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Temptations - The Complete Series

Page 79

by Annie Jocoby

  I smiled. I knew that loco was Spanish for "crazy." I didn't know may Spanish words, but I knew that one. "I'm sure that I won't find you loco, but go on."

  "In my country, God is still very much in our lives. In your country, it is less so. But I have always believed that God would send somebody to me who would help my Marguerita. I have believed that since she was diagnosed. Since she started having her headaches and her muscles started to stiffen. When Mr. Bridgewell told me that he would help her, I knew that God had answered my prayers." He put his hand on mine. "So, do not worry, Ms. Roberts, about Mr. Bridgewell. God will take care of him. Mr. Bridgewell was sent to help my Marguerita, so God will not let him die."

  I looked over at him, and I smiled. "I know. And I don't think that you're loco. I believe that Slade is protected as well." I didn't want to tell him that I knew that Slade would pull through because I, too, had a supernatural belief. My belief came from my innate sixth sense, but I doubted that Miguel, who appeared to be very religious, would understand that.

  "You might think it strange," Miguel continued, "that a man like myself, who is in the business that I am in, would have a belief in God." He looked pensive. "I did not believe in God. Not until Marguerita got sick. Then I started to believe. I needed to believe in something, because if I continued to believe in nothing, then there would be no hope."

  He looked out the window of the car, and gave me directions to get on the highway and then told me where to turn off. "I am going to retire, Ms. Roberts," he continued from before. "After this shipment to the Garancinos. I have turned my life to Jesus," he said, pronouncing Jesus with the Spanish pronunciation, "and I know that He answered my prayers when you and Mr. Bridgewell walked through my doors."

  He kissed my hand and directed me to the road that would take me to the hospital.

  "I guess that is why you didn't want the contract with the Afghans," I said, stating the obvious.

  "Yes, that is true. I have learned what is really important. It is not wealth, it is not power. It is love, Senorita." He took a deep breath. "Love," he said softly.

  I smiled as we pulled up to the hospital. "We're here. And thank you, Mr. Sanchez, for all that you have done for us. Your kindness and generosity will not be forgotten."

  "As will yours." Then he smiled. "And please call me Miguel. We are friends now, no?"

  I nodded and gave him my hand. "Friends. Please call me Serena."

  The two of us went into the hospital and were told to wait in the waiting room until they called us. So, Miguel and I took a seat and waited.

  A few hours later, I was able to see Slade. He was recovering in a post-surgical room. The doctors had removed the bullet and gave him a blood transfusion. He was resting comfortably.

  He turned his head to me as I sat down next to him and put my hand on his chest. He put his hand on mine. "Serena," he said softly. "I feel like shit."

  I smoothed back his dark hair. "Of course you do. You were shot. But you're going to be okay. The doctor said that Charlotte really only nicked you, and didn't damage any arteries or organs or any of that. I guess that you're lucky that she's such a bad shot."

  He smiled dreamily. "Yes. Serena, I think that things are going to be fine. Miguel is going to come through for us, and Gianni is going to put Charlotte on ice."

  "I think that you're right. By the way, Charlotte is out of surgery as well. Those bodyguards only shot her because she was attacking you. They didn't want to really hurt her."

  Slade grimaced. "Too bad. If they would have killed her, our problems would be over." Then he started to laugh. "Oh, imagine if she was out of the way. You and I would have smooth sailing." He gestured with his arm sweeping the air and laughed again.

  I smiled. "I think that you're a bit loopy, which is to be expected." I knew something about coming out of surgery, as I had had minor surgeries myself over the years. "Slade, I'm going to have you helicoptered into America as soon as I can have you released from here. Not that this hospital is bad, but I know that you'd rather recover somewhere a bit more...luxurious."

  "Why do I care about that? As long as you're by my side, I'll be fine." He took my hand. "And I mean that. You'll always be my side. I hope that you know that."

  "I do." I leaned my head down to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Now you get some rest. I'll talk to your doctors and find out when you can be released. Then we'll head back to America."

