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Mad About You

Page 6

by Dayna Quince

  “Oh, yes. Your mother is my place, and we keep no secrets between us.”

  “So then you lied to me, and you will tell her about our conversation?” Jonathan looked offended, but secretly he was in awe of the love his parents shared.

  “Absolutely. The only way to survive having children was to face it together.”

  Jonathan was taken aback. He and his father had never spoken like this before. “What did you mean by the words mother is your place?”

  “I meant exactly as I said. I don’t mean place as a literal place.”

  “That I understood, but I didn’t think a person was what you meant.”

  “It isn’t for everyone. For others, it might be the pursuit of a passion like for painting or music or the love a ship captain feels for sailing the seas. For me, it is your mother. When I met her, it was as though all the loose things inside me suddenly fit. She drove me mad, she infuriated me at times, but never did I want to be anywhere else. She is my adventure, my home…she is my place in this world.”

  Jonathan swallowed the sudden hard lump in his throat. His father looked out over the arena, but when he turned and met Jonathan’s gaze, his eyes were bright with emotion. Something so rare, it took Jonathan’s breath away. Envy blazed through him. He wanted to feel love as fiercely as his father did but as soon as the thought occurred, with it came a flood of painful thoughts of Thea.

  Regret, bitterness, the all-consuming need to ask why. Why not him, what was he lacking? He’d spent the last year trying to find that answer. In the end, he never could. He had no trouble attracting women. Lust was easy. But there was something always missing. Some emotion he just couldn’t feel with those women that he had come so close to having with Thea. Had she slipped through his fingers? Would love always do the same?

  He’d burned himself. He knew that now. He wanted the answer, but he was afraid of it. It’s why Maddie’s proposition seemed so enticing. He wouldn’t have to face the possibility of losing again. There was no risk, but also no reward. He was helping her, he reminded himself. It was her idea, and the benefit was mutual.

  It was also a boon that he found he enjoyed her company and he lusted after her body. They could even have children and spend holidays together. His family would like that. They would have the appearance of not a love match, but at least friendship. He could please his family, her, and some parts of himself without ever facing the betrayal of love unreturned.

  Yes. It was a good plan. And just like that, he had made his decision. If only he could tell his father the truth of what a dangerous game he was playing. He was going to marry Miss Madeline Prescott. They would play a convincing game of courtship and be married, and then…part. That last part would be tricky. They could deal with it then. The real challenge was the courtship. He needed to blow Lord Berett’s intentions out of the water and convince both families that he was the irresistible catch for Maddie, and she for him.

  Chapter 6

  Maddie was wound as tight as a ball of twine. By the time she was allowed to leave her cell alongside Lady Flora, she’d missed everything Lady Worthington had planned for the day. The tournament—and her bow had not yet been returned to her—the magician that entertained the ladies at afternoon tea, and all the walking and joys of nature she would have done, possibly with Jonathan. Maddie was feeling very sour as she trailed Lady Flora down the stairs, envisioning the woman tripping on the taffeta skirt of her gown and tumbling down.

  “Chin up, expression serene, Miss Prescott. A young lady must always look calmly in repose and without contempt.”

  Maddie didn’t understand what any of that meant. She remained silent. In their afternoon of misery, Maddie quickly discovered Lady Flora didn’t require a response majority of the time. They entered the drawing room amid a cloud of excited conversation and rabid interest. The magician was still present, to Maddie’s delight and would be joining them for dinner and another show this evening for the gentlemen to see. She looked for Jonathan among the throng and found him standing in a group that included Lord Berett.

  Oh, no. This couldn’t be a good thing. She took in his appearance, her eyes greedily taking in his fine clothing, his broad shoulders, the shine of his hair, and that smile that made her feel light headed. He cut an attractive figure, more than any other gentleman present in her mind, but she could see she wasn’t alone in her thoughts. As she watched, Miss Cecelia and her followers joined the group of men.

