Dead Worrier

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Dead Worrier Page 9

by Reja

  After taking his sword out he started moving toward the enemies with his horse.

  Seeing him like this the black armies commander said “What !!!!.... Nonsense ...!!!

  Only one horseman against the Black ram iron lance heavy cavalry ?!.....if he thinks so be it !! We will mow him down!!!”.

  At first, they were not able to see the Kaal’s sword but when he got closed they became surprised to see its size and before they can react Kaal strikes there commander before they can react and killed him by cutting him in half. Kaal sends the upper half body of the commander flying toward his soldiers and continued the chopping down the enemies, and within few minutes he chopped dozens of enemies and continued to moving forward and made them break apart.

  Black armies second in command “D... Don’t break rank!!! ....Even if he is strong he is only one rider !! Surround him !! Don’t let him move !! ” and after receiving an order they surrounded him within a min and started to attack him from all directions, but then they suddenly notice there was a band who is coming from the same direction as the single soldier came. After they got a little near every one recognized the band’s emblem.

  King’s man “Your majesty !!!...look...!! ”.

  Black knight vice commander and whole black knight army shouted in one voice “Ahh... That’s ..the band of the hawk!!.....the mercenary band led by White Hawk...... Griffin ...... The grim reapers of the battlefield!!”.

  And within a minute they started to attack the black knights and started killing them. In place of battle now it’s started to look one side massacre to black knights sides. When they notice now it’s no way to win this battle then the vice commander ordered “.. re... re... reat....!! Retreeat!” And the black knight started to flee from the battlefield and Band of Hawk started to shout with the joy of victory.

  In all this Griffin removed his helmet and saw Kaal and give him thumbs-up sign to him for his hard work, and with this everyone started to move back toward their base. The other band members started cheering them when they returned to the base.

  The raid team member was also started to come near Kaal with shouting “Captain !!..”.

  “Captain Kaal..!!” And surrounded him as soon as he gets down from the horse and started chatting with him.

  “You were great, Captain !!...ridding out there all alone ”.

  “That was so cool!! ... I’m still shaking just thinking about it ...!!... You were the star of this victory!! ”.

  “That’s the leader of hawk’s raiders for you, Captain Kaal !!”.

  “Well that’s our boss !! ..right ?! .....Yeahhh!!”.

  Kaal “I’m sorry about that, you guys... I just went and charged out all by myself ... ” and Kaal started to move to the headquarters but the men just keep following him and keep talking.

  “Ohh... Come on What’s that for? ”.

  “We get to brag about our commander to all the other units !! ...Right ....”.

  “Time to drink up !! Let’s toast him !!”.

  “That’s ...damn straight !! ”.

  Suddenly someone called for Kaal “CAPTAIN... Kaal !!!!”.

  When everyone saw in that direction it was Casca who was standing there with anger on her face and everyone started to look nervous just seeing her face.

  one of them tries to start talking to her “Big ...SIS Casca ...we”.

  But others stopped him cause they knew about Casca’s anger and another person said “Unit commander Casca !!”. However, Kaal didn’t say anything.

  Casca started saying again “We need to talk ...could you come with me for a bit ??


  ....CAPTAIN Kaal, sir?”With an intense stare.

  Seeing her Kaal understood the situation and said to his man “You guys get started. We will be there later ”.

  All of them replied in one voice “Yes sir !!” and after they left they started chatting with each other.

  “What’s that about ?”.

  “Who..should I know ?”.

  “Well you think they are just going to fight again..??..”.

  “Maybe ... you know these two are famous for being at each other’s throats ever since captain Kaal joined the Band of Hawk three years ago ...”.

  “I’s probably about today’s stunt..... You know how he rode off on his own earlier” Both of them heard the soldier talking but didn’t do anything and just got inside and when they reach a little bit inside of building they Casca started shouting “WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? ”.

  Kaal “...About WHAT? ”.

  Casca “DON’T.... play dumb with me !!!...your job was to lead your unit alongside mine to provide flank support and containment for the main body’s charge into the enemy!!!” Kaal didn’t reply to anything.

  Casca continued shouting “BUT YOU... you broke away from your men and then charged the enemy, head-on alone ?!....

  Were you trying to be a hero or something ?!...

  You might have gotten lucky and done well but your selfish behavior could have exposed the entire Band of Hawk to the danger!!....

  You should try to remember your place !! ”. Kaal turns to the side and to try to end this talk.

  Kaal “Sorry about that... I will be careful from now on ”.

  But Casca continued yelling at him “....YO.......YOU... always say that they are just words ....and then

  ... you do the same thing again and again... Well now think about it ... practically nothing about you has changed in the past three years ... ever since that time you went off on Griffin ...

  You are satisfied as long as you can cross swords with enemies !!... You don’t think about anything else one bit...

  not even your comrades who are risking their lives for you .....YOU!!!....YOU!!!.... ARE JUST A MAD DOG !!”.

