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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 20

by Lexi Buchanan

  She smiled against my mouth. “Surprise.” She moved her hips slightly and undid my zipper then reached inside for my very happy cock. Hell, she brought me to the brink of orgasm every time she put her hands on me. She used her thumb to rub around the head, then lifted up from me and impaled herself on my over-excited shaft.

  I was balls deep inside her and nothing had ever felt as good. She wriggled closer still and my eyes rolled in pleasure. I could come inside Lily without even moving, that’s how excited I was when surrounded by her heated sex.

  She’d changed into a sundress as soon as we’d come home, so she slid the straps down her arms as I pulled the dress down to her waist. Her breasts were magnificent. Large and perfect. I bent her back slightly over my arm while I put my mouth to one of her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard as I licked and sucked them while I used my hand to roll the other one through my fingers.

  Her breasts were sensitive to my touch and she was now more aroused than before. Her sex quivered around me and her wetness coated my groin. My cock jerked in excitement.

  “Michael, help me move,” she said, trying to move her hips. I gritted my teeth and tried to think of something unpleasant so I could make this last for her, but she managed to move and pull up to the tip of my cock. Our breathing was choppy and my balls heavy. She slammed back down on me – I lost it. I grabbed her hips and ground her into me as I came. Then Lily started to orgasm around me. She was so damn tight and her sex contracting around me always managed to draw my orgasm out longer than it ever had with anyone else.

  Even as she collapsed against my chest, her sex fluttered along my cock, which kept me hard.

  “I love having your penis inside me.”

  She was going to kill me. “Lily,” I said in warning.

  I could feel her grin against my neck, where she was buried. “Your penis is so thick and long with a huge bulbous head. Just thinking about having you inside my sex or my mouth has my panties wet.” My penis, as she liked to call it, jerked inside her. “Mmm, and then when you come in my mouth, it makes me feel so powerful, knowing I do that to you, make you lose control like that. Sometimes, you flood my mouth and I have to finish you off using my hand, which is hot because I get to watch you and it is such a turn on, watching you come.”

  “Fuck, will you stop talking.”

  She started to laugh while she squeezed her inner muscles, which clamped down on my cock.

  “Stop. You are going to go upstairs to put your jazz pants on and a t-shirt, with underwear, and then we’re going to have a nice meal out on the back deck, then we’ll go to bed and I’ll make love to you.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I helped her to stand up and I watched her walk out of the room to get changed.

  I shoved my cock back into my jeans and headed for the kitchen to check on the potatoes.

  The salad was all chopped. I’d just finished setting the table when Lily appeared in the doorway, looking odd.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She just stood and watched me. “I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.

  I wasn’t sure I heard her right. “What?”

  She seemed to gather her courage. “I went to the doctor’s this morning. I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby in about eight months.” She smiled.

  The blood was pounding through my ears. My heart broke. I needed to leave before I did something I’d regret.

  “I’m going out. Don’t be here when I get back,” I could barely talk.

  Her face fell. “Michael, I know it wasn’t planned, but please don’t leave me. I love you,” she cried out in a panicked voice as I turned my back on her and started to leave. I froze when I heard the words that I had so wanted to hear, but I couldn’t be with her right now.

  “Just leave….and don’t come back,” I told her.

  I turned and walked out, leaving Lily in tears in the kitchen while my whole world fell apart.

  Chapter 57

  ~~ LILY ~~

  “Lily, please talk to me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s gone wrong.” Lucien had been asking me this question since he’d collected me from Michael’s house after he’d left me in tears.

  I couldn’t speak. My tears wouldn’t stop flowing as I cried all over him. One minute everything was fine and I was so happy and the next Michael had told me to leave. I thought that he loved me and would welcome our child, but no. The minute I’d blurted out that I was pregnant, his whole demeanor changed. I hadn’t known what to do, so I’d rang my friend, Lucien to come get me, and I was still sobbing all over him. I needed to tell him and perhaps he would know why Michael reacted the way he did.

  With a slight adjustment, I was out of his arms and sat up in the chair. I wiped at my tears and blew my nose. I turned to Lucien. “I told Michael that I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened. “I love him, Lucien.” I started to cry again. “I told him and he told me he was going out and to be gone when he got back. Why would he say that to me? I thought he loved me, too. He’s never said, but the way he looks at me makes me think that he does.” I took hold of Lucien’s hands. “Do you know why he acted like he did?” Lucien turned away, but kept my hands in his. “Lucien please, if you know, please tell me, it’s killing me.”

  Lucien pulled me back into his arms and stroked down my back while I cried. “How pregnant are you?” Lucien asked.

  “Close to five weeks, but I conceived about three weeks ago. They date the pregnancy from the first day of your last cycle. Lucien, if you knew what was going on would you tell me?” I asked him.

  “Lily, please don’t ask me that.”

  I sat up. “You do know,” I accused.

  “I’m not actually sure. I have an idea, but I need to talk to Michael first.”

  “I feel sick,” I groaned.

  Lucien shot up from the chair and carried me to the bathroom just in time for me to lose everything down the toilet. When I was finished, I just stayed on the bathroom floor in a heap, crying.