  Lady Flora was greeting their hostess and then beckoned Maddie to follow her to that same group. She steeled herself. Lord Berett smiled widely and stood at the sight of his sister, using a cane to aid him.

  He introduced her to all who were around them and then turned to Maddie.

  Maddie flushed with embarrassment. He looked over her body rudely. She was wearing virginal white, her corset uncomfortably tight and her breast almost spilling from her bodice. Her hair was so tight her scalp hurt, but she was presented as Lady Flora thought she ought to be.

  Maddie hated white. It was plain and made her hair stand out too much. She preferred to be colorful. White dresses made her feel like a virginal sacrifice. At this moment, she’d prefer to be tossed into a volcano than endure one more second of Lord Berett’s ogling.

  “Lady Flora, it is enchanting to meet you.”

  It was his voice. At once, her mind quieted and focused. She could breathe again as she looked away from Lord Berett. Lord Rigsby swept Lady Flora a generous bow over her hand. Maddie was shocked the woman hadn’t swooned. Maddie certainly wanted to, but only if he would catch her and carry her away from here.

  Lady Flora whipped open her fan to flirtatiously wave it. “My lord, the pleasure is mine.”

  “There has been much discussion of your arrival among the tournament competitors.”

  Lady Flora blushed. “I don’t know why the gentlemen should be discussing me.”

  “Ah, you give yourself so little credit, Lady Flora. Just like our ancestors of old, we wish to wear the colors of the most beautiful, the most desired lady here.”

  A flurry of responses answered for Lady Flora. Most of them suggestions of colors from the other ladies as they strived for Lord Rigsby’s attentions. He shined like a beacon, mesmerizing the women like moths. Maddie was not immune, and neither was Lady Flora. She smiled timidly and toyed with the lace on her fan nervously.

  “Do sit with me.” Lord Berett tried to touch Maddie’s hand. Startled, Maddie turned to the nearest person, Miss Cecelia.

  “Miss Cecelia, you look lovely this evening.”

  “Thank you, Miss Prescott. How young I must say you look in your frock.”

  “Have you been introduced to Lord Berett?” Maddie asked, ignoring the slight.

  “I have.” Miss Cecelia said with slightly less enthusiasm.

  “Miss Cecelia is a crack shot with the bow, Lord Berett. Did you watch the lady’s tournament? I don’t even need to ask if you won, do I?”

  Miss Cecelia closed her eyes and smiled slowly before nodding her head.

  “I knew it.” Maddie felt like she was selling her soul as she heaped praise upon Miss Cecelia, but it was infinitely better than being monopolized by Lord Berett. Lord Berett began to pepper Miss Cecelia about her skill and equipment, and Maddie used the distraction to slink back into the crowd. Lady Flora was still enthralled by the attention of Lord Rigsby and the other gentlemen. Maddie began to inch her way out of the group altogether. She bumped into someone and turned to see her father staring down at her with a calculated gleam.

  “Madeline,” he said imperiously. Conversation slowed, and attention turned to them. His serious tone stood out like a fly in the soup.

  “Good evening, Father.”

  “Lady Flora,” he greeted. “Your lamb looked fit to escape.”

  Lady Flora dug her claws into Maddie’s arm and tugged her to her side. “Nonsense. I am always aware, Sir William.”

  Maddie looked down in dismay. She’d been thwarted.

“Miss Prescott. Your absence has been noted today. I sincerely hope nothing is amiss?”

  His voice. As smooth and sweet as honey.”

  She looked up, a smile coming to her lips. She tried to temper it, to not blatantly display her relief and the need for his attention to everyone.

  “I’ve been getting acquainted with Lady Flora, my lord.”

  “I am terribly jealous.” His eyes were so warm as they absorbed her. Either she was losing her wits, or he was being a bit obvious here in front of everyone. Was this part of his plan to court her?

  She felt a tingling warmth spread through her, his eyes the source of the heat. She was about to respond with something hopefully clever when dinner was announced.

