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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Lily, this is my eldest son, Lucien.” Lily held her hand out to him and of course he held his right hand out to her. She looked down and then back up to his face before she took his hand, wrapped her fingers around his as they shook hands. Lucien was surprised.

  “I’m not afraid of you, Lucien,” Lily told him.

  “I like you. Next time I’m in the city, we can grab a coffee together and I’ll tell you all about Michael.”

  No way was that happening. She wasn’t having coffee with anyone but me.

  “I would like that. Don’t forget.” Did she just agree to meet Lucien?

  I frowned. “Don’t get your shorts in a wad. I’m not poaching.” With that, Lucien walked off.

  My mother still had her arm through Lily’s, like they had been friends for years.

  When I looked more closely, mom had tears in her eyes. She turned to Lily and kissed both of her cheeks. “Thank you for being kind to him.”

  Lily looked shocked. “I wouldn’t be anything else.”

  “It’s just that since his accident, he’s locked himself away in that cabin he calls a home and I worry about him. He needs a friend, and I think he’s chosen you.”

  Was what my mother spoke to Lily the truth? Was he lonely and in need of a friend who could accept him just as he was? I hope that was all it was. I really needed to stop being possessive or she wasn’t going to put up with it for long. We also needed to have the ‘will-you-move-in-with-me’ talk.

  Chapter 33

  ~~ LILY ~~

  Sebastian and Lucien were both attractive men, and if Michael hadn’t made it clear I was with him, then I was pretty sure one of them would have made a move on me. My guess was that it would’ve been Sebastian, although something about Lucien pulled at me. He was wounded and his mom thought he needed a friend. Well, I could do that, provided Michael behaved himself.

  “Lily, I’ve been looking all over for you,” David said as he walked up behind me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

  I shook him off. “David….”

  Before I could finish, he started to talk. “Lily, Robert is over there and would like to talk to you.” The cheek of him.

  “I’ve nothing to say to him.” Robert was my previous boss and I owed him nothing.

  “Lily, stop being awkward and come and talk to him.”

  “Who are you?” Sebastian asked with a look on his face I couldn’t decipher.

  “I’m Lily’s boyfriend, David. And who are you?” David replied.

  “Okay that’s enough,” I said. “David, you’re not my boyfriend anymore, so you don’t get to tell me what to do and who I should meet.”

  “Lily, we agreed we would come here together,” David argued.

  “We agreed to come here together, but not as a couple. Robert’s looking for you, tell him I’m busy.”

  “Lily?” He finally realized I had no intention of playing nice, which was just as well, because I could sense the anger rolling off of Michael.

  He turned and walked off, and before I could even turn back to Michael, he was being pulled into one of the tents with my ex-boss’s daughter.

  “What’s he doing with Lucy?” Ruben asked.

  Lucy, the name he had shouted when he’d come in the kitchen. He was an idiot. Her dad would go insane if he found out, which he was likely to do if they carried on like that. I’d actually met her when we spent the weekend at her fathers house, although I didn’t remember her being called Lucy. Hang on a minute, was she the reason I lost my job? Okay, I wasn’t going to freak out, because if I hadn’t lost my job, I wouldn’t have met Michael, but I was still pissed.

  “He’s been having an affair for awhile, not sure how long really, but I’ve only just realized it was with his boss’s daughter,” I said.

  “Shit Lily. That sucks.”

  “Thanks Ruben, but it really doesn’t. I’m okay with it. I shouldn’t be, but I am.”

  “Michael, come and help over here a minute,” his dad shouted.

  Michael placed his hand on my back and bent to whisper in my ear. “Will you be okay?” I shivered and turned my body more into him to hide my pebbled nipples.

  “We’ll go and see what dad wants, you stay with Lily.” One of his brothers said, which one I couldn’t tell, because Michael had me so turned on I couldn’t think straight.

  “Lily, you’re going to kill me,” he whispered again.

