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Labyrinth Academy 2: Wars: an Urban Fantasy academy romance

Page 5

by JA Wren

  She clenched her hands over and over, making sure the tape on her hands was wrapped tight. “An army of Valkyries would be undefeatable. We’d wipe out our opponents with ease. Would barely break a sweat.”

  Rayna nodded because she’d already figured that much out on her own. It still didn’t answer her question, however, so she crossed her arms and waited for Liv. The Valkyrie was quiet as she put the roll of tape away and slammed her locker shut again.


  Like she didn’t really want to say more.

  Almost like she was nervous.

  She finally met Rayna’s eyes. “But Keres?” Liv laughed without humor. “One Ker could devastate the battlefield in seconds. We’re talking mass destruction. A Ker in the wrong hands could eviscerate anything in her path. Innocent and guilty. Friend or foe. None of it would matter.”

  A shiver rattled down Rayna’s spine at the picture Liv painted. She could clearly imagine it. An empty, smoking battlefield covered in the black tar that had coated her bed for almost a year.

  It was the exact picture of her nightmares. The very thing that haunted her every night and left her shaken to her core the next morning. Tears pooled in her eyes but she couldn’t even bring herself to blink them away.

  Liv stepped closer and she rested a hand on Rayna’s shoulder, almost like she was offering support. Solidarity because both their kinds were being used in this stupid war. Her voice dropped as she delivered the final blow. “There wouldn’t be any victors, little goddess. Only death.”

  Rayna swallowed the bile threatening to rise from her stomach.

  “Not one side of this fucking war should possess that much power. That’s why the Keres were killed off.” Liv paused and titled her head, a note of sympathy dripping from her words. “All except you.”


  Only death.

  Those two little words haunted Rayna long after Liv left the locker room. Even more than the terrifying nightmares. They repeated on loop through her shower, turned over a million times as she dressed in a daze, her mind awash with images of total destruction.

  Was that what she really was?


  The memories she’d gained from her previous life these last couple months hadn’t revealed she was death incarnate. And yet it made sense. When she thought back to her singed and black tar encrusted sheets, her dead houseplants, and her poor rescue kitty—


  Asher’s voice was like a bolt through her chest. She swung around to face him, standing in the locker room only a couple feet away. He looked hesitant. His dark brows crinkled together above narrowed eyes.

  “You’ve been in here a while. I know you’re angry, but I was worr—” He broke off with an oof as she flung herself into his arms. They banded around her, tight, locking her against his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t answer. Just pressed her face into the curve of his neck and breathed in the familiar scent of him. Let his warmth rush over her and chase away all her fears. The doubts she had about who she really was and what she might have done in the life they’d shared together so fucking long ago.

  She couldn’t have been that bad. He wouldn’t have loved her if she’d caused mass devastation. If she was capable of total destruction.


  Was that what he’d really been hiding when he refused to tell her everything?

  Now she was too scared to ask. Too terrified he’d give her the truth and she’d know for sure she was the harbinger of death. The Grim Reaper minus the black hoodie.

  “Tell me who hurt you,” he whispered, the distinctive smell of sulfur unfurling off his shoulders, coiling around them like a soothing blanket. Weird how that smell was comforting to her when it usually meant he was about to go all fireball. “Tell me and I’ll make sure they never harm you again.”

  She shook her head. He couldn’t fight her past. Couldn’t slay demons that might very well be her own actions. “Let’s just go. I’m starving.”

  He pulled back just enough to meet her eyes and she swore tiny flames danced within his irises. “You’re not still angry at me? For the whole—” He waved his hand in the direction of the gym. “Xander thing?”

  She sighed and leaned away from him, already missing his warmth. “Look, I’m not happy you lied to me, but I get why you did it. I need to get stronger. Learn to defend myself. Without powers, just as Bjerk’s been nagging me about.”

  She repressed the shudder begging to quake through her. For now, she was glad her abilities were on lockdown. Liv had given her a huge reason to stick to physical combat for the foreseeable future, which meant she’d have to ramp up her combat training.

