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Rayne's New Beginnings

Page 13

by Dannie Marsden

  “What is it with you people? Can’t a body enjoy his meal without interruption?” Mathews placed his fork on his plate and looked up at the sheriff.

  “Mind if I join you for a few?” Tom asked.

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “I wasn’t really askin’. It was only a polite gesture.” Tom pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “I haven’t done anything wrong in your town. I just got here and have been trying to eat my meal in peace ever since. Please go away and leave me alone.”

  Tom had no problem in seeing Rayne in the man. “I welcome and speak with everyone who comes to Willow Springs. We have a nice quiet town and don’t want no trouble makers so it’s my job to speak with all new arrivals.”

  “What is it that you want, Sheriff?’

  “Just to sit and chat a while.”

  “Well you might as well. Apparently, I have no choice and until I have this chat with you I don’t see you leaving me in peace.” Mathews leaned back in his chair and eyed the man.

  “I don’t believe I caught your name,” Tom said.

  “Why should I repeat myself? I’m sure that busybody I saw you sitting with told you.”

  “She might of mentioned your name. But I’d like to have you tell me.” Tom was flexing his jaw. The man was just as Bessie described—pure evil.

  “Name is Clayton Mathews. I’m sure you knew my brother Luke. As for why I am here…I came to collect my grandson. In fact, since you’re here now and so interested in my business, it might be a good idea if you rode out to the ranch with me. I don’t see that bitch of a daughter I have turning him over without a fight.”

  “Hmm, how come you didn’t come to pay your respects to your brother, or come to see your daughter once in the past five years she’s been here?”

  “Look I ain’t here to spill all my private business to you all. I have my reasons. Now as a lawman, I expect you to help me get my grandson back. I won’t stand by and let him be raised out here in this Godforsaken place.”

  “Well now, Mr. Mathews, I know that the boy is well taken of, and lacks for nothin’. Now, of course you’ll wanna see where your son is buried. And I don’t see that Rayne would keep you from seein’ Ben. So with that in mind, I suppose we can head over there first thing in the mornin’, if that’s fine with you.”

  “The morning is fine. I’d rather just go get my grandson and skip seeing where she buried his father. See, we didn’t quite see eye to eye on things. He left Boston without so much as a word to me, didn’t bother to say good bye, or anything. I just want to collect my grandson and get back home.”

  “Well now, I suppose we’ll just have to see what happens. Just so that you know, your son asked Rayne to raise his son just before he died. So I’m thinkin’ you might have some things to figure out.”

  “Well now, Sheriff, I expect that you’ll be doing your job and realize that the boy belongs with his family—his grandfather.” Mathews’ face was red with anger. ”Just who do you think you are to speak to me in that manner? It would be over my dead body before that ungrateful excuse for a daughter raised my grandson.”

  “Mr. Mathews, I am the law around these parts.” He glared at the man. “Consider what you’re thinkin’ of doin’ to that little boy. I’ll be by first thing in the mornin’ and we can head over to the Rocking M.” Tom stood up.

  “I find it hard to imagine that place still being in business. Makes one wonder what kind of a businessman would do business with a woman. It makes me ashamed that I raised a woman who behaves like she’s got a right to take on a man’s job.”

  “Mr. Mathews, you should be proud of the work Rayne’s done with that ranch. She took it over and brought it back from almost nothin’ to a stable workin’ ranch. She’ll be hirin’ a couple of young men to help out here soon and she is one of the most respected ranchers around here. I think you should be right proud of her.” Tom couldn’t believe all the hatred for Rayne that was emanating from her pa.

  “Is she married? Now, that would have made me right proud of her. Hmm, it ain’t right. What kind of man would want to marry her now? She’s an embarrassment to any man.”

  Tom couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Mathews obviously didn’t know the first thing about his daughter, and Tom could certainly see why Rayne took a paper weight to the man’s head. Hell, he probably would have done the same himself. Gonna have to keep an eye on this one. He was gonna have to have someone ride over to Crescent Hills and fetch the Judge first thing in the morning. Tom now understood why Rayne’s brother didn’t want his son being raised by the man. He was going to make damn sure Jason’s wishes were followed.

