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by A. Roger Ekirch

  7.Burkitt, The Poor Man’s Help ... (London, 1694), 16.

  8.Thompson, “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism,” PP 38 (1967), 73, 56–97, passim.

  9.“John Dane’s Narrative,” New England Historical and Geneological Register 8 (1854), 150; ECR, II, 150; Ménétra, Journal, 32–33; OBP, Sept. 7, 1722.

  10.Wilson, English Proverbs, 169; Thomas Dekker, The Seven Deadly Sinnes of London, ed. H.F.B. Brett-Smith, ed. (New York, 1922), 30; OBP, Feb. 2–Mar. 2, 1765, 120; John Clayton, Friendly Advice to the Poor ... (Manchester, 1755), 37; Franco Sacchetti, Tales from Sacchetti, trans. Mary G. Steegmann (1908; rpt. edn., Westport, Ct., 1978), 231.

  11.Gaetano Zompini, Le Arti Che Vanno per Via Nella Città di Venezia (Venice, 1785), plate 15, passim; Max J. Okenfuss, trans., The Travel Diary of Peter Tolstoi: A Muscovite in Early Modern Europe (DeKalb, Ill., 1987), 301; Marybeth Carlson, “Domestic Service in a Changing City Economy: Rotterdam, 1680–1780” (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1993), 158; Tim Meldrum, Domestic Service and Gender, 1660–1750: Life and Work in the London Household (Harlow, Eng., 2000), 150–51; OBP, Oct. 12, 1726, 3; Thompson, “Time, Work-Discipline,” 60; Legg, Low-Life, 10; Restif de la Bretonne, Oeuvres (Geneva, 1971), II, 148–149.

  12.Mar. 25, 1661, Pepys, Diary, II, 60; J. W. Goethe, Italian Journey, 1786–1788 (New York, 1968), Part II, 315; OED, s.v. “bunter.”

  13.Beveridge, comp., and Westwood, ed., Scottish Proverbs, 25; Jan. 18, 1624, Beck, Diary, 34; A General Description of All Trades ... (London, 1747), 204, passim; John Collinges, The Weaver Pocket-Book, or, Weaving Spiritualized ... (n.p., 1695), 87; William Howitt, The Boy’s Country Book (London, n.d.), 12–13.

  14.Dec. 24, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 322; Joan Wake and Deborah Champion Webster, eds., The Letters of Daniel Eaton to the Third Earl of Cardigan, 1725–1732 (Kettering, Eng., 1971), 72; R. Campbell, The London Tradesman; Being a Compendius View of All the Trades, Professions, Arts, both Liberal and Mechanic now Practised in the Cities of London and Westminster (London, 1747), passim; Description of Trades, passim.

  15.Steven L. Kaplan, The Bakers of Paris and the Bread Question, 1700–1775 (Durham, N.C., 1996), 227, passim; Bouteloup, “Travail de Nuit,” 3–5; Description of Trades, 10–11.

  16.Campbell, London Tradesman, 264, 332; OBP, Jan. 17, 1728, Apr. 24–27, 1745, 104; Apr. 2, 8, 1777, Clement Young Sturge, ed., Leaves from the Past: The Diary of John Allen, Sometime Brewer of Wapping (1757–1808) ... (Bristol, 1905), 30, 34.

  17.Celia Fiennes, The Illustrated Journeys of Celia Fiennes, 1685–c.1712, ed. Christopher Morris (London, 1982), 70; “Speculations,” PA, July 15, 1763; The Memoirs of Charles-Lewis Baron de Pollnitz ... (London, 1739), I, 410; Bouteloup, “Travail de Nuit,” 2; The Lawes of the Market (London, 1595).

  18.T. Platter, Journal, 46; Woodward, ed., Books, 108; Goubert, French Peasantry, trans. Patterson, 140; John Webster, The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft ... (London, 1677), 299.

  19.Edward Halle, The Union of the Two Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancastre & Yorke ... (n.p., 1548), fo. xli; Sigrid Maurice and Klaus Maurice, “Counting the Hours in Community Life of the 16th and 17th Centuries,” in Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr, eds., The Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata, 1550–1650 (New York, 1980), 149; Moryson, Itinerary, I, 22–23; Pinkerton, Travels, I, 329.

