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The Cliff

Page 48

by Gucker, Christie A. C.

  He smiled at me and pulled me down onto the bed with him. He hovered over me and removed every stitch of my clothing with his teeth. It was really quite impressive. He would grace each area he uncovered with a kiss. When I was completely undressed, he removed his clothing, grabbed our robes and returned to lay on the bed with me. The feel of his skin against mine made the fire between my legs start to roar. Just as I leg-hitched him, there was a knock at the door.

  “Food is here. Quick, put on your robe.” He donned his and went to answer.

  Lunch was served at a small table on our balcony overlooking the gardens. We shared an appetizer of crab and baby shrimp spring rolls, followed by a large metal pot containing paella. We dined to soft spa music while sipping on a honey amber wine. I was in heaven. For dessert we had individual chocolate soufflés filled with molten chocolate. It took everything I had not to start smearing the chocolate all over Grant. But I knew we had our first treatment shortly and I wanted to make love to him slowly, not in a rush.

  After our tray had been removed, our masseurs came to start our first treatment. They dimmed the lights, prepared our tables and lit many chocolate scented candles around the room. It was scrumptious. We started with our chocolate facial, which was like having chocolate hazelnut spread put all over our faces. I looked over at Grant and giggled. He looked back and gave me a crooked smirk.

  “Something funny, Lanie? You know I’ve seen you look like that before, but it was a lot more fun getting you that way.” We both giggled and then were lightly reprimanded by the technician about letting the chocolate mask cure. Soon I knew what a chocolate covered strawberry probably felt like and I wanted to be eaten by Grant just like they were. Lucky strawberries.

  I felt my face start to freeze up and I tried to smile at Grant to no avail. He did the same. Soon our technicians were using a scrub to release the mask and we were on to our massage.

  I lay face down on the table with nothing but my towel. Grant was the same. Lucky for me, but not for him, we had been sent two very hot masseurs to give us our chocolate massage. Grant and I reached between the two tables and held hands and turned our heads towards each other so we could have eye contact. I noticed Grant trying to look back every few minutes to make sure Rowan, my masseuse, was being completely professional. I had to giggle.

  The massage was pure pleasure, with oils scented with cocoa, caramel, sugar, and layer upon layer of yummy smelling creams. Once we were done, we headed to our Jacuzzi for our hot fudge bath. It smelled and looked like a huge cup of hot cocoa with frothy cream on the top, good enough to drink. I looked to Grant to make the first move. He smiled, removed his robe and got in slowly. I spent my time waiting, staring at his ass.

  “Are you looking at my ass?” He chuckled.

  “Hell yes, of course I am. Any woman would be.” I dropped my robe and entered the giant cup of cocoa. It felt smooth against my skin, and my already relaxed muscles went completely limp. Grant reached for our chocolate cake shooters, which were sitting on the side table. The hot tub had bowls of chocolate-dipped fruit sitting in ice baths all around. I reached in, grabbed some pineapple and settled in. Grant took a sip of his drink.

  “Holy shit, this tastes just like chocolate cake. I want to order these for later so I can pour it over you and lick it off.”

  “Feel free to lick anything you want off me,” I purred.

  “Your breasts look like marshmallows floating in hot chocolate,” he growled.

  “Thanks for reminding me I need a tan.” I giggled.

  “You’re beautiful any way you are. But right now, Lanie, I can barely stand not touching you.”

  “Then why are you sitting all the way over there? Get your marshmallow-nibbling butt over here.”

  Grant moved closer and his lips were immediately on mine. I moved my hands under the chocolaty mixture and began fondling him playfully.”

  “Fuck, Lanie,” he groaned and leaned back to give me better access.

  “That’s the plan, for you to fuck Lanie.” I couldn’t take my eyes off his face. The pure beauty of seeing him in ecstasy was mesmerizing. He was so handsome, even more so when he was being pleasured.

  “Lanie, if you keep doing that, this hot cocoa bath is going to have marshmallow fluff all over the place.”

  “Yum.” Was all I could get out amid the hysterical laughing. I couldn’t hold in.

  “What’s so funny? Forget it. Please continue pulling the taffy.” I just continued to laugh.

  “And don’t forget my malted milk balls, they get upset when you ignore them,” he said casually, like it was every day conversation. I was dying, but I still couldn’t keep my hands off him.

  “You’re like a granola bar, filling and satisfying.”

  “I’d rather be more like a jawbreakers at the moment,” he said as he side-eyed me. I giggled and pulled myself on top of him so I was sitting in his lap with my back to his front. I could feel his Twizzler becoming more like rock candy. I smiled to myself, leaned back and just enjoyed the moment with him. There was nothing better than this. We drank our drinks and nibbled on candy and each other. Soon I started to feel a bit lightheaded from the heat of the hot cocoa we were floating in.

  “How about we get cleaned up and head out for that walk in the garden you promised me? I also want to check in with Dane and find out if our package arrived.”