  “Then stop whispering in my ear. It turns me on having you so close and when you whisper in my ear I erupt into goose bumps. Not only that, my nipples are pebbled.”

  “Fuck, you’re seriously playing with my libido. The next time I take you it will be in a bed, not in the barn or up against a wall in a hospital, but in a bed where I can spend hours touching your body, tasting your body, especially your pussy.”

  I stepped closer to Michael and wrapped my arms around his waist. “That was cruel, I need….”

  “What do you need, Lily?”

  I clenched my fists into his t-shirt. “I need you Michael. Just you.”

  I could feel his heart rate pick up at my words.

  He pulled away, took my hand and dragged me into a small office to the back of the garage.

  The minute the door shut, he sealed his mouth to mine and sent all my senses haywire. God, he sure knew how to kiss and the taste of him was intoxicating. I ran my hands through his hair and his whole body shuddered against mine. His penis felt long and hard against my stomach. I reached down with one hand and stroked him through his clothes, but I really wanted to see him, to touch him with no clothes between us.

  “Lily, you have to stop.” He moved my hand away and kneeled on the floor. “I’m going to taste you. I want to go back out there with the taste of you on my tongue.”

  My legs nearly buckled.

  He grabbed hold of my hips and backed me up to the wall for support, then he took hold of the hem of my dress and lifted it up. He moved closer and spread my legs further apart. He put his tongue to my thighs and let my dress fall over his head as I practically melted into a puddle.

  My stomach quivered, my breathing was choppy and my thighs trembled in need as Michael kissed my pubic bone and then used his fingers to move my thong to one side. I was so aroused I could come from just his touch. My sex started to clench and he wasn’t even inside me.

  “Michael, I really need you.”

  “I know baby. I’m trying not to lose control. This is about you, not me.”

  And then he rubbed around my clit and moved his fingers to rub around the entrance to my sex, I couldn’t hold the moan back anymore. It had felt too damn good. “Don’t stop.”

  “Fuck, you’re pussy is soaked.”

  He inserted two fingers into me. I clamped down and started coming as he put his tongue to my clit and sucked it into his mouth. My orgasm went on and on as I writhed around on his mouth and fingers, while he brought me back down to earth.

  “Hell,” Michael said. He sounded rather muffled.

  He pulled his fingers out of me and then shoved his tongue into me and I erupted again and came on his mouth. Well, he did say he wanted my taste on his tongue.

  Michael slowly let go of my hips and put my thong back in place, then moved from under my dress. I looked down at him and around his mouth looked wet – he licked his lips. My eyes darkened.

  “Now you.”

  “Later,” he croaked and stood up.

  “Oh my,” I said when I looked down and saw the bulge in his jeans. “Michael, you’ve brought me to orgasm five times now and you’ve seen my pussy twice. I haven’t seen your cock once, not even at the hospital, or in the park. I felt you, boy did I, but I haven’t seen you,” I pouted.

  He looked at me. His eyes were hot.

  I told him what I wanted. “I want to touch you without any clothes. I want to stroke along your length, get to know your girth. I want to lick up all your milky cream from the bulbous head at the tip of your penis and then I want you to come in my mout
h, like I just did with you.”

  “Fuckin’ hell, you keep talking like that and I’m going to come in my jeans.”

  I licked my lips.

  “Michael, get your ass out here!” Sebastian shouted at the same time as he banged on the door, making us both jump.

  We both looked down and Michael still had a large bulge in front. He smirked and opened the door.

  Sebastian took one look at us both and obviously saw his brother’s condition, then burst out laughing.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said with a huge grin.

  I started to laugh and Michael looked at me with a frown. I laughed harder and of course I set Sebastian off again. Michael seemed to have his libido under control for now and took my hand to lead me out into the daylight.

