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Callie Healy

Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  “Crazy is a good way to put it. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” I admit.

  “Feeling bad about how you left my bed?”

  “No!” I shake my head and try not to think back to that night. “Not at all.’’

  “I didn’t expect you to stick around, Callie, though I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it. The things you could do with your legs. God, it still makes my dick get hard.”

  I can feel my cheeks turning a shade of crimson. “Let’s get something straight right now. What happened between us was a one time thing. I’m not interested in you. Just because we happened upon each other for a second time doesn’t mean it’s a sign we should hook up again. Got it?”

  “So, if I asked you to dance you’d say no?”


  He stands and extends his hand anyway. “Come on. You know you want to.”

  I roll my eyes but figure it’s better than sitting alone while my cousins are having fun. “Fine. One dance.”

  “Three,” he counters.



  I laugh at his reply. “You make no sense.”

  He pulls me close and stares deeply into my eyes, making me feel things I don’t want happening. “I make complete sense.”

  My arms fold around his neck as the song continues. I rest my face at the side of his so I don’t have to get lost in his stare. This man makes me want him, even though I know it’s wrong on so many levels. Then I start to wonder. We’ve been together. It won’t be like putting another notch into the belt of men I’ve been with. He’s nothing new to me, still familiar enough for me to recall every way he touched me. As the beat of the tune slows he holds me near. “The last time we danced you were pretty buzzed. You seem to have more rhythm tonight.”

  “Shut up. It’s better if we don’t talk.”

  “You said that before, but we both know where we ended.” He spins me around before continuing. “Do you regret it? Is that why you left without saying goodbye? Did you want to pretend it didn’t happen?”

  “Why do you care? You probably have your choice of women. I was the consolation prize when your date left, remember?”

  “She didn’t leave on her own accord. I sent her away, because there was something more interesting waiting for me.”

  I slap him lightly and start to walk away. He pulls me back into his arms and forces his lips against my ear. “Admit you wanted me.”

  I’m not afraid of him. He’s taunting me to see how far I’ll allow him to take it. At the same time, I’m being pushed to remember every single detail of the passion we shared when I spent the night with him. “I used you.”

  It’s not all a lie. His purpose was served.

  “Maybe at first.”

  “The whole time,” I reiterate.

  He brings his face back to peer at me directly. I feel his thumb brushing over my chin and then finally my bottom lip. “Why do I think that’s not the truth?”

  “Because you’re arrogant and shallow,” I offer.

  His chuckle makes me agitated. “One time will never be enough for me, especially in this case, when we’ve run into each other here. Call it what you want, but I think we shouldn’t refuse a perfect opportunity for enjoyment.”

  I’m hot and bothered, completely forgetting I’m in public surrounded by family and friends. My lips part, and as his cross over mine I get lost in the embrace. His familiar tongue course’s over mine with just enough movement where I’m crumbling in his arms. Fire ignites between my legs as I remember the ecstasy he’s able to give me. I want to be back in that bed. I don’t care how we came to meet tonight. He’s with me, and I need to take advantage of the situation before it disappears.

  When I feel someone tapping on my shoulder I pull away from Cob’s kiss. Addy is standing behind me with her hands folded across her chest. “Please tell me you know this guy.” She’s being protective.

  “This is…” What am I supposed to say? We’re not friends. I can’t stand this guy, I think. “Jacob. His name is Jacob. We met a while back,” is all I can say. I won’t lead on where we met, or what we’ve done together already.

  She extends her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve never seen you around before. I’m Addy.”

  I’m silently begging Cob not to say his nickname so Addy is familiar with exactly who he is. “Yeah, same. Did you come here together?”

  “Why?” She wonders.

  His answer is straight to the point. “Because I’d like to be the one to take her home.”

  Addy’s eyes light up. I think she’s shocked that a stranger is insinuating they can take me home without her prior knowledge. I feel it’s necessary to chime in.

  “Addy it’s fine. You guys need to head out early so Cole can work in the morning. Jacob will bring me back to the house later. I’ll text you to check in.”

  She’s still thinking about it. “Do you need to run a background check on me?” Cob asks.

  Finally she lets her guard down. “That won’t be needed. If you harm her in anyway I’ll make sure you walk around dickless for the rest of your miserable life.”

  He laughs as she walks away to gather her boyfriend, sister, and Ethan. They each come to say their goodbyes before leaving the establishment. I’m immediately struck with regret. What am I doing? Is this really what I want to happen? How is this even possible?

  Cob pays his tab and leads me outside. I stop him halfway to his vehicle in the parking lot. “Hold on. You’re taking me home, right?”

  He scratches his head. “No. You’re coming with me.”

  I don’t budge. “Where?”

  “I have a temporary apartment while I’m working here for the next few months. It’s nothing extravagant, but it suffices.”

  “I think maybe you should take me home. I’m having seconds thoughts,” I admit.

  “No you’re not,” he challenges. “Stop fighting it.” He breaks the distance between us and laces his hands into both of mine. “I shouldn’t have to ask to fuck you, not after you’ve had a sample of what I can offer.”

