Book Read Free

The Cliff

Page 17

by Gucker, Christie A. C.

  I ran to the side of the house and leaned against the wall and waited for Grant. A short while later I heard running footsteps that slowed as they came around from the back.

  “Smooth. Don’t ever become a ninja. You’re really terrible at it.” I smiled at him and as soon as he was close enough, I grabbed him and pulled him into a deep kiss.

  His arms wrapped around me and he pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the house. Now this was more like it. I reached down between his legs and gave his junk a little ‘hello’ greeting. He was hard as a rock and I could feel myself responding immediately.

  We were lost in each other. Our hands were touching and rubbing and bringing whatever pleasure they could in the short time we knew we had.

  “I barely made it through breakfast without touching you,” he said in between kisses.

  “I almost kissed you.” Then I kissed him again.

  “I have to have you. Right now.”

  “What’s stopping you?” I grabbed his hand and started to pull him toward the garage.

  “Lanie, where are you taking me?”

  “Just come with me and you’ll come with me.”

  Now Grant was pulling me. We got to the garage and I grabbed his pants and unzipped them quickly, pushing him up against Dane’s car and then getting on my knees to pleasure him.

  “Oh God, Lanie,” he groaned. “Are you trying to break a time record? Because I think you won.” I could feel his whole body shudder with his words. “Holy God. What’s this for?”

  “To let you know how much I miss you.”

  “They just got here. Can’t wait to see what I get tomorrow.”

  “I want you, Grant, so badly.”

  He pulled me back up to eye level and slipped one hand underneath my shirt. He used his other hand to pull the front of my shirt down so he had better access to my girls. He sucked and fondled and kissed them, running his tongue everywhere. He then pushed me against the car, moving his hand between my legs and working me quickly into a frenzy, only to stop short.

  “I need more.”

  “Plenty more where that came from,” he said smoothly.

  “We have to come up with a plan on when and where to meet so we don’t end up in the back of my car.”

  “We already did it on Dane’s car. I can see your ass imprint in the wax. Hot.”

  “Oh crap.” I began to do an unhiney shine. We giggled together and then suddenly he had me pressed back against the car and was desperately kissing me.

  “Lanie, I can’t be away from you. This whole charade is driving me insane.”

  “Grant, it’s been like three hours. How the hell are you going to make it a whole week?”

  “I’m not. Let’s go tell them all, now. Please, Lanie; fuck. I can’t be without you another minute.”

  The intensity of his desire to be with me was overwhelming in the most wonderful of ways. But I needed to approach things with Jack slowly. I wanted him to understand that Grant and I being together wasn’t out of boredom or being forced or just because. He needed to understand how much I loved this man. How much he loved me back. There was no way I was screwing anything up here.

  “Baby, we have time. We have our entire lives together. What are a few more days to tell everyone? Right? We’ll do it before they leave. I promise.” And I raised my right hand.

  “Can I make an ultimatum?

  “Of course, Babe.”

  “You have to tell them on your birthday.”


  “Yes. Or my gift will be really bizarre.”

  The little hamsters on the squeaky wheels in my head were going full speed right now. I thought I saw smoke coming out of my ears. What did he get me that would blow the whole secret? Lingerie? Sex toys? A year’s supply of chocolate hazelnut spread, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries? Something more personal? Oh wait, nothing is more personal than sex toys. Gumball machine ring? Hell, it didn’t matter. All I wanted was him. Forever.

  “We can tell them on my birthday. Is there a specific time? Or should I just send them a text message first thing in the morning?”

  “You’ll know when the time comes. I promise.” And he raised his right hand.

  “One of us has to go back first. You go. I’ll go through the back door in a little while.”

  “You said back door. This is silly.”

  “Only a few more days, Babe. I promise.”

  “Fine.” He kissed me again deeply and then turned and headed out the door. I sat there for a bit wondering why the hell we didn’t just pull our parents aside and tell them now. I was pretty sure Grant’s parents already knew. Jennifer did, for sure.

  Jack loved Grant, but after his comments this morning, I wanted to make sure that we did it right. I was having a hard time not touching Grant, too. It didn’t feel right to sit across from him or not be able to be open with how we felt. We were acting like we were embarrassed, and that was just wrong.

  When I felt I was no longer flustered, I headed back inside. Everyone was laughing and talking. It was like old times. I even smiled when I saw my dad and Dane talking about the latest draft picks. Jack would put his fist right through Dane’s face if he knew what he had done. I shook it off for now. It gave me a knot in my stomach.

  I pulled Samantha to the side. “Thanks. I needed that.”

  “Oh, I understand. You covered for me many times … in high school. Come on, Lanie, what’s the big secret for?”

