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Circus Escape

Page 1

by Lilliana Rose

  Table of Contents

  Circus Escape

  Book Details


  Circus Escape

  About the Author

  Circus Escape

  Lilliana Rose

  Nessie dreams of escaping her sheltered life to become a mechanical engineer with mechas. But wanting and doing are two very different things, and outer confidence hides inner fears—until she meets Joy.

  Joy is tough and self-reliant, used to looking out for no one but herself. As her job keeps her always on the move, keeping to herself is the best way to survive. The very last person she expects to break her solitude is the prim and proper Nessie.

  Book Details

  Circus Escape

  By Lilliana Rose

  Published by Less Than Three Press LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.

  Edited by Keith Kaczmarek

  Cover designed by Aisha Akeju

  This book is a work of fiction and all names, characters, places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.

  First Edition April 2014

  Copyright © 2014 by Lilliana Rose

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN 9781620043394

  To Anna

  for seeing the writing in me

  Circus Escape

  Nessie stepped up onto the wooden plank footpath from the dusty street, the thud of her heeled shoes the sound of a woman on a mission. A steambike sped past behind her, stirring up a cloud of dust. Nessie paused to brush the dust from her new ocean blue taffeta dress, and then continued her confident stride along the main street of Deaston, looking for something to amuse her for the afternoon.

  "Ma'am." Mr. George, the local jeweller, bobbed his head at Nessie Jenkins as she walked past.

  "Good afternoon," replied Nessie, not slowing her allegro pace. She had nowhere to go and no jobs to do, but she detested walking without purpose. There was also Mr. George's reputation. He enjoyed talking about the jewellery he made, and Nessie did not want to be trapped listening to one of his lectures. She continued striding past the hardware store.

  No one sat outside on the benches; the heat had sent people inside. The heat did not bother her like some. Besides, she could not stand staying inside the house any longer. Her parents had kept her busy for the last week with accounting, writing campaign speeches and cooking. She had not been able to leave the house … until today. Her mum had retired to her bedroom to sleep off a headache. Nessie took the chance without a second thought and slipped out to go for a walk. It was that or pack her bags and run away. Boredom would do that. Deaston, a small mining colony on the moon S'yra, did not have enough entertainment for Nessie's liking.

  Nessie looked ahead down the straight road with wooden two- and three-story shops on either side. It would take fifteen minutes to walk the length of the street, and she was going to enjoy the dusty walk in the sunshine.

  A flash of light caught in her peripheral vision. The word 'mecha' burned in her mind.

  Nessie stopped.

  Her skirt swished around her legs, caught in the forward motion. Could it really be?

  She spun on her black heels and took three steps back to the hardware store and stepped up to the electronic poster board on the shop's wooden wall.

  The poster buzzed and the image blurred.

  "Piece of cheap …" Nessie thumped the screen with her gloved hand. It morphed between two images, her father's face with his cheesy Mayor-of-the-town grin and a big metal insect.

  "Come on." She hit it again. Her pulse increased as she waited.

  The image morphed and rippled with an electric buzz before remaining stable.

  "Yes!" Nessie smiled.

  "Mighty Mechas Meet in a Mesh of Mega Metal!" She scanned the poster, excitement concentrating within her chest.

  One Night Only

  14th March 7pm

  "That's tonight!" Nessie could not believe she hadn't heard anything about the mecha fight tonight. She loved a good battle performance, especially when it came to mechas. A circus of metal, mayhem and fights stirred the blood in her veins and made her feel alive. No wonder my parents kept me in the house for the past week. They did not want her to be a mechanic; it was not becoming of a lady. They'd managed to convince her to stay at Deaston, which meant no one here could teach her the trade. She read anything and everything about mechas, telling herself one day she would find the inner courage to leave.

  Arena Aggression unleashed in new models

  Nessie held her breath.