  It was a few days before Slade was stable enough for us to take his plane back to the states, but, as soon as he was, I arranged for it to happen. Miguel agreed to come with us, and even made sure that Charlotte was put into a Mexican jail for shooting Slade. "She will not stay there," Miguel told me, "I only have to make sure that she does not interfere with what I have to do. As soon as everything is arranged with Mr. Garancino, I will make sure that the charges are dropped. I am sure that Mr. Garancino will be more than happy to take care of her on his own."

  Everything was arranged then. This isn't to say that I wasn't nervous about what was about to happen. I certainly was. I had no idea how Gianni was going to react to any of this. He was going to find out that his daughter, who was beloved, as far as I could tell, was actually a rat. He might or might not call off the hit on me. He probably would, but I couldn't be sure.

  Slade was going to recover at my home in San Diego, with a full-time nurse tending to him until he was completely out of the woods. He was partially out of the woods, of course, but there was always a chance of infection or something like that, so I thought that it was important that there was somebody there to help me.

  But first thing was first. We were going to see Gianni and tell him what we needed to tell him. In fact, that was the first thing that we were going to do when we landed. Charlotte might have been neutralized, as she was in jail, but we still found that time was of the essence.

  The plan, then, was to go and see Gianni as soon as we arrived back into town. Gianni was anxious to meet with Miguel, of course, because he was waiting to make a deal with Miguel for the large drug shipment that was promised to him. Miguel had called him from his estate in Ciudad to tell him that he was going to agree to work with him on the shipment, not the Vichellis, and they just needed to meet in person to go over the terms. Gianni, of course, was delighted and the two men had arranged over the phone to meet.

  What Gianni didn't know, of course, was that Slade and I were also going to be meeting with him. Not that we didn't trust Miguel – we did, of course. But we needed to make sure that the information was conveyed in the right way. Miguel would explain who we were and why were there, and also would explain to Gianni that we needed to be there. If Gianni didn't like it, because this was a sensitive matter that the two men were discussing, then, and only then, would Slade and I step out and let Miguel handle things.

  So, we were all on Slade's plane. Slade was resting in one of the beds on the plane, as he still wasn't feeling 100%, while Miguel and I sat and talked. I learned about his life – how he got into drug dealing, his background of extreme poverty, how he met Marguerita and how he felt about Mandolina. He told me some stories of all the times where he almost got into a shootout with other dealers, and how happy he was leaving it all behind.

  "Oh, Senorita," he said, putting his hand on mine, "I feel so liberated. I have really enjoyed talking to you. It is like talking with my priest." He smiled slyly. "Yes, I have told my priest all of these stories, too." He looked up at the heavens. "God hears me. The priest has always told me that. And I now believe that is true."

  "You too, Miguel," I said. "And believe me, Slade will be working hard, night and day, to find a cure for Huntington's. You'll hopefully have many more happy years with Marguerita."

  He looked sad. "I hope that you are right. I told God that I would give up my work, give up what I am doing, if He could send me some hope. Now that you and Slade are here, that is my hope, so I am going to be a man of my word. After this shipment, of course."

  "Of course." />
  I smiled hearing Miguel call Slade by his first name. He was getting more comfortable with both of us. He was becoming a kind of friend, really. And, because I was feeling like he was a friend, I found myself worried about him. What if getting out wasn't as easy as he thought it would be? What if he was going to put himself into danger? What would happen to Marguerita and Mandolina?

  "Miguel, I know that you will be, no matter what, but please be careful."

  "I will be, Serena. I have already spoken with my second in command, and he is going to make the transition smooth. Do not worry about me, Senorita. I will be fine."

  The plane landed, and the three of us got off and into Slade's waiting car. His valet had dropped it off as he usually did whenever Slade traveled on business.

  Then we all drove off to see Gianni Garancino.