  The group dispersed, and Maddie gleefully watched as she was left to follow alone as the highest-ranking members of the party had to escort each other. She’d never been so happy to be a low ranking guest. Now that they were among the other guests, Maddie wouldn’t be the sole focus of Lady Flora’s attention. She was happy to remain quiet during dinner and simply enjoy not being under scrutiny. Lady Flora was placed so far from her, she could barely see her.

  After dinner, she followed the group of ladies back to the drawing room at an even slower pace. The gentlemen would be joining them shortly on the terrace to see the magician work his magic. Maddie couldn’t wait. It would be full dark with only torches for light and her greatest chance to escape, if only for a short walk.

  Lady Flora bid her to sit beside her as she conversed with Lady Worthington. Maddie did, content to be ignored by both women as she bided her time. The mantle clock ticked on slowly as the hour came to a close, and the ladies were escorted to the terrace. There were oohs and ahhs as the ladies stepped down the steps to the arrangement of chairs waiting and found their seats. Large contraptions had been erected on the terrace, and a mysterious cloaked figure waited in the shadows.

  Maddie felt her stomach flutter as she passed him, unsure if he was real or only a prop. She hurried to a seat at the back of the arrangement, far from Lady Flora who was engrossed with the set up on the terrace. Maddie took the last chair in the back near a large shrub. The magician was introduced as the cloaked figure, and as he stepped forward, he threw a vile on the ground that exploded into a great gust of smoke. There were screams all around, and though Maddie was quite startled herself, she slipped off her chair and around the shrub.

  She darted away into the darkness without a second thought. She regretted missing what was sure to be an engaging magic show, but simply having solitude after the horrendous day would be worth it. Her heart raced as she followed a familiar path by the light of a half moon. She ignored the creeping shadows and chill air on her bare arms as she found the summerhouse tucked away in the night. She stepped inside, her eyes adjusting to the meager light. She could see enough to find her way to the padded benches at the center without bumping a shin. She sat and exhaled in great relief, cursing the damned corset that would not allow her to catch her breath after her sprint. She leaned back on her hands and breathed slowly, closing her eyes and letting the cool, calm evening soothe her restless spirit.

  She didn’t hear anything but the night, the occasional sound of laughter or clapping from far away, or the haunting hoot of an owl, soft and low.

  But then she was being touched. Fingertips trailed from her hand to her shoulder and the bench depressed from the weight of another person. She knew who it was. Only one person would follow her. Only one person would want to touch her like this.

  “Is the show not to your liking?” she said breathlessly.

  “There is more enticing magic to be found away from the crowd.”

  “The magic of the night?” Maddie said as her skin tingled where his hands caressed up and down her arms between the bare skin of her elbow and cap sleeve.

  “Yes. Can you feel it?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was a whisper now. She didn’t know how but the corset felt even tighter. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  “You sound different.”

  “I can’t breathe,” she moaned.

  “Why can’t you breathe?”

  “This damn corset. It’s squeezing me to death.”

  He chuckled. “I happen to be an expert at removing corsets.”

  “You may not remove it, but you would do me a great service by loosening it.” She twisted to face him.

  He was nothing more than a shadow among shadows.

  “You want me to undress you?” he said it quietly and heavy with innuendo.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest, and heat pooled low inside her. “No. It’s too cold for that.”

  “I would keep you warm.”

  How she wanted to ask? She felt like she was toying with something dangerous. It was difficult when she couldn’t see him. What if it wasn’t him? What if it was some pagan God of the night who’d come to consume her body and soul?

  Her thoughts were fuzzy, either from his effect on her or lack of oxygen. “Just loosen it, if you please.”

  He chuckled and stood, lending her a hand to help her stand as well. She turned her back to him and felt the tugs of the ties of her dress being loosened. He parted the back and began tugging on the corset.

  “Mother of god,” he muttered.

  “It’s a torture device.”

  “I won’t disagree with you there.”

