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Night Shift: A Gay Lovers Romance (The Neon Glass Club Book 2)

Page 8

by Alex Roberts

  Jamie leaned forward a little to look me in the eye. “I don’t think that’s the best idea. Your car will be fine here. Slip into a ditch, and you have a tow truck on your hands.”

  “Think I could follow you out? We can drive real slow. I just wanna get out of here.”

  “Who said I was leaving?”

  “No coffee.”

  “Right.” He grimaced. “It should be fine. You’re right. It’s not anywhere near as bad as last night. Just snow on the road, that’s all. The truck’ll be fine.”

  “Good. That’ll make things easier if you plow the way.”

  “I can give you a lift.”

  “Just let me try to get it started. It may not even do that. It’s been giving me fits lately.”

  “Alrighty, Branny-boy. Let’s fire ‘em up.”


  I hid my hands underneath my coat sleeves and hustled out the door to the car. The freezing air stung my face. The wind wasn’t as dastardly as it had been last night, but it still howled against the building, whipping signs around and making them creak. At least the broad daylight made the whole affair just cold instead of creepy as well.

  Hoping in the car, I fought against my shaking fingers to pull the keys from my pocket and quickly turned the ignition. Click. What the hell? Click, click. It wasn’t even trying. Not death rattle, no sputtering, just click-click. After the third unsuccessful try, I beat the steering wheel with closed fists, cussing under my breath.

  The rumble of Jamie’s truck made me peer out from above my arm. His driver’s window was open, and he hung his head out, trying to listen over the roll of his own engine.

  “Fuckin thing won’t start.” I huffed and slid out onto the snow-covered ground.

  Brushing off the snow from the hood, I continued bitching under my breath until it was clear enough I could pop open the hood and check out what was going on. My first thought: it could be the battery, but I’d cleaned my terminals the last time this happened.

  “Get back in the car,” he yelled over his own engine.

  I gave him a sideways appraisal, but he gestured with the rotating wrist motion. Right. He wanted to hear. I plopped back into the seat and turned the key again. Click, click.

  “Dead battery,” he hollered down at me.

  I opened the door wider. “I just replaced it two months ago.”

  “Something’s pulling from the battery while the car sits, then. You have a short in your system.”

  I groaned and slammed my fist into the steering wheel again. I knew how to change my oil – that’s it. I knew nothing about fuses and wire harnesses.

  Jamie hung half out the window of his truck. “Everything okay?”

  I realized my face was buried in my palms. I made a quick recovery and slammed the door shut. “Yeah. Just. Great.” I took a deep, calming breath. “How ‘bout that ride?”

  “Best hop in.” Jamie beat on the side of his truck door.

  I slammed the hood then remembered my keys were still in the ignition and leaned inside the car, yanking the keys out. I had to laugh at myself – who was going to drive off with a dead car in the middle of an abandoned stretch of highway? I fought back the urge to kick the damn side of the fender.

  “You sure? That’s extra driving for you.”

  “Eh, it’s no problem. Let your boss know what’s going on. Don’t want her guessing why you’re cars here but you’re not.”

  “Thanks.” I hoisted my foot onto the high sideboard hopped in the passenger’s side of the truck. I dialed up Sue and got her voicemail. “Hey, Sue, it’s me. Brandon. My car died, so I’m hitching a ride with Jamie – the delivery guy. Let me know when the roads are cleared, and I’ll call for a tow – or maybe I’ll try to get it started. Ummm. Thanks.”


  The loud rumble made it hard to hear. I had to yell, “Thanks again,” in order to even hear myself.

  We rambled down the road, driving slow due to the heavy blanket of snow and the icy road beneath. Even as high as the big box truck rode, it still plowed snow a bit with the bumper. Crazy. Even if I was tired, sleeping on the way wouldn’t happen. Too many bumps and jerks and the constant, annoying rumble of the old delivery truck. But, the thing was a beast. Unlike my car.

  Damn, I wish I’d gotten some sleep earlier. Between my late night with Jamie and wanting to get out of here first thing in the morning, I’d pretty much gotten in a short nap.