  New Models

  Sally Spider, Cate Crab and Beli Beetle

  Come and see them fight each other

  Nessie resisted the urge to squeal in excitement. Finally, something to do in this town. She stared at the images, trying to glean more about each mecha.

  Sally Spider.

  Eight slender strong legs extended out from a secure rounded body. The metal shone deep silver and circular joints meant each leg could bend individually. Nessie peered closer.

  Sally Spider stood solid in the centre of the ring. She glanced at the other two models, Cate Crab and Beli Beetle, but they hadn't captured her curiosity like Sally Spider. Besides, a metal carapace restricted movement and wouldn't be able to fight well. But the spider, now that had some seriously sexy designing behind it. Her hand rested against her neck as she stared at the image. A new heat flared inside of her. "Look at her legs."

  "Yeah, they ain't half bad."

  Nessie turned to see a woman wearing blue worn overalls with a white t-shirt underneath, one strap undone swinging near her chest, dark hair escaping from a black cap. She balanced a 20kg bag of flour on her shoulder.

  "Half bad? They are an engineering miracle," said Nessie. She'd spent hours reading up on the construction of mechas, much to her mother's disapproval. While her mum did needlework in the evening, Nessie read about the mechas and how they were constructed. She planned to learn mechanical engineering one way or another.

  "Yep, they are. And their joints can rotate."

  "I thought so." Nessie puffed with confidence from what she had managed to learn from simply looking at a photo. "How do you know this?"

  "I'm the Operator." The out-of-towner smiled and heaved the bag into a different position on her shoulder.

  "Really?" The chance to see a mecha caused Nessie's head to spin pleasantly.

  "I can show you the ins and outs of her."

  Words evaporated in Nessie's breathless excitement at the chance to touch a mecha. Pull yourself together.

  "I've got some time now. I'll give you a ride to the arena."

  "Yes … yes ... that would be lovely," said Nessie, regaining her composure and remembering her manners she held out her hand. "I'm Nessie."

  "Joy." They shook hands. "Pleased ta meet ya."

  Nessie felt her knees weaken from the strength that pulsed from Joy's hand into her own.

  "Likewise." Nessie looked into Joy's grey eyes which shone back a world of metal and oil, a world that Nessie knew she wanted to be a part of.

  "My steambike is just over here."

  "Bike?" If things kept improving this quickly, Nessie just knew she would be a melted mess on the floor.

  Joy walked over to the steambike made from recycled parts. Slinging the bag of flour over the back of the steambike as if it only weighed a few kilos, Joy strapped it down.

  Nessie's face flushed with heat. She took out a handkerchief and patted down her forehead.

  "You be careful there, Ms. Jenkins," said Mr. George as he came out o
f his jewellery shop.

  Nessie placed the lace handkerchief back in her ocean blue bag, the one specially made to match her new outfit.

  "You know what these circus people are like." His eyes narrowed. "Come inside. I have some ice lemonade to help you cool down. Then I can drive you home in my steamcar. It's air conditioned, you know."

  Nessie had no interest in Mr. George's warning, especially right now when she was about to do something out of the ordinary.

  "You've got no reason to concern yourself, Mr. George. Good day." With her usual air of confidence, Nessie strode over to the steambike. She could barely keep herself contained and acting like a respectable lady. But ladies didn't ride bikes. Thank goodness. This was her first ride on a bike and she planned to enjoy every second.

  "Let's go," she said to Joy. Not caring that she wasn't dressed for the ride, she hitched up her skirts, swung her leg over the bike, and then tucked the extra material under her legs out of the way of the engine.

  "You're keen," said Joy, wearing goggles that made her eyes look larger. She sat in front of Nessie and revved the bike.

  "You've got me excited," answered Nessie.

  "That's good to know." Joy reached for Nessie's hands and put them around her waist. "Hold on."

  The bike took off with a jerk. The screams of delight Nessie had been holding in burst out from her mouth as the hot wind pushed into her face. Nessie clung to Joy's strong body. She leaned into Joy as they turned off the main street, leaving Deaston in their dusty wake.


