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Roped and Ridden

Page 4

by Angelique Voisen

  The longer Leo stared, the more Barrett became aware of his body. How the ropes cut uncomfortably but not unpleasantly against his skin, especially the cock and ball bondage.

  “You look fucking perfect bound, Barrett,” Leo said under his breath.

  Barrett flushed. Heat crawled on the surface of his skin. Leo rewarded him by stripping. Each layer of clothing he tossed aside made Barrett’s mouth water. He licked his lips, and Leo caught the gesture, smirking.

  “Like what you see, sub?” Leo asked, a teasing edge to his tone.

  “Very much, Sir.” Who wouldn’t? Barrett took an eyeful of the body he’d imagined existed underneath Leo’s clothes. Every inch of Leo was golden and hard. Watching the play of light on his bunching muscles was enough for Barrett’s prick to tighten against its bonds.

  “You need a reeducation in humility, sub.” The steel in Leo’s voice sent jolts up his chest and painfully tormented shaft.

  Oh God, yes. Punish me, Sir. Barrett didn’t need to say the words out loud. Leo seemed capable of anticipating his needs. He silently willed Leo to pick up one of the whips on the wall, but instead Leo opened a drawer and came back with a leather strap.

  The disappointment must have shown on Barrett’s face, because Leo said, “We’ll move on to the harsher implements later, Barrett. Besides, this is our first scene and you don’t know me well enough.”

  “I trust you,” Barrett blurted, then swallowed, not liking that he was acting like an undisciplined sub new to the lifestyle.

  Leo tipped his chin with the end of the strap. The leather tip caressing Barrett’s throat only heightened the pressure building inside him. “And I thank you for the gift.”

  Taking a step back, Leo traced the unbound parts of Barrett’s skin with the implement. Barrett’s breathing grew labored as Leo drew the strap back. Then the tip hit his nipples. He groaned.

  Jesus. Leo could be cruel and tease all at once. It was a damn potent combination.

  “Feet apart,” Leo instructed. Barrett felt the miserable little toy with the unexpected sting teasing his bound member. He swallowed when Leo began circling his figure. Bit his lip when he heard the whistle behind him and the strap smacked him on his left ass cheek.

  “Count,” Leo said simply.

  Then the bastard let the strap fly, each blow measured and careful. Damn, did that thing sting. Leo didn’t seem to believe in mercy. He layered Barrett’s ass and upper thighs in welts, not sparing his nipples and cock.

  “Where are we, Barrett?” Leo always asked in between sets.

  “Green,” Barrett would always answer. He knew he could take a lot of blows, and he missed being under the care of an expert Dom who knew his shit.

  By the time Leo placed the tool down, Barrett was breathing hard. The aches from the punishment mingled with the pleasure of being bound and denied and turned the sensation into a strange mix that left his tense body eager for release. Barrett whimpered when Leo’s fingers found his shaft.

  “No coming until my say-so. Or I’ll leave you in this state.” Leo’s eyes told Barrett he would do just that.

  He shivered, then managed a, “I’ll obey, Sir. Please.”

  “Show me how contrite you are.” Leo pointed to his feet.

  He knelt, wincing as his welts flared up. Leo threaded his fingers through Barrett’s hair. Seeing that thickening need, Barrett forgot about his own pain. He wanted that juicy cock, wanted to wrangle groans from his Dom.

  Saying “gimme now” sounded too bratty, so Barrett waited. Leo eventually pushed his tip between his lips and Barrett eagerly went to work. He gagged at the size of Leo’s length at first but soon got used to it. Toby made sure Barrett polished this particular skill to perfection, and it didn’t hurt Barrett liked giving blow jobs and the power it gave a sub.

  “Fuck, Barrett,” Leo hissed.

  That was all the assurance Barrett needed. He bobbed his head up and down, applying careful suction with every inch he covered. Leo’s hand tightened on his hair, but Barrett kept on going. He only took a lungful of air before going back in with enthusiasm. Another tug on his hair and Barrett knew Leo wanted to take the wheel. He let Leo use his hair as a handle as Leo fucked his mouth.

  Like everything he did, Leo didn’t go too fast or overwhelm him. He kept his control, until Barrett’s muscles relaxed and took what his Dom wanted to give.

  “Swallow,” Leo muttered, groaning. Another thrust and he exploded. Barrett swallowed, not spilling a drop. After, Leo pulled out, wiping the slight dribble on his bottom lip.

  He leaned down and kissed Barrett on the lips. “Thank you. You may stand.”