  “Mr. Mathews, Rayne is a good person, with a work ethic that would make any man proud.”

  “A good person? Ha. A good person doesn’t leave a bleeding man alone to possibly die, or a decent man standing at the altar.” Mathews sneered. “Didn’t know that there, did you? Now, I’d appreciate you not telling me how pleased I should be. That there girl has been nothing but trouble and disappointment since the day she was born. To be honest, I’m down right grateful she took off when she did…my only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner.”

  Tom stood there listening to the man and couldn’t believe what he heard. How in heavens name could a man speak that way about his own child? “Like I said, I’ll be here first thing in the mornin’, and then we can head over to the ranch.” Tom said before he turned to walk away. He stopped and turned. “Just remember that I’m the law in these parts not you, Mr. Mathews.”

  “You don’t have any jurisdiction over me, Sheriff. That child rightfully belongs to me and there is nothing you can say to stop me for taking what is legally mine.” Mathews turned his eyes away from Tom and went back to his now cold meal.


  The door opened and Tom strolled into the jail with his hat in his hand before tossing it on his desk. “Sam, where are you?”

  Sam came in from the cells. “I’m here, boss. I just took old man Murphy some coffee. I’ll let him sleep it off and he’ll be good as new in the morning.

  “Good. Look, I need you to take a ride into Crescent Hills early tomorrow and see if you can bring the judge back with you.”

  “He’s gonna wanna know what it’s about,”

  “Tell him it’s about the matter he and I talked about. He’ll know and come with you. I just need him here as soon as possible. Think you can do that?” Tom sat in his chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  “I can leave now if you’d like.”

  “That might not be a bad idea. Not sure if you’d get any time to sleep. But it would mean the judge would get here sooner. So go ahead, saddle up, and get on your way. You had supper yet?”

  “Yes, Bessie sent me over a plate.”

  “Good. When you get back, stop by here and see if there are any emergencies or someone needs let out of a cell. Look on my desk here for a letter for the judge. Give it to him then take him out to the Mathews place. Try to get there soon as you can, I got a feelin’ this isn’t gonna be pretty. You get goin’, Sam, and I’m gonna head home, have a late supper and kiss my son goodnight, and try to get a good night’s sleep.”

  “What’s goin’ on, Tom?”

  “Just some stranger in town figuring on causing trouble, is all.”

  “Dang, Rayne had to have pissed God off something fierce for all this trouble to be happenin’ to her. Sure wish there was something we could do to help her out, you know?”

  “That’s why I want the judge here, Sam. I aim to make sure her family stays just that…her family.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna head on off to Crescent Hill now and I should be there first thing in the morning. Mark will keep an eye on things here while you go home to dinner.”

  Sam walked to the door and reached for his hat. “Ya know, Rayne is a good woman and a good friend. I don’t think any of us could stand by and let someone hurt her without tryin’ to stop them. I’ll go as fast as I can.
” He walked out the door with purpose as he headed toward his horse.

  Tom walked back to the cells area and saw Mark with his feet up on the desk, “How’s our guest?” he asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

  “Sleepin’ it off, I’ll make sure he has some strong coffee in the morning and we’ll play this whole game all over again tomorrow night. I kinda feel sorry for him, ya know.”

  “Yup, I know, me too but what can we do other than what we are doin’. He’s having a rough time since he lost his wife. He ain’t a danger to anyone but himself. Ya need anything before I head home?” Tom asked as he pushed away from the doorframe.

  “Nah, I’m good for the night. You have a good night, ya hear, give my regards to your wife.” Mark replied as he dropped his eyes back to the dime novel he had been looking at before Tom came in.

  Tom walked out of the sheriff’s office, putting his hat on his head and his eyes looking down the street to the hotel. He had a feeling that Mathews was gonna be trouble. “Damn it, Rayne, why couldn’t ya have hit him harder?” he mumbled quietly.