  Hearing that made the Kaal extremely angry, he caught the Casca’s hand and shouted: “SAY IT AGAIN”. His eyes became filled with anger and frustration and shouted: “SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME !!”.

  Seeing Kaal like this made Casca terrified and speechless, but before the fight became serious someone immediate stopped them “THAT’S ENOUGH...You two”.

  They saw in the direction where the voice came they saw Griffin and called his name “GRIFFIN !!”.

  Before they can say anything Griffin immediately said: “I will talk with Kaal ...“ and See toward Casca. Casca understood its means and gazed Kaal with intense eyes and started to leave from there, and when she got near to Griffin. She said something to Griffin with a low voice “You are too soft on him, Griffin ...” Both Griffin and Kaal didn’t say anything to Casca.

  At the building door

  After leaving the building Casca found someone at the door waiting for her.

  Corkus “That must stink, Casca ”.

  Casca “!!! Corkus ”.

  Corkus “He is Griffin’s favorite, after all...let’s face it, arguing with him just makes you look bad...” Casca didn’t reply to him.

  Corkus sill try to pursued her and said “What do you say? I am there if you ever want to finish off him” Casca was not interested in talk but she knew that saying will not be enough for Corkus so she just hooked her leg with him and made him fall.

  Corkus “Ahhhh!!”.

  Casca “Sorry”.

  Corkus “..Damn it..”.

  Inside the building

  Griffin “*Phuhh* two really don’t get along, here it is been three years already” Griffin was still talking when suddenly Kaal cut him and said “I think about them ...

  I do think about my comrades ..I... I AM NOT ...who I used to be ”. With a painful and angry expression on his face.

  Griffin saw it but strayed silent for a moment and after that, he said: “I remember ... the day three years ago ... the duel that decided you join the band of the hawk rather than wandering battlefields ..... You know ...

  that fight was enjoyable was like the fight should be ...”. Kaal strayed silent and keep li
sting him.

  Griffin “Come on let’s go. The wines are all about you this time” and started moving toward the exit.

  Kaal suddenly started talking “Griffin ... I m sorry about today’s battle”.

  Griffin looked towards him and said “Even that part of you a part of my plan” and continued moving toward the exit. Kaal stands there for a minute and thinking about what Griffin just said and the day passed just like that in the party and wine.

  The next day was a very important day for all of them because it was the day, they were about to receive the reward for their hard work on the last battle.

  It was the time when Griffin was going to receive the title from the midlands kingdom’s king. All the court was full of guests and nobles every one surprised with this, cause this was the first time when someone was receiving the title from the king without any noble background.

  The Griffin was kneeling in front of the king and the king was about to start the ceremony in the church.

  The peoples started chattering about the king’s decisions

  “This is utterly a commoner attaining the title of knighthood ...this .....”.

  “And .....A COURT ranking at that... ”.

  “What on the earth is the king thinking ..??”.

  “But this last battle ... the Band of Hawk certainly did perform much worthiness ....”.

  Griffin was still on his knees and the king started the ceremony “In the name of God and the holy spirit, I bequeath the status of knight upon thee ... ”.

  but other peoples continued chattering in low voices.

  “ So what of this stupid bunch of riffraff...Without war .... mercenaries would be nothing more than thieves ....”.

  “But in the face of this, we cannot effort to remain quiet certainly we must not make light of their battlefield exploits ...”.

  “It’s only a matter of time before he makes his move ....”.

  King touched the Griffin shoulder with the sword and continued “Be valiant..with all due well as faithfulness ”.

  Everyone from the band was seeing this with respect in their hearts.

  And band members started chattering with each other with the low voices

  Corkus “Now with this we can make the separate identity for ourselves in battle ... Even the court officials will have no choice but to recognize our power .... well it is not just the knight status. Griffin is a viscount now... Officially a court member ...”.

  Rickert “So this means we can say bye-byee to being a wretched mercenaries group and join the regular army ”.

  Casca “If you know that, then watch your tongue, Corkus ..this is a formal ceremony from now on, any mutiny from us could cause trouble for Griffin know ... We can’t go on being a backwoods army of bumpkins the way we have been till now ..”.

  Corkus “Yeah, yeah I understand commander Casca...

  *geez!!* are stricter than my old lady... ”.

  Casca shouted with a little loud voice “WHat ?!”.

  Corkus suddenly try to calm her down and tell her “Hey ..Hey, ceremony ...remember ..”, Some of noble heard her voice and look her with unpleasant eyes

  Damn these bastard bumpkins...

  After calming down Casca realized something and started wondering

  Hang on, where is he ...?..... Not again...?

  Outside the church

  Kaal was alone in the ground practicing with sword and counting

  “One ninety-eight!”.

  Kaal roped a lot with his sword for better result of training

  “One ninety-nine!”.

  And finely Kaal swung his sword last time and ended the practice

  “And two hundred!!”.

