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No Quarter (Bounty, Book One)

Page 9

by d'Abo, Christine

  “What sector would be the best to send the pod?” Gar quirked an eyebrow. “We don’t want to set it too close to your ship.”

  “Don’t you worry about my ship. My crew can more than handle anything Jason throws at them.” Sauntering around the pod, Faolan shoved his hands in his pants pockets and tried to keep his casual air. “Where would you hide your ship if you were looking for a safe harbor?”

  Faolan watched as Gar chew his bottom lip. Another glimpse of Gar the man. “Why?”

  “Well, this is supposed to be you, right? Only makes sense you should pick a spot where you’d normally hide, considering Jason would try to anticipate what you would do. Anything less will look suspicious.”

  Gar considered this, all while his fingers beat out a nervous tattoo against the escape pod. “Tridan Nebula. It’s a conceivable place for me to hide and it has lots of debris I would be able to use as weapons. Plus there are several sensor blackout areas I would use to my advantage.”

  Faolan stopped a generous foot away from Gar’s back, nodding his head in agreement even though he knew he wasn’t completely visible. “Then the Tridan Nebula it is.”

  Without waiting for Gar to respond, Faolan strode out of the workroom and made his way toward the kitchen. Pleased he’d sufficiently unnerved Gar, Faolan planned to make the most of his strategic retreat. There was a particularly comfortable chair he’d spotted earlier he wanted to test out and he really needed to rest if he didn’t want to alert Gar to the fact he really wasn’t completely all right.

  The door to the kitchen was in sight before Gar’s footsteps finally echoed behind him. “Hey!”

  Faolan slowed but didn’t stop. “Problem?”

  “Where are you going?” Gar stopped him with a hand on Faolan’s shoulder.

  He let the young man hold him, ignoring the rush of blood down to his cock. “Kitchen. Thought I’d grab something quick to eat, unless you’re plan on starving me for the next two days.”

  “Don’t you need to contact your ship?” Gar had lowered his voice, gently squeezing Faolan. “Let them know about the danger?”

  Gods, his touch was perfect. Before he realized what he was doing Faolan covered Gar’s hand with his own and returned the squeeze. “We have a plan worked out. They will wait for me only so long then they’ll head to our backup rendezvous.”

  “I…I’m glad. Hate the idea of anyone suffering because of what I’ve done.”

  Faolan turned to face Gar, comforted when he didn’t pull his hand away. “How is it your fault? I seem to remember being the one who set himself up as bait in a bar waiting for Jason to send his goons. No offense.”

  “None taken. It still doesn’t explain why he’d want to kill me.”

  The urge to wrap Gar in a hug was odd but powerful. “Gods only know what is driving that crazy ass at the moment. We’ll figure it out and when we do, I’ll help you disappear for a bit if you want.”

  Gar stepped back, his hand floating in the air until gravity kicked in and it drifted down to his side. “Why would you want to help me? After everything, me trying to kill you…why?”

  Faolan frowned. “Does it matter?”


  The emphatic way Gar said it sent a shiver through Faolan. “You seem to have gone through an awful lot in your life, and yet you are still your own man. You could have killed me on sight like Jason ordered you to and collected the bounty.”

  “How do you know Jason—?”

  Faolan moved closer to Gar again, mildly surprised when the young man backed away until he was pressed against the wall. He didn’t touch Gar, but stayed close enough to see the muscles in his neck tighten.

  “I’ve gotten pretty good at reading people. Had to, given my line of work. The first thing I figured out when I saw you was how tight you keep everything wrapped up. You don’t let people in, no matter what is going on in that handsome head of yours. The only problem with not letting people in is that one day when your world collapses under the weight of all your problems and issues, there is no one to help you.”

  Gar’s breathing was heavy, his pupils blown wide despite the stiffness with which he held his body. “In the end we’re all alone anyway,” he muttered.

  “Doesn’t mean you can’t fight against it, grab and hold on to the things that are important to you and don’t let go. If things change, you change. You can’t make decisions about your future that way. Don’t give up on living before you’ve had a chance to experience it for real.”

