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A Game of Cat & Mouse

Page 10

by Astrid Cielo

Caleb pulled a chair out for Aspen before coming around the island where Miranda stood. Taking her face in his hands, he bent and kissed her lips. Miranda sighed and sank into him. Caleb pulled back, and his face was serious as he studied her eyes.

  “Mine,” he finally said. Miranda felt herself shudder at the authority he projected in that one word.

  “Yours,” she whispered.

  “Umm, not to break up a moment or

  anything, but maybe I should go. I’m staying with Winston and his wife tonight.

  I actually just came over to see if I could be readmitted to the pride.” Aspen’s voice pulled Miranda back from Caleb’s hypnotic golden-brown stare. She felt ashamed that she was acting so callous toward the woman when she in no way deserved such treatment.

  “No, Aspen. I’m sorry. I really am, and I promise to behave. Please don’t go.”

  “Oh, I was just trying not to intrude on the love fest, but if you really want me to stay, then I insist on cooking.”

  “Why would you want to cook?”

  Aspen’s tinkling laughter filled the room.

  “I’m a chef. I love to cook so much that I made it my career. So, can I intrude on your kitchen and cook something?”

  Caleb nipped Miranda on the earlobe, pulling her attention back to him. His eyes seemed to plead with her, and Miranda could not resist those pleading brown depths.

  “I think that’s great if you really want to.”

  Aspen came around the island and

  opened various cabinets, pulling things out as she went. Caleb grasped Miranda by the hand and sat her on a stool on the other side of the island before joining her on the stool beside her.

  “The answer is yes,” Caleb said. Aspen stopped, and Miranda stared. Miranda could see the same confusion she felt on Aspen’s face.

  Caleb chuckled before adding, “The

  pride would love to have you.”

  “So you don’t think your father will have a problem with me rejoining?” Miranda could feel the sadness sweep Caleb. He would probably have loved his father to make that decision, but sadly, he could not.

  “My mother and father were both killed in a car accident over a year ago. I’m alpha now.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Caleb. I didn’t know,”

  Aspen said, her own sadness reflected in the tear that escaped her eye.

  “It’s okay,” Caleb said. Miranda

  squeezed his hand, and he smiled sadly at her. She needed to get him to talk about it, or he would never come to terms with their deaths.

  The ringing of Miranda’s cell phone broke the tension that permeated the kitchen. She hopped down and ran,

  grabbing her purse to answer the call.

  “Hello,” she said, breathless from her mad dash to the living room.

  “Whoa, honey, am I interrupting


  “Ha ha, Mom. No, I just ran to the phone, that’s all.”

  “Thank goodness. Look, your father and I found a cute bed and breakfast that we are just dying to try, so we’ll stay here tonight and see you in the morning.


  “That’s fine, Mom. See you then and tell Daddy that I love him.”

  “Will do. Have fun, sweetheart.”

  Miranda rolled her eyes at her mom’s last comment. Walking back into the kitchen, she was glad to hear Caleb laugh at something Aspen was saying.

  “I remember getting a spanking,” Aspen said, her face split with a smile as she stirred something on the stovetop.

  “You may have gotten a whipping, but I got a whipping plus grounded for two months. I hear that Daryl got three months,” Caleb said.

  “What happened to Daryl?”

  “We haven’t hung out in years. He went to the Fire Academy and I was at the university for architecture. We just drifted apart. He’s still a member of the pride, but I wouldn’t classify him as a close friend anymore.”

  Their banter continued throughout the night as they entertained Miranda with tales of childhood pranks and various punishments received for each. Her sexy kitty had been a handful as a child.

  Miranda was sure his children would be much of the same. The thought of having Caleb’s child sent equal parts of excitement and fear coursing through Miranda.

  However, one thing was for certain—watching him with Aspen or thinking of him with another female made Miranda feel murderous. She had to stop that. She loved this man with everything that she was, so what was holding her back from that final plunge?

  Nothing. Not anymore.