  In the church

  Griffin was completing the ceremony of oath-taking by kissing the king’s sword. When the ceremony ended everyone started clapping for newly appointed knight and viscount.

  Griffin started receiving their respect and honor by swinging his hand toward them.

  Kaal heard the voices from outside and just finished his practice and sit down to get some rest, and started looking at his sword and the rest of the day just past by like that.



  After the ceremony, The Band of Hawks and Griffin were sent to the battlefield again for another battle at first it looked like any normal fight but in this battle, something happened that changed them for always.

  At the battlefield

  The Griffin was holding his necklace(behelit) and waiting for the news from the fort. Griffin now officially became a knight so he must have to be at the base and rarely step in battlefield cause of many reasons. He was seeing the whole battlefield from the cliff. When he noticed that one of the soldiers is coming toward him.

  Soldier “Reporting !!..we seem to have just about finished taking the enemy fortress !! ...”.

  Griffin “And what about the enemy leader ?”.

  Soldier “No ... Not yet ..presently Captain Kaal’s raider is laying siege to the inner bastion, but enemy has a remarkable soldier... He is holding back breaches..”.

  Casca asked “... Did you say, one man ??”.

  Corkus “Just one man??.....


  That’s just pathetic!” Casca didn’t say anything to him.

  Then suddenly Judeaus said “Zodd...”

  And everyone turned toward him.

  Casca “What?”

  Griffin also started to look at him.

  Rickert “Zodd ...Judeaus you don’t mean ...that ...”

  Judeaus continued saying “Well ... I caught wind of a strange rumor before this battle ...that Nosferatu Zodd had been added to the enemy forces ...”

  Everyone said at once “Nosferatu Zodd!!”

  Pippin “Who’s that ?”

  Rickert “You don’t know Pippin ?!....among mercenaries Nosferatu Zodd is a legendary swordsman. They say he’s killed hundreds, even thousands on the battlefield ...

  but that’s not the only reason why Zodd is feared ...every time a rumor goes around that he is dead in battle or ....others ..., but he always shows up again in some battle and the unbelievable thing is ...people have been telling war stories about him for close to a hundred years !! ...

  He is immortal ..that why Zodd’s called nosferatu ”. After hearing his whole story everyone strayed silent for a moment and after that.

  Corkus “Hey, Hey, HEY !! Don’t tell me you actually believe that fairy tale!... I mean come on little Rickert ”.

  Rickert argued, “But there are some mercenaries who worship Zodd as a battlefield god !!”.

  Judeaus “Well ...something is telling me if Kaal ran into him ...he did go charging impetuous like a madman..”.

  After hearing Judeaus every one started to look Griffin for orders.

  Griffin “Well ..that can’t turn out good ....”.

  In the castle

  Kaal was trying to go inside the building who is the enemy’s escape route but his men are holding him, and are trying to stop him from going inside but Kaal still arguing with them.

  Kaal “Y... You stupid bastards!! Let me go, Gaston!!”.

  Gaston “No way Captain!!. ... Hey !! You guys help me to stop him!!....”.

  “I can’t let you do it ....!!....there is no way can I let you go in alone !! ...that’s far too dangerous just listen to me ......and .....wait ...a little longer !... Let’s just wait a little longer !!”.

  Kaal shouted with frustration and anger “It’s already been a whole hour, YOU IDIOTS!!...

  We sent almost fifty men in there and not even a single one had come out ....!!.... NOW LET GO ... ME !! ”.

  A soldier suggested “Then we should ask boss Griffin for reinf-- ”

  But Kaal suddenly caught his face before he can finish and shouted “YOU TRY IT and I will kill you !!.....

  it’s just one man!! .....
  A single enemy’s got all five hundred of Band of Hawk’s raiders stuck like a nail in a wall.....!!”.

  Kaal let him go and started shouting again “You ever heard of anything so humiliating?!!”.

  Kaal was still shouting when they suddenly noticed the sound of someone’s groan “*AHHH!*”.

  A soldier who was covered in blood and critically injured came outside the building. His right half of the body was missing, his hand was not attached to him and his guts and ribs were showing. Everyone was just staring him after seeing him ever one became motionless for a moment. He was hardly able to walk and after walking a few steps out from building he started calling for Kaal and fell on the ground “...*Ahhh!!!*.......C....Captainnn...”.

  Kaal instantly recognized him he was one of his men who went inside the building “Dillos...”.

  Dillos felled on the ground and everyone run towards him and started trying to talk to him.

  Kaal “Dillos!!!”.

  Dillos was nearly dead so he brought out every last bit of strength and said “.....Zodd. .... Nosferatu...Zodd” And died after saying this. After hearing Zodd’s name everyone’s face’s color started to flee and they started talking.

  “Th...That means the rumor was true...”.

  “Hey... This is big trouble ....” After hearing his soldier Kaal just closed Dillos eyes and stood up and started to move towards building. Band members saw it and started trying to stop him “H...Hold on ..Captain !!”.

  But he shouted back “BACK !!.....


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