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A Game of Cat & Mouse

Page 18

by Astrid Cielo

  “They didn’t die instantly you know. I watched as they bled to death, each begging me to call for help!” Brenna’s screaming confession sent chills down Wesley’s spine. Then he remembered his arson case. Could this be the culprit? She had the motive to do so, but she had to have known that Miranda was not home.

  The accelerant had been found around the outside of the house, and if she were guilty, then she’d ensured the outside of the house was saturated prior to striking the match they found in the grass nearby.

  “It was you that started the fire at Miranda’s rental home.” Wesley made it a statement because the pieces of the puzzle just fit together so nicely.

  “Would you believe me if I said no?”

  Brenna said with a snarl.

  Wesley sighed. Maybe he should have asked prior to enraging her. Well, at least he could solve the arson case in theory, but the fact remained that she would still have to go into Shifter Council custody.

  “Brenna James, the Shifter Council has been notified of your involvement in the deaths of Colin and Lydia Anderson. I will fill them in on your part in the arson case as well as the danger you posed to a child in the Pinewood Creek Pride. You will be held at the Pinewood Creek Jail until the Council collects you. Do you understand the charges?”

  Brenna’s shoulders slumped, and she looked like a defeated child instead of the ruthless killer that she was. “I

  understand.” Daphne cuffed her hands behind her back.

  Wesley sank into the chair at his desk and placed his head in his hands.

  “Don’t worry we can keep the entirety of the details about his parents secret. With the exception of the Council, ourselves, and Brenna, no one alive has to know,”

  Daphne said, patting him on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, Caleb doesn’t need to know all those details.”

  “Well, I’m going back home. There is a cookout in my future. Elias says you’re welcome to come if you want.”

  “Nah, I’ve got reports to file anyway.”

  Daphne left him to the never-ending pile that seemed to be his life. Wesley thumbed through the arson case and

  sighed as another case closed. The only problem would be the humans would be none the wiser.


  Miranda hopped out of Caleb’s truck and instantly regretted it when a wave of nausea hit her like a freight train. She closed her eyes and waited impatiently for it to pass. When she opened her eyes, Caleb regarded her with worry.

  “Don’t worry, Caleb, I’m fine. Dr. Weber said I’d have nausea and maybe even dizzy spells.”

  Caleb’s mouth set in an unhappy line, but he did not say anything, just grabbed her hand and started toward the house.

  “So, what do you want to do?”. She still remembered his statement about licking her cream, which ensured a night full of dreams about him feasting on her. She hated to say it, but she was horny.

  Besides, she’d survived a match with a freaking cougar. She deserved some reward, didn’t she?

  “I’ve got to handle a few pride matters and call for another meeting this

  afternoon. Why?”

  Miranda wanted to laugh, but it seemed her big bad kitty cat was serious. What was going on with him? She thought for sure their conversation this morning had helped him to move on with the grieving process of his parents. He’d admitted to her that he never really grieved for them, thinking it was all a dream. He’d let his pride down and became a robot, doing only the bare minimum required of him. If it hadn’t been for the pride, Caleb said he wasn’t sure where he would be now.

  Miranda wanted her mate back, the one that kissed her like there was no

  tomorrow, whispered things in her ear that made her blush, and took her with

  passionate abandon. Ever since the day before the challenge, it seemed as if he had distanced himself from her, and though she knew it was because he was worried, it didn’t hurt any less.

  Miranda left Caleb to do as he pleased and went into the bedroom. She sat on the bed and took a deep breath. Her life had become a whirlwind since meeting and falling in love with him. She’d met him, resisted the mating pull, been a victim of arson, mated Caleb, and defended her position as alpha female all in the course of a week. Not to mention she’d missed the first day of school, forcing a substitute to teach her class. So far, she had done a bang-up job of being an educator.

  However, she would have to worry about that later. Now she had a mate to worry about.

  Wesley had called earlier that morning, apologizing for not calling sooner.

  Brenna’s case wouldn’t hold up in human courts, so he’d contacted the Shifter Council. He would be handing her to Council authorities within the next day.

  Apparently, she was also responsible for the house fire. Miranda shivered at the thought of someone hating her so much.

  Miranda dug through her purse and

  found her cellphone. “Pinewood Creek Police Department,” the disembodied voice of a female stated.

  “Yes, I’d like to speak with Wesley Chambers, please.”

  “Please hold while I transfer your call.”

  The music played for almost a minute before Wesley’s gruff voice interrupted the piano solo.

  “Detective Chambers.”

  “Hi, Detective, this is Miranda. I was just calling to ask if Brenna had been given over to the Council yet.”

  “You aren’t thinking of doing something crazy are you, Miranda?” He asked the question, but she could tell by his voice that he did not think a mouse could accomplish much in the way of damage.

  Miranda held onto her indignation and plowed on with the conversation.

  “No, nothing like that, it’s just that something doesn’t feel right. I want to talk to her. I promise not to cause any trouble.”