  After eating a delicious meal, Miranda hugged Aspen goodbye. She breathed deeper her curiosity spiking at the undertone of sadness coming from Aspen –that and something she couldn’t quite place. It seemed that Aspen wasn’t completely honest about her reasoning for moving back to Pinewood Creek, but

  Miranda kept it to herself. It was not her place to spill the beans. Then Aspen was gone, and now nothing stood between Miranda claiming Caleb.

  Caleb sat on the bed, calling various members of his pride to set up Zackary’s scholarship money. Miranda was grateful for the distraction as she set the mood for seduction. Sure, they’d sampled each other before, but it wasn’t every day that a girl claimed her mate. Miranda wanted it to be special.

  She took a shower and spent extra time softening her skin with a lotion she’d purchased at the mall. She picked her outfit out of the bag and bit her lip. She was nervous. Sitting down on the side of the tub, she took a deep breath. She was about to tie her life to Caleb’s. Once finished, there was no going back. Miranda loved Caleb, but this was the equivalent of a human marriage – without the divorce.

  You love this man, Miranda. So put on this scrap of nothing, parade your ass out there, and claim him!

  Bolstered by her pep talk, Miranda slid into the chemise she had purchased. She pulled on the white thong underwear that went with the baby blue chemise, grateful that soon she’d be free of them. Many women probably loved thongs, but Miranda didn’t enjoy the feel of her pants rubbing along her backside. Miranda enjoyed the feel of the silky material as it slid along her body. Her nipples pebbled as she thought of Caleb taking the chemise off.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Miranda ran her hands over her body. It was beautiful. Spaghetti straps held the baby-doll style chemise on her shoulders.

  Barely-there fabric gave hints of flesh to her hips where the nightie became

  asymmetrical, showing off her left hip and covering the right down to her mid-thigh.

  The lace that edged the hem only added to the beauty of the lingerie.

  Miranda took a deep breath and entered the bedroom, sexy pose and all, only to find the bedroom empty.

  Chapter 13

  Caleb grabbed the whipped cream and strawberries from the fridge as his mind worked overtime on how to seduce his beautiful mate. He wanted to claim her now, no more waiting. His cougar couldn’t have agreed more. He grabbed a few candles and the candleholder. It was not much, but maybe Miranda would

  appreciate the gesture.

  He’d already called for a meeting with the entire pride in the morning to

  announce his official mating with Miranda and introduce her as the pride’s alpha female. He would handle Zackary at the meeting and ensure that Aspen received a house within the pride also. Now all he had to do was convince Miranda to mate with him for life.

  Caleb entered the bedroom and stopped in his tracks. Standing by the window bathed in moonlight stood his Miranda.

  She was dressed in a baby blue nightdress that was almost transparent. He could see tiny peeks of the curve of her breast and her pert ass. A purr started deep in his chest, gaining her attention.

  “There you are,” she said as she walked toward him.

  “Wow, Miranda, you look fantastic,” he said, his voice husky.

  His cock had hardened with just

  thoughts of claiming Miranda, but as she walked toward him, her dress playing peek-a-boo with her tant
alizing flesh, his dick became hard as steel. Her nipples strained against the silky fabric, and his mouth watered at the thought of tasting and tormenting the pale pink buds.

  Miranda looked down at the things he had gathered, and a smile played on her face. “What’s all that?”

  “Well, I was planning on seducing you, but I’d say you are one step ahead of me,”

  he said as he laid the items on the dresser.

  Miranda picked up the whipped cream and studied him from under thick lashes.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bed. A familiar urge swept him, and instead of burying it, Caleb embraced his need for dominance. He swept a gasping Miranda from her feet and placed her in the middle of his bed, following her down and capturing her lips.

  Caleb didn’t wait for acceptance; he nipped at her bottom lip and gained entrance from her small gasp. Her arms wound around his neck, and her body arched along his. He couldn’t believe that such a beautiful woman belonged to him.

  He thanked his lucky stars he’d decided to laze at the creek the day he met her. She completed him as no other ever could.

