Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 3

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Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 3 Page 4

by Charmanie Saquea

  He reached for the rope he had around his neck and tied her up before putting a blindfold over her eyes. He picked up her limp body and carried her out the back door where Chelsea held it open for him. She had to fuck Cordae real good in order to knock him out so they could be sure that he wouldn’t wake up while Linx put his master plan in motion.

  Linx walked her over to a black truck that was parked across the street from the house. The back door slid open and two men took Asia out of Linx’s arms before he walked over to the driver. Linx had a devilish smile on his face as the driver handed him an envelope that was filled with money.

  “It’s all there,” Gunner said.

  Gunner was a man Linx met while he was incarcerated some years back. Gunner was a part of a sex trafficking ring and Linx had just basically sold Asia for a measly $1,000. Linx had showed Gunner plenty of pictures of Asia and they both agreed that she was a winner. Gunner knew his boss would surely be proud of him for bringing her to the house.

  “If her crazy ass wakes up before you get there, just shoot her ass up with some dope and that will keep her calm for a few hours,” Linx instructed.

  Chelsea just shook her head as she watched the exchange between the two men. At first, she was all for this shit when Linx told her about it, but now she wasn’t feeling it. She could only imagine what the hell Asia was about to go through. Her mind drifted to Serenity and she wondered how she would feel if someone did this to her daughter.

  She wouldn’t be able to take it if she found out her daughter was being used as somebody’s sex slave. Yes, Asia may have come into the picture and fucked up her happy home but at the end of the day, she was still a woman and someone’s mother.

  “The fuck wrong with you?” Linx asked.

  Chelsea was so caught up in her thoughts that she never noticed him walking back towards her. She looked up the street and watched the van drive away until it disappeared. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re bitching up,” Linx sneered.

  “Never that. But I gotta go,” she said as she headed for her car.

  Linx shook his head as he went back into the house. That was why he never liked to do dirty work with females, they always got into their feelings and liked to all of a sudden get a conscience in the end.

  Chelsea knew that she was playing dangerous game as she sat in front of Knowledge’s house. The clock in her car read that it was four o’clock in the morning. She got out and knocked on his door. She knew he would be grouchy because he hated being woke up out of his sleep. Knowing he was a hard sleeper, she decided to ring the doorbell. Knowledge snatched the door open with a scowl on his ace.

  “Why the fuck are you ringing my doorbell at four in the morning?” he growled.

  Chelsea didn’t know what had come over her but all of a sudden she burst into tears. Knowledge pulled her into the house and shut the door before pulling her into his arms. Feeling the familiar comfort of his arms made Chelsea breakdown even more.

  “What’s wrong, Chels?” Knowledge asked.

  Chelsea wanted to tell him about Asia and what she had just witnessed but she knew if she did, she could ultimately be signing her own death certificate.

  “I just miss you. I feel like when I lost you, I lost my best friend,” Chelsea cried.

  “Shh, cut all that crying out. I told you that no matter what, I would always be here for you. Just because we’re not together doesn’t mean that I don’t love you,” Knowledge said.

  Chelsea was about to say something but the sound of a baby crying halted her.

  “Go in my room and get comfortable while I check on the girls,” Knowledge said before running up the stairs.

  Girls? Chelsea thought as she slowly walked up the stairs. On her way to Knowledge’s room, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed him feeding his daughter as he walked over to a chair in the room.

  “Serenity’s across the hall. Can you make sure she didn’t wake up?” he asked.

  Chelsea did an about-face as she opened the door to the room her daughter was sleeping in. Serenity was knocked out in the bed, sleeping wildly just like her father. She couldn’t help but to smile at the precious gift she and Knowledge had made. She kissed her on the forehead before walking into Knowledge’s room.

  She undressed and looked for one of his t-shirts in his drawer. She climbed under the covers and before she knew it, she was knocked out. About an hour later, Knowledge walked back into the room from feeding and changing Wysdom. He climbed in the bed and pulled Chelsea close to him. Just like old times, he thought as she snuggled close to him.