  Joy slowed down and drove the bike into the roped off area where the Mecha Arena was being built. Men and women worked frantically to construct the arena walls before tonight's performance. She wove between men and women carrying metal panels for the wall.

  Nessie tightened her grip around her waist and muffled a scream. The temptation too much, Joy steered the bike around imaginary people just to feel Nessie clench at her body and hear her scream.

  Joy drove to the back of the arena.

  "You move well with the bike," said Joy. She choked the engine, kicked down the stand down with her boot and slipped off the goggles. A line of dirt marked the shape of the goggles on her face.

  Nessie let out a sigh, her breath caressing Joy's skin, resulting in fresh shivers slipping down her spine. Joy paused, enjoying the sensation. Get a grip. She swung her leg over the front of the bike to avoid hitting Nessie and stood up.

  "I want to do that again," said Nessie, her words breathless as if she'd been exhilarated by the motion of the bike and had tipped over the edge into orgasmic bliss.

  "That can be arranged."

  "Excellent." Nessie somehow gracefully swung her leg over the bike without revealing her undergarments and went to stand, but stumbled, pleasantly dizzy from the ride.

  Joy caught Nessie. "Here, lean on me." She put her arm around Nessie's slender waist. "Take it slow."

  "I don't know what's come over me." Nessie leaned on Joy.

  Joy felt static electricity spark between them as it travelled through her body, down her back, then down her legs, pooling at her feet.

  "I think I'm alright now," said Nessie. But she didn't push away.

  Joy held Nessie. "Take your time." Joy inhaled and captured a hint of Nessie's scent: pomegranates. I could hold you like this all night.

  "Well," Nessie breathed out hard as if trying to gain composure. "I believe you have something to show me."

  Joy let go. Nessie brushed down her skirt and patted her blonde hair, making sure that everything was in perfect alignment. Joy didn't bother with how she looked. She was used to being covered in dirt, oil and grease. She wouldn't have it any other way.

  "Do you think you are ready?" teased Joy.

  Nessie muffled a squeal of delight and nodded her head.

  "This way." Joy walked towards the garage.

  "Oi! Where's that flour?" yelled an oversized man. His large belly stretched the yellow, greasy fabric of the t-shirt he wore.

  Joy turned around. "On my bike, right here."

  "Well bring it ov'r 'ere if ya want to be fed." He spat in the ground, and then walked off. "Be quick about it."

  Joy groaned and walked back to the steambike. "I'd better deliver the flour first."

  "You don't have to," said Nessie. "He can wait."

  "Yeah, but he's the cook and do ya know how difficult he can make life for me around here?" Joy untied the ropes around the bag of flour. "He could refuse to cook tonight, blame me, and then everyone here will want to skin me alive."

  "I can help," offered Nessie.

  "I'm fine. Go inside the garage, out of the sun, and wait for me there. I won't be long." Joy slung the bag on her shoulder and walked off. Her job always seemed to get in the way of her efforts to connect with people, at least the sort of people she wanted to connect with. Joy hurried. She wanted to get back to Nessie before she had to start preparing for the fight.


  Nessie watched Joy walk away, disappearing into the crowd of workers. She is amazing. Nessie turned and looked at the oversized garage. The dark, hundred meter high opening looked like it could swallow her. She shaded her eyes with her hand. A rusty-looking sign above read: "Sally Spider."

  A shiver went down Nessie's spine as she entered the spider's lair. Her insides were a rolling mess of excitement and anticipation.

  Nessie slowed her pace as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. There were spanners, containers of oil, dirty rags, nuts and bolts, screws and gears lying around on a side bench. Nessie resisted the urge to clean up and kept walking, her heart dictating a fast beat that she used all her self-control not to walk in time to.

  Nessie ducked under some hanging chains that disappeared up into the dark ceiling. Empty pulleys hung down, waiting for the work to begin.