  Glancing at the messy dash, there wasn’t a radio. Just as well. Probably couldn’t hear it in this old thing. The steering wheel was worn away, there was duct tape on the butt of driver’s seat, and, well, the interior had seen better days about fifteen years ago. But, it was otherwise clean. No fast food wrappers littering the dash or floorboards. No dust plastered on the dash. It even looked like he vacuumed the cup holder out.

  I gestured at the hole where the radio should have been. “Alone with your thoughts all day?”

  Jamie reached out to adjust a lever, cranking it up, and warm air blasted at my face while the rumble considerably worsened. “Sorry,” he said and adjusted it again. “Sometimes. But mostly, I listen to podcasts on my phone.”

  “You get good reception out here?”

  “I download them first.”

  I brushed the rogue hairs from my eyes. “Really? What kind?”

  “Mostly nutrition and exercise. Some sports ones. A little bit of management stuff for small businesses.”

  I settled my forearms on my thighs and studied him. “Small business? Thinking of starting something up?”

  He kept his eyes on the road but shook his head. “No, not me. It’s for Don. The owner of the gym I go to. It’s growing, and he can’t do it all himself. But, ya know, Bran, I’m not really cut out for that stuff. Most of it goes over my head.”

  “What kind of stuff?”

  He winced. “Everything. The taxes. The social media pages. The website. I can service the equipment when it breaks, and I can help train some the new kids, but all the behind the scenes stuff. Not for me. Or for Don.”

  “There’s podcasts on that kind of stuff?”

  He side glanced at me, a look of incredulity written all over. “A shit ton. Way more than I could ever get through. The Saturated Small Business Boys alone has over four hundred episodes.”

  I sat back and heaved my ankle onto my knee then decided against the posture. Thank goodness Sommersville was about twenty miles South; I didn’t think I could deal with the noise and the jerks for a fifty mile drive. But, the snow pack made the short drive seem like an eternity.

  “How can you handle the ride,” I asked over the noise.

  “I actually like it. Helps keep me awake when I’m on the late deliveries. But I don’t expect to be doing this for too long.”

  “Another job?”

  Jamie broke out into a smile. “You could call it that. Don’s been talking with some companies, and he’s scheduled a pro fight for me. A pro fight. It’s just in a small venue, but if I win, some of those companies will throw some sponsorships my way, and Don will too. It’ll be basically minimum wage to begin with, but there’ll be more fights and better sponsors – and purses.”

  The cab was finally starting to really heat up, and I relaxed into my seat. “You don’t strike me as a Prada man.”

  He took his eyes off the road again to scowl at me. “You know what a purse is, don’t you?”

  “Like boxing?”

  “Like boxing.” Jamie trained his eyes back on the expansive white sheet in front of us. “I’d get paid per fight. Sometimes it’s only a few hundred, but not if I go pro.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “You get your ass kicked for a few hundred bucks?”

  “No, Bran.” He side glanced at me, and that cocky grin was back. “I never get my ass kicked. I happen to be good at what I do.”

  An hour later, we lurched into town, and I directed Jamie around the snow-covered streets. The plows hadn’t even made it to the side roads
yet, making them hard for Jamie to maneuver the truck. Dang. If they hadn’t even gotten to some of the roads in town, it may be a while before they make it out to the store. Might be a good thing my old beater wouldn’t start, after all. I would have been stuck in all these drifts five times over by now.

  “Up there.” I motioned to an apartment complex with a red brick foundation and ugly yellow siding to my right. It was the worst eyesore in town, but I called it home.

  He pulled up to the curb and killed the engine, leaving my ears with an annoying ring. “Umm…” He stared out the window, tired eyes looking past me to the apartment. “I hate to ask, but do you think,” he laughed a little. “I could stay and crash for a bit? The drive back would be—”

  I caught his gaze which was not on the apartment, but on me. He was blinking a lot, the sleepiness present in his face. Despite the horrendous ride quality, I’d nearly fallen asleep several times on the way into town. “I guess you really shouldn’t be driving. You didn’t get any more sleep than I did, and at the rate it took us, you won’t get back into Jasper for…”

  “Probably another hour or two.”