  Maybe Delilah could help her find a way—a spell—to suppress her powers. Keep them buried so she wasn’t a risk.

  She didn’t mention that to Asher.

  Instead, she placed a hand over his heart, feeling it pound inside his chest. Nerves? Worry? Worse…fear?

  “And I’m still kinda fuzzy on how things worked between us before, but I’m not some damsel. Or a wilting wild flower who can’t handle stuff. Rather lay it all out on the table and let me decide.” She sucked in a deep breath. “So, while I understand why you did it, you also promised no more lies. Don’t you dare pull shit like that again, okay?”

  “I promise.” He nodded, clutching his hand over hers. “I fucked up, Rayna. Again. But I swear that’s the last time I do anything without talking to you first.”

  Yeah, she’d heard that promise already, but right now she needed him too much to hold onto her anger. Besides, it wasn’t like his intentions were malicious. He’d only been trying to help her.

  Even if he had fucked up. At least he was willing to own it.

  She suddenly wondered if Xander was as a big of an asshole as he’d acted or if that was part of the ruse. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. She let go of the thought before it could take root.

  She didn’t want to think of Xander. Didn’t want to think of anything. What she wanted was to lose herself in Asher, let him chase away everything else and empty out her mind and fears.

  She pushed him back against the lockers, rattling metal and locks and hoping everyone was still busy with training drills so they wouldn’t be disturbed. Class wasn’t scheduled to end for at least another thirty minutes.

  Not really enough time to get her fill of Asher, but she’d take it. She’d take whatever she could get in that moment.

  Rayna sealed her mouth over his, kissing him harder than she’d meant. Definitely more desperate than she’d intended, but she couldn’t hide her need for him. He kissed her back, slipping his arms around her and holding her close, the thump of his heart pulsing against her chest.

  Her hands wandered, roaming over hard muscles beneath skin hot enough to burn. She loved how his skin heated, loved how she could tell he wanted her just by the warmth radiating off of him.

  He groaned as she tucked her hands under the hem of his shirt, seeking out more skin as she grazed her fingers over his taut stomach. “Rayna.”

  She moved her lips to trail down his jaw to the column of his throat, nipping lightly and earning a growl from him. He smelled amazing. Fresh sweat and that familiar sunbaked cotton, with the tiniest hint of leather and sulfur. It was intoxicating. Enough to make her dizzy.

  His hands speared into her wet hair, lifting her face up, his eyes swirling copper as they met her gaze. His lips parted but before he could say a word, a shrill sound pierced the air.

  “Rayna Knox?” a small voice said.

  She closed her eyes and hung her head, resting it against Asher’s chest as she took deep, ragged breaths. “Wow, this place is like Grand Central today.”

  Asher tightened his arms around her, pulling her flush against him as he kissed the curve where her shoulder met her neck. She shivered at the delicious sensation buzzing through her skin.

  “Miss Knox?” the voice repeated, growing impatient.

  She turned to face
whoever had interrupted them and had to do a double-take. A tiny, blue-toned lizard floated beside them. Not much bigger than her finger, his tail swished, flicking this way and that, while his little feet curled in the air, holding onto nothing. His scales looked better suited to an alligator, darker on top and down the ridge of his back, and almost white on his belly and under his chin.

  He was kinda cute with his bulgy eyes blinking at her.

  “Yes?” Was she really talking to a lizard?

  His mouth opened, revealing a pink tongue as he honest to goodness spoke to her. “Headmistress Hale would like to meet with you.”

  Rayna groaned and rolled her head against Asher, gripping his shirt between her clenched fists.

  Of course. Who else would send a blue lizard, talking or otherwise?

  Hale was the last person she wanted to talk to. Actually, she didn’t feel like talking to anyone. She just wanted a huge cup of coffee—one that tasted right—an even bigger plate of comfort food, and her bed.

