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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “When I used to have sex with David, he wore a condom and I was on the pill, but I’m not anymore.”

  “Don’t worry, I have no intention of letting you go. We’re in this together.”

  She smiled at me and my heart started to pound again. What the hell was it with this woman?

  I helped Lily from the table and bent down to retrieve her purse and coat. I turned to look at her and ended up dropping them back to the floor. She was standing with her skirt around her waist, showing her naked ass while she grabbed hold of the ripped thong and pulled it down her thighs.

  She saw me watching her. “It was annoying me.”

  I was speechless. My cock throbbed and so did my head. While I’d ravished Lily, I’d forgotten all about the accident and the fact that I had stitches. The doctor tried to tell me I had a concussion and recommended I spend the night in hospital. Like hell.

  Lily looked neat as a pin, but I knew she had nothing on under her skirt. She was going to have to go home and change or call in at a store before she headed back to the office. There was no way in hell I would be able to keep my hands off her knowing she was panty-less underneath her clothes.

  Since meeting Lily, I couldn’t stop fantasizing about having her in my office. She wasn’t wearing any panties and I’d push her face first over my desk, lift her skirt and fuck her from behind. Nice fantasy.

  She walked over to me and brought us chest to chest. She looked up at me smiling and reached around my waist with one of her arms to hold me tight. With her other hand resting on my chest she let out a sigh, then I wrapped my arms around her with my chin resting on top of her head.

  “I’m looking at an apartment on Sunday.”

  I pushed her away from me and held her shoulders. “You are? That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while.”

  She looked hesitant.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Um, I was wondering whether…. I mean, if you’re not doing anything….”

  I couldn’t hold back my grin. “Are you trying to ask me to come and look at this apartment with you?”


  I kissed her lips. “I’d love to.”

  She lifted her hands up to my face in a caress and smoothed her hands gently around my stitches. “It really frightened me, Michael, when you rang saying you were in an accident.” Her eyes started to fill up with tears again.

  “Lily, I think I’ve just proved to you that I’m fine.” She blushed. “But I think you need to replace something before we get back to the office, otherwise I won’t be able to stop myself from lifting your skirt and impaling you on my cock again.”

  She moaned. “That was cruel, now I’m wet again.”

  Someone banged on the door, ending our moment.

  “Michael, you need to get out here quick. Mom and Dad are here.”

  Hell. I was hard as hell and my mother would take one look at Lily and know exactly what we just did.

  Oh what the hell. She’s my woman so it didn’t matter. I took hold of Lily’s hand, unlocked the door and pulled her through with me just in time to watch my parents walk around the corner.

  As soon as my mother saw me, she started crying and wrapped me in a hug. “Oh Michael. I was so worried when Ruben called. Are you really all right?” she asked as she started to pat me down.

  “Mom, I was all right the minute Lily got here.” I pulled Lily back into my arms as she snuggled into my chest, pulling me closer to her. For once it felt amazing, to finally have someone who cared about me and not my money.

  I glanced at my parents who were watching us. My mother still had tears in her eyes, but she was grinning.

  “When you’re done with all this mushy stuff, do you think we can get a move on?” Ruben said as he rolled his eyes.

  “Let me just check on George and make sure they have my contact details.”

  “I already have. He’s going to be okay, but some things will probably have to change. No one can see him for twenty-four hours. They have your details and mine, so let’s go.”

  I took hold of Lily’s hand as we walked out of the hospital to Ruben’s SUV. I opened the door for her and put my hands to her ass, gave her a shove inside, remembering she needed panties – and damn quick. “Ruben, can we swing by Lily’s place on the way back to the office?” I asked and dared not look at Lily.

  “Do I want to know why?”


  I sat back into the seat and pulled Lily against me. All I had to do was convince Lily that she didn’t need an apartment. She could move in with me.

  Chapter 27

  ~~ LILY ~~

  Sitting cuddled against Michael in the back of his brother’s car was wonderful. I’d been frantic to get to the hospital earlier, but as soon as I’d turned the corner and had his arms wrapped around me, I’d been fine, despite crying all over him in relief.

  Not once in my life had I acted with anyone the way I did at the hospital with Michael. Sex in a room where anyone could have walked in. The door was locked, but they could have had a key.

  It was the hottest sex I’d ever had. I was sitting with Michael so close to me with my naked butt and all I wanted was for him to be inside me again. He’d felt huge and filled me to the hilt. As soon as he’d entered me the walls of my sex had clamped down on him. Oh god.

  I started to wiggle in my seat and squeezed my thighs tighter together to try and get rid of the ache between.

  “Are you okay?” Michael whispered into my ear.

  I turned to face him. “No. I need you under my skirt,” I whispered back to him.

  His eyes glowed. I kept eye contact with him. “Ruben, just take us back to my place,” he told his brother.

  Ruben grinned and it was obvious he knew his brother well.

  “Are you sure, Lily?” he whispered in my ear.


  “What about –” Michael couldn’t finish.