  Shaking his head, he walked to his horse and gathered the reins then put his foot in the stirrup and sat in the saddle. With a click of his tongue, he headed toward home.

  His face held a smile as he thought about Sally and Jack waiting for him at home. He wouldn’t change his life for anything.


  With Ben down for the night, and dinner dishes done, Rayne walked up behind Lisbet, wrapped her arms around her waist, and kissed the side of her neck.

  “Mmm, Rayne what are you doing?” Lisbet giggled.

  “Well I suppose I was just about to tell my best girl how much I enjoyed today.”

  “I had fun too and I’m thinking that, as hard as our little boy is breathing, he did too. Thank you for taking us, Rayne.”

  “Hey, it was my pleasure, sweetheart, I had fun too. I think we should do that more often. Maybe next time I’ll take a fishing pole and see if I can catch some supper. What do you think?”

  “Sounds good. So you think we can do this again next week?” Lisbet asked, as she turned around in Rayne’s arms and let her hands move up to the buttons of Rayne’s shirt.

  “Um, well…yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t we?” Rayne stammered as her eyes went to Lisbet’s fingers.

  “Good. I think Ben would love that.”

  “How about you, would you love that?” Rayne asked.

  “Of course I would, especially if it puts you in the kind of mood where you kiss my neck.” Lisbet leaned in and gently kissed Rayne’s lips. It wasn’t long before her arms wrapped around Rayne’s neck and the kiss that started out soft and gentle grew into a hard fiery kiss that ignited both.

  “How about we take this into the bedroom?” Rayne’s voice was breathless as her trembling hands brushed Lisbet’s hair from her eyes.


  Rayne woke up early and lay in bed, thinking of the previous night. The two had only gotten to sleep a couple of hours before the crack of dawn as they enjoyed one another’s body and the pleasure they brought each other. With a smile and a warm feeling, Rayne rolled over to look at Lisbet and found she was looking into deep green eyes.

  “What are you doing?” Lisbet asked softly.

  “Same thing as you, I imagine. I was thinking how wonderful it is to wake up with you and how lucky I am to have found you.”

  “Mmm, yeah? You really think it’s wonderful to wake up with me?” Lisbet asked as her fingers glided up and down the smooth skin of Rayne’s side.

  “Yes I do. What were you thinking?”

  Lisbet smiled. “I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you and Ben in my life and how grateful I am that we’re a family. How about I get up and get breakfast going?”

  “How about you let me kiss you first.”

  “Mm, I’m thinking one kiss will lead to another and then another and well, Ben will be waking soon.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Hey, did I tell you that I love you?”

  “I think I heard you say that a few times throughout the night, yes.” Lisbet had a big smile of satisfaction across her face.

  “Good. How about you get breakfast going while I tend to the animals? I seem to have all this energy built up I need to get rid of. You got any idea why that is?” Rayne winked at Lisbet.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve just been laying here talking with you,” Lisbet replied with a sly smile.

  “Mm, yes, laying there with nothing on but a sheet, lips that beg to be kissed, and eyes that may as well scream take me.”

  “I suppose that would cause a body to get energized, and yes, you’re right, my eyes probably are screaming take me, but we both know that isn’t going to happen right now. Now, you go get the animals taken care of and I’ll make breakfast.” Lisbet said as she rolled over and swung her legs off the bed

  “God, woman you’re gonna be the death of me, I swear.”

  “Not yet, I still have plans for you, my love.” Lisbet laughed as she pulled on her dress.

  Swinging her legs off the bed, Rayne stood up and stretched before grabbing her clothes. She could feel Lisbet’s eyes on her so took her time stretching all the kinks out of her body.

  Two can play this game.

  Her reward— a soft groan from Lisbet. With a smile, she proceeded to dress as if nothing had happened.