  The air, stuffy and dry, made her breath short and quick, and the coolness sucked at her body heat. The only sounds were her shoes clicking on the concrete and the creaking of metal from the outside wind as it plummeted into the man-made construction. She stepped gracefully over a large oil spill that looked as if some machine had come to a ghastly fate while hanging from the ceiling.

  An orange glow from burning oil lamps cast soft light around the back of the garage, metallic orange reflections causing Nessie to gasp at the mechanical beauty.

  "Amazing." She stopped and looked at Sally Spider. "Wow."

  Her eight legs, thin but strong, extended out from a round centred body. Each had two pivot points. An engineering breakthrough and she was looking at the design in the flesh, about to see how it worked, instead of discovering this in the magazines she subscribed too.

  Nessie exhaled, expelling a lungful of air, and whistled. She stepped up to the closest leg, took off her glove, reached up as far as she could just below the first metal joint and ran her hand down the metal leg. Slowly. Her fingers glided over the smooth surface, sending shivers through her body.

  Near the bottom of the leg, she could see compartments that had been built to hold what she assumed to be different weapons to use during the fights in the arena. She leaned in for a closer look, wondering what was concealed inside. Snipping shearers, or a long saw, or a metal hammer. She wanted to see this beauty in action. Maybe some sort of venom to rust tight an opponent.

  The legs ended in a streamlined point that would pack a nasty punch in a fight and could do some serious damage to a metal object. She traced the intricate design of a filigree pattern that had been designed into the metal.

  Nessie looked at the body of the mecha. The spherical shape consisted of netted metal crisscrossed for added protection. Nessie couldn't see in through the fine mesh. I bet this is for 360 degrees sight, just like a true spider. She ran her hand over the new material. It felt inviting.

  "So what do ya think?" asked Joy coming up behind Nessie.

  Nessie jumped from the sound of Joy's voice. She'd been consumed by Sally's genius design and hadn't heard Joy's approach.

>   "You seem to be getting to know her," said Joy. She stood opposite Nessie. "Want to look inside?"

  "Yes, please," said Nessie breathlessly.

  Joy walked around to the back and pressed a button. The metal crisscrossed door slid to the side. "It's going to be a tight fit for two."

  "I don't mind," said Nessie. She was getting inside Sally Spider, and she didn't mind being so close to Joy either. Nessie wanted to know more about Joy, just as much as she wanted to know more about Sally Spider.

  "After you," said Joy.

  Nessie lifted her skirt, revealing more of her black stockings than was acceptable in public and put one foot on the bottom edge of the door. She let go of her skirt, took hold of the door and hoisted herself in.

  "Take a seat." Joy remained outside.

  "The driver's seat?"

  "Yeah, of course."

  Overstimulated with excitement, Nessie just managed to keep herself from hyperventilating as she sat down in the soft leather. The seat seemed to respond to her body and mould to her shape, giving her maximum support.

  "What do you think?" Joy squeezed into the tight space. The door slid closed with a hydraulic sigh. The console lit up with soft glowing blue lights.

  Nessie stared out, seeing the garage clearly despite the low light.

  "Pretty cool, uh?" Joy rested on the back of the seat, her oily scent adding to the head spin Nessie was already experiencing.

  "Here. Let's wake her up." Joy leaned over Nessie's shoulder and punched in a sequence of coded symbols into the console. Sally shivered into life.

  "Amazing." Nessie breathed out. She put her hands on the edge of the console, feeling the vibrations of Sally. The hum of her engine and the pulses of electricity transferred into Nessie and she wanted more.

  "And she's only warming up," said Joy. "You should see her in action."

  "I can't wait." Nessie felt Joy's breath on the side of her cheek. "Can you show me?"

  "Tonight," said Joy. "We're under strict instructions not to take the mechas out. We don't want to ruin the initial suspense when they enter the arena."

  "You have with me."


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