  “Do you think you’ll be all right if I carried you through to the bedroom?”

  I just nodded.

  Lucien picked me up in his arms and carried me to his bedroom then laid me on the bed. He covered me up with a fleece blanket and walked back to the bathroom, only to return with a wash cloth.

  He sat on the side of the bed and wiped my face while I watched him. He was a really great guy.

  “Thank you for taking care of me. I didn’t know who to ring. Perhaps I shouldn’t have rang you, because you’re Michael’s brother,” my voice hitched, “but I needed you.” Tears welled up in my eyes again.

  “Lily, we’re friends, okay? I’m glad you rang me, I really am. At first you frightened the life out of me when I saw you. I thought something had happened to Michael.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to keep apologizing…. Lily, can I ask you something without you screaming at me?”

  I moaned. “Okay. I promise no bodily harm.”

  He took a deep breath and met my eyes. “You’ve lived with Michael now….”

  “Twenty-five days,” I interrupted.

  “Twenty-five days. Is there any chance that you could be further along than three weeks?”

  I shook my head. “No. I conceived about three weeks ago, but I’m five weeks pregnant.”

  “All right. Sorry, you’ve already told me that. So there isn’t any chance David got you this way?”

  Why was he asking me these questions? “You don’t believe me, do you? That this is Michael’s baby?”


  “Don’t say anything. David had a vasectomy four years ago. There’s some disease that runs in his family and it can harm an unborn child, so he didn’t want to put himself or anyone else through what his parents went through twice after he was born. He was pretty anal about it, because he still insisted I used the pill and him a condom. I ran out of the pill and didn’t bother to replace it. The only other man I’ve had
sex with is Michael and we never once used protection. Does that answer your question?”

  “Sort of,” he replied.

  I just looked at him. What did he mean, sort of? What kind of an answer was that? Yes or no would have been more appropriate.

  “Listen, Lily. I need to go find Michael to make sure he’s okay. I’ve text my mother and she’s on her way here to stay with you.” I panicked. “It’s okay, she’ll look after you, but I don’t want to leave you here alone, okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “Try and rest. If you need anything, I’ll be out there until my mother gets here.”

  “All right. Tell him I love him. Ask him if he’ll please come and talk to me in the morning. I need to know why he reacted the way he did.”

  “Don’t you want to talk to him tonight?”

  I shook my head. “No. I need to rest and think. I’m not sure I can handle seeing him tonight. He broke my heart, Lucien. Nothing has ever hurt as much, but I still love him.” I started crying again.

  “I know you do. I’ll tell him and make sure he waits until tomorrow to come and talk to you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lucien gave me a hug before he walked out of the room and shut the door while I cried myself to sleep.

  Chapter 58

  ~~ MICHAEL ~~

  Lily had gone. I’d told her to go and she had. Why didn’t she wait for me to get back? Because you told her to go. I was an idiot. I loved her. I still loved her. How could she do this to me? I’d really thought that she loved me. Could I live with her knowing the child she was carrying didn’t belong to me? I wasn’t sure.

  For the first time since I was a young boy, I actually felt like crying. She’d looked nervous, but so happy when she blurted out that she was pregnant. When she’d seen my anger, her face had fallen with my words, her tears had started to fall.

  I’d automatically presumed she’d been unfaithful to me, like Viv was, but what if she’d been pregnant when she’d moved in with me? Could I accept her baby if he was the father? Maybe! If he was the father then it would mean she hadn’t been unfaithful to me at least. We would have a child. We could raise it together and I guess let him see it maybe one day a week. Okay, I liked that idea. Fuck, who was I kidding? It would break my heart watching her nurse a child that wasn’t mine.



  My brother was standing in the doorway to the lounge and he looked pissed.

  “Brother, what brings you to my abode?”

  “The woman you love,” he replied.

  I should have known she would run to Lucien, they were friends. He was the only friend she seemed to have since she’d moved in with me.

  “You’re an ass, Michael. How could you kick her out like that?” he asked me while he walked closer and sat opposite me.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “I’m aware of that, but I still can’t get my head around you kicking the woman you love, who is pregnant, out of her home.”

  “She. Is. Pregnant.”

  “Talk to me brother, because I’ve left one very distressed, sick woman who loves you, in my hotel room with mom.”

  “Oh, fuck. Why did you have to get mom involved? And what do you mean she’s sick?”

  “Because I needed to check on you and I couldn’t do that with how upset Lily is. I didn’t want to leave her alone.”

  It hurt knowing she was so upset because of me. “Is she really that bad?” I asked him, hoping he was making her out to be worse than she was.

  “Yes. I had to hold her hair back while she threw up in the toilet. Then I carried her to bed and she cried herself to sleep.”

  I swiped at a few tears that had leaked out.

  “Michael, I know you love her and I can see how much this is hurting. Why didn’t you tell her?”

  “I thought she would leave me.”

  “So you let her tell you she was pregnant and kicked her out anyway.” Lucien said. I really wish he would just shut up.

  “How pregnant is she?” I decided to ask, at least then I would know if it was his or someone else’s.