  Caleb pulled back and cupped Miranda’s face so that he could see her big, beautiful brown eyes. Her lips had reddened from his kisses, and her eyes were glazed from passion, and he’d never found her more beautiful.

  “I love you, Miranda,” he said, and her eyes became big with surprise. He didn’t understand her reaction. He’d told her he loved her many times, usually when he kissed her good night.

  Miranda traced his lips. “You love me?”

  “With all my heart, Miranda, you know that.” Caleb was distressed to see a tear leak from her eye. He bent down and lapped the tear with his tongue. “Don’t cry, Miranda.”

  “I’m just so happy, and I can’t help it. I love you too, Caleb.”

  Caleb smiled down at his beautiful

  mate. She was stunning with her hair splayed around her and the flush coating her skin. Caleb bent his head to nuzzle her neck briefly before he liberated the can of whipped cream from her grasp.

  Caleb separated their bodies and

  kneeled over Miranda. He situated himself between her legs, forcing her to spread them to accommodate him. He smoothed his hands up the outside of her thighs, delighting in the feel of her smooth skin.

  His hands trailed upward, taking the silky blue material with it and revealing a barely-there panty before becoming

  smooth flesh again. When he reached her ribcage, Caleb bent to place small nibbles along her ribs before teasing the underside of each breast. Her soft mewls of

  satisfaction echoed in the room, making his already erect shaft pulsate with need.

  Caleb laid his head on her chest and took a deep breath as he calmed himself. The smell of her arousal permeated the room.

  Smell was not most acute sense, but he could still smell her need.

  Finally calm, and sure that he wouldn’t spill his seed like an untried youth, he continued baring and licking the flesh of her torso. Miranda’s breasts were lovely, small mounds tipped in pale pink nipples, now distended and waiting for his mouth to taste. Pulling the rest of her gown over her head, he shook the whipped cream can and covered her breasts in the fluffy white confection. Miranda gasped as the cooled whipped cream coated her breasts.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” he cooed when she began to writhe and moans spilled from her mouth. “I’ll take care of you.”

  Caleb grabbed her hands in a gentle yet firm grasp and pinned them above her head when she trailed them down to the apex of her thighs. His little Miranda wasn’t used to prolonged foreplay, but he would teach her. He nipped her jaw before returning his attention to her whipped cream-covered breasts. Caleb cleaned her breasts of the creamy confection, leaving the nipples untouched.

  Miranda arched her back, and Caleb

  blew a breath over each of her nipples.

  “Caleb, please!”

  Caleb brought himself face to face with his mate.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” Careful to keep from touching her nipples, he nipped and licked her torso. Miranda’s keening wail echoed through the room.

  “Please, Caleb, you have to touch them,”

  Caleb kissed her on the lips, swallowing the whimper. .

  “Have to touch what, sweetheart?”

  “My nipples, Caleb!” Miranda cried

  without hesitation, a true testament of her state of arousal.

  “With my fingers?” Caleb asked with fake innocence.

  Miranda leaned up and nipped his jaw.

  “Suck on them, Caleb!”

  Caleb kissed her on the mouth again, briefly, because his mate needed

  something. He took the first distended nubbin into his mouth and cleaned it of the remaining whipped cream. Miranda

  screamed when he sucked the nipple deep into his mouth, allowing his tongue to flick across the tender morsel. Leaving it with a gentle nip, Caleb turned his attention her other nipple.

  Caleb could feel her hips undulating under him as he worked her nipples

  alternating between the two. He was awed when Miranda tensed before a low groan broke from her throat. Never releasing his hold on her nipple, he trailed one hand down to the apex of her thighs, groaning aloud at the feel of her soaked panties. Caleb pulled the small scrap guarding her core aside and inserted two fingers into her sheath, surprised to find she was coming.

  Caleb released her nipple and kissed her gently as she came down from the surprise orgasm, her breathing labored and coming in pants. Caleb withdrew his fingers and sucked Miranda’s juices from them before petting her flank as she came back slowly.