  “I’m going to tell him I’m moving out and that we’re through. I’ve never been unfaithful to him before, and to be honest, I wouldn’t even call being with you unfaithful. The only relationship I have with David at the moment is that of roommates. He’s also been seeing someone else, I can smell her perfume when he comes home. The fact that he’s seeing someone else makes me feel relieved. If I loved him like I should, I wouldn’t feel relieved, so that says a lot about our current relationship.”

  “Lily, in case I haven’t been clear I want you, not just for one night. Do you understand what I’m saying?” he asked me in a growl.

  I smiled and turned my head to look at him. “I want you just as much,” I whispered and then caught Ruben grinning like an idiot in the front seat.

  I started to laugh and really giggled when Ruben winked at me, which made Michael frown. “You keep your eyes on the road. One accident is more than enough,” he growled at Ruben.

  “Sit tight brother. I’ll get you and Lily back to your place in one piece. And I thought I would stay for dinner.”

  “Like hell.”

  He roared with laughter. “You’re too easy to tease. But I’ll call back in a couple of hours to take Lily home.”


  “Michael, I have to go home tonight and talk to David. The sooner the better.” I placed my hand on his chest and looked into his eyes.

  “I don’t like that idea,” he whispered to me.

  “Neither do I, but I need to do this and get it over with once and for all.”

  Michael leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think Ruben should drop you at home.” I opened my mouth to argue, but Michael placed his hand over my lips. “If you come home with me, I won’t be able to let you leave and go back to him.”

  I snuggled into him again. “I’m not sure I would have been able to leave you, so take me home.”

  He ran his hands through my hair, which I wore loose. “All right. Take the rest of the day and tomorrow o
ff and I’ll see you at the picnic. No arguing. From Sunday you’re mine.”

  I smiled against his chest. “That’s fine with me.”

  “If you need me before, or a lift to the picnic, call me. You have my cell number.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  “Call me anytime, because I’ll miss you.”

  “I’m going to puke,” Ruben blurted out. He met my eyes in the mirror.

  “I’m going to have so much fun telling everyone about this car ride. Aren’t I glad I got chauffeur duty?”

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth shut, Ruben,” Michael threatened just as he came to a stop outside my building.

  “Don’t get out with me.” I put my hand on his arm to stop him from climbing out of the car. “I need you to stay here and just drive off once I’m on the sidewalk. I’m likely to drag you inside with me, otherwise.” I felt close to tears, so I quickly placed a kiss to Michael’s lips, said goodbye to Ruben and climbed out of the car.

  Chapter 28

  ~~ MICHAEL ~~

  I’d really hated to leave Lily. I’d done what she wanted by staying in the car and Ruben had driven off as soon as he saw her enter her apartment building. But it didn’t sit well with me.

  Lily was now mine, and hopefully after Sunday, my home would become our home. That was what I wanted more than anything, to have her with me at my side. I couldn’t help but wonder what she liked for breakfast, which side of the bed she preferred to sleep on. Not that the latter mattered. I planned on having her fall asleep in my arms every damn night and wake up in them every morning.

  On the weekends we could ride north on my Harley to the lakes, maybe stay over in one of the hotels. Mmm, we could stay up there for a week and give George a holiday as well.

  George, my friend and chauffeur. I knew that there was no way he would rest if he knew I wasn’t going to let him drive me again. I needed to come up with something and quick, because he was awake. The hospital let me speak to him briefly and in the two minutes they allowed, he insisted I didn’t need to find anyone else, that he was still capable of driving me around. Like hell.

  He had to take it easy, and driving downtown in rush hour traffic was not what I would call taking it easy.

  He was a pretty descent cook and I hated cooking, but valued my privacy, so who would be better than George, who lived ten minutes away. Could I stand having him underfoot though, especially if Lily moved in? I guess there was only one way to find out, because he sure as hell wasn’t driving again.

  With a bit of luck he’d lose his license, because the accident earlier was caused by George. It wasn’t his fault, he was in the middle of a heart attack and swerved at the first sharp pain. After that I didn’t remember because the bang on the head knocked me unconscious.

  If I’d lived to be a hundred, I don’t think I’d ever forget the look on Lily’s face when she saw me at the hospital. She’d thrown herself into my arms and then sobbed her heart out. But hell, I sure never meant to drag her into a room and ravish the very life out of her. She’d felt damn good in my arms though. I’d waited nearly two weeks to get her back in them, so I’d found it impossible to let her go when I’d needed her the most.

  I’d slid into her warmth so easily with how wet she was, and when she used her inner muscles and clamped down on my shaft so hard, I thought I would lose it then and there without even moving. At least I managed to last a few more strokes. But when I crouched down in front of her to clean her pussy, it took all of my control not to throw the towel to one side and eat her alive. She’d smelled so good with our joint juices on her thighs.

  Thinking about Lily being in my arms all aroused and wet was not a good idea while I was lying in bed. I’d decided on an early night, not just because of the pain in my head, which had started to ease up some, but because I figured if I was in bed, I was less likely to drag my bike out and go see Lily.

  With the covers kicked off, I turned on my side to grab my cell. I wouldn’t visit Lily, but I could text her.

  I located her number in my phone and typed my first text to her.

  Me: How are you?

  Two seconds later she replied.