  20.Margaret Killip, The Folklore of the Isle of Man (Totowa, N.J., 1976), 170; Garnet, Lampen, 102, 278; Schindler, Rebellion, 194, James Orchard Halliwell, A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words . . . (London, 1865), II, 924; Robert Greene, A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1594; rpt. edn., Gainesville, Fla., 1954); George Latimer Apperson, English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases: A Historical Dictionary (London, 1929), 78; Paul Mantoux, The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century: An Outline of the Beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England (London, 1952), 77; LE-P, Nov. 6, 1760.

  21.Marjorie McIntosh, “The Diversity of Social Capital in English Communities, 1300–1640 (with a Glance at Modern Nigeria),” JIH 26 (1995), 471; Carol F. Karlsen, The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England (New York, 1984), 171; Thomas Tusser, Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, eds. V. Payne and Sidney J. Herrtage (London, 1878), 162; Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 190–191.

  22.Wilson, English Proverbs, 909; RB, III, Pt. 1, 302–303; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A Midwife’s Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785–1812 (New York, 1990), 210; Stephen Duck, The Thresher’s Labour (1736) and Mary Collier, The Woman’s Labour (1739) (rpt. edn., Los Angeles, 1985), 15; Province and Court Records of Maine (Portland, Maine, 1928), I, 140; Caroline Davidson, A Woman’s Work is Never Done: A History of Housework in the British Isles, 1650–1950 (London, 1982), 15.

  23.Nov. 20, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 297; Mary Stower, Dec. 15, 1727, Assi 45/18/15/84; OBP, Apr. 28–May 4, 1756, 179; Davidson, Woman’s Work, 136–152.

  24.Collier, Woman’s Labour, 16; Helen and Keith Kelsall, Scottish Lifestyle 300 Years Ago: New Light on Edinburgh and Border Families (Edinburgh, 1986), 97; Timothy J. Casey, ed., Jean Paul: A Reader, trans. Erika Casey (Baltimore, 1992), 339; SAS, XIV, 320, XV, 125; Richard Harvey, “The Work and Mentalité of Lower Orders Elizabethan Women,” Exemplaria 5 (1993), 418–419.

  25.OBP, Dec. 3, 1729, 6; “Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, dated June 27,” SJC, July 6, 1769; Catherine Parker, Jan. 7, 1773, Assi 45/31/1/55; OBP, Dec. 7–12, 1763, 2.

  26.Grose, Dictionary; Tusser, Good Husbandrie, ed. Payne and Herrtage, 58; July 7, 1663, Pepys, Diary, IV, 220; Ferdinando Bottarelli, The New Italian, English and French Pocket-Dictionary ... (London, 1777), III; Gerald Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century: City Politics and Life Between Middle Ages and Modern Times (Bloomington, Ind., 1976), 192; James Clifford, “Some Aspects of London Life in the Mid-18th Century,” in Paul Fritz and David Williams, eds., City & Society in the 18th Century (Toronto, 1973), 23–34; Burt, Letters, I, 25; Susan B. Hanley, “Urban Sanitation in Preindustrial Japan,” JIH 18 (1987), 1–26.

  27.Donald Lupton, London and the Countrey Carbonadoed and Quartered into Severall Characters (1632; rpt. edn. Amsterdam, 1977), 94–96; Kathleen Elizabeth Stuart, “The Boundaries of Honor: ‘Dishonorable People’ in Augsburg, 1500–1800 (Ph.D. diss., Yale Univ., 1993), 171–175; Mar. 5–7, 1799, Drinker, Diary, II, 1142–1143; Clifford, “London Life,” 27.

  28.Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year ... (1722; rpt. edn., London, 1927), 223, 233, passim; James S. Amelang, A Journal of the Plague Year: The Diary of the Barcelona Tanner Miguel Parets, 1651 (New York, 1991), 82; OED, s.v. “vespillon”; F. Altieri, Dizionario Italiano ed. Inglese ... (London, 1726), I; A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing the Selectmen’s Minutes from 1764 to 1768 (Boston, 1889), 12; Aug. 15, 20, 1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 192, 199; Michael Kunze, Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft, trans. William E. Yuill (Chicago, 1987), 163.

  29.The Ecologues and Georgics of Virgil, trans. C. Day Lewis (Garden City, N.Y., 1964), 105.