  Leo helped him up and began undoing the ropes. Once they were gone, Barrett actually missed the feel of the rope. When he confessed to Leo, he only laughed.

  “Look,” Leo said, brushing one finger against the marks left behind by the rope. “Aren’t they fucking lovely? They go well with the stripes I left on you.”

  Barrett had never met a Dom who studied the fresh marks he painted on his body with frank admiration and intensity. Leo’s unexpected gentleness after a thorough punishment also unsettled him. Slowly but surely Leo started digging his hooks into Barrett’s skin.

  Even though they hardly knew each other, Leo started to possess him, in every sense of the word, with every loving gesture and harsh command. Didn’t help Barrett sought his possession with a deep hunger that terrified him. If Leo changed his mind somewhere along the road…

  “Talk to me, Barrett. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Leo ran calloused fingertips over the marriage of rope burns and welts. He thumbed Barrett’s left nipple, stroking the peaked bud to and fro. The gesture made Barrett’s cock tighten with need.

  Barrett didn’t bother with lies. Any relationship with that poison at the start was bound to fail. “I’m scared of how my body’s reacting to you. How easily you can make me yours.”

  Leo secured one hand behind Barrett’s neck and pulled him close so their foreheads touched. “Without the fear of falling, anyone can take the leap. Do you trust me to make you fly, Barrett?”

  He slid his hand between their bodies and held Barrett’s cock captive. Still sensitive from the bite of rope, Barrett groaned as Leo began pumping him. Up and down, fast then slow, Leo pushed him to the edge before pulling back, expecting an answer.

  “Yes,” Barrett whispered.

  “Then go lie on the bed, on your back. I’m not tying you up this time, so keep your hands above your head.” Leo released him.

  No bonds, Leo had said. A subtle reminder that Barrett was willingly here, by his own volition? Freedom of choice was daunting to a sub who sought his Dom’s direction, but Barrett knew with damning certainty this was what he wanted.

  “Thank you for asking, Sir, even knowing my answer,” Barrett said.

  Casting off his uncertainties, Barrett obeyed, wincing as his striped skin touched the soft mattress. Leo walked over to the drawer and pulled out a tube of lube. No condoms, but then Barrett knew shifters didn’t catch anything.

  Still, he said, “I’m clean.”

  “That’s good to know, because I can’t imagine taking you in any other way but bareback.” Leo positioned himself between his legs. He ran a hand over the pink lines across Barrett’s inner thigh, a self-satisfied expression on his face.

  Seeing Barrett’s curious look, he said, “I like marking what’s mine.”

  “Obviously,” Barrett muttered, deciding he rather liked Leo’s territorial nature. He whimpered when Leo gave him a slight slap on his left thigh.

  Remembering his manners, Barrett added, “Sir.”

  Leo chuckled. “I’m feeling generous tonight so I’ll let that one slip.”

  He wet his fingers with lube before applying a generous amount down Barrett’s waiting hole. Barrett squirmed, earning him another smack as Leo took his time greasing him up.


  “Don’t whine,” Leo chided, sliding one finger in, then a

  “You like me bratty. Sir,” Barrett muttered, casting a defiant look at Leo.

  “Don’t try my patience.” Leo said those words with a secret smile on his lips, though. He paused from his task and ran his free hand over Barrett’s pecs, ribs, and yes, the hint of a six-pack. “Look at you, gorgeous. You can take one hell of a beating, so don’t make me want to test that theory tonight.”

  Swallowing, Barrett nodded. It wasn’t the threat of having more implements used on his eager body that made Barrett wary. Knowing Leo, he’d tease him to his limits, confuse pain and pleasure until Barrett couldn’t tell which. On another day, he’d enjoy the slow and delicious torture, but tonight he wanted Leo to fill him up.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Leo’s smile widened. He secured Barrett’s legs over his shoulders, suddenly making Barrett aware of how intimate the position was. Splayed open like this, Leo could see his undisciplined member, so close to bursting. Leo would also be privy to the expressions that would flitter across Barrett’s face when he let go of control.

  Without saying another word, Leo nudged his tip in, taking his time. Each inch that went in stretched Barrett’s ass. Christ. Leo was huge. Barrett groaned, willing his muscles to pull Leo in. Once Leo was buried hilt deep in him, Barrett felt the slow burn fade away.

  “Fuck, Barrett. You’re so tight,” Leo muttered against him, blanketing his body over Barrett’s.

  Flesh collided, sending jolts right to his chest and prick. His stinging flesh rubbing against Leo felt damn amazing. He clutched at Leo’s broad shoulders, pleased Leo didn’t tell him to let go.

