Cosmology_A Very Short Introduction
Page 14
Sakharov, A. 72–3
Salaam, A. 70
Sandage, A. R. 79
Schrödinger, E. 108
Schrödinger equation 109
Schrödinger’s cat 111
Schwarzschild, K. 25–6
Schwarzschild radius 26
Schwarzschild solution 26, 36, 115
Shapley concentration 96
singularity 9, 34, 36–7, 115–17
naked 37
Slipher, V. 40
space, curved, see curved space
space-time 8, 10, 32, 117–20
‘foam’ 115–16
special relativity, see special theory of relativity
special theory of relativity 14–17
spectroscopy 40–3
static universe 30–1
standard model of particle physics 71
Steady State 57–9
string theory 57
strong anthropic principle 125
strong energy condition 117
strong nuclear force 12, 70, 113
superclusters 97–8
supernovae 51, 89–91
superstrings 123
symmetry 28–9, 70, 117
supersymmetry 71, 123
Thales 4
thermodynamics 6
second law 119
theories of everything 121–5
Tiamat 2–3
time 117–18
two-degree field survey 94, 97
uncertainty principle 108–14
vacuum energy 92, 106
see also cosmological constant
Vilenkin, A. 121
Virgo cluster 53, 96
voids 96–8
wavefunction 108–11
weak anthtropic principle, see anthropic principle
weak nuclear force 12, 69–70, 113
Weinberg, S. 70
Wilson, R. 8, 59
X-rays 83