  30.Oct. 21, 1807, Diary of Hiram Harwood (typescript), Bennington Historical Society, Bennington, Vt.; A Journal for the Years 1739–1803 by Samuel Lane of Stratham New Hampshire, ed. Charles J. Hanson (Concord, N.H., 1937), 29; “Mus Rusticus,” SJC, Apr. 27, 1773; Crusius, Nocte, ch. 4.25; Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella, On Agriculture and Trees, trans. E. S. Forster and Edward H. Heffner (Cambridge, Mass., 1955), III, 57.

  31.Nov. 4, 1777, Sanger, Journal, 165, passim; SAS, XVII, 597; July 1, 1767, Cole, Diary, 236; May 7, 1665, James M. Rosenheim, ed., The Notebook of Robert Doughty, 1662–1665 (Aberystwyth, Wales, 1989), 54.

  32.Aug. 27, 1691, H. J. Morehouse and C. A. Hulbert, eds., Extracts from the Diary of the Rev. Robert Meeke (London, 1874), 43; Awnsham Churchill, comp., A Collection of Voyages and Travels ... (London, 1746), VI, 729; Journal of James Robertson, 1767, 118, Manuscript
s, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh; William W. Hagen, Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg, Junkers and Villagers (1500–1840) (Cambridge, 2002), 120.

  33.John Brown, Mar. 19, 1777, Assi 45/33/10c; Augustin Gallo, Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture ... (Paris, 1572), 16; Tusser, Good Husbandrie, ed. Payne and Herrtage, 177; Charles Stevens and John Liebault, comps., Maison Rustique, or, the Countrey Farme, trans. Richard Surflet (London, 1616), 22.

  34.Apr. 25, 1698, Diary of John Richards, 52, Dorset Record Office, Bournemouth, Eng.; Best, Books, 124; Feb. 27, 1692, Sewall, Diary, I, 288; Patten, Diary, 190; July 26, 1749, Parkman, Diary, 199; Aug. 21, 1782, Sanger, Journal, 432; Cole, Diary, 90.

  35.Halliwell, Archaic and Provincial Words, I, 149; Giacomo Agostinetti, Cento e Dieci Ricordi Che Formano[il] Bvon Fattor di Villa (Venice, 1717), 230; Feb. 23, 1764, Carter, Diary, I, 257, passim, II, passim; Aug. 14, 1672, Isham, Diary, 139; “Henry Vagg,” B. Chron., June 28, 1788; Howitt, Country Book, 71; Henry Fielding, The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews (New York, 1950), 158; Yorkshire Diaries & Autobiographies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Durham, Eng., 1886), 106; Best, Books, 145.

  36.Stevens and Liebault, comps., Maison Rustique, trans. Surflet, 24–26; Leonard Digges and Thomas Digges, A Prognostication Everlastinge ... (London, 1605), fo. 6; Piero Camporesi, The Anatomy of the Senses: Natural Symbols in Medieval and Early Modern Italy (Cambridge, 1994), 196–197.

  37.Best, Books, 152; Nov. 7, 1774, Feb. 5, 1776, Mar. 13, 1779, Sanger, Journal, 13, 86, 236; James Kelly, A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs ... (London, 1818), 212; Jasper Charlton, The Ladies Astronomy and Chronology ... (London, 1735), 35; “Charles Ley,” SWA or LJ, Dec. 10, 1770; “On the Harvest Moon,” SJC, Sept. 1, 1774.

  38.SAS, XVII, 557; Robert Southey, Journal of a Tour in Scotland, ed. C.H. Hertford (London, 1929), 113–114; P. Brydone, A Tour through Sicily and Malta ... (London, 1773), 220; Patten, Diary, passim; SAS, XIII, 602.

  39.Jonas Hanway, An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea ... (London, 1753), II, 216; “A Visit to Rome in 1736,” GM 39 (1853), 264; Gallo, Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture, 370, 204; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 355; Pinkerton, Travels, VI, 370; Samuel Deane, The New England Farmer ... (Worcester, Mass., 1790), 327.

  40.NYWJ, May 4, 1741; John Lough, France Observed in the Seventeenth Century by British Travellers (Stocksfield, Eng., 1984), 44; Cohens, Italy, 168, 268–269. See also William Langland, Piers Plowman: The C Version, trans. George Economou (Philadelphia, 1996), 43.