  Gar let out a strangled growl and shoved Faolan away. “I’ve experienced enough shit in my life. I don’t want to invite more.”

  Faolan braced himself for the attack he knew would follow. “You’re fucking useless, Stitt. There are people out there you could be helping, but you’re too afraid to do something about it.”

  Gar’s fist connected with Faolan’s jaw, jerking him off balance, but not enough to knock him down. He rubbed the throbbing skin and chuckled. “That’s it? I thought you were some tough-ass bounty hunter—”

  Gar leapt on Faolan, the unexpected weight toppling them both to the floor. Faolan managed to land a punch to Gar’s stomach before the younger man continued his assault. The rage and pain on Gar’s face was clear, the grimace distorting his normally passive face into an accurate image of what he was feeling. Faolan groaned as Gar grabbed him by the head and slammed it against the floor.

  “Stop.” The protest was weak, but it was all Faolan could manage.

  “I never asked you to come here and tear things apart. You were a bloody mark!”


  Gar landed another punch, this time to Faolan’s side. “I’m not supposed to like you.”

  Blackness crept across Faolan’s field of vision, making everything fuzzy. “Gar…”

  Faolan must have lost consciousness because the next thing he realized he was being dragged down the ship’s corridor. “Fuck.”

  “Faolan?” Gar set him down flat before flying to his side. “I’m so sorry. Gods, are you okay?”

  If it hadn’t been for the fact Gar had just beaten him senseless, Faolan would have found the expression of worry and regret slightly amusing. Even in his current state he would have normally made some sort of smartass remark to take the edge off the situation.

  He couldn’t.

  Tears rolled down Gar’s cheeks in two streams, but he gave no indication he even knew they were present. Faolan reached up and brushed his thumb across them, wanting to ease Gar’s pain. “I’m okay.”

  Gar shook his head. “You’re not. I beat you unconscious. I never…I’m not…” Gar squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  Faolan may have been dying, but he could still handle a beating. “I’m okay. Gar, look at me.”

  Gar scrunched his face up like a child and shook his head again. “I’m not like them. I don’t cross the line. You made me cross the line and…I was angry. But I’m not like them. I promised myself I would never go that far.”

  Faolan’s heartbeat raced. He swallowed and slid his hand around to the back of Gar’s neck. “I know you’re not like them. Gar, look at me.” He made sure to use the same tone he did when his ship was under attack.

  It worked. Gar slowly relaxed his face and opened his eyes. Gone was the cocky bounty hunter who’d blazed across the galaxy doing the will of the Guild. All Faolan was able to see was a scared and lonely young man who’d spend far too many years dealing with shit on his own. Ignoring the throbbing in his head, Faolan pulled Gar down and brushed a gentle kiss across his lips.

  “You’re not like them, whoever hurt you. If you were, you’d be dumping my body out an airlock instead of taking me…where the hell were you dragging me?”

  Gar let out a short laugh, surprising them both. “My room, to get you fixed up.”

  “Don’t you have a med bay?”

  “I converted it into a holding cell. Figured I was the only one I’d ever need to heal up and I’m much rather be
in my own bed than on one of those cots.”

  In a sad sort of way it made sense. “Help me up. I think I can walk the rest of the distance on my own.”

  Gar was on his feet and helping Faolan without another thought. Considering what had happened, Faolan was surprisingly steady on his feet. With any luck that meant no concussion. Gar latched on to his waist and kept Faolan close as they moved. He really could have made it on his own, but knew the younger man needed the physical reassurance that he was okay.

  The kid could throw one hell of a punch.

  “I have a scanner we can use to check out your head. To make sure I didn’t do any permanent damage to that thick skull of yours.”

  Faolan grinned. “You wouldn’t be the first person to try to fail.”

  Gar grimaced. “I’m just sorry to be on the list at all.”