  Jamie hunched over the steering wheel, his hands between his thighs. He looked ready to put his forehead on the wheel and take a nap. I put my hand on the door handle. “No offense, Aunt Jamima, but you look exhausted. Come on.”


  “My place isn’t that great or anything, but lucky my couch is comfortable.” I pried open the door and stepped out, feeling the tremble in my legs, which I wasn’t sure was from sleepiness or from the stuttering drive. Or from inviting Jamie inside.

  His door slammed shut, and he shuffled behind me as I led him to the apartment. “You have some extra blankets?”

  “Yeah,” I answered, hustling down the sidewalk. “I don’t sleep with everyone who crashes at my apartment, you know?”

  “But the guys you do sleep with, you make them sleep on the couch?”

  My fingers shook as I fished my keys out and unlocked the door. We both stepped into the warmth of my little home. Thank God for central heating. I didn’t think I’d miss the place this much. Jamie looked at me expectantly as I tossed my keys on the counter. “No, but I’ve honestly only ever had one boyfriend sleep over here.”

  Jamie flashed his pearly whites at me. “Good thing I’m not your boyfriend.”

  Moving past the couch and to the hallway closet, I pulled out a pile of blankets with a pillow. I wandered back into the living room, and Jamie was already plopped on the couch, shoes hanging off the edge. He peered up with a smile.

  “So, how big’s your bed?”

  “It’s… a king size.” I rolled my eyes.

  He raised his brows. “You’re going to leave me out here on this little thing? I’m a big dude, Bran. Like, a king size dude.”

  “Um, yeah.” I tossed the pile of blankets on the couch. “Come to think of that—” I halted and felt the sear of a blush.

  He grinned wider. “Come to think of my king sized goodness…”

  “No. I mean yes.” I held the bridge of my nose between fingers. “I mean. Last night. We didn’t use a condom.”


  I dropped my hand from my face. “I take that pretty seriously.”

  Jamie raised his hands in surrender. “Me too. You don’t have to worry about me, though. I have to get tested regularly in order to fight. As of five days ago, I’m clean as whistle.”

  “And since then?”

  He cocked his head at me, and that grin came back. “Are you calling me a man-whore, Bran?”

  “Excuse me?” Damn bastard had me on defense. “No. I mean. Having sex in the past five days doesn’t make you a…”

  “You are such a goody-two-shoes. You can’t even say it, can you?”

  “I wasn’t calling you a man-whore.”

  “There it is.” Jamie extended his arms to me. “Come give Auntie a hug.”

  I pushed off on his chest, but I couldn’t help smiling. “Nice try. I just. I don’t really know you, Jamie. That’s what I’m trying to say. I don’t sleep – like literally sleep – with guys I don’t know.”

  He dropped his arms, the smug look still on his face. “You did last night.”

  “That was different.”

  “Oh, really? You’re giving me the snuggle-to-survive line? I can open a window. It’ll get cold real fast.”

  I shook my head at the guy. “You’re something else, you know.”

  “Come on. We don’t have to mess around. All I want to do is sleep.”

  I glanced into my room, spotting the bed — warm and comfortable, waiting for me. My shoulders drooped. I could imagine crawling in there right now, pulling the covers over my head to block out the sunlight, and sleeping away the day like I’d always done after my shifts.

  Running my hands through my hair, I muttered, “I suppose you could—”

  “Awesome.” Jamie grabbed the extra pillow and took off for the bedroom.

  I followed him in at a slower pace, wondering what I was getting myself into. I rounded the corner of my doorframe to the sight of blue jeans unzipped and Jamie pulling his shirt over his head. I stopped in my tracks – uncomfortable in my own bedroom – the newfound central heating becoming rather overbearing – as the fabric slipped up his six pack, one muscle group at a time.

  Jamie’s arms crossed over his head, and the shirt rose up his chest, exposing his firm pecs and then the tattoos dancing over his shoulders. My cock stirred in response to the sight of his tight boxer briefs underneath those jeans. I needed something to do with my hands, so I stuffed them into my pockets. Bad idea. My fingertips stretched toward my balls.

  The shirt popped over Jamie’s head, and he let it fall to the floor. He caught me staring, and he kicked out of his boots, smirking at me the whole time. “Stop looking at me like that. Just sleep, remember.”