  “It wasn’t all that,” I attest.

  He laughs. “Do you need me to remind you of how many times I made you scream?”

  When he talks about it I feel dizzy. His lips crash against mine and as he pulls away I fight with my own conscience. “It’s a bad idea.”

  “I never expected to see you again, especially here, but now that I have I won’t give up until you’re back in my bed and riding me into tomorrow like you did before. You can play hard to get, but it will only last a short while. You can’t deny enjoying me.”

  “There is the fact that I can’t stand you. Don’t forget about that minor detail.”

  “You don’t have to like me, Callie. I just want you to fuck me.”

  “What if I still decline the offer?”

  “What if I refuse to let you?”

  “It could be misconstrued as something criminal. I wouldn’t want you getting into trouble for random pussy you can obviously get somewhere else. Let’s not play these games. You want me because it seems easy, but you’re wrong. The one time we were together was a fluke. It was a means to an end.”

  “Standing here discussing it is damn near criminal. You’re trying to make excuses. I’m offering you endless enjoyment for the entire night. I simply want to unwind in the company of a beautiful woman who knows exactly how to satisfy a man. What do you have to lose? I’m not trying to trap you. I don’t want a relationship, just a night of fucking you’ll never be able to forget, just like the time before it.”

  “No strings,” I say. “We owe each other nothing afterwards. It’s just sex, like it was before. You won’t call me and I won’t try to contact you. We can go back to loathing each other afterwards.”

  “Deal.” He swallows as he says it, making me think he’s not being honest, though I don’t care. I’m close enough to smell his musky cologne, and it reminds me of the way his
skin tasted the last time my tongue drug over it. His lips, so full, beckon to be kissed, not to mention the harping desire I have for them to coarse over certain places on my body.

  “Then I guess it’s settled.”

  “Good, because you were coming home with me regardless of your answer. I don’t give up easily, and since I know exactly what’s in store, I have a good idea you’ll enjoy it just as much as I intend to. If not, you can walk away.”

  “I plan to.” It’s the truth, albeit I’m struggling over it, because I know the more I enjoy him the more likely I’ll want more until one quick fuck will never be enough.

  Chapter 11


  I never thought I’d see her again, but I was sure it was Callie, even from all the way across the room. Her beauty is like a natural beacon, crying out for attention. Never in a million years would I have expected to run into her at this dive restaurant, but now that I have my night has changed. Instead of having a meal before heading back to my tiny rented home, I’ll be enjoying the evening with someone who can consume me.

  She’s such a spitfire, denying me the pleasure I know we both enjoy. I expected her to reject my first offer. She’s been stubborn since the day we met, and damn if it didn’t make her the perfect object of my affection, at least for a temporary fix.

  There was a time when I didn’t care who I ended up sleeping with. Sure, I had particular tastes as far as looks, but pussy was pussy, especially in college. Now that I’ve become a man I have the same preferences, but little interest in making a mockery of myself by inviting each and every woman who gives me attention to join me in bed.

  For some reason Callie is an exception. She haunts me, ever since the night she let me fuck her, over and over again.

  My job takes me all over the country. When I was assigned to this location I was certain I’d be surrounded by a bunch of country women with low standards. I never expected this. Her of all people. She has issues, mostly with men from what I can tell. The night we spent together showed me how anxious she was about something in her life. I let her take out her problems on me, because I reaped the perks. She was vicious, violent, and precisely what my dick needed after a month’s dormancy. It’s not like I pick up a different woman in each city I travel to. My schedule requires me to put in more hours than I care to admit. I know it’s not the job I want to keep for the rest of my life, but it fell into my lap at the right time and I went with it. Besides, I enjoy the travel part. I’ve gotten to see cities and towns I never would have traveled to otherwise. Mostly it gets me away from home life, not that it’s ever been bad. My parents have a pretty good marriage. They argue on occasion, but happen to enjoy each other for the most part. When I’m home I feel obligated to volunteer with projects where the family business is concerned. Determined to branch out and be my own person, I left as soon as I was able, and only return when it’s necessary.

  The drive to my place is only a few minutes away. Callie says nothing as we make our way down a deserted road without street lights. It’s pitch black with the exception of my headlights leading the way. She’s probably used to this, but I’m not. I like a well lit city, where there are plenty of choices to dine and entertain myself. These little off the beaten path towns bore me, because there is so little to do. When I first arrived I cringed at the little amount of amenities there were within a five mile vicinity.

  Callie will be my distraction.

  We pull into the driveway of the home and she giggles. “I wouldn’t picture this as your house.”

  “Work pays for it. I don’t complain. It’s a temporary arrangement.”

  The two bedroom rancher is painted a bright yellow with black shutters. Even at night you can see the vivid color of it. Large azalea bushes landscape the vicinity of the structure and there are several yard ornaments on display that reflect against my headlights. “It looks like my grandmother lives here.”