  Wesley sighed over the phone. “This isn’t a good idea, but if you can come within the next hour or so, it’s visiting hours. I’ll get her moved to a room where you can talk. The Council called to say they would be here around midnight.”

  “Thanks, Wesley. I’ll be there,” Miranda said, and then she hung up.

  She needed to talk to Brenna to figure out why she hated her so much. Sure, some people aspired to be in charge, but most didn’t hate with such a passion.

  Caleb had said she’d joined the pride in much the same manner as Zackary and Essence. Miranda knew that she wouldn’t be able to rest until she knew what possessed Brenna to do such things.

  She searched the house and could not find Caleb. She wrote him a note and pinned it to the fridge before grabbing her own keys. Miranda had only one moment of reluctance, but in the end, she dismissed it. She just had to know. Didn’t curiosity kill the cat? Then it is a good thing I am a mouse!


  Caleb was surprised when Zackary

  answered the door. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

  “Nope. It doesn’t start until next week.

  What’s up?” Zackary seemed more relaxed around him now. He didn’t understand it, but it suited Caleb just fine. He really didn’t like to be addressed as alpha. He never said anything since most of the pride did it as a form of respect.

  “I actually need to talk to Essence.”

  “I see. You’re here to clear up who is the actual alpha female. Well, it’s Essence, but she assures me that she doesn’t want it. She isn’t here right now, but she’ll be in around seven thirty or so. I’ve told her the best way to get rid of the title if she so chooses. How’s Miranda?”

  Caleb stared at Zackary, wondering how he skipped from subject to subject without getting his mind in the shape of a pretzel.

  “Right. I came here to clear up the alpha female status. I was going to hold an emergency meeting tonight to discuss some issues. I know we’ve just had one, but I think a change in status constitutes another. Besides, I have to announce what happened to Brenna. Oh, and

  Miranda is doing okay. I’m guessing she’s taking a nap.”

ay, well, how about I spread the word about the meeting? I’ll have Essence call when she gets home.”

  Caleb nodded and turned to leave. He had a lot to accomplish before the

  meeting. He needed to call the office and make sure his secretary was handling everything. It was amazing his company did so well. It probably wouldn’t hurt to expand that to include another architect within the fold. It would help him to be able to spend more time with his mate and pride.

  Caleb adjusted his erection. Ever since he’d teased Miranda last night, he’d wanted to make love to her. When Dr.

  Weber discharged her from the hospital, Caleb could barely contain his excitement, but Miranda’s hasty exit from the truck had caused her to pale. That alone had put her current condition back into perspective.

  She’d been injured and was still hurting, and all he wanted to do was pin her against the wall and fuck her brains out.

  Caleb already felt guilty for the distance he’d put between them. If he were

  completely honest with himself, he would have known he’d done it unconsciously because he was scared to lose her. In his heart, he knew that he wouldn’t survive her death.

  Miranda had forced him that morning to talk about his parents. She said he was holding onto the grief of losing them and not allowing himself to heal. He could see that she was right. Look at what he’d done to his pride. He allowed for a member of the pride to get away with murder, and a few others had kept things from him to save him the hassle of their problems.

  Caleb turned and took the well-worn path that entered the woods behind the pride lands. He needed to say goodbye to the past and finally allow his parents to rest in peace.

  Their tombstones sat side by side, their names chiseled within the marble. Caleb hadn't visited since their funeral. He could never bring himself to do so. Someone in the pride appeared to have ensured fresh flowers were placed regularly because hyacinth, his mother’s favorite, decorated each grave.

  “Hi, Dad, Mom. I’ve really missed you. I met my mate, and I am sure you guys would love her. She’s a mouse. I love her so much, Mom. It was just like you said. If I waited, then my true mate would find me,” Caleb said, feeling somewhat foolish for talking to headstones.

  He took a deep breath and allowed

  himself to admit aloud what he’d said only to himself. “I messed up, Dad. I’ve allowed this pride to fall apart just because I couldn’t man up and take responsibility. I just let things happen. Why weren’t you here? Huh? Why didn’t you stay around to make sure I was ready for this? Now, I’ve gone and fucked everything up. My own pride had to carry me for a little over a year. I am not fit to be alpha! But I can’t just give up, Dad. I have to make you proud, and I will do that. I promise.”

  The sound of a stick breaking garnered his attention, and he turned to find Winston standing behind him.

  “I’m sorry, Caleb. I’ve just come to clean up their gravesites.” He held a fresh batch of hyacinth in his hands, and when he caught Caleb staring at the flowers, he shrugged. “We were friends for a long time. I would bring your father’s favorite, but he never cared much for flowers. He did, however, like to see your mother happy.”

  Caleb had almost forgotten how close his father and mother were to Winston and Evelyn Dawson. He’d forgotten many things recently. Caleb stepped back, and Winston picked up the old hyacinth and replaced it with the fresh. Caleb turned to leave. He’d thought this would help, in the end, it hadn’t.

  “He was proud of you, you know,”

  Winston said, and Caleb stopped. The older man pulling at the weeds

  encroaching on the graves before his wise brown eyes looked up at Caleb. “We never expected you to be God, Caleb.”