  Chapter 17

  We got Gianni's home, which was, of course, an enormous mansion in Encinitas, a well-to-do seaside town just north of San Diego. The home was set back behind a wide-iron gate, in the middle of a residential neighborhood. It surprised me just a little that he wouldn't be living in a home that was more secluded. It was two story, with arches and colonnades and a Spanish-style roof. There was a reflecting pool right in front of the home, and large palm trees.

  We introduced ourselves to the butler, who informed us that Gianni was sitting out by the pool and was expecting Miguel. He looked at Slade and me askance, but said nothing. "Follow me."

  The pool area was absolutely gorgeous, with shade trees, waterfalls and a hot tub that would seat at least 8. Gianni was sitting under a large umbrella and table, sipping what looked to be coffee. Tanned and fit, dressed in white shorts, a red t-shirt and sunglasses, with his black curly hair slicked back, he reminded me of an Italian playboy.

  He looked at Miguel and then looked at Slade and me, and motioned all of us to sit down. "Miguel," he said, "it's good to see you."

  Miguel smiled and nodded, and then introduced us. "Yes, Gianni," he said, which told me that the two men had a friendly relationship. "These are my friends, Mr. Slade Bridgewell and Ms. Serena Roberts."

  "I know who you are," he said, looking right at Slade. "You're allegedly dating my daughter." Then he laughed heartily. "And I wish you good luck." Then he shook his head.

  Slade looked over at me and shrugged. So far, so good....

  "I don't know you, though," he said, looking at me and extending his hand. "But it is a pleasure to meet you all the same."

  I shook his hand.

  He turned to Miguel. "So, Miguel, we need to talk business here. I need to call Sally, my maid, to come and show these two around the grounds while you and I talk shop." At that, he motioned, and a slight Asian lady came over to us. She was apparently Sally, for she bowed slightly and Gianni asked her to take us to the reserve so that we could see his collection of exotic animals.

  Miguel spoke up. "Actually, Gianni, I wanted these two to stay. They're going to be a part of the negotiation."

  Gianni's previously friendly expression turned not as friendly. He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't see his expression all that well, but his mouth turned down and his face got rigid. I closed my eyes and tuned into his vibrations and I felt that he was angry. Not extremely angry, just frustrated.

  "I do not understand," he said to Miguel. "Why wasn't I informed about this?"

  "Mr. Garancino," Slade said. "Serena and I need to speak with you about your daughter, Carlotta. There is something that you need to know, and we're the ones to tell you about it. And it all has to do with Miguel and your pending negotiations with him."

  Gianni looked mystified by all of this. I figured that he probably had a blind spot where Charlotte was concerned, and I was feeling that I was absolutely right about that assessment. "What do you mean? What does Carlotta have to do with this?"

  Slade took a deep breath. "You might not know this, but Carlotta has undermined you at least once. I'm not sure if this is the only time, but I suspect that it's not. Mr. Sanchez, Miguel, can verify this account, but Carlotta was actively working with Miguel against you. She was attempting to persuade Miguel to give his large shipment to your rival family, the Vichellis. She offered to take Miguel's daughter, Mandolina, under her wing and give her a leg-up in Hollywood if he would give his drug shipment to Vincent Vichelli."

  Gianni's cheek twitched furiously when Slade was talking to him. That was the only indication of how angry he was, because we couldn't see his eyes. I wondered if that was part of his MO – meet people out by the pool, so that he had an excuse to wear sunglasses. That way, it would be very difficult to read him. That would help with negotiations immensely, I would think.

  But, when I tuned into his vibrations, I could feel his anger. It was white-hot, and it seared through me. I had this feeling that Slade was right – Charlotte had done this type of thing more than once. Perhaps she was even caught doing it and Gianni had reprimanded her. Maybe it was on minor things before. This, however, was an important thing, because it would determine which of the rival families would be able to control more assets and turf. In a mafia family, that was everything.

  Gianni looked at Miguel. "Is this true?"

  "Yes," Miguel said. "It is very true. That is why I wanted them to accompany me. You need to know what kind of a daughter you have. She is very disloyal."