  “She doesn’t, I can assure you. The person who lived here is in a nursing home in Louisville. Her children put the place up for rent fully furnished in order to keep paying for the taxes and their mother’s care. It smells like moth balls in the closets, so don’t open them. I keep my clothes in my suitcase and refuse to use any of them. Don’t mind the paperwork in the dining room, or the slew of blueprints you’ll find in the living room. I’ve been working a lot of late nights since getting here last week.”

  “Why not just stay in a hotel? Wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

  “This is cheaper for the company, I suppose. Besides, it will eventually get torn down when the new roadway is built.”

  “Does the woman’s children know that?”

  “Not yet, but she does. The homeowner already signed the papers. This part of the construction won’t happen for three more years. It’s a long operation, one I won’t be around the whole time for.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re here in Kentucky.”

  “Hoping you’d never see me again?” I wonder.

  “Something like that. More wishing this day would never come.” I appreciate her honesty, but only to a certain degree. The more of a challenge she makes this, the harder I’ll try, which puts me in a position I don’t like being in. It will force me to want to spend more time with her, and doing so would only prove to be a problem for me.

  “Sorry to put a damper on your plans. I won’t keep you long.”

  She snickers. “Don’t treat me like I’m part of the job, temporary and an easy task.”

  “I wouldn’t use the word ‘task’ with you, Callie. You’re more of a conquest – a much needed relief to a rough couple of days. As far as easy goes, well that could be argued upon.”

  I lead her into the main living area of the home and waste no time making sure she forgets all about the outdated decor. My mouth crashes over hers, our tongues becoming tangled as things proceed to heat up. I swear I've been fighting an erection since the second I saw her, so this does nothing for my inability to withstand temptation. She reminds me of the greatest challenge a man never wants to admit he can’t achieve. She's beyond bodacious and beautiful. Words can't describe what it's like to be this close to her and know exactly what's to come.

  I let her use me once before, but not because I knew it would get me laid. I did it for the simple fact that I wanted her the moment I first laid eyes on her perfect body, and difficult attitude. She's a challenge for me. Callie forces me to work for it, which only makes me desire her more.

  Despite not knowing much about her, I'm inclined to assume she's a hard person to please. She's opinionated, maybe a bit spoiled, but mostly a hard-headed woman determined to make me work for her affections.

  We part from our embrace. Callie scopes my face for a sign of what I'm thinking. "You got me here."

  "With little to no effort. The evil queen must have weaknesses."

  Her smirk plays against my smile. "Evil queen? Fairy tales are for children, and happily ever afters aren't real. You're kind of creeping me out right now. I thought you wanted sex."

  I drag my hand through her blonde locks. "Oh, I do, but unlike the last time, we can go slow. There's no rush."

  Callie backs further away from me. She’s rubbing her face while speaking. "I shouldn't be here with you. This is nuts."

  "Is it? I think it's a pretty damn nice coincidence. Out of all the places in the country we end up in the same hick town? Come on. You can't deny we have a golden opportunity here. Look, I'm not staying forever. I'm overseeing a new project and then I'll be gone. You can go about your life as if I never existed."

  "Is that a promise?" She almost has me convinced she hates me.

  "I'll let you know in the morning." I take her by the hand and pull her near. "Not a single day has gone by where I haven't thought about the way you taste." I tell her this to shock her. I want her to be aware that my attraction to her has become animalistic. I'm tormented each time I set eyes on her and I don't know why. Usually after I've experienced a woman she's out of my
system, but not this one. She's either special, or I'm losing my touch.

  Her lips brush over mine. "You can't talk like that."

  "Why?" I question.

  She's flat out honest. "Because it's what I'd want to hear if this was anything more than sex. I can't want you like this."

  "Like what? Explain it to me. Tell me what it's like to see me again, after only being in my bed a few weeks ago."

  "I can barely remember." She scrunches her face as if she's struggling to recall. I know she's full of shit. There were two people in that bed and neither of us expected how much we would enjoy each other. Denial is a funny thing. In her case she's using it to control me. Far be it from me to know she liked it, because if that were the case, I'd have the upper hand and she'd no longer be able to stop herself.

  "That's a shame. From what I gathered you had a fantastic experience, especially the second and third time I made you come. It's not a big deal. I plan on making tonight even better." I extend my hand for her to take. "You ready to join me?"

  She can huff and puff until she's out of breath, but she won't falter when it comes to seeing this through. I can sense it when we touch. The spark that ignites between us is undeniable. She'd be a fool to deny herself the pleasure I promise to give.

  “I’m only doing this because I don’t know anyone else here.”

  I cackle under my breath. “Whatever you have to tell yourself.”

  We kiss again. My hands rise up between us and cup both of her breasts. Our tongues brush and mingle, and then we get lost.

  With no regard for going slowly, I pick her up into my arms and carry her to the bedroom, where I lay her down and climb overtop of her. My knee presses between her legs, while my palms coarse over the fabric of her nipples. She tastes like candy and heaven, taunting me with the innocence she pretends to have. She’s torturing me, yet I can’t fathom why. I inhale deeply while feeling her fingers unfastening my belt. I’m elated to know she’s given up the fight. In a few moments I’m going to have another opportunity to taste her, to feast on that golden pussy I’ve craved since my very first sample.


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