  “You really want Dane and Callie back together, don’t you? I know they were really happy together for so long. It’d be nice to see Dane settle down like us, maybe get married.” That’s when it all hit me. I was getting married in less than a month, to Grant. I was the luckiest woman in all the chocolate-loving land.

  We hit the shower and began to get dressed. I decided on a cute cotton sundress and Grant threw on a pair of board shorts and a t-shirt. We were off to the garden for a walk, then dinner and then chocolate martinis. I giggled. Probably the sugar high I was on. I grabbed my cell phone and called Dane on the way down.


  “Hey Dane. Just calling to check in on Woof. How is he?” I said, sounding totally like I was not calling about Woof.

  “Woof? He has a new friend. Won’t leave her alone. Your package came, by the way.” Dane just played along.

  “Oh? Did you open it?”

  “Yes, I made sure it was intact as soon as it arrived. Okay, enough of this. Thank you. Thank you for calling Callie. We’ve been talking all day and hopefully all night. She’s staying for dinner. I’m cooking,” he said excitedly.

  “No. Do not cook for her. You want her to stay around, don’t you?” Dane was great at ordering dinner, but cooking was not his forte.”

  “No worries. Callie is cooking with me. We want to give it another go, Lanie. She’s not with Heath anymore. We have a chance together and I’m not letting her get away again. We have some things to work out, but I think we’re going to be okay. I really do. We still love each other deep down. I want to tell you that I know I didn’t deserve this, from either of you. But I’m pretty stoked that I have people who love me so much that they can let me fuck up and then forgive me.” He was heartfelt. And it made me warm and fuzzy all over. I gave Grant the thumbs up and did a little jumpy dance in the elevator.

  “Well, Grant is holding his hand out for the phone so I’m going to let you guys talk. Bye Dane. And you’re very welcome.” I handed the phone to Grant.

  “Hey, Dane, all going well there?” Grant had a sweet smile on his face like he was genuinely interested in things going well for Dane. “There was something I wanted to ask you, a favor, so to speak. I wanted to know if you would stand beside me when I marry Lanie. You know, be my best man.” Grant held the phone to his ear and nodded his head to no one who could see it other than myself. “No, Dane. Really. You’re my brother. I don’t want to think about any of that anymore. Don’t do that. I just know it wouldn’t be right to have anyone up there but you. We’re the three musketeers, ya know?” Then there was more shaking and nodding and smi
les. “I think a new pact would be perfect. When we get back, we’ll all have dinner and make it official. I think Lanie would love that. Have a good night with Callie and I hope it turns into a good weekend. Bye.”

  “So? What did he say?”

  “He got choked up. Said he didn’t deserve to stand up there with me and it sounded like he was crying.”

  “Are you kidding me? He cried? What a wimp!” I laughed and then hugged Grant. Everything was right. Everything was perfect. I felt the tears well up in my own eyes and just knew everything was how it was meant to be.

  “So do you want to hear about the new pact?” Grant said into the top of my head right before planting a kiss there.

  “I think I already know what it is, but you can fill me in over dinner.”

  We dined at a restaurant that sat in the center of a large pond with koi fish everywhere you looked. We walked the gardens with our chocolate martinis and enjoyed all the beautiful views. But the only thing I could think of was getting Grant back to our room and making love to him the entire rest of the night.

  “Babe? Would you mind if we went back to the room? I just need you, all of you. It’s been too long,” I said as I pushed him up against a tree and playfully groped him.

  “Lanie, this isn’t Hedonism. If you keep that up, I’m going to take you right here and now.” He turned his back to me and it looked like he was texting something into his phone and then spun back in my direction.

  “Well, it’s pretty isolated. I mean, what’s stopping you?” I teased.

  “Nothing,” he said, with his signature sultry smile. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side of a gorgeous waterfall where we would be shielded from anyone on the path. Not that anyone would be out this late. He lay me down in the grass.

  “Grant, what are you doing? What if someone walks by?” He didn’t answer with more than a growl. I looked at the stars above our heads as he kissed and bit my neck. It was beautiful and surreal.

  “Holy shit, someone’s coming,” I whispered and tried to push him off of me before we were caught making out like two teenagers.

  He giggled, but didn’t stop his relentless kissing. He seemed not to care if anyone caught us. In moments I heard the footsteps stop right on the other side of the fall. I froze, but Grant just kept kissing. I heard a clanking and then the footsteps faded away.

  “That was so close. They had to have known we were here.” Grant just smiled, got up, and disappeared around the side of the waterfall. When he returned, he had a blanket, a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  “Where the hell did that come from?” I figured out who he had been texting.

  “I have my ways. It’s so beautiful here, and since it seems we have the place to ourselves, I thought it might be nice to stay for a bit longer.”

  Was this guy for real? What guy was that romantic?

  I spread out the blanket while he poured and then handed me a glass of champagne. He cuddled up with me on the blanket and we spent the next hour or so talking about our wedding and what we would name our kids.