  Miranda smiled, her brown eyes barely visible underneath her half-masted


  “Better, sweetheart?”

  Miranda pulled at her hands, still

  restrained by his, and Caleb released her.

  Miranda wound her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, taking delicate forays into his mouth with her tongue. Caleb pulled back when her little hands pushed at his chest, guiding him back to the mattress.

  “My turn,” Miranda said as she straddled his waist, her now-reddened breasts drawing his attention.

  Miranda picked up the can of whipped cream, and a devilish smile crossed her face. Could a man be any luckier?


  Miranda could still feel the small

  aftershocks from her orgasm – surprised to say the least that one could come from just foreplay. Now with Caleb lying on the bed at her mercy, researching such a

  phenomenon was the furthest from her mind. Miranda pulled his shirt from his pants and allowed her hands to smooth over his skin as she revealed each

  delectable muscle. Miranda loved his hard body with its well-define musculature.

  Caleb raised his torso, aiding her in removing his shirt. Miranda bent and nibbled at the place where his neck met his shoulder. She couldn’t wait to mark that place for all to see that he belonged to her.

  Caleb tensed under her as she scraped her teeth across the spot she had decided to mark.


  She knew what he was asking. Lifting her head, she placed a sweet kiss on his mouth before looking into his eyes.

  “Mine,” she whispered with a nod. Caleb grasped her face and took her mouth in a fiery kiss. Miranda was helpless against his onslaught as his tongue dueled with hers, delving deep within the recesses of her mouth.

  Miranda moaned and settled her body more firmly along his. Her soaking wet mound delighted in the feel of his pant-clad erection teasing her as he shifted his hips. Miranda rubbed her body against his, the sensation of his chest brushing gently against her super-sensitive nipples almost too much to bear, but it was too good to stop.

  Miranda broke away, desperate for a taste of him. She slid down his body and unbuttoned his jeans, never happier he went commando then right then as his shaft burst free. Miranda clasped it in her hands and forewent the whip
ped cream.

  Instead, she lapped at the beads that oozed from the tip of his hard shaft, delighting in the flavor of her mate.

  Without preamble, she sucked as much of his length into her mouth as she could.

  Caleb yelped, and his hands tangled within her hair, his hips lifting, sending his shaft deeper. Miranda relaxed her throat and pulled back almost to the tip before taking him deep again. Caleb allowed her a few more passes before he pulled gently and insistently on her hair. Miranda released his cock with a pop but did not have time to be disappointed. Caleb sat up, grabbed her under the arms, and handled her as easily as a child placing her back against the mattress before rising above her.

  Caleb’s eyes glowed, proof that his cougar was close. Caleb smiled, revealing the teeth of a predator. His hands found her waist, and his now-extended claws made quick removal of her panties. It’s a good thing I did not like those, she thought as the scraps of underwear flew over Caleb’s back. Miranda faced the predator that Caleb was and basked at her ability to make him lose control so completely. She didn’t fear him because she knew he would never hurt her.

  One moment her vagina begged to be

  filled, clenching at nothing. In the next, Caleb entered her in one thrust, her tissues stretching at his quick entry. She was far too wet for his abrupt entry to hurt; instead, she arched her back, hoping to take him deeper. Caleb’s balls slapped against her buttocks as he bottomed out, the tip of his dick kissing her cervix.

  Caleb bent over Miranda, his mouth

  zeroing in on the place where her shoulder and neck met. He scraped his now

  lengthened canines across the flesh, and she couldn’t quiet the chant that screamed through her mind. Bite me! Bite me! Make me yours! The one thing that had scared her beyond all reason before now became the thing she didn’t think she could live without.

  Caleb purred before clamping down,

  without breaking the skin, and Miranda’s vaginal muscles clenched in anticipation of his bite. Caleb gathered her thighs in his arms, spreading her wider, and Miranda moaned when he penetrated even deeper.

  Caleb growled then began to slam in and out of her sheath. Miranda clutched his shoulders as each pistoning motion increased her pleasure. Her nails


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