  "And," Slade said, feeling emboldened, "I understand that there could be a hit put upon Serena. A hit that was called by Charlotte, I mean Carlotta. A hit that was put into abeyance when I agreed to marry Carlotta."

  Gianni bit his lower lip and stared at Serena. He nodded imperceptibly. "Serena Roberts. Forgive me, I did not associate your name with the job that I agreed to do for Carlotta." He chuckled lightly. "I am very sorry, Ms. Roberts. My daughter has always been willful, and, I admit, that she has usually convinced me to do things that I really should not do. But you can be assured, after I have found out what she has done, how disloyal she has been to me, I will no longer do favors for her."

  He kissed Serena's hand. "Ms. Roberts, you will not be in danger anymore. You have my assurances for this. As for Carlotta...that's a different story."

  I found it interesting that putting a hit on me was considered to be a mere "favor." Never mind, though, if I was safe, than everything was going to work out between Slade and me. I squeezed his hand tightly, and he smiled at me.

  "That is the reason why I wanted Mr. Bridgewell and Ms. Roberts here with us," Miguel said. "I needed you to know what your daughter did, and I wanted you to cancel the hit on Ms. Roberts. She is a good woman." He hesitated. "And I also wanted to tell you that I plan on retiring. If you would like a long-term contract, than I can do that. It just will not be me who will be your supplier. It will be my second-in-command, whose name is Guillermo. Guillermo Gonzales. He will be taking over all my long-term contracts."

  Gianni nodded and patted Miguel on the back. "I understand. This is a rough life. I don't blame you for getting out. I've thought the same thing many times, believe me. I've always thought that retirement is just around the corner." Then he shook his head. "But I think that I'm addicted to this life. I will probably die before I retired, I'm afraid."

  Miguel looked over at the two of us. "Why don't you find Sally and she can show you the exotic animals? Gianni and I have to go over the terms of our contract, and I do not want to bore you with the details."

  At that, Sally appeared again and smiled. We followed her to a motorized golf cart and she drove us through the woods. We came upon an area where there were Wallabies, Chimpanzees, Monkeys and Macaws. The Chimps were a family, apparently, with two older Chimps and several babies. The Monkeys were tiny and lived in the trees. The Wallabies hopped around freely, many with babies in their pouches. I was amused by the antics of these animals, and I could feel their vibrations. They seemed perfectly content, and why shouldn't they? They were in a tropical paradise, with plenty of trees, grass and room to run.

  "Who cares for these animals?" I a
sked Sally.

  "Mr. Garancino has a special zoo-keeper who lives on-site," she said, pointing to a house that was in the woods. "He lives over there."

  I nodded, feeling enchanted by the animals running around. I was expecting to see Llamas, which was the usual exotic animal that was kept by eccentric people, but this was an entire menagerie. In addition to the bigger animals, there were smaller exotic foxes and other types of animals that I didn't necessarily recognize.

  Slade and I walked through the forest, laughing at the animals, and looking at each other from time to time. This was probably the best feeling of my life – just being able to be there, out in the open, and, hopefully, Slade and I would be together for the rest of our lives.

  After about an hour, we got back in the golf cart, and Sally drove us back to the pool area. She drove over rocks and through the trees until we got to where the two men were still sitting, now sipping a glass of wine. I would imagine that the negotiations had ended, because they seemed to be chatting casually. Their body language told me that they were not hashing out tense terms, but were talking like friends.

  Gianni stood up when he saw the two of us. "Hello," he said, "Miguel and I were just talking about you two. I would like to apologize again for my daughter." He shook his head and spoke in Italian. "You think that you know what they are doing, but, you never really do, do you?" He then put his hand on my shoulders. "Now, Ms. Roberts, I do not want you to fear for your life. There is nothing that Carlotta can do now to convince me to harm you in any way. I have already talked to my men, and I have given all of them a stand-down order."

  I felt such a sense of relief, as I knew that Gianni was sincere. I wondered what he was going to do to Charlotte once he saw her again. I didn't really care, though. I was curious more than anything.


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