to me. Speaking of, what are the chances you’ll be moving in with me when we get back to the cities?”

  “What?” She sputters. “We just started dating! You’re constantly going against the norm and it’s messing with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re not afraid of getting serious but this is off the charts.” Her hands flail in the air with her exasperation.

  I loop my arms around her waist before drawing her into a snug embrace. “Sweetheart, you know this was never just dating.” I murmur near her ear. Lark bites her bottom lip before sucking the plump flesh into her mouth. The sight makes me hum happily.


  “I do know but it’s mind boggling that you’re the one rushing into all of this. That’s supposed to be my job. I’ve always been the clinger and the pleaser.” Her breathy confession is muttered into my chest.

  My palms stroke along her back while I respond. “Sweetheart, there is no rulebook for our relationship. We’re in this together and that’s what matters. Please cling to me. I’d love nothing more.” The words are sincere and spoken directly from my heart.

  Lark glances up at me through lowered lashes. “Well, my lease is up in a little over a month. Maybe we can talk more about it then.”

  “There’s no maybe, baby. You want to wake up next to me every morning, right? Go to sleep wrapped around each other?”

  Her hesitation melts away when she whispers, “Yes.”

  “Great. I’m glad that’s settled.” I smile down at her beautiful face.

  Lark returns my joy with a grin so bright, the sight might blind me. I’d happily accept that image as my last.

  “So, what should we do now?” She asks coyly, a blush blooming on her cheeks.

  “You’re thinking dirty thoughts, aren’t you? My little vixen is ready to purr some more,” I breathe against her glossy pout.

  Lark’s amber orbs flare and seem to glow. Her chin tilts up for a kiss that I gladly provide. When our lips seal and mouths open, our tongues glide together smoothly like a perfectly practiced dance. Lark breaks away far too soon but the sultry look she flashes at me has my cock jerking in anticipation.

  “Lead the way, Vix. I’ll follow you anywhere you want to go.”


  Several weeks have flown by in a flurry of epic orgasms and whirlwind romance. Every second with Rowen is like a dream come true, and I can’t believe doubt ever plagued my mind. He’s constantly going out of his way to impress me and I’m falling deeper each day. My once empty heart is now bursting with love that refuses to be contained, and why should it be? I want to scream loudly from the rooftops that fairy tales truly do exist and Rowen is living proof.

  With every surprise visit to my office or creative date that takes serious planning or whispered words of love, my heart surrenders that much more. And don’t even get me started on the sex—sweet mother of everything holy. This man knows what he’s doing.

  I’ve been slowly balancing the scale so my job no longer runs my life. Rowen manages to drag me out of work before sunset and further spoils me by cooking dinner. Relief constantly crashes into me each time he reminds I’m no longer alone and there’s someone waiting for me to get home. Pretty sure I’m completely moved into his house, with little reluctance on my part, even though my lease isn’t up yet. I don’t want to deny him anything—why would I?

  Rowen is yanking out all my best parts and making them sparkle. His stare is always soul deep and burns through my polished appearance, leaving me exposed and vulnerable for him. I love the cherished look in his bright blues whenever he gazes my way. He’s brought my confidence back so cowering behind a façade is no longer needed. He accepts me, and loves me, exactly the way I am. Rowen is legitimately Prince Charming brought to life and all mine.

  All these whimsical feelings are being magnified as I help Willow prepare for her wedding. The big day is tomorrow and we arrived at the cabin earlier today to get everything ready. Her younger sister, Wren, was able to catch an earlier flight from Wyoming and has been an enormous help. The three of us make a fantastic crafting team and having some girl time has been great. My friend has been talking nonstop about happily ever after and finding true love, which releases all the blissful butterflies in my belly. I can finally understand what she’s been going on about all these months.

  We’re walking through the woods to some special place Willow and Xander chose to get married. All I see are enormous trees along this path but she keeps telling us to wait and see. Wren is shuffling quietly along next to me. When I glance her way, she spins a finger near her temple to show what she thinks about Willow’s plans.