  Maddie took a full deep breath as soon as she was able, sighing in relief. She turned and smiled at him as soon as her dress was tied again. “Thank you.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “It was very gallant of you. I nearly suffocated.”

  “I am at your service, whenever you need clothing removed.”

  “I will remember that. My father refuses to employ a lady’s maid.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “He loathes wasting money on me. It doesn’t matter. I’m capable of dressing myself.”

  “Then how do you explain tonight’s costume?” He came around the bench to her side.

  “Lady Flora’s maid.”

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you in white before. It makes you look dreadfully innocent.”

  “I dislike white gowns. I prefer colors. This gown has a robin blue overdress, but Lady Flora determined that I should wear a white dress becoming of my youth and marriageable aspirations.”

  “I feel sinister just standing here with you.”

  “Sinister?” Maddie laughed. “What an absurd thing to say.”

  “I’m the devil who’s caught himself a wayward angel. Are you lost, little angel, or have I led you astray.” He stepped closer.

  Maddie bit her lip. “Perhaps it is I who has led you astray. The devil was an angel, too.”

  His hand brushed her temple, one knuckle softly gliding over her skin from her cheek to her jaw, down her neck, and slowly down the slope of her breast to the edge of her bodice. Her bodice hung low and loose, but she was still mostly decent. Maddie swallowed as her skin came alive at his touch.

  “Has anyone ever touched you like this?”

  Maddie closed her eyes. Long ago, someone had tried. She hadn’t felt like this then.

  She felt like she needed his touch, as much as she needed her next breath. “No,” she whispered.

  “Does it frighten you?” He hooked one finger in the edge of her bodice.

  She shook her head. She looked down. Her skin looked so pale compared to his, even in the shadows. He didn’t know how close he was to her nipple, but Maddie was achingly aware of it. Her skin felt like it wanted to scream in impatience. These thoughts and feelings were so new and, Maddie had to admit, completely ridiculous.

  “The most important question of all is… may I touch you, Maddie?”

  She sucked in a slow breath, his fingertip helplessly moving closer to her nipple. She nodded quickly. “Yes.” She wanted it so badly.

  His other hand came to cup the side of her face, and he brought her lips to his. He kissed her, and
at the same time, his whole hand slipped into her bodice to cup her breast.

  It was such a glorious shock, she gasped. His tongue invaded her mouth, and Maddie let out a helpless moan as his thumb brushed over her sensitive nipple. He tugged it, and she felt it between her legs. She leaned into him, consumed by the sensations, captured by her body’s wicked response. She didn’t know anything could feel like this.

  He broke away from her mouth, nipping and sucking at the skin of her neck. “You like this.”

  “Oh, yes. It’s like potent fire in my blood.”

  “Oh, Maddie.” He tugged her bodice down to expose her and took both her breasts in his hands.

  Maddie looked down, but his bent head was all she could see. What she felt almost caused her knees to buckle. His burning hot tongue touched her nipple. He sucked her into his mouth. The pain was so sharp and exquisite, she cried out.

  “Hush, wild one. We don’t want others to come searching for the real magic that is happening tonight.”

  “Then you better not do that again.” Maddie panted.

  He eased her bodice up again. “Better not get carried away. You will be missed soon.”

  “Oh how I loathe the thought of returning.” Maddie sighed.

  “By the time you do, it will be time for you to retire.”

  “And what will you do the rest of the evening?”

  “Think of you,” he stated.

  It caught her off guard. Her insides felt like warm honey. She wanted to believe his words but then again… this was fake, wasn’t it?

  “Don’t waste your charms on me, Jonathan.”

  He pulled back and straightened his clothes. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Why did you follow me tonight?”

  He stilled. She could feel him staring at her.

  “Why wouldn’t I? I’m courting you. How else was I to be alone with you?”

  Maddie didn’t have a response. He wanted to be alone with her? “What is the next step in the courtship? As of yet, you are still undec—.”

  “I will marry you.” He moved closer again.

  Her body welcomed his heat thirstily. “What?”


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