  The next morning, Chelsea woke up to the smell of food. She looked around, not remembering where she was until she looked to her left and noticed a picture that was drawn of Asia and Wysdom hanging up on the wall. She climbed out of bed and threw on a pair of Knowledge’s sweat pants before heading down the stairs.

  When she got closer to the kitchen, she could hear the sound of the TV and automatically knew Serenity had her daddy in there watching Doc McStuffins. She rounded the corner and watched as Knowledge stood over the stove while Serenity sat in a chair with her eyes glued to the TV while she held her sister with a bottle propped in her mouth. Chelsea held back tears as she thought about how she and Knowledge were supposed to have the perfect family. Well, they did until Asia came into the picture.

  “Sister done, daddy,” Serenity announced as she held up the empty bottle.

  “Alright, little bit,” Knowledge said as he placed a plate in front of her before he threw a burp cloth over his shoulder and picked up Wysdom. “Are you going to stand there all day or come eat?” he asked.

  Serenity turned to see who he was talking to and looked at her mother sideways. Chelsea was a little taken aback because usually she would be happy to see her.

  “Actually, I have to make a run real quick. But I’ll be back,” she said as she ran back up the stairs.

  After burping Wysdom, Knowledge placed her in her rocker while Serenity ate her breakfast. He went up the stairs to see what was up with Chelsea, but his ringing phone halted him.

  “Hello?” he answered.

  “Nigga, I been calling you for twenty minutes. We have them niggas over right now, but we’re waiting on you before we put in work,” Symir said.

  “Oh shit. I’m on my way,” Knowledge said.

  “Good, because I already sent your mother over to look after the girls until you get back. I’m texting you the address now. Hurry up, nigga!” Symir said before hanging up the phone.

  “I need you to stay here with the girls until my mom gets here,” Knowledge said as he threw on his shoes.

  “What’s wrong?” Chelsea asked.

  “They found a location on Cordae and Linx,” Knowledge yelled as he ran out the bedroom.

  “Oh shit! Oh shit!” Chelsea whispered as she threw Knowledge’s clothes off and put her clothes back on while dialing a number on her phone all at the same time. “I need you,” she said into the phone while running out of the house, leaving the kids there by themselves.

  Knowledge sped all the way to the address that Symir had sent him, shaking his head. Cordae and Knowledge were smart-dumb. Smart enough to get out of Miami, but dumb enough to still be in the state of Florida. He should have known Cordae didn’t know how to do shit right.

  When he pulled up to the house, he noticed the three other trucks in front of the house. He opened the door that Symir let him know was unlocked with his gun in his hand. Symir and Cole had their guns pointed at both Cordae and Linx while Mickey held both of his guns on each man.

  “Nice of you to finally join us,” Symir said without taking his eyes of his nemeses.

  Without speaking a word, Knowledge took his gun and shot Cordae in his knee.

  Cordae let out a muffled noise due to the duct tape that was covering his mouth. Knowledge didn’t stop there, though. He took his gun and pistol whipped Cordae until he noticed him trying to go unconscious. He
slapped him in the face with his hand to keep him alert. Cordae was trying to speak so Knowledge snatched the tape out of his mouth.

  “She’s…she’s not d…dead,” he stammered as he fought to remain conscious.

  “What?” all four of the men yelled.

  “Asia…she’s not…not dead.”

  “Where the fuck is she?” Symir roared.

  “Ask…h…him,” Cordae said referring to Linx.

  Knowledge snatched the tape off Linx’s mouth. “Where the fuck is Asia?”

  “Go to hell,” Linx sneered.

  “Wrong answer, bitch,” Knowledge said before shooting him in his hand.

  Refusing to go out like a bitch, Linx bit the inside of his cheeks to keep him from hollering out.