  Clayton Mathews was up early and eager to get to his grandson. As he looked out the window of his room, he glared at the dirt street and the wooden sidewalks. He hated this place more than anything except maybe his daughter. He had visited his brother because it was expected, and being a minister, he should show concern for his brother, but inside he hated his brother for making him have to set foot in this Godforsaken place.

  “Damn you, Jason, for coming here and bringing my grandson to this place. Did you think I wouldn’t follow and bring him home to the people that love him? You never counted on my love for him being stronger than my hatred of this place, did you? No, of course you didn’t. All you thought about was getting here to your bitch of a sister. Oh, I suppose I owe you a big thank you, because now I can get Ben and put that whore where she belongs.”

  He let out a scheming laugh. “Oh, it will be so easy. I’ll tell them, why. she pulled a weapon on me trying to keep my flesh and blood from me. I was only protecting myself. What else was I to do? Thank you, Jason. You finally did something right.”

  Yes, it would all work out. Ben would soon be in his possession and Rayne would be….Wherever Rayne ended up was not his concern. Jason had made his choice and what ever happened to him, and his sister, was of his choosing. Mathews wasn’t responsible for his actions. With a smile, Mathews turned on his heel, reached for his hat, headed for the door, and breakfast. After that, the rest of the day was waiting for him. With a spring in his step and whistling a tune, he headed downstairs to greet his day.


  When Bessie saw the man walk into the dining room, she immediately went to him. “Good morning, Mr. Mathews. If you’ll follow me I’ll seat you and get you some coffee. What would you like to eat?”

  “Good morning. Coffee would be heavenly and when you get a chance, some eggs and maybe some bacon would be nice as well. Thank you.”

  Bessie was shocked at the difference in the man she saw before her and the man she had met the day before. “Wha…well yes, of course, right away, Mr. Mathews.”

  “Thank you.” Mathews sat at the table Bessie had led him to and he smiled.

  Bessie was confused by the complete change in the man. Not willing to risk the man from the day before making an appearance, Bessie rushed to bring him his meal and made sure his coffee cup was never empty.

  When he stood to leave, he said, “Would you please keep my room? I’m not sure how long I will be in town.”

  Bessie was speechless for a moment. “Of course I will.” She stared at the man as he strolled out the door.


  Tom had
been walking toward the hotel and dining room when he spotted Mr. Mathews walking down the boardwalk. “Well, here we go,” he muttered as the man made a beeline for him.

  “Good morning, Sheriff. How are you this fine day?”

  “Mr. Mathews, good mornin’”

  “Are you ready to head out so I can get my grandson?”

  “Mr. Mathews, why don’t you take a look around town? I need to get some breakfast and a cup of coffee first.”

  “You told me first thing this morning, Sheriff, so let’s go.”

  “Not until I at least have some coffee. I’ll meet you back here in about half an hour.”

  Tom turned away from the man and walked quickly toward the hotel. He needed to find out what Bessie had to say about the man’s attitude this morning.

  Bessie saw the sheriff enter the dining room and take his usual table. “Tom, that man is like night and day. This mornin’ he was as pleasant and friendly as he could be. But I still saw the evil in his eyes. Did you send someone out to warn Rayne he was here?”

  Tom shook his head. “I sent Sam to Crescent Hill to fetch Judge Martin. I couldn’t leave town with just Mark to keep the peace. If the boys got restless and started somethin’ at the saloon, Mark wouldn’t be able to handle it himself.” He shrugged. “I wanted to be with my family before the baby went to bed. Is that a crime?”

  “So you're takin’ him out to the ranch and surprisin’ Rayne with him?” Bessie shook her head. “I thought you were Rayne’s friend.”

  Tom lowered his head. “I am and you’re right I shoulda gone out and told her or sent Mark. The man just threw me for such a loop that I couldn’t think past gettin’ the judge here. He should be here later today and then Mr. Mathews won’t have a leg to stand on.”

  “You still shoulda warned her, Tom. At least then she could be prepared for when he shows up on her doorstep.”

  “I gotta do this all by the law, Bessie, otherwise this Mathews fellow might take Ben away.”


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