  “I’m not.” Faolan kept his gaze straight ahead as they moved, ignoring Gar’s confused stare. “It just means when I collect on our earlier bet I get to be a little rougher on you.”

  Gar sighed. “I’m being serious.”

  “So am I! You think I’m going to give up on the opportunity to make you do whatever I want? Please. I thought you’d gotten to know me pretty well over the past few days.”

  The door to Gar’s room slid open after Gar released the security lock. The bed’s sheets were still rumpled from where he’d gotten out of them earlier that day. The mess didn’t undermine the appeal of it in the least.

  “Gods, I need to get one of these on my ship.”

  “Worth every credit. Now let’s get you horizontal before you pass out and I have to drag your worthless body again.”

  “We need to work on your bedside manner, doctor.”

  Faolan didn’t let go of Gar’s body when he sat on the bed, pulling the young man with him. Instead of hard metal, the soft support of the mattress caught them, allowing them to tangle in a pleasant heap.

  Wrapping his arm around Gar’s neck, Faolan held him still. “We have time.”


  “We have time before my ship arrives where it needs to be to pick us up.”

  “Jason and his men—”

  “Fine.” Faolan released him and rolled onto his back. “Send the escape pod through the dimension gate and get us someplace safe. Don’t expect me to help.”

  “Faolan, you’re being childish.”

  “And you sound like my late wife.” Faolan froze the second he realized what he’d said. The information itself wasn’t what was unnerving, but rather the idea he didn’t think anything of saying it to Gar. Very few knew of Kayla and what had happened to her. It wasn’t a conversation piece he normally spit out, especially lying in someone’s bed. A quick glance at Gar and Faolan caught him rolling his eyes.

  “I feel for anyone who had to put up with you.”

  Faolan tried to stop the chuckle, but couldn’t. “You’re no space walk either, starshine.”

  Gar’s smile was quick, but no less present. He tapped his fingertip to the middle of Faolan’s chest. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Like he was about to tell the truth on that one. “All engines fired and ready to go.”

  “Good. I’m going to finish programming the escape pod for its journey and send it on its way. Then we’ll need to hide a bit deeper in a low orbit for a day. Only way to be sure Jason has taken the bait and can’t hack into the gate systems to see where we’ve really gone.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  Gar remained still, but Faolan could practically hear the gears in his head spinning. After a moment, Gar moved forward and pressed a kiss to Faolan’s temple. “Nothing. Wait here and I’ll be back soon. Think of ways for me to make things up to you.”

  Faolan shivered and his voice shook as he spoke. “Prepare yourself if you are handing me a charged laser like that. I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “It’s no less than I deserve. Be back soon. You rest.”

  “I can help.”

  “I know, but it will only take me a few minutes. When I get back I’ll run that scan on you and then throw myself at your mercy.”

  Faolan was still staring at the closed door several minutes after Gar had left. Cursing when he realized what he was doing, he rolled onto his side and did his best to think up punishments. It was then he saw one of Gar’s ties curled on top of a desk. Ties. Tied up.


  He moved around the room far slower than normal, but better than he expected given recent events. It meant he would be strong enough to do what he wanted to do to Gar, even if he had to take things at a more sedate pace. Mace always said he needed to work on his patience. It didn’t take him long to find the items he wanted and shove them under the pillow. Then he stripped his borrowed clothing away, tossing the pile in a corner. He’d worry about wrinkles later.

  The Geilt trembled as Faolan was climbing naked along the bed. Gar’s voice crackled through the com system.

  “I just released the escape pod. It should reach the gate in twenty minutes. I’m going to lower the ship in orbit now, so there might be some hull stress until I stabilize us.”

  Faolan pressed the com button on the wall behind the bed. “Just don’t take us too low and crush this rust bucket in the upper atmosphere.”

  “I’m going to smack your ass for that comment.”

  “Not tonight, Stitt. I’m calling the shots, remember.” Silence greeted him, which only made Faolan smile more. For good measure, he reached over and hit the com again. “Speaking of which, make sure you are mostly naked when you get in here. I have lost time to make up for.”