  “You two bitches are going to die anyways so you might as well tell me where the fuck the mother of my child is!” Knowledge yelled.

  “That bitch ain’t as loyal as you think she is. The whole time she was here, she was fucking your brother. She was in on this shit the whole time,” Linx laughed.

  “I’m sick of this shit,” Symir said as he cocked his gun.

  “Hol up!” Knowledge stopped him. “What bitch are you referring to?”

  “Chelsea. She was basically the one who led us to the bitch. How do you think we knew when she left the little welcome home party and went to her house? As far as Asia goes, she’s somewhere strung out and fucking about five niggas at one time. I should have did that to that bitch Anika, but I chose to—“

  Linx’s words were cut short by Symir putting a bullet in between his eyes before emptying his clip into his body. Following his lead, Cole, Mickey, and Knowledge all emptied their clips into Cordae’s body, leaving him looking like Swiss cheese.

  They doused the house with gasoline before Symir lit a match and threw it on Linx’s body, watching his dead body burn to a crisp. He was relieved to know that his sister was still alive, but now he was hit with the task of finding her and bringing her home.

  Chapter Eight

  Between tearing up the streets looking for his sister and dealing with the bullshit between him and Anika, Symir felt as if he couldn’t catch a break. His mom had been walking around giving him the silent treatment ever since Patience called to tell her that Anika was in the hospital. The day Anika got out the hospital, Anika took Sasha and moved out of the house and he hasn’t seen or spoken to her since.

  “How is my baby doing?” Symir heard his mother ask into the phone.

  He watched as his mother listened into the phone before she spoke again.

  “Tell her I miss her, too, but you better not be over there stressing. I would hate to hurt you for stressing out my grandbaby,” Crystal said as she looked up and noticed her son standing there. She rolled her eyes at him before walking out of the kitchen.

  Symir just chuckled and shook his head as he walked into the den to play his Xbox. He would be lying if he said he didn’t miss Anika and Sasha, but he knew he had fucked up the church’s money when he choked her until she was unconscious. Honestly, he didn’t even remember what happened or why he even did it.

  “You need to turn that damn game off and go check on your daughter and fiancé,” Crystal fussed.

  Symir looked around the room as if he was looking for something. “Oh, you’re talking to me?” he asked.

  “Symir Julian Wright, I am not playing with your black ass. This is the second time you have put your hands on that girl and I know damn well I taught you better than that. This time you took it too far and almost cost her and your baby their lives. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t take your ass back,” Crystal said before walking away mumbling under her breath.

  Symir knew his mom was pissed at him because that was the only time she would curse. A half hour later, Symir found himself walking towards the door that led to the condo Anika had been staying in. She may have thought that she was doing something when she left the house and moved herself along with their daughter in here, but it was okay because he always had a way of finding her.

  As he got closer to the door, he noticed it come open and out walked some random nigga he had never seen before. Anika was standing in the doorway smiling from ear to ear as if she had just won the lotto or something.

  “What’s up, baby mama?” Symir asked as he glared at the dude.

  Anika rolled her eyes in her head but she refused to give Symir any of her attention. “Thanks again, Jay. I’ll hit you up later.”

  “Sure thing, Mami,” Jay said as he licked his lips before looking Symir up and down and chuckling.

  Symir just stood there and glared at Anika, trying his best to fight the urge to slap the shit out of her. Anika folded her arms over her chest and looked at Symir as if she had better things to do.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Yo, you must really want a nigga to act a fool. Keep playing with me if you want to.”

  Anika giggled at Symir trying to threaten her. She wasn’t paying attention to anything he said. She was going to tell him that Jay had helped her put her TVs up on the wall, but she thought against it. She felt as if she didn’t owe him an explanation.

  “And where the fuck is your ring?” he yelled.

  “Why would I wear a ring given to me by a nigga I’m no longer with?” Anika retorted dryly.

  Symir stepped in her face and she looked as if she was ready for the battle.