  Leo tightened his grip around Barrett’s hips and began to ride. Slow and careful at first, Leo ramped up his speed, going deep and deeper. Barrett’s heartbeats started a wild gallop and his lungs pushed for air as the pressure building inside him climbed higher.

  “Fuck,” Barrett hissed. Both of them panted. Leo locked his gaze with his, and Barrett saw his pupils bleed to pure gold. He glimpsed Leo’s wolf peeking back, and the savage drive to claim he found there blew him away.

  His fingernails dug into Leo’s flesh, creating half-crescent marks. Instead of anger, it only seemed to fuel Leo’s need. Leo switched angle suddenly, slamming right into that sweet spot. A gasp tore out of Barrett and his eyes widened.

  “There, huh?” He flashed Barrett the slightly sharpened points of his no-longer-human teeth. Undaunted, Barrett glared—tried to anyway. Leo shattered any other emotion but want, hitting his prostate repeatedly, rhythm relentless.

  “Sir, please,” Barrett uttered. The room fell away.

  “Come for me, Barrett,” Leo instructed, pinching his tip.

  Relieved, Barrett let out a loud groan and climaxed. It didn’t take long for Leo to follow. After plunging into him a couple more times, Leo let out a shuddering breath and spilled his load inside him. Barrett grunted when Leo collapsed against him, his weight a warm comfort.

  “That was…wow,” Barrett said after he caught his breath.

  Leo smirked, reminding Barrett of a self-satisfied predator. “Don’t think we’re done yet, pup. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk in the morning.”

  Barrett let a whimper of assent. True to his word, Leo took him for a couple of rides. By the time they were done, Leo cleaned them both up and settled Barrett against his chest. Feeling bold and shameless, Barrett snuggled close to Leo’s hard chest. Leo wrapped his arms tighter around him, welcoming the affection. Toby had been the opposite. He’d never let Barrett stay the night in his bed unless it was a rare occasion.

  After one night with Leo, Toby had been reduced to a name with vague memories attached. Barrett’s old hurts seemed distant and insignificant somehow.

  “What are you thinking about now?” Leo whispered against his ear.

  “You, and how we should have done this from the start.”

  Leo’s laugh no longer sounded jarring. Instead, it warmed his insides. Leo nipped at his ear, wrangling a moan from him. His hand slipped lower, thumbing Barrett’s cock. “Nah. You needed time to heal. Back then, you hated my guts too much to ever take that first step.”

  Barrett’s cheeks warmed slightly. “That’s true. But thank you, for waiting.”

  “Now then. Don’t you fucking dare turn complacent, because I’ve barely had my fill of you.” Leo’s words made him shudder. “Tomorrow, pup. I know how hard you’re getting for me already. For fuck’s sake, control yourself.”

  Barrett tightened his jaw. Leo obviously liked playing games, and if he wanted to join in, he needed to keep up. What response would Leo least expect?

  “Yes, Sir. I try my best,” Barrett managed to grit out.

  That got another rumble from Leo. Then Leo sounded suspicious. “Caving in so easily?”

  Barrett turned so he now faced his Dom. He trained his attention on Leo’s face, because looking any lower would sever his concentration. Hard to keep his hands still, too, because despite just having sex, he wanted to touch and explore again.

  “You wish, Sir.” Barrett remembered to add the last word, although once again it sounded like an afterthought.

  Leo’s gaze turned stern, that one look capable of melting Barrett’s insides. “We’ll have to work on that impudence, sub.”

  “No disrespect meant, Sir, but you like the taste of defiance on me.”

  “Only you can pour sarcasm into an apology.” Leo tweaked one of his nipples, making Barrett groan. “And do you presume to know what I want, sub?”

  Barrett began to protest and defend himself, but Leo squeezed his half-erect member. A threat or a reminder, and while extremely erotic, Barrett didn’t want to spend the rest of the night with his cock and balls bound.

  “No, Sir. I’m yours to do as you please.”

  “You ass kisser.”

  The bastard was purposely goading him.

  “How would you like me to worship your ass, Sir? I’ll be happy to get immediately to work.”

  Leo’s grin turned maniacal. Instead of teasing Barrett, he pulled him into a hug. Barrett decided to swallow his pride. For now, Leo had won this round. But there would be more nights. Endless ones, maybe, depending on how long this road would span. If Leo was willing to stick by him, then Barrett could do the same.

  The End

  Other Books by Angelique Voisen:

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