  41.Hester Lynch Piozzi, Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, ed. Herbert Barrows (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1967), 103–104; Joseph Palmer, A Four Months Tour through France (London, 1776), II, 13; Jan. 28, 1708, Cowper, Diary; Jeremy D. Popkin, ed., Panorama of Paris: Selections from Le Tableau de Paris, Louis-Sébastien Mercier (University Park, Pa., 1999), 96; NYWJ, Aug. 20, 1750; Richard Cobb, Paris and Its Provinces, 1792–1802 (New York, 1975), 18–19, 26–27.

  42.Paroimiographia (French), 21; Columella, On Agriculture and Trees, trans. Forster and Heffner, III, 123; Josiah Tucker, Instructions for Travellers, 1757 (New York, n.d.), 243; Patricia James, ed., The Travel Diaries of Thomas Robert Malthus (London, 1966), 73; G. E. Fussell and K. R. Fussell, The English Countrywoman: A Farmhouse Social History, a.d. 1500–1900 (New York, 1971), 38, 69–70.

  43.Feb. 9, 12, 1767, Woodforde, Diary, I, 62; Rétif de la Brétonne, My Father’s Life, trans. Richard Veasey (Gloucester, Eng., 1986), 162; Apr. 8, 1777, Sanger, Journal, 139, passim; Markham’s Farewell to Husbandry ... (London, 1620), 146.

  44.Philip D. Morgan, Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1998), 153, 168, 191, 195.

  45.Taylor, A Preter-Pluperfect ... (n.p., 1643), 1.

  46.Verdon, Night, 113–114; “Mus Rusticus,” SJC, Apr. 27, 1773; Jeffry Kaplow, France on the Eve of Revolution: A Book of Readings (New York, 1971), 145; OBP, Apr. 17–20, 1765, 174; Frank Cundall, ed., Lady Nugent’s Journal: Jamaica One Hundred and Thirty-eight Years Ago (London, 1939), 86; Michael Sonenscher, “Work and Wages in Paris in the Eighteenth Century,” in Maxine Berg et al., eds., Manufacture in Town and Country before the Factory (Cambridge, 1983), 167.

  47.Bouteloup, “Travail de Nuit,” 3; Lydia Dotto, Losing Sleep: How Your Sleeping Habits Affect Your Life (New York, 1990), 226, 229; Kaplan, Bakers of Paris, 264–265.

  48.SAS, IX, 480.

  49.OBP, Aug. 28, 1728; Peter Linebaugh, The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge, 1992), 377; Robert C. Davis, Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenal: Workers and Workplace in the Preindustrial City (Baltimore, 1991), 160–161; Beattie, Crime, 175–178. See also Kaplan, Bakers of Paris, 244.

  50.Merry E. Wiesner, Working Women in Renaissance Germany (New Brunswick, N.J., 1986), 94; “Dane’s Narrative,” 150; ECR, II, 373.

  51.Bräker, Life, 76, 56; Thompson, “Time, Work-Discipline,” 77; Paul Monroe, ed., Thomas Platter and the Educational Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1904), 155–156. See also Émile Guillaumin, The Life of a Simple Man, ed. Eugen Weber, trans. Margaret Crosland (Hanover, N.H., 1983), 74.

  52.Evangeline W. and Charles M. Andrews, eds., Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776 (New Haven, 1923), 108; Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 138, 140, 251–253, 358–376, passim; Roderick A. McDonald, The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana (Baton Rouge, 1993), 47.

  53.Piero Camporesi, Bread of Dreams: Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Europe, trans. David Gentilcore (Chicago, 1989), 96; June 15, 1760, Drinker, Diary, I, 66; SAS, XI, 110; William Moraley, The Infortunate: or, the Voyage and Adventures of William Moraley ... (Newcastle, Eng., 1743), 51; George Lyman Kittredge, The Old Farmer and His Almanack . . . (New York, 1967), 172–173; Roger D. Abrahams, Singing the Master: The Emergence of African American Culture in the Plantation South (New York, 1982), 81.

  54.J. J. Evans, ed., Welsh Proverbs ... (Llandysul, Wales, 1965), 23; Tilley, Proverbs in England, 753.