  “Daddy!” Sasha yelled as she ran to the door.

  Anika moved out of the way and let her daughter embrace her father. It had only been a week since the last time the two seen each other but they were acting as if it had been a whole year.

  “Mommy, can I go with daddy tonight? Pleaseeee?” Sasha begged.

  “I don’t care, Sasha,” Anika sighed.

  No matter what Anika and Symir went through, she would never keep him from his daughter. Just like when she was strung out and came home, he could have kept Sasha away from her, but he didn’t. Anika always wanted Sasha to have a relationship with Symir since she never got to experience it with her dad.

  “Go play while I talk to your mom,” Symir said as she put Sasha down and she took off running.

  Anika rolled her eyes as she plopped down on the couch. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Symir and his mood swings today. She refused to let him stress her or her baby out.

  “You fucking him?” Symir asked.

  “This crack head bitch is no longer your concern,” Anika replied smartly.

  Symir chuckled as he rubbed his chin. He knew he deserved that so he was going to let her smart mouth slide. “Yo, as long as we share a daughter and you’re carrying my seed, you will always be my concern. You better act like you know and don’t have that nigga end up being maggot food.”


  “On some real shit, Nika. You need to come back home. You and my daughter living in a damn three bedroom condo when we have a whole damn six bedroom house together. What are you trying to do, prove a point? If so, I got your point loud and clear,” Symir said.

  “No, I don’t think you do, Symir. Every time you get mad at me, I automatically turn into a crack head bitch. If you were going to throw that up in my face every chance you got, you could have left me exactly where you found me. I would rather endure physical abuse from Linx than verbal and emotional abuse from you. You’re hurting me more than he ever could have, and you’re supposed to be my protector.”

  “Chill, Nika. You’re going too far with that shit. That nigga used to beat your ass unmercifully—”

  “And you’re no different from him. Did you forget you choked me until I was unconscious?” she cut him off.

  “Look, I’m sorry but don’t ever put me in the same category as that fuck nigga!” Symir yelled.

  Symir knew that she was mad and upset, but for her to sit up there and try to say that he and Linx were one and the same was some bullshit and he wasn’t having it. He and Anika had been through hell and back togeth
er since they were little kids and he refused to let this little shit tear them apart.

  “Daddy, can we go now?” Sasha asked as she pulled her Hello Kitty backpack on.

  “Sure, baby girl. Give your mommy a kiss so we can go.”

  Sasha ran over to her mom and grabbed her face with her tiny hands and kissed her. Sasha looked from her mom to her dad with squinted eyes.

  “No more fighting,” she pointed at them.

  Sasha may have been young, but she was far from dumb. She could tell when her parents weren’t happy with each other and the fact that she and her mom weren’t living with her dad anymore sent red flags up for her. She could have easily said she wanted to stay with her daddy, but the fact that she had lived without her mom for four years, she would rather stay with her than to lose her again.

  “Yea, no fighting,” Symir told Anika.

  Anika just rolled her eyes and handed Sasha to her father.

  “When is your doctor’s appointment?” he asked.

  “I already went,” she informed him.

  “What the fuck? When? Why you ain’t tell me?” Symir said.

  “Symir, calm down. I just went to see how far along I am and they gave me some prenatal vitamins. Nothing special or spectacular.”

  “Whatever, Anika. I was there for every appointment when we found out about Sasha and I’ll be doing the same with this child. The next appointment you make, you better let me know,” he said before he walked out the door with Sasha in his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  Asia woke up with a headache that had her seeing stars. She sat up in the bed she had been sleeping in for about two weeks now and grabbed her head while she groaned in agony. She looked around the room at the clothes thrown all over the room and couldn’t remember anything that happened last night.

  “Here, girl,” a girl named Cookie said as she handed her a glass of water and an aspirin. “I figured you would have a hangover after Gunner and them kept giving you those drinks.” She shook her head.


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