  Preferably with Asher in it. Naked.

  And sans nightmares.

  Rayna wanted to argue, deny Hale’s request, but she knew that wouldn’t get her anywhere. The sooner she dealt with the Headmistress, the sooner she could return to Asher’s arms. She was really starting to regret her no sexy-times rule now. Who knew they’d have so many damn interruptions by the time she finally felt ready?

  She lifted her head and gave the lizard guy a weak smile. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  He raised his chin—did lizards have chins?—and gave her what she could only define as a glare. “Headmistress Hale doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” the lizard shot out before he shrank back into himself and disappeared with another shrill ping.

  Asher walked with her to the Headmistress’s office, but Hale shook her head when they stopped outside her open door. “I need to speak with Miss Knox privately,” she said in her snooty tone that grated on Rayna’s already frazzled nerves. “It may take a while—”

  “You know very well I’m not going anywhere, Hale.” His hand clenched tighter around Rayna’s, blazing hotter than a furnace. “Whatever you have to say to her, you can say in front of me.”

  Hale gave him a tight smile, her peacock blue eyes slitting with the effort. “I’ll remind you it’s Headmistress. And unfortunately for you, Asher, while you’re attending this academy, you will obey my rules. Besides, your presence is required elsewhere. Our newest student is a phoenix shifter and since we have not had one in attendance for a very long time, I was hoping you might assist.”

  Rayna didn’t have the energy to even listen to them argue. As much as she wanted him by her side—always—the quicker Hale said her piece, the faster Rayna could head to bed.

  To sleep.

  Apparently, releasing her smoky powers, then getting confronted by Evelyn and her minions, followed by a major revelation from the Valkyrie, and a steamy make-out with Asher had exhausted her. Which was pretty freaking sad because she doubted she’d even have enough energy to have her way with her soulmate later.

  Again, it would have to wait.

  But if she could get out of there fast, catch a few z’s, maybe the night wouldn’t be a total loss.

  “I’m more than happy to help with the new phoenix,” he said to Hale through gritted teeth. “Later.”

  “Apologies if that sounded like a request.” Hale hardened her voice, sounding even hoitier than before. Which was a serious accomplishment in itself. “I’m afraid the situation is rather urgent. The trials…did not go very smoothly. Perhaps you might get through to the student—phoenix to phoenix.”

  He narrowed his eyes, waves of sulfur coiling off of him like a smoldering fire. “Surely you have people trained to deal with this.”

  Hale shrugged. “Naturally. However, three of my professors are already in the infirmary with third degree burns. We may have the best healers on staff, but you know as well as I do what phoenix fire is capable of.”

  Hale tilted her head and raised her brows. A slight challenge in her expression. “I’d like to deal with the situation as quickly as possible before there are any more injuries. Or worse, casualties. And since you’re the only one impervious to phoenix fire, you’re uniquely qualified to assist.”

  The casualties line was a low blow. Hale knew neither of them would be able to argue with putting innocent people at risk just because it inconvenienced them. They couldn’t live with that kind of guilt on their heads.

  Asher sighed and glanced over at Rayna, her exact thoughts written all over his face. She might not fully remember their past together, but she knew her phoenix soulmate better than anyone. Same way he knew her better than anyone.

  Except maybe Kally.

  She squeezed his hand. “Go. I’ll fill you in over dinner.”

  His hand turned hotter than the fires of hell, but he didn’t burn her. He never burned her. Something about them being bound together—soulmates—that prevented his fire from hurting her. Instead, it brought her comfort. Like a loving embrace.

  He leaned in and kissed her, just a light brush of his lips against hers. “I’ll see you as soon as I can.”

  “Wonderful,” Hale’s giddy voice interrupted their moment. “You’ll find the phoenix in the gardens right outside the labyrinth. Can’t miss it with all the smoke billowing around the trees.”

  Rayna swallowed the lump in her throat, hoping neither of them noticed her internal cringe at the mention of the gardens. She hadn’t stepped foot there since the showdown with Apollo.