  “I don’t know, Samantha. My dad, I guess. He seems off. Asking me all these questions about my life and love life. I just want to make sure we do it right. I mean, this is forever, you know?”

  And that’s when it happened. Samantha did the biggest squeal-scream-jumpy-clappy-noisy-dance thing! Every one stopped talking and stared. Samantha covered her mouth with her hand and just stared at me for help.

  “Umm, yep—I got them for half price, and then another 20% off. Can you believe it?”

  And that was all it took. Everyone turned and continued on. Samantha was known to go overboard on any shopping deal. I grabbed her and pulled her roughly into the kitchen.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “But, Lanie, you just pretty much told me that you and my cousin are forever. I’m assuming marriage? Children? We’ll be family for real.” And she squealed again.

  “Samantha, can you not contain yourself? If you act like this, I will not let you have anything to do with any wedding plans at all.”

  “Did I hear someone say wedding plans?” My dad was now part of the conversation.

  “Oh, Samantha and Dylan’s wedding. You know.”

  “Oh, yeah, right. Let me get out of here, then.” He grabbed a beer and literally ran out of the room.

  “Wow, Samantha, good thing you’re not FBI. You suck at this.”

  “I get to plan your wedding?”

  “He has to actually ask me first.”

  “Ask who what?” Lori asked as she entered the kitchen.

  “Ask the zookeeper what time he’s picking you up so all the warthogs are present for zoo day,” Chelsie said as she came up behind her.

  “Shut the fuck up, Chelsie.”

  “Shut the fuck up? Are you fucking kidding me? You don’t want to mess with me, Lori. I don’t play nice like Lanie does. I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Like to see you try.”

  And with that Chelsie grabbed a container of syrup, knocked it over on the counter, and slammed her fist onto it. The sticky substance exploded all over Lori.

  “You bitch!” Lori started to wipe the goop off her face.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how that happened. Let me help you dry that off.” And with that, she grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at her. Now Lori was pretty much tarred and feathered with breakfast makings.

  “I’m going to tell everyone you did that!” She lunged at Chelsie. But Chelsie was no pushover, she simply stepped aside and Lori flew past her and landed with loud thump on
the floor.

  “Really, Lori? Shall we tell them what you’ve been doing lately? Using Dane, trying to cheat on him with Grant, pretty much throwing yourself at him, setting him up and trying to hurt Lanie? Whose side do you really think they’re going to choose?” Chelsie was finally giving Lori a piece of what she deserved!

  “What happened?” And now my dad was back in the room.

  “We’re just having a little fun, aren’t we, Lori?”

  Lori pulled herself off the floor. Dane was now standing behind Jack, giving her a look.

  “Oh that’s right, Jack. A fun little food fight. We’re just like little kids around each other. I guess I better go shower.” Well, she was good at lying; we all knew that.

  “You do like your showers. Now you actually need one. I’ll just make sure you find your way to the right one this time,” Samantha said as she grabbed Lori and pulled her out of the room.

  “You kids never grow up, do you? Let me help get this cleaned up.” This time Haley was in the doorway.

  “Oh no, Haley, this is all my mess. I got it.” Chelsie grabbed a sponge and started to clean.

  “You did …

  Chapter 22

  It’s Creepy

  “… me a favor. I got it.” Haley tweaked Chelsie’s cheek as she passed her by and then turned and gave Dane the mom-eye. Oh man, no one wanted to get mom-eye, and Haley had one that grounded you for life. We did a three-way high five and I left to join the others.

  My dad and I were getting ready to head home after a bit so he could unpack and unwind from all his traveling. I wanted some time alone with him. I really wished everything were out in the open so that Grant could spend time with us, too.

  “Well, looks like we’re heading out. See you for dinner tonight,” Jack said, giving a lazy wave as he headed out the door.

  “We’re heading out, too, let’s all walk back together,” Grant said, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door with him.

  Samantha, Chelsie, Steve, Dylan, Jennifer, and Joe all followed. Mass exodus. Jennifer pulled Chelsie and Samantha back to chat with her. Damn, those two better keep their mouths shut. Then Joe caught up with Dylan and Steve. Crap! Those two were even worse than their loose-lipped women.

  Grant and I shot each other a glance and then smiled. I got up on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear, “The next chance I get, I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll forget your own name.”

  Grant stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Grant?” He didn’t answer. “See, I didn’t even do anything and you already forgot your name.” I giggled.

  “How about this evening, after dinner?” He gave me that hot smile that made me melt immediately.

  “What’s this evening after dinner?” Jennifer said as she strolled up next to us and smiled. Her tone was omnipotent-mom.

  “Oh, card game. All us kids.”