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  Winston sighed. “That’s the problem with youth. They make a mistake and wallow in it, never learning from it or moving on. I said we never expected an infallible leader. If we expected that, then everyone who has known you your entire life would’ve dismissed you in the

  beginning. We always separate ourselves from humans by saying that we’re shifters, but what is a shifter if not half human and half animal? Humans aren’t that different from us and vice versa. We each make mistakes because we are human.”

  Caleb nodded but did not say anything.

  What was there to say?

  “Oh, and Caleb,” Winston said, catching him before he walked away, “we didn’t carry you this past year because we had to, but because that is what a pride does.

  Our animal sides don’t need

  companionship, but our human sides do.

  We are a pride because we’re cougars. We are family because we love each other.

  You are doing a fine job as alpha. If you do not like the way you’ve done things, then change your tactics. We’re with you, Caleb.”

  Caleb accepted the hug that Winston bestowed, and finally realized that the only person keeping him from changing was himself. If he wanted this pride to be better, he had the power to do so.

  “Thanks, Winston,” Caleb said as he stripped down.

  He felt the need to see his mate, and he would get there quicker in his feline form.

  He gloried in the change, his bones and skin transforming into that of a cat. It always amazed him how the change could occur without pain, but he attributed it to the fact he’d been born in this way. Caleb let himself run, and his cougar gloried at the freedom. Anticipation zinged through his body at the thought of his mate. He needed to reassure himself of her safety, to feel her body skin-to-skin against his own. Taste her arousal on his tongue. He needed to feel her sheath clutching his cock as he pounded within her willing flesh. He allowed the change to take him over again, transforming in mid jump and landing as a naked man on his porch. He rushed into the house, anxious to see his mate.

  Caleb became increasingly agitated

  when he couldn’t find her in the house. He opened the front door to search for her and nearly ran over Zackary.

  “Whoa, where’s the fire, Caleb?”

  Caleb growled, and the younger male paled slightly. “I can’t find Miranda.”

  Understanding entered Zackary’s eyes.

  “Well, have you called her phone?”

  Caleb moved back into the house, only then remembering he was naked. Zackary went straight into the kitchen, and Caleb left him to put on clothes. He stepped back into the living room to see Zackary waving a piece of paper.

  “She left you a note. Seriously, you’d better get used to looking on the fridge for notes. I swear Essence leaves more notes on the fridge. You’d think she would just text me, but she doesn’t.” Caleb snatched the note from Zackary, his anger growing with every word.


  I went to see Brenna at the

  Pinewood Creek Jail. I’ll be back




  What would possess her to go and see that bitch? He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He didn’t look back at Zackary’s questions, didn’t care about anything but Miranda at this point. His mate was going to see the same woman who’d killed his parents and nearly killed her. When he got a hold of her, he was going to spank her ass.

  Chapter 22

  Miranda sat across the table from one beautiful blue-eyed killer. Most of the female cougars were beautiful, with graceful features that Miranda could only dream to possess. She could understand how people would not suspect someone who appeared so trustworthy based on her looks. Hell, she’d met her only about a week ago, and she even she found it hard to believe the female sitting across from her was capable of murder.

  “Why did you do it?”

  Miranda’s father had always told her she was more like a cat with her incurable curiosity. Now she could understand what he meant. Just like her impulsive need to buy things, Miranda wanted to know things as well. And Brenna James knew

  something that she wanted to know.

  Brenna looked at her,
and Miranda was sure she would not answer when she

  sighed. “Why do you care?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know, but something is bothering me about this. Somehow you don’t seem the type to kill someone.”

  “And what type of person would kill someone?”

  Miranda could hear the mocking in

  Brenna’s voice, but she did have a point.

  “You’re right. Anyone could be capable of murder given the right circumstances. The thing that bothers me is the why. Why did you kill Caleb’s parents? I understand they accepted you into the pride, and from others’ reports, they were kind and decent people. You say that you wanted power, but why not just challenge them like you did me?”

  “You don’t understand a damn thing.

  Sure, they were nice people, but it was only a matter of time before they started letting the power get to their head.

  Started demanding things that weren’t right. I promised myself that I would never be ruled again. I was going to be alpha.

  Not some insignificant alpha female,”

  Brenna snarled, her teeth lengthening into fangs and her eyes glowing with her vehemence. There it was! Despite her show of anger, the smell of fear permeated the small room.

  “Where did you come from?” Brenna sat back down, seeming to calm, but the smell of fear stayed. She crossed her arms over her chest, and they sat in silence.

  “Come on, Brenna. What do you have to lose for me to know more about you? How could I possibly cause you harm with that information?”

  Brenna stared at her and must have

  been satisfied with what she saw.

  “I was raised in the Fair Oaks Pride in California.” Miranda knew she was onto something when the smell of sadness and fear mixed. Something had happened within that pride to make her flee. Why else would she be so secretive of her past?

  “What happ-”


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