  “She’s about five weeks along. Apparently the doctor said she conceived about three weeks ago.”

  It isn’t his. She was just like Viv. God, I trusted her. I gave her my heart. I told her I knew she was nothing like Viv and I meant it.

  I sat forward and placed my head in my hands while the tears flowed. They wouldn’t stop.

  “Michael, you’re presuming Lily was unfaithful to you, but when was she supposed to have done that? Think about it. Since she’s been living here with you, she’s either with you, in the office or having coffee with me. She’s never been anywhere on her own, at least that I know about.”

  I heard him and was confused. What he said was right, she was always with me or him.

  “I can see the wheels turning and I swear to god, if you speak what flashed on your face just now, I’ll slug you. You know me better than that….and you know Lily better than that.”

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. What he said was the truth.

  “Are you sure the results you got back then, were accurate? And do you always have sex without suiting up?”

  I grabbed some tissues and wiped my face then huffed out a breath. “I guess they were accurate. I never used anything with Viv when we were first married. I stopped having sex with her as soon as I found out she’d been unfaithful. I always used protection, until I met Lily, then it never entered my mind. To me she was my woman. I didn’t need to.”

  “Do you still have the paperwork somewhere?”

  “No…. I never saw the paperwork.” Fuck, no. “Viv told me the results, I never saw them….”

  His eyes widened. “You, my brother, are a fuckin’ idiot. How could you take that bitch’s word without seeing evidence?”

  He was right. Could I have totally screwed my relationship up with Lily, because I’d believed what Viv said? I sat back and contemplated what we had just discussed. Could Lucien be right? Viv lied about a lot of things, but I’d never have expected her to lie about something like that.

  When I’d started thinking straight, I realized I was a jerk. A very insensitive jerk at that. Lily had my heart like no one else ever had. I trusted her and if I’d been thinking straight when she’d made the announcement, I hoped I would have reacted differently.

  There was no way on this earth Lily would have had an affair, which could only mean that I was the father. I felt my eyes well with tears. All these years I’d thought I would never be able to father a child and I had. I’d destroyed Lily when I told her to leave. I was a bastard. I also needed to make this right.

  “Michael, you need to have another test. I’ll arrange it tomorrow,” Lucien said. I’d actually forgotten he was still in the room with me.


  “What do you mean no. There’s a heartbroken woman, who you love in my hotel room. She needs to know why the hell you reacted the way you did and you need to know the truth, so yes, I will make you an appointment and you will keep it.”

  “I do know the truth,” I replied. He raised an eyebrow in question. “There is no way Lily would have ever been unfaithful to me. When she blurted out that she was pregnant, that was the only word I heard and thought it couldn’t be mine. I saw red and spoke first, instead of thinking first. I love her, Lucien, so damn much it terrifies the life out of me. The fact is, I know Viv lied to me. I know in here that I’m the father of the child Lily is carrying,” I hit my chest where my heart was, “a test will only tell me the same thing, and I need Lily to believe me without the test. I need her to know that I really do trust her. That I believe her without a piece of paper telling me the truth. Do you understand where I’m coming from?”

  He was standing, smiling at me. “Yeah, I do. It’s about damn time. You need to come to the hotel in the morning with me and tell her. She needs to hear it from you.”

  “I know. Let’s go.” I started to w
alk out of the room.

  “Not yet.” He looked uncomfortable. “Lily wanted me to ask you to go and talk to her in the morning to explain why you reacted the way you did. She just wants tonight alone.”

  “Lucien, I need to talk to her now.”

  “I promised her, Michael. Please don’t make me break it.”

  I was stunned. How could he expect me to wait until morning to talk to her? “I don’t like this.”

  “I know you don’t. You broke her heart, Michael. Leave her to sleep, she could do with the rest and then I’ll have you there first thing in the morning.”

  “I guess.” I ran my hands through my hair as I walked back to the cabinet which held the whiskey and retrieved the ring I’d left there earlier when I’d poured a much-needed drink.

  “I went shopping at the jewelers this morning. I bought her an engagement ring.” I opened the small black box and showed Lucien. He whistled.

  “That’s Lily. She’ll love it, once you’ve spent a long time groveling on your knees.”

  “I hope she loves it and I’ll spend the rest of my life groveling, if that’s what it takes.”

  Chapter 59

  ~~ LILY ~~

  I opened my eyes and remembered everything that had happened the night before. I started crying again.

  “Lily, please stop crying. You’re breaking my heart.”

  I cried even harder.

  “Now, now honey. Come here. Let me hold you.”

  I turned over and found myself wrapped in Pippa’s arms as she patted my back.

  After about ten minutes, I started to calm down and moved away from her so I could sit up. On unsteady legs, I made my way to the bathroom.

  “I’m just going to have a quick shower. I won’t be long.”

  With the door shut, I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the shower. I did need a shower, but in part, it was an excuse. I didn’t know what to say to Michael’s mom. I desperately wanted to know why he’d reacted the way he had. I knew he had big problems about trust, but all I wanted was to be back at home with his arms wrapped around me, telling me that everything was going to be all right.


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