Dead Worrier

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Dead Worrier Page 10

by Reja

  nobody come with me ...

  I am going to kill him alone ...“ And looked them with eyes filled with the anger.

  After seeing him like this no one dared to stop him and he went inside the building. The only thing the band members can do was only to see him going inside and trying to stop him by their voices “Captain...”.



  Inside the building

  Kaal got inside the building the first place reached was a corridor, and when he entered in it he saw the blood coated wall and floor and the corpse and body of his dead soldiers. Most of the corpses were ripped off in many parts. By seeing them it is clear that most of them were died instantly with only one attack and didn’t even get the chance of fighting back.

  The Kaal keep moving forward, the deep he goes inside the building the more worst and brutal death he saw and after a few minutes he started to think

  What the hell ....what’s with these corpses..?? Men in full body armor are torn apart like a rag doll...!! ...feels like something incredibly strong ...just blew it right through them..!!!

  After walking quite some time he saw an exit of that corridor and he runs toward it. It was a room and when he reached the room his eyes forgot blinking from the view of the room. There was a mountain of corpse mostly are torn apart and the whole floor was covered in blood and in between all of this, a man was standing right in the middle of all this. He was a very tall man, who was not wearing any armor or any of cloths, he was holding a long blade who was penetrated in two of soldiers body and he is holding it with only one hand, and in other hand, he was holding a half-torn body of a soldier.

  The view of the room was more than enough to kill any weak heart soldier or make losses all his fighting spirit.

  But on Kaal it made an exactly opposite reaction, it ignited the fire of Kaal’s anger more and Kaal started running towards him and start attacking with a shout “Ahhh!!!”.

  Zodd saw him coming and swing his blade with the corpse on them. Kaal saw it just in the last moment and somehow blocked it with his sword but that attacked made Kaal and corpse fly in the opposite direction and made them hit the wall.

  On the other side seeing Zodd it was looking like it that he was going easy on Kaal and didn’t put much effort into a fight. After seeing him like this Kaal started to think the hell is this ??!!!....

  Kaal was unable to understand anything and started to get confused cause this was the first time any of things like this happened, that he got overpowered by some in terms of strength. Kaal somehow took control over himself and stood up.



  Zodd saw this and said with a little evil grin on his face “Y...You eluded that strike well, boy ”.

  Kaal heard him but didn’t reply to him, he just strayed still in his place. The pain of the previous strike started to come and made him sweat.

  Kaal think

  What’s this.. ?!..this overpowering sense that got me tied up ?!

  Zodd saw it and started his attack with a full head-on swing. Kaal saw it and tried to block it with his sword but the difference of their power was too great and so it made Kaal fall on his knee. When Kaal was thinking that he just blocked the attack he noticed that Zodd changed his sword direction and now his sword was coming with side.

  Kaal saw it at last moment but still he somehow able to dodge it with the paper-thin margin and his sword goes straight to pillar and blown it into pieces.

  Kaal saw it


  After seeing that Kaal dodged his attack Zodd shouted with anger and excitement “*AAHhhh!*”.

  And started attacking Kaal with incredible speed and power but Kaal somehow blocked them all. Now Zodd took his sword in both hands and attacked the Kaal with tremendous power, slicing through the floor with lighting fast speed but Kaal somehow blocked it on the last moment with using his sword and his arm on it.

  But that was not enough to stop the Zodd power and the blow sent the Kaal flying toward the pillar. He hit the pillar with great force and started coughing blood cause of it and started to losses his balance but with his strong will power he somehow keeps himself standing.

  His body was in bad shape, he was not even able to stand without support. His whole body was in pain when he suddenly noticed Zodd, he was standing right in front of him with his blade in his hand and were staring Kaal.

  And then he suddenly said “SUPERB !!!!... Excellent!!...”.

  When Kaal heard him he started to think.

  This ... Much ..power ..that can’t be possible ... he’s some sort of monster !!

  Zodd continued after a moment’s silence “It’s been such a long time that I meet a compatible opponent like you...

  from the last fifty years not a single man has been able to stop my sword .....this long !!! are truly strong compared to these pests ...”.


  Shit!!!... I m just blocking its attack but it’s really ...hard’s taking all I have got but still I can’t be able to get a swing in !!......he is stronger than anyone I ever crossed sword with !! I was speechless at how good Griffin was but this guy........

  Now I know he is the strongest!!.....his power is really beyond human !!!

  Zodd moved toward Kaal.

  Now ...what do I do ?... I can’t stray toe to toe with him !! ... I was only parried him all this long .....just because of this broadsword ....if I had any normal sword then it would have been busted with only one hit !!

  After thinking Kaal suddenly just looked toward Zodds blade.

  So it’s true ..the swords alone are evenly matched ..that means

  And after this thought, Kaal just broke his defensive stand and got himself into an attacking position by taking his sword behind his back and holding it with his both hands.