  55.Abel Boyer, Dictionaire Royal ... (Amsterdam, 1719); Mr. Ozell, trans., M. Misson’s Memoirs and Observations in His Travels over England (London, 1719), 332; Suzanne Tardieu, La Vie Domestique dans le Mâconnais Rural Préindustriel (Paris, 1964), 154–161; Verdon, Night, 117–123; Hans Medick, “Village Spinning Bees: Sexual Culture and Free Time among Rural Youth in Early Modern Germany,” in Hans Medick and David Warren Sabean, eds., Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship (Cambridge, 1984), 317–339; Stephen P. Frank, “‘Simple Folk, Savage Customs?’ Youth, Sociability, and the Dynamics of Culture in Rural Russia, 1856–1914,” JSH 25 (1992), 716, 711–737, passim; Alessandro Falassi, Folklore by the Fireside: Text and Context of the Tuscan Veglia (Austin, 1980), 3, 248, passim; Dec. 16, 1783, Lady T. Lewis, ed., Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry (London, 1865), I, 53; Darryl Ogier, “Night Revels and Werewolfery in Calvinist Guernsey,” Folklore 109 (1998), 54–56; Magnús Gíslason, Kvällsvaka: En Isländsk Kulturtradition Belyst Genom Studier i Bondebefolkningens Vardagsliv och Miljö Under Senare Hälften av 1800-Talet och Början av 1900-Talet (Uppsala, 1977); James H. Delargy, “The Gaelic Story-Teller, with Some Notes on Gaelic Folk-Tales,” Proceedings of the British Academy 31 (1945), 191–192; SAS, VI, 482–483; Mrs. Grant, Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland ... (New York, [1831?]), I, 103; Hugh Evans, The Gorse Glen (Liverpool, 1948), 146.

  56.Leona C. Gabel, ed., Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope: The Commentaries of Pius II, an Abridgement, trans. Florence A. Gragg (New York, 1962), 35; G. E. Mingay, “Rural England in the Industrial Age,” in G. E. Mingay, ed., The Victorian Countryside (London, 1981), I, 14.

  57.Robert Bell, A Description of the Conditions and Manners ... of
the Peasantry of Ireland ... (London, 1804), 20.

  58.Medick, “Spinning Bees,” 322–323; Jakob Stutz, Siebenmal Sieben Jahre aus Meinem Leben: Als Beitrag zur Näheren Kenntnis des Volkes (Frauenfeld, Switz., 1983), 66–67; James Macpherson, The Poems of Ossian (Edinburgh, 1805), II, 341; SAI, I, 318.

  59.Daniello Bartoli, La Ricreazione del Savio (Parma, 1992), 336; Burke, Popular Culture, 105–106; Bernard J. Hibbitts, “Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse,” Cardozo Law Review 16 (1994), 343–344; Crusius, Nocte, ch. 6.3; Takashi Tomita, Yoru no Shinrijutsu: Hiru Kara Yoru e no Kåodåo, Korkoro no Henka o (Tokyo, 1986), 24–25; Henrie Glassie, Passing the Time in Ballymenone: Culture and History of an Ulster Community (Philadelphia, 1982), 40–41, 74, 105; Mircea Eliade, Myth and Reality (London, 1964), 10; Raffaele Pettazzoni, Essays on the History of Religions (Leiden, 1954), 13–14.

  60.Moses Heap, “My Life and Times, or an Old Man’s Memories, Illustrated with Numerous Anecdotes and Quaint Sayings,” 3, District Central Library, Rawtenstall, Eng.; Bourne, Antiquitates Vulgares, 76; Garnert, Lampan, 114.

  61.Brétonne, My Father’s Life, trans. Veasey, 111; Eric Robinson et al., eds., The Early Poems of John Clare, 1804–1822 (Oxford, 1989), II, 126; SAS, XVII, 518; Roger Chartier, “Leisure and Sociability: Reading Aloud in Early Modern Europe,” in Susan Zimmerman and Ronald F. E. Weissman, eds., Urban Life in the Renaissance (Newark, Del., 1989), 112.

  62.William Howitt, The Rural Life of England (1844; rpt. edn., Shannon, Ire., 1972), 238; Pierre-Jakez Hélias, The Horse of Pride: Life in a Breton Village, trans. June Guicharnaud (New Haven, 1978), 73–74; George Peele, The Old Wive’s Tale (London, 1595).

  63.Jean-Louis Flandrin, Families in Former Times: Kinship, Household and Sexuality, trans. Richard Southern (Cambridge, 1979), 108–109.

  64.Breton, Works, II, 10; Medick, “Spinning Bees,” 334; Paroimiographia (Italian), 7; Schindler, “Youthful Culture,” 257.


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