  He didn’t think Gar would respond at all, so he was surprised when a husky “Yes, sir” crackled over the speaker. The words weren’t careless or casual—Gar was clear in what he was offering.

  Oh fuck.

  His cock ached as it pressed up against his stomach. Pre-cum dampened his skin, wet from anticipation. The mere thought of Gar being submissive to him, getting on his knees begging and waiting for him to grant or withhold pleasure, made him ache. Gar was willing to do this. Faolan knew the bounty hunter didn’t go down this road normally. There was something there between them which made this whole situation more bizarre, more sweet.

  Gods, what was happening to him? How could he grow so attached to someone after only a few days?

  The urge to jerk off before Gar arrived was strong, but he held back. While it would do wonders for his stamina, if he was going to make Gar suffer then it was only fair to wait until he could show his appreciation appropriately.

  Plans unfolded in his mind, each successive one more elaborate, each new position more enticing than the last. If Gar didn’t get in here soon there would be no hope for either one of them. The silent summons was heeded as the door slid open with a soft whoosh.

  Gar stood in the entrance, shirt unbuttoned and free from his pants. His sleeves were undone too, the cuffs flopping wide. The black belt Faolan had admired earlier was now gone, as were his shoes and socks. Gar didn’t smirk or give any indication of fear or reluctance as he stepped inside, letting the door close behind him.

  “Took you long enough,” Faolan spoke softly as he pillowed his hands behind his head. “Good boy for listening.”

  He saw the muscle in Gar’s jaw jump. No doubt he’d bitten back one of his normal retorts. Faolan knew this would be hard for Gar to play along, so he didn’t want to push things too much this time.

  However, next time…

  “Come to the side of the bed, but don’t get on it.”

  Gar moved easily, the fabric of his pants hugging his hips low as he moved. Faolan watched as a blush bloomed on Gar’s chest and traveled up across his skin until it reached his throat. The sight was beautiful.

  “The bet was the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted without protest.”

  “That wasn’t what you said.”

  Faolan cocked an eyebrow. “Reneging on your deal?”

  Gar growled. “Not a
t all.”

  “Good, because I have had lots of time to plan things out for us. Trust me when I say it will be worth the effort.”

  Faolan waited until Gar nodded before continuing. “Come here. Get on the bed and lean over me, but no touching.”

  This time there was no hesitation. Gar climbed onto the bed easily, letting his feet hang over the side. Leaning forward, he braced a hand on either side of Faolan’s head and looked down into his eyes. Right then and there, Faolan almost gave up the game and let his impulses take over. He shivered as Gar’s hot breath tickled his now-cool skin.

  No, he had to do this right. They both deserved it.

  Looking directly into Gar’s eyes, Faolan smiled.

  “I want you to tell me that I can do whatever I want to you. And I want you to mean it.”

  Chapter Nine

  For a moment, Gar thought his cock would explode it grew so hard. Of all the lovers he’d had over the years, never had anyone taken control. He knew part of the appeal of being with him was his dominant streak. Women loved it. The men he’d bedded never seemed to complain, even seemed to enjoy their brief power struggles.

  He always won in the end.

  Not this time.

  With Faolan, it wasn’t up for discussion. The older man was taking the lead, no room for argument. Certainly Gar had the option to say no on the participation side of things, step away without pressure. Strangely, for the first time, Gar was okay with someone else looking after his needs. He was tired of always being at someone’s beck and call.

  If he stopped to put any thought into why he was able to go down this route with Faolan and not with any of the others, he wasn’t sure what he’d find. The connection was there, the raw spark of lust tinged with want and, surprisingly, trust, setting his blood on fire. There was more to it than simple attraction. One look into Faolan’s eyes and Gar knew he cared—not only about his physical pleasure, but about Gar’s other needs. Faolan clearly recognized the darkness swirling deep inside his being and refused to back down. He was willing to lift the burden from Gar’s shoulders, even if it was only a temporary respite, which was more than anyone had ever done for him.


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