  Chapter 34

  ~~ MICHAEL ~~

  Standing outside the garage with Lily’s hand in mine, I faced Sebastian, who had interrupted a very heated moment. Two seconds later and I would have given in to Lily’s demand to touch me. Hell, her words about my cock very nearly had me bursting my jeans open, so I wouldn’t come in them. She was a hot little thing with a sassy mouth, something I hadn’t expected.

  I adjusted myself and looked at Sebastian, who was still laughing with Lily.

  “Okay, fun’s over. Sebastian, what was the emergency?”

  “Sorry, it wasn’t that urgent. Didn’t really think you’d get up to anything out here,” he said and chuckled. “You know, I think this has been the best day I’ve had for a while, and you brother,” he pointed his finger at me, “are never going to live this down. Making out in the barn with the hottest chick here is not right. That’s usually my job.”

  “You stay away from her.”

  “Cool it brother. You’d have to be an idiot to think she has eyes for anyone but you. Besides, I don’t want a black eye. It would ruin this perfection,” he said and moved his face from side to side.

  “I think I really like your brothers, Michael.” Lily looked up at me, leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. “I’m going to say hello to Sylvia and rescue Ramon. Are you sure she’s old enough to work? She looks like jailbait?”

  Sebastian snickered when he heard Lily’s comment.

  “I had Dale personally check out her papers before we offered her the job. She likes to talk, but she’s damn good at her job.” I turned to Sebastian. “You keep your pants zipped around her.”

  He choked on a gulp of beer. Served him right.

  Lily walked away laughing.

  I watched her sway that sexy ass of hers as she walked away, the rest of her was just as hot. I still had the taste of her on my tongue and my jeans had started to feel uncomfortable again.

  “Lily is one hot babe.” Until Sebastian had opened his mouth, I’d forgotten he was standing with me.

  I scowled at him. “Okay, there wasn’t an emergency, but you obviously wanted something.”

  “Yeah, I did. Jacky, the office shark, was looking for you. I don’t think she had talking on her mind.”

  “Hell, this is your fault for thinking with your dick when you hired her,” I told him. I’d been pissed as hell when I’d returned from a meeting only to find I had a new employee, who only wanted in my pants. She hadn’t been successful and turned out to be a bloody nuisance. “You had the hots for her, you go and entertain her.”

  “Like hell. She probably eats cocks for breakfast.”

  I roared with laughter. I could always rely on Sebastian to be blunt and to the point with few words. Unless he actually wanted to get into someone’s panties, then he was all charm and the perfect gentleman.

  “Michael, there you are.”

  Shit. I turned around and Jacky was standing not six feet away in the shortest dress I’d ever seen in mile-high shoes. I heard Sebastian in the background laughing as he walked away, leaving me to it.

  “Jacky, you shouldn’t be back here. Let’s go and join everyone.”

  “What a good idea.” She walked up to me and threaded her arm through mine then snuggled in close. Christ, I hope Lily didn’t see this and misunderstand.

  “Why don’t you like me?” Jacky asked, and I really wished she hadn’t.

  “Jacky, you seem like a nice woman, but I’m your boss and that’s all.” I tried to be diplomatic, but she needed to be told.

  “What about your brothers?”

  I laughed. There really was nothing else for it. “Jacky, there are a lot of guys out there, please find one of them.”

  “You’re sweet. I’ll see you later.” She walked off towards the alcohol tent and as I watched her go, I caught site of Lily in deep conversation with Lucien on the back steps. My first instinct was to go and find out what they were talking about, but I needed to learn to trust Lily. I took a deep breath and walked in the opposite direction towards the barn which had been cleaned out for dancing.

  As soon as I walked in, the first person I saw was David. He was in a corner with his hands up Lucy’s skirt and in her panties. I really hoped Lily didn’t catch a glimpse of him like that. She already knew he was having an affair with her, but she didn’t need it thrown in her face.

  It was killing me knowing Lily was outside, sitting, talking to Lucien. I just wanted to be there with her. To know what he was saying.