  Zodd noticed it and said “HO...!! So being unable to keep blocking my sword you are going to gamble everything on this on the last strike ... I bet you are counting on blade length to make a difference, but will it? ...

  really make any difference... well your brain’s will be on the floor before your sword can even touch me”.

  Kaal didn’t move and stayed in his position.


  One chance.

  Zodd saw Kaal intentions and said “Interesting!!! ...ok then I accept!”.


  Just one chance!!

  And both of them started attacking each other at the same time. Zodd made his attack on Kaal from the above and Kaal attacked him from sides.

  But suddenly Kaal turns around and blocked Zodd’s blade and slid his blade upward.

  Zodd “Ahh!!...MY!!!” But before Zodd understands anything he attacked him again and this time he slices through his shoulder to cut him in half.

  But Zodd understood that and blocked the Kaal’s sword with his arms but this gamble made his arms seriously damaged and he started shouting in pain “*GUHaahhh!!*”.

  After hearing his scream Kaal thought

  Now I got him!! it’s time to die

  But suddenly Kaal noticed something strange. Zodd was holding Kaal’s sword with only just one hand and Kaal was unable to budge it a little.

  And then Zodd said “What a surprise ... After being back that far ... I never thought you did try to break my sword ....well you are the first .....the first human ...ever that was able to drive a sword this deep in my body these past three hundred years of slaughter!!” And Zodd started to transform into a monster from a human.

  Now he became twice the tall he was and his face started to look like some sort of animal with the red blood lusty eyes. His teeth are also become like an animal and now on his head, he got two big curvy horns. His whole body was covered in big hairy fur and excepting his hand, his whole body started to look like some sort of animal. He was looking extremely terrifying.

r seeing his transformation even Kaal became motionless, his knees started to tremble, his eyes stopped blinking and his whole body started sweating heavily.

  Kaal is was terror itself ...can i

  After completely transforming Zodd said “T...This is great....! It is been so long ....ago that I did have forgotten the feeling of ...blood boiling ...!! make this felling my own again...

  on this chance that I might come across an enemy like you!!!... maybe that’s...the reason that’s why I have been remained alive ....from these three hundred years...!!!... Now it’s time to fight ...don’t disappoint me!!! ”. And with this Zodd started attacking Kaal again in his monster form.

  Zodd still holding Kaal’s sword in one hand and he started attacking Kaal with another hand. Kaal saw this hand coming but before he could dodge it hit him with incredible speed and power. The hit sends Kaal to flying and thrown him to a pillar.

  The power of strike was so great that even after colliding with pillar Kaal didn’t stop there and broke through it and fall on the floor with rubble. Kaal somehow survived this attack and started trying to get on his legs again.

  Zodd saw it and started to move toward him. Kaal was still trying to get up and cough blood again in his trying.

  And Kaal started to think

  This can’t be can’t be real...this....the monsters like this can’t exist!!!

  And between these thoughts he somehow able to get on his feet again, but then he suddenly noticed that monster Zodd was standing right in front of him and prepared for an attack. Zodd attacked Kaal again this time with his large horn but this time Kaal was somehow able to dodge it but still, he was not able to dodge all the flying rubble from the attack.

  One of the rubble pieces hits his head and it started bleeding. Kaal lost his balance for a second and fall on the floor. When Kaal suddenly noticed Zodd attacking again with his fist.

  Kaal knew he didn’t have time to jump so he just rolled on the floor and dodged the attack somehow and got on his feet. Kaal saw Zodd and took this chance to counter-attack him, he charged toward Zodd’s head with his sword and strikes his head.

  After attacking Zodd Kaal noticed that the cause of Zodd’s thick horns his sword was not able to reach Zodd’s head. And after seeing that Kaal failed in counterattack Zodd attacked Kaal again with his hand. Zodd hit him again so hard that he broke through the first pillar and strikes the second pillar and nearly lost his conscious and head started heavily bleeding.

  After striking the pillar his body became numb and now it became hard to move.

  After seeing Kaal for a minute Zodd said: “What’s wrong?!!”

  And caught Kaal’s face with his both hand and lifted him in the air and continued“...Was that it?! this all the power you have got?!!! ..well guess I should say you did well for a normal human but I won’t show any mercy!!..if you can’t fight then... I will tear you apart!!” And by saying that he just took out his claws and nailed it in his back with full force.

  Kaal started screamed “*AHHH!!*”

  And suddenly few arrows came flying toward Zodd and got stuck on his back but these arrows didn’t affect Zodd too much and he slowly turned his head toward the direction where the arrows came from. He saw few men with the crossbow and few with sword and Griffin with his band.

  When the Zodd turned all the band saw him and after seeing him all of them started to get terrified.

  Kaal was still conscious somehow and saw them


  After seeing Zodd the whole group started to talk with each other

  “H...Hey, what the hell is that ...?”

  “Hey this some type of nightmare or something ..???”

  Corkus with Rickert “Hey!! that thing Nosferatu Zodd???”

  But after seeing Zodd Rickert became unable to answer him and didn’t say anything.