  Eventually, we headed to our room to finish the rest of our night making love in bed, and on the floor, and in the Jacuzzi and on the massage table. Sleep came deeply for both of us.

  We got up early and spent the day at the amusement park and it reminded me of all the times we had gone when we were kids. We rode the roller coasters the most because we were both huge buffs. But there wasn’t a ride we didn’t hit, or a game we didn’t play. We took silly pictures and ate a lot of cotton candy. This was almost as much fun as spending time with him in the sheets.

  Soon we headed back to our room for our chocolate fondue wrap. We undressed, and our technicians, the same from yesterday to Grant’s chagrin, began their magic. First we got a sugar scrub to detoxify and after a quick rinse, we were ready to become dessert. We were covered from the neck down in a thick, chocolate paste. It was probably just like a mud mask, but all I could smell was the sweetness of cocoa, like I was being iced.

  “I think there’s chocolate in my hoohoo,” I said as I was being wrapped in some kind of foil.

  Grant glared at my technician who seemed a bit nervous after that, because his wrapping was much quicker. Soon we looked like some kind of space-aged food wrapped in tin foil. I began to feel the wrap heat up and closed my eyes to wait for the treatment to take full effect while Grant whispered dirty things from his table to me. I giggled back, and I would’ve jumped him, but I couldn’t move. After our treatment, we had a shower and spent the rest of our weekend in our robes, making love before, during, and after dinner. But soon our weekend of chocolaty bliss was over and we needed to head back.

  “So, did you enjoy having me as dessert all weekend?” I questioned as Pierre loaded our luggage into the limo.

  “Babe, I’d love you covered in tar.”

  “And feathers?”

  “Of course, can’t forget the feathers. Lanie, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you in every way possible. And when we get back, you won’t have much time before that happens. You’ll be Lanie Bennett soon.” He kissed me and helped me into the limo. About half an hour into the ride, Samantha and Jennifer started to text me. Yep, this would be my life for the next three weeks. But I didn’t care. All that mattered was marrying my love, my Grant.

  * * *

  I opened my eyes and the sun was just coming up. It was my wedding day. I jumped out of bed to find …

  Chapter 49

  You May Kiss Your Bride(

  … dozens of salmon colored roses all over my room. Next to my bed was an envelope. I grabbed it and looked at the handwriting on the front.

  To My Future Wife

  Grant’s handwriting. How the hell did he get all these roses in here without waking me up? I looked around the room. They were everywhere. I know brides are supposed to be nervous on their wedding day, but I wasn’t at all. All I wanted to do was be with my guy for the rest of my days, and maybe then some. I slept like a log last night. I ripped open the envelope.

  Lanie, my love, (

  I have waited, literally, my whole life for you. In a few hours I will finally have everything I have ever wanted in this entire world. You.(I love you. I cannot wait to be your husband and call you my wife.


  My heart burst out of my chest and I could feel everything wonderful most people take for granted. Hope and love. There was nothing more I could want in life, except a child or two with Grant. I was happy, truly happy. I ran down the stairs, looking at the clock, and seeing it was only a bit past six in the morning. No one else was up. Well, that wouldn’t do at all.

  “Dad? Are you up? Get the hell up; your daughter’s getting married today! Samantha? I cannot believe you’re not up already. Get your asses out of bed!”

  I headed for the kitchen and found yet another note.

  Please open me

  It was Grant’s handwriting again. I smiled and ripped it open.

  To whoever gets this note first,

  I can’t have my bride sleepy or hungry at the altar. You’ll find breakfast in the fridge and fresh Kona coffee brewing (I set the timer). Please make sure you tell her I can’t wait to see her today and I love her. I’ll be waiting for her, the handsome one in the tux.(

  The Not-So-Nervous Groom

  I felt tingles run through my body and I grabbed a mug and poured three cups, light and sweet for Samantha and I, black for my dad. I ran to the fridge and pulled out breakfast; bagels, lox and all sorts of cool toppings. On the table, which was set for four, sat a jar of chocolate hazelnut spread with yet another note.

  This is for my wife. No one else touches it!(


  Bring whatever’s left for our wedding night.(Wink wink.(I love you.(

  Your Husband

  I popped my bagel in the toaster oven and picked out strawberries to put on top of my chocolate hazelnut glazed bagel. Yum. I sat down and sipped on coffee calmly while waiting for everyone
to get downstairs. Samantha was the first to arrive.

  “Here comes one of your Maids of Honor! Where’s our bride?” she chimed.

  “Over here stuffing my face!” I mumbled with a full mouth of chocolaty goodness.

  “Well, are you ready to be my official cousin? Are you nervous, excited, cold feet, ready to run off and elope?”

  “Uh, no, yes, no, no. I think I covered it all. What’s first on our agenda? Whatever you say goes. I’m all ready.”

  “Wow, you’re going to make this easy, aren’t you? Okay, well, make-up and hair. Then get dressed and the photographer will be over to do the before pictures with us. Then it’s time to get married and party the night away. Then you and Grant need to consummate …”


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