  In truth, Lucien was in need of a friend, someone to talk to, because god knew he wouldn’t talk to me or our other brothers. I knew deep down that I could trust Lily, but after what Viv had done, it was difficult.

  Chapter 35

  ~~ LILY ~~

  I’d stayed away from Michael for most of the day because I didn’t trust myself not to touch him. We had behaved like teenagers in the garage and it had felt really good. I’d wanted to see Michael so badly, and to touch him, but he’d stayed zipped. In the end, it was just as well, because his brother would’ve interrupted at a crucial moment.

  Most of the afternoon was spent with Lucien. He was a really nice, handsome guy who had been through a lot and still needed time to recover. We’d become friends during the past few hours. Michael had come over to talk to us a few times, probably to check up on us and to make sure Lucien wasn’t poaching. He wasn’t subtle about it either, because each time he’d remind Lucien that I was his woman. Lucien just laughed and told Michael that he’d adopted me as his sister.

  We’d attracted attention from other members of staff as well, which wasn’t good. Although I wasn’t sure how it would look when they found out that I was dating Michael.

  I made my way to the barn as the evening dancing started up and I was hoping to have a dance with my man.

  The music was loud, but no one seemed bothered and we were still having a good time. The McKenzie family certainly knew how to thank their staff. With a look to my right, I leaned against the wall and spotted David with his tongue down Lucy’s throat. I was shocked that he would do it so openly, but I was surprised that seeing him with someone else, didn’t actually bother me.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Michael asked, standing so close to me, his chest against my back. He nibbled on my ear as he caressed down my arm and laced our fingers together. I held on tight.

  “I’m fine. Would it bother you if everyone knows about us?” I asked.

  “I don’t want to hide you, but if that’s what you want, then I’ll go along with it. Hell, I’ll pretty much go along with anything you want if it means you’re mine.”

  I turned around and looked up to him. The heat coming off him was scorching.

  “Dance with me, Lily?”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He took my hand and led me onto the dance floor which caused a bit of a stir. He pulled me into his arms and placed one hand on my hip, the other hand he entwined with my fingers. My arm went to his shoulder and I moved my hand to the hair at the nape of his neck. He shivered.

  Pressed together without an inch between us, we started to slow dance. Within minutes, Michael let go of my hand and had me wrapped in his arms while he caressed my back. I
was turned on to high heaven and really needed him. By the feel of things, he needed me just as much.

  I slipped my hand underneath his t-shirt and came into contact with his skin. He jerked against my stomach and tightened his hold on me.

  “Be careful Lily. I want you really bad,” he growled into my ear.

  I responded by rubbing against him. My nipples were rock hard, which I was sure he could feel. His hands slipped down my back and rested on my ass. He danced us into a dark corner as I shoved both my hands inside the back of his t-shirt and pressed my nails into his skin, dragging them down his back. Slowly.

  He groaned and pushed into me as his hands pressed me even closer. All I wanted to do was unzip him so I could climb on for a wild ride. He had my thong soaked and me seconds away from orgasm.

  “Michael, I need you inside me…. now!”

  He breathed heavily in my ear. “I don’t think I can move just yet.” He let me go slightly, but I kept my hands in his t-shirt and they ended up on his hard, muscled stomach. I stood and looked at his stomach and moved further up his chest to his sculptured abs. I was shocked to hell to see the tip of his penis peeping out from the waist of his jeans.

  I licked my lips.

  “Jesus, Lily,” he croaked as I watched him leak. Before he could stop me, I used a finger and rubbed the creamy liquid over the bulbous head of his cock.


  He grabbed my hand and pulled me through a door in the back, that I hadn’t notice before.

  “Let me taste you?” I begged.

  “I want you in a bed. You deserve a lot of loving, but not out here.”

  “Michael, I want you too much to care where we are.” I stepped into him again and shoved my hand straight down the front of his jeans, then wrapped my hand around him. His eyes practically rolled back in his head.

  He reached out and locked the door as I unzipped him and freed his cock.


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