  “Oh that sounds like a lot of fun. Can parents join in? Or is this a game of strip poker?” she teased.

  “Mom! No.” Grant was actually blushing. It was so cute. His mom embarrassed him. God, I loved him.

  “Well, I guess that all depends on who you’re playing with, right, Lanie?”

  “Um, no. Yes. I don’t know.” I shot Grant a look begging for help and he just mouthed ‘ha ha’ at me. Now I was blushing.

  Jennifer just giggled and walked ahead of us.

  “It’s a pajama party. Will you be wearing something scrumptious?”

  “The way you and I go at it, everything I wear lately has been edible.”

  “Yes, extremely tasty and delectable. Yum yum.” He smiled at me and then licked his lips. My girls perked up at just the sight of his tongue and lips. Damn, the man was hot. Damn, the man made me hot.

  When we reached my house, we all slowed. I took a deep breath in. Life was good. I was happy.

  “You guys want to come in for a while?” I said to Chelsie, Samantha and the boys, “Or are you going back to Grant’s?”

  “We’re going to head back home to get PJs for tonight!” Samantha said excitedly.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me wear my night clothes,” Chelsie followed. Chelsie never left her house unless she was dressed perfectly, hair and make-up in place.

  “Oh don’t be such a party pooper. Are you staying over tonight?” Grant gave Chelsie a nuggie when he said it.

  “Well, of course. Can’t have a card game without shots. And anyway, you need us there tonight. Who’s going to make up excuses for why you two are alone in the closet playing seven minutes in heaven?” Chelsie said, annoyed. She swatted Grant’s hand.

  “Oh are we playing spin the bottle, too?” Samantha giggled.

  “No!” Chelsie, Grant, and I all said at the same time. Then we all started laughing.

  “Honestly, you guys are adults for goodness sake. Just tell them.”

  “Chelsie, I will. We will. Saturday. Grant made me promise.”

  Chelsie shot Grant a knowing glance and they both smiled. Samantha squinted her eyes and looked back and forth between the two of them. She grabbed Chelsie and pulled her toward Grant’s house for a secret meeting. Now I knew that Chelsie must be in on Grant’s birthday present for me. I did a little hop.

  “Guess I’ll see you later,” I called after them, and then I turned to Grant. He was just staring at me with a silly grin on his face.


  “What what?” he teased.

  “Why are you staring at me?”

  “I’m just enjoying the most beautiful view I have ever seen.”

  “Nope, you can’t be. Because that perfect view is right in front of my eyes.” I smiled and that’s when I almost screwed up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him against me. I could see Jennifer standing behind him, talking to Jack and Joe about some work I had done to the front of the house. She quickly cried out and grabbed her ankle. Both Jack and Joe immediately focused on her.

  I smiled to myself and then grabbed Grant into a quick kiss, running my tongue along his bottom lip, then released him and pushed him away. He looked slightly stunned and then gave me a sultry smile.

  “Yes, much much more of that later. I have plans in place to get alone time with you every night. I promise.” He raised his right hand and smiled.

  “There’s always work. Big presentation we need to focus on. Conference call. Meeting away from here?”

  “I love the way your mind works. I love the way your body works even better.”

  He squeezed my arm and then ran off to play concerned with his mom. I could see him give her a crooked smile when he got there and helped her to her feet. She turned and winked at me.

  I started to walk over to play the game.

  “Oh my God, Jennifer, are you all right?”

  “I think everything is going to be just fine, Lanie. More than perfect.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that.” I beamed at her.

  “Would you like to have a cup of tea with me later?”

  “I think I would love that.”

  “It’s a date then.”

  I touched her hand and gave her my best thank you smile.

  “Come on, Dad, let’s go inside and I can show you more of what I’ve done with the place. And then maybe we can just hang and talk until dinner, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me, Lanie.”

  I waved to Grant. And then when no one was looking, I blew him a kiss, which he dramatically grabbed in his hand and held against his heart. Mine warmed at his gesture. I had never been so connected with anyone in my life.

  Jack grabbed a beer from the fridge and went out to the terrace. I made a pot of tea, and when it was done, I headed out to join him.

  When I got there, Woof was sitting on his lap and he was affectionately rubbing under his neck. Woof was in heaven and mewing up a storm.

  “Friendly little guy, isn’t he? You’re just the cutest wittle thing. Oh, Jackie woves the wittle Woofy.”

  “Dad, please stop that.
It’s creepy.”

  “Well, then how about you tell me about this guy in your life?” He gave me the dad stare.

  Crap. “What do you want to know?” I said nervously.

  “Well, what’s his name?” He didn’t sound anything but curious.

  “He has a very prosperous business. Doing very well for himself.”


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