  After we walk through an especially dense portion of the forest, a clearing appears and I stop dead in my tracks. “Holy crap,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Told you so,” Willow sing-songs as she skips into the center of this magical space.

  Natural sunlight pours through the overhead branches, causing the ground to glisten and glow. My eyes wildly scan the small area as my chest tingles with peace. It’s like being lifted up into a mythical dimension where only happiness exists. The blissful calm floats around me like a sweetly scented fog. A small creek runs along the edge and the rush of water provides a Utopian soundtrack.

  Wren speaks up next to me. “Yeah, I take back my grumblings about having to hike out here. Totally worth it.”

  “Willow, this place is fantastic. No wonder you fell in love here,” I manage to say while still caught up in the otherworldly illusion before me.

  She snickers lightly, the noise full of pure joy. “Isn’t it something? I had the same reaction when Xander first showed me.”

  I spend far too long walking around the property, investigating each inch, as though an invisible force is pushing me along. Eventually, I realize Willow and Wren are working on something I’m probably supposed to help with. I wander over to the pile of rocks they’ve created in the center of the serene space.

  “What’s the plan, ladies?” I ask.

  Willow’s green gaze locks on me. “I don’t want to decorate or ruin the organic beauty at all. But I was thinking we could create an aisle of some sort with these.” She gestures to the mound of stones by her feet. “Something simple without disrupting the land too much.”

  I nod while picturing the rustic walkway. “That will be perfect, Willow. I love it. Plus, every bride needs to walk down the aisle.”

  “Exactly!” She squeals and claps energetically. “You guys, I am so excited. Thank you for helping.” She squeezes me in a tight hug before embracing her sister.

  I collect a few smooth stones and get started. “How’s the Wild West treating you, Wren?” I ask while lining up another rock.

  Willow’s sister plops down on her butt, giving up on the task for a moment. She blows out a heavy breath, an explanation without saying a word. “I’m almost done with college, which is freaking amazing. But following the rodeo circuit is exhausting. Even though the school accommodates schedules based off the show season, I feel like there is no down time and everything is a rush. Most of my classes are online, which is helpful but it also takes away from the experience. Lately it’s been a mess and I need to decide what to do with my life. Like, do I really want to live out of a trailer for nine months of the year?”

nbsp; I can only offer a shrug with a slight grimace. “Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your mind. Hopefully this weekend away will help, rather than add to your stress. Do you still enjoy riding or has it become more of a chore? Like something you have to do?”

  “Urgh, I don’t know anymore. It depends on the day. I love my horses and they’re extremely talented but it’s a ton of work to keep them in performance shape. It’s all I do, you know? There’s no time for anything else. Willow talks about love and I’ve got no clue what that’s like.” Her tone is sad as her shoulders slump.

  I lay a hand on her arm. “You’re so young though. Now is the time to do whatever you want before getting involved with someone. When it stops making you happy, bail out, you know? If you’d rather just ride for fun so you can enjoy other stuff, do it!”

  Wren rolls her eyes and laughs. “Gosh, you’re just like Willow. Always giving such sound advice. You must be a great counselor or whatever.”

  “I guess that’s a compliment.” I giggle along with her. “Thanks. But seriously. Life is too short, right?”

  “Definitely,” she murmurs somberly as a shadow crosses her blue gaze.

  Before I can ask her about it, Willow pipes up. “I think that’s enough. Right, guys?”

  I whip my head around to see what she’s talking about. She managed to create two perfect rows while I was chatting with Wren. “Wow, that was quick. Call me impressed. What do you think?” I ask her sister.

  Wren plasters on a smile but sadness still lingers in her eyes. “Yup. I agree. Dinner?” Her short response causes Willow to scrutinize with a raised brow.

  “You alright, sis?”

  Wren shoos her concern away. “Of course. Don’t worry about me. This weekend is all about you and Xander.”

  Willow doesn’t seem convinced but doesn’t press her. “All right. Lucky for you two I stocked the house with food. Otherwise we’d be eating beans and beef jerky.” She laughs as we start heading back.


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