  Lily: Missing you. How you feeling?

  Me: Headache nearly gone. Where are you?

  Lily: In bed – naked ;-)

  She better not be in bed naked waiting for him. I couldn’t see straight as the anger started to roll through me, when my phone beeped again.

  Lily: I’m fully dressed, waiting for D to come home so I can talk to him.

  Me: Sorry, I don’t share. When’s he home?

  Lily: Couple of hours.

  Me: You want to get naked and lie on your bed?

  Lily: We going to have text sex? Won’t phone be better?

  Me: I’m going to text you instructions and then I’m going to leave you alone.

  Lily: Okay. Will text when clothes off.

  Fuck, was I really about to tell her what I wanted her to do to give herself an orgasm? My cock jerked in approval.

  Lily: I’m naked on my bed. I’ve locked the bedroom door as well.

  Me: Good girl.

  Lily: I wish I was with you so you can do these things to me.

  I dropped my phone onto my chest with that last one. I’d never been so aroused while on my own. Hell, I’d probably beaten off in the shower, too many times to count, but just reading Lily’s words made me hard as a spike. I couldn’t hold back anymore and I smoothed my hand over my aching cock to my balls and imagined it was Lily’s hand. I shuddered and leaked from the tip.

  Lily: You still with me?

  Me: Yeah – you have my cock so damn hard, I’m leaking.

  Lily: If I was there I would lick it up!

  I arched off the bed and my breathing had started to become uneven. Shit, I was supposed to be working Lily up, but she was the one working me up.

  My cock and balls were throbbing with the image of Lily’s hot mouth locked around the tip. I moved my hand away. I needed to get Lily worked up.

  Me: I want you to massage your breasts and play with your nipples until they’re pebbled, imagining it’s my hands on you.

  Lily: Already pebbled.

  Me: Put your phone down and do as I say.

  Lily: Okay.

  I did the same and ran my hands over my own nipples, over my ribs to my shaft, which I wrapped my hand around and then moved it up and down a few times. I wasn’t too sure how long I could keep going before I came; it felt good, too good.

  Lily: I need you to touch my pussy. I’m so wet and aching for you.

  Christ, her words alone were enough to send me to orgasm. The next couple of texts needed to be enough to send her over, because I really was seconds away.

  Me: Keep one hand on your breast and move the other hand between your legs.

  I smoothed my hand up and down my length desperately needing relief.

  Me: Dip your finger into your sex and then rub your clit for a few seconds, then put your fingers to your mouth and taste yourself.

  My breathing became erratic and my hand on my cock was moving faster and faster, up and down. I needed to send her one more text, because I wanted us to come together.

  Me: Put two fingers into your sex and play with your clit and come for me.

  I imagined Lily laying on her own bed with her hand massaging her breast and nipple with her other hand between her legs, giving herself pleasure.

  My orgasm erupted from somewhere deep, as I ejaculated all over my stomach and some even went on the pillow beside my head.

  I reached for my phone and, with a shaky hand, typed another message to Lily.

  Me: You okay?

  Lily: Oh yes! That was…. hot. You?

  Me: I’m still shaking, it was that good.

  Lily: I don’t want to go, but I need a shower.

  Me: Me too. Goodnight Lily. See you on Saturday.

  Lily: Night Michael. I can’t wait. xx

  She added two k
isses on to the end of her text. I smiled all the way to the bathroom, all through the shower and I was pretty sure I fell asleep still grinning.

  Chapter 29

  ~~ LILY ~~

  Last night Michael had given me an orgasm, via phone text. It was amazing. It was also the first time I’d done anything like that. My only wish was that I could have heard his voice. He had a rich, dark chocolate voice that had me hot and bothered the minute he said anything to me.

  I showered and dressed afterwards, then sat and waited for David. I didn’t see him again after breakfast. His excuse was work. He thought I was an idiot. He dashed into the shower, dressed and left while I was in the kitchen. He didn’t speak to me at all and it really pissed me off.

  After I finished cleaning the kitchen, I headed in to the bedroom and pulled out three of the largest suitcases I could find and laid them on the bed.

  I started with everything that was in the tallboy and placed all my lingerie inside the elastic pockets. I left the sexiest piece out to wear for Michael. Sometime during the picnic I’d let Michael know what I was wearing under my dress.

  I was exhausted from cleaning and packing, so I threw myself down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling. I felt restless and didn’t really want to be in the apartment. The sun was shining outside, so I managed to drag myself up and quickly exchanged my ‘lounge’ clothes for stonewashed jeans and a t-shirt. I slipped my feet into my lilac ballerina pumps, grabbed my purse and opened the apartment door, coming face to face with Michael.

  “What are you doing here?” I wasn’t expecting to see him until the picnic. He appeared lost for words, so I took matters into my own hands. I stepped out of the door, took his face into my hands and brought him down to place a gentle kiss on his lips, moving to kiss his forehead over the gauze covering his stitches.

  “I needed to see you. I couldn’t wait until the picnic.”

  He caressed my face, down to my neck, but before he could continue further I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. “How are you feeling?” I asked. I’d been worried about him since the accident.


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