  I snapped myself out of it and approached the side of the bed. Jamie tucked his thumbs around the waistband of his jeans and pushed. I busied myself with yanking my shirt over my head. When it came free and I looked back to Jamie, there he was, in just those briefs, his ballsack straining the material. The cotton blend wasn’t the only thing straining. He had a semi-woody, just like me. But, unlike me, he didn’t seem to mind in the least.

  Jamie didn’t even look up. He flung aside the covers and settled into a spot on the far left, leaving plenty of room for me. I unbuttoned my pants and drank in his form underneath the blankets – the lump there that I wasn’t used to – it was nice to have someone in my bed. Like this. It had been a while since I’d just gotten undressed after work and slipped under the covers with another man. I missed it.

  He looked like he was at home in my bed, stretching himself and snaking an arm underneath the pillow. My prick was having thoughts other than getting sleep, but I decided to leave it at that. With a steady breath, I retrieved my sweatpants from the floor and swapped my pants and briefs for elastic band goodness. Then, I snuck into my spot on the bed.

  I fluffed my pillow and then turned my head to the left. Jamie was on his back, arms stretched above his head, eyes closed. Even seeing him there like that – comfortable in my bed – goddammit, my dick was getting hard. Hadn’t it had enough? I settled in, trying not to disturb the mattress. I made myself comfortable on my back, hoping Jamie kept his eyes closed so he wouldn’t see the slowly pitching tent in the sheets. I could just roll over to my side. I could.

  The mattress compressed, and I felt a weight shift closer to me. A masculine hand explored my chest, and I let out a shuttering breath. His hand moved south in a deliberate path and edged underneath the band of my sweats.

  “Well,” he said. “I was planning on just getting into bed and going to sleep, but it looks like someone has other ideas.”

  He massaged the base of my erection, and my hips thrust up – a mixture of pleasure and agony twisting my facial muscles. I wanted more, but I’m not sure I wanted
it like this. It all seemed so intimate. In my home. In my bed. In the middle of the day. None of this was my usual. But then, there was the strong hand encircling my cock.

  “Damn, Jamie.”

  “Looks like it’s my turn. Hold on.”

  Jamie shifted again, positioning himself lower down on my torso, and his grip moved from the base of my cock and took a firm but gentle hold. I reached behind my head and gripped the slats of the headboard. I was going to need to hold on. He applied pressure and ran his palm up my hard cock. Jamie’s head was just below my chest, and he kissed there then grazed his teeth in a tender bite. My neck tipped back, and I grunted my pleasure. My hips worked on their own, aiding with the rhythm, pumping in and out of his grip. It felt damn good, but I needed something more than his hand.

  Jamie lifted his head and looked into my eyes, trying to read me. He didn’t say a word, but he pushed down the covers, uncovering us both. He shifted down further and leaned over my hips, and I could feel him controlling his breath with measure. He pulled at my waistband, bringing my sweats down to my feet and all the way off. He had a hard line stretching across his boxer briefs, and my cock stood hard and ready. I grimaced and grunted, my legs shaking.

  Jamie placed his hands on either side of my hips. He lifted himself over my leg, his knees spreading my legs and nestling against my inner thighs. His fingers grazed the skin inches above the base of my cock, coursed down my hip, and toward my inner thigh. My breath caught, and my ass lifted while I clutched at the sheets. Power surged through me. Jamie lowered himself and sprawled between my legs. He extended the tip of his finger and ran it ever so lightly up the length of my shaft. My heels dug into the mattress, and my ass went airborne, needing more.

  He gave me what I wanted. What I never could have imagined wanting so badly. Jamie lowered himself and took my cock into his mouth. One hard suck, and he let it pop back out. My legs jerked, and a growl emanated from my clenched teeth. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  His lips closed back over my erection, and he pumped. Holy shit. I barred my teeth and bucked into him. The man could suck. He took me deep, his tongue rolling over my shaft. He was tight and wet. With every stroke, he tucked the head of my cock into the back of his throat. I clenched the sheets with balled fists and pulled. The noise of tearing fabric ripped through the room.


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