  After seeing Zodd Casca eyes also stopped blinking and she started thinking

  What ...what is that?!

  But everyone’s thought was suddenly broken by Kaal shout “Hey don’t lose focus!! second round!!!!”And again a large number of arrows flew toward him Zodd.

  The arrows strike Zodd body but Zodd somehow covers his face from his hand so the arrows just got stuck on his body and hand but cause a sudden attack of arrows he had to drop Kaal from his hands and Kaal fall on the ground.

  The band member started asking with each other “Hey di...did we kill it!?” But they all even Griffin became surprised when the saw that the arrows didn’t even affect him a little.

  Zodd replied to them after arrows “This must not be ... I won’t have this! No one may defile this battle!!”.

  And with fearful angry eyes, he sees towards them and shouted: “... I won’t have it!!” And in his anger he just destroyed a part of the floor and a pillar without knowing, seeing this destruction the men are started to run away to save their lives.

  Seeing this Kaal shouted “Forget it ...!! Fall!!”.

  But before they can run Zodd started killing them.

  He killed tens of soldiers in a second and was continuously killing more. The view was extremely terrifying the body parts of soldiers were flying in the air and Zodd was using his every part of his body in killing the soldiers and within a few seconds, he killed many soldiers.

  After seeing all this the remaining soldiers started talking and shouting

  “...IT’S NO USE!! human can fight that thing!!”.

  “Wha...What a monster!!”.


  Suddenly Griffin ordered Casca “Casca!!..have everyone withdraw!! ”and started to move in a different direction

  Casca asked “Wait...Griffin where are ...??” But she suddenly noticed Kaal, Griffin was going towards where Kaal was.

  For a second Casca got depressed.

  Griffin reached Kaal took his hand on the shoulder and said: “Hey can you stand?”.

  Kaal “You dumb bastard!! Why are you here?!”.

  Griffin “You can complain after we have escaped from that monster” And started helping him to stand.

  Kaal “Why??.. Why’s it got to be like this??..god”. Kaal said it with a pained expression on his face Griffin saw it and stayed silent.

  Then they suddenly noticed a huge shadow on them and when the lift there heads to see its origin they saw Zodd, he was standing right in front of them.

  Zodd saw them and said “Where are you going??... If your hearts are still beating...then.....fight!....fight me until you are torn to pieces...!! ”.

  Kaal and Griffin’s though

  Is it the end of the road, ah..?!

  Band members saw Zodd blocking their way and they started shouting

  “Crap... He is in the way”.

  Casca “Griffin!!!”.

  Zodd saw Kaal and Griffin and started moving toward them with a big roar. He just destroyed everything that comes in his way and goes near to them.

  After seeing Zodd getting near to them, Kaal and Griffin started talking to each other * how they can save themselves*

  Griffin “Hey...can you move?!”.

  Kaal “Well ...We are dead if I don’t!!”.

  Griffin “You go from the left!!.....let’s do it!! ...let’s go!!”.

  And both of them attacked Zodd from both sides and injured him. Griffin cut off his arm left arm and Kaal injured his right arm and shoulder.

  Zodd screams in loud voice cause of injuries. After injuring Zodd Kaal also lost his balance and fall on the ground. Griffin saw it and moved towards the Kaal.

  The band members shout with joy “Oh Yeah....!!!.A...Awesome!!”

  Griffin gets near the Kaal and said: “Come on run for it!!!” And extended his hand towards him.

  Suddenly Casca shouted, “Griffin, look behind you!!”.

  Griffin turns back and saw Zodd but before he could do anything he attacked Griffin with his

  Kaal saw it and shouted “Griffin!!”.

  Zodd throws Griffin to a pillar, everyone saw it and became speechless for a minute. Griffin coughs a little and lost conscious.

  Kaal saw it and started trying to get near to him.

  Kaal was somehow standing and trying to walk with the help of his sword when he suddenly noticed Zodd behind him.

  Zodd said, “What a day today’s day has been ....that I was able to meet a human...

  or two humans ...who could hurt me so ...”

  Kaal somehow lifted his sword and got in the attacking position but before Kaal could do anything he saw Zodd attacking him with his right arm while holding his left arm as a weapon in it. Zodd hit him with arm and send him flying to a little distance.

  And placed his left arm on his place and continued saying “And that both of them ...would be lost at once ...”.

  His arm got reattached and healed instantly, Kaal saw it but couldn’t able to say anything.

  Zodd instantly got near Griffin and said: “I will start with this”.

  Casca sees it and shouted “Griffin!!”And try to go near Griffin but band members stopped Casca from it cause of Zodd.

  And said “It no use Casca!! ...we can’t fight him ...” .

  Zodd caught Griffin with his hand and when he was catching him Griffin’s necklace came out from his armor Zodd noticed and said “Wha??...what’s this?!” After watching it for a second he recognized and shouted in low voice “THE EGG OF THE KINGS?!” Kaal heard it.


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