  Asher snorted. “Couldn’t even get him inside, huh?”

  Hale shrugged one slender shoulder. “Hence requiring your help.”

  With one last squeeze of his hand around hers, Asher stepped back, his gaze lingering on Rayna until he disappeared down the long hall of past headmasters.

  “Right,” Hale said. “Come along, Miss Knox. We have much to discuss.”

  Rayna followed the woman inside her office, the door snapping shut behind them with a click and a hiss.

  Was that—?

  She frowned at the lock that seemed to be moving. Something slid around the doorknob, then slithered inside the keyhole.

  Rayna could’ve sworn it looked like a golden snake coiling itself around the knob and into the lock. It let out another hiss and sure enough a tiny forked tongue flicked from the snake’s head.

  When she raised her brows at Hale, the woman waved her hand through the air as if that was perfectly normal. “Don’t mind the viper, he’s perfectly harmless. As long as you don’t try to unlock the door without my permission. Even then, rest assured I always have a bottle of anti-venom in the top drawer of my desk.”

  Yeah, that was comforting.

  Hale smiled. “I can’t have someone barging in during our conversation. Nor can I have someone overhearing through the door.” She gestured toward the golden snake doing figure eights between the knob and the keyhole. “This ensures what we’re about to discuss will remain secret.”

  “Ominous,” Rayna muttered under her breath, then froze, suddenly remembering the enchantment on Hale’s office. Only truth could be spoken within the confines of the office. No lies. Even Hale herself was bound to the enchantment.

  At least the place had been cleaned up a little since her last visit. There were still piles and piles of stuff everywhere, but nothing was coated in thick layers of dust. Well, everything except for a wooden chest sitting on top of a stand in the corner. She didn’t remember seeing it last time. Probably buried under everything else.

  “No lies. No secrets, Miss Knox.” Hale perched in her tall wingback chair and indicated the one opposite. “Today, I vow nothing but the truth.”

  “So help you God.” Rayna couldn’t help blurting the first thing that popped into her head, the enchantment working too well and removing her filter. “What did you want to discuss?” she asked as she sat in front of Hale, the monstrosity of a desk between them.

  “You, of course.” H
ale picked up a folder and scanned the pages. “I see you’ve caught up in all of your classes—well done, by the way—with the exception of Physical Education.”

  Rayna’s shoulders curled in on themselves. “I’m trying.”

  And she’d be trying a whole lot more in future.

  Her number one goal after her little chat with Liv was to make sure her powers stayed dormant. She’d focus on hand-to-hand combat instead.

  “I know, but clearly it’s not working.” Hale closed the folder and rested her hands on top of it. “Professor Bjerk also just informed me Asher tried a new tactic today and instead of assisting your combat training, he managed to—shall we say, ignite?—your abilities.”

  Her lips curled lightly at her own joke, but Rayna didn’t crack a smile.

  Hale forged on. “From tomorrow, you will no longer attend regular PE with your classmates. I cannot have you endangering the safety of my other students. No matter the need for your training. There’s simply too much risk involved.

  “Instead, you’ll meet with Professor Bjerk and his selected teaching assistants in the evenings to train in a controlled environment. This will mostly revolve around your abilities, since it’s clear we need to work on your control.” Hale leaned back in her seat, her features stoic once again. “You will be permitted free time during regular PE while your classmates train. I cannot have you, of all people, failing your classes, Miss Knox.”

  She guessed that was fair.


  Did she just agree with Hale?

  Huh. As unlikely as it seemed, the woman was right.

  The last thing Rayna wanted to do was inadvertently hurt someone during classes. A controlled environment actually sounded like a solid plan.

  Maybe the enchantment worked on her thoughts, too?

  “Was there anything else?” Rayna asked, feeling a little desperate to leave before she did something unthinkable.

  Say, growing to like Hale.

  “Of course there was. Did you think I called you all the way up here simply to discuss your PE class?”


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