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The Meta Corps - Dream of the Youth

Page 6

by ToGard

Chapter 6

  The darkness was absolute. It swallowed any shred of light that was unfortunate enough to enter its perpetual depth. Only a single orange pinprick consisting of four candles shone dimly in the void. The woman in the center sat motionless, diving deeper and deeper into her trance.

  Morgan le Fay sat in the meditation room of her New England mansion, taking great care to shut out all distractions and forget that the walls existed. She let her slipping precognition displace her consciousness. Morgan was sure that her foretelling ability, like all the rest throughout the years, both mental and physical, was disappearing; it was not as strong and clear as it used to be.

  As if it were desperately trying to keep from falling from a cliff into the void, her vision of the future gave what felt like its last breath. Morgan was both saddened and relieved to see it go. A bleak cloud hovered in a stark blue sky with a person ascending into the dark center. Morgan was unable to make out any details. She noted thin plumbs of rubble flying around the person, some much larger than others. They swirled up into the darkest point of the cloud, coming close to hitting the figure in the center. Morgan looked over to her right and saw a person standing next to her in a yellow outfit. His face was unrecognizable, but unquestionable at the same time.

  “Jack Ogden…”

  Morgan returned to reality faster than she would have liked. She opened her eyes, listened to her now hard breathing, and stared though the dark blue rose at her feet.

  The power was gone and she knew that those remaining would follow suit. She just wished that her late clairvoyance had told her which ones were next.

  Morgan sat motionless and reflected on her vision, feeling that the best would have been saved for last.

  “Jack Ogden… What is he…?”

  The phone rang. Morgan jumped and gazed at it, wishing it would burst into flames. She abstained, knowing that her pyrokinesis was still intact. She let the machine get it. On the fifth ring, Morgan relented. She crossed the room, swept her hand upward to trigger the lights motion sensors, and answered the phone.


  A nasal voice replied; his congestion enhanced to sickening levels by the low quality of the phone.

  “Morgan, its Bill Garner at Hero Corps., psy division. I have discovered that a young resident of ours has an advanced form of telekinesis and I need your help.”

  Morgan turned around and stared at the four candles.

  “Don’t several of your residents exhibit telekinetic traits?”

  “Of those, over fifty thousand metas in the U.S. have telekinetic abilities beyond simple flight. This one though, a young Anne Redford, she seems to have power that goes off the chart. Morgan I need you to come up here for an expert’s opinion on Anne’s biology.”

  Morgan looked through her wall toward the library, where, although she could not see it, she knew that her Ph. D for the study of Psychokinetic power was present.

  After all that time in school, I still do not know how my mind… foresaw the future…

  Garner cleared his throat and Morgan got back to him.

  “What sort of power does this Anne Redford display that makes her worth my attention, Garner?” She asked.

  He sighed and Morgan heard some papers rustling on the other line. His voice became flat as he read to her.

  “Anne Redford displays various unseen, yet theorized traits of meta human psychic power. Of all the meta humans, the fifty thousand that do show signs, they can only lift themselves with their mind and fly as well as cause a few trinkets at a close proximity to hover. All among a slight rise in their five senses as well.

  Five year old Anne Redford can not only propel herself and fly, but she is able to do so more than effortlessly; taking to flying as if she were a feather in a light breeze.”

  Morgan scowled. She was losing her patience.


  Garner lost his place for a moment, shocked with Moran’s outburst. His voice faltered.

  “Oh, ehh, Anne also displays psychic acts that are unfamiliar to our records. Anne can, well, project incorporeal forms of her desire and she is able to tunnel whenever she holds her breath.”

  Morgan’s interest spiked. This was something that not even she could do when her powers were in their prime. She turned on her heel and paced.

  “Pass through solid matter? How?”

  “I don’t know. I can tell you that she can change the vibratory rates of her atoms and simply slide through whatever she wants, but I can’t tell you how she does that.”

  Morgan bit her thumbnail.

  “Alright, fine. San Francisco?”

  “Yes, you know where we are.”

  “Of course. I’m going to need a bodyguard. If this Anne Redford can do what you say, than I believe that I’m going to need protection.”

  Garner snorted.

  “We are located in meta hero central, Morgan. I don’t think that---”

  Morgan interrupted him.

  “That is not what I meant by bodyguard, William. I shall see you later.”

  Morgan pressed the button in the cradle to hang up and released to dial a new number. The phone rang four times and a male voice answered.

  “Hello Jack, its Morgan. I need your help with a potential problem and I would love it if my Electric Beaulieu the…. normal meta human could assist me.”


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