Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 3

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Feels So Right, It Must Be Wrong 3 Page 5

by Charmanie Saquea

  “I don’t even remember what happened. What the hell did I even drink?” Asia asked, confused.

  “Shit, you were knocking back shots of Patron as if you were a pro.”

  Asia was about to respond but a figure standing in the doorway stopped her from doing so. Gunner was standing there with a smile on his face. So far, Asia had been a great asset to the business. He was going to tell his boss about his plans of selling her off to another country but thought she would be more valuable here.

  Asia and Cookie were not only the youngest in the stable, but they were also his two top money makers. Gunner didn’t even have to give Asia any drugs for her to cooperate. All he had to do was put a little liquor in her system and she was gone.

  “Look at my two favorite girls.” Gunner smiled.

  Asia stomach started to turn and Cookie looked as if she was disgusted. For the past two weeks, Asia had been living in hell. She was doing shit she normally wouldn’t do and as sad as it was to see, she couldn’t tell you how many men she had slept with or how many times she had been punched for refusing to do so.

  He walked closer to the bed and grabbed Asia’s face, examining the little bruise under her eye that was starting to go away. Asia snatched her face out of his hand and Cookie looked at her with pleading eyes, begging her to just cooperate.

  “Don’t fucking start with me today, Asia. I been trying to be nice to your silly ass but if you want me to beat your ass, I will,” Gunner said as he gripped her face tightly, intensifying her headache even more.

  Asia looked at him with death in her eyes knowing that she had killed niggas for less. If she had a gun in her possession, she would have been put three in his dome.

  “Now, you two bitches get dressed. I have some of my niggas coming over tonight to party and I don’t want no shit from either one of you,” he said, mainly directing his comment at Asia. He winked at both of them before leaving back out of the room.

  “I swear, I’m going to kill him,” Asia said through gritted teeth.

  “Asia, stop trying to go toe-to-toe with that man. He is crazy as hell. You see it don’t take nothing for him to beat somebody’s ass. You’ve been beat more in the two weeks you’ve been here than anyone else the whole one month I’ve been here,” Cookie said.

  “I don’t care, Cookie. He’s a bitch ass nigga. Any nigga that would put his hands on a female or force her to sell her body is a bitch. We don’t even get to see any of that money,” Asia fumed.

  “You’re right, Asia, but what the hell can we do about it? We’re considered the lucky ones. He didn’t sell us off to another country where no one would ever be able to find us, and we’re not out on the hoe stroll all day and night.”

  “Well, if this shit we’re going through makes us lucky then they can keep this shit.”

  Asia was not trying to hear any of the shit Cookie was saying right now. She was still trying to figure out how her life went from sugar to shit with just the snap of a finger. She was wishing she’d never left Wysdom’s party and went to her house. Symir always told her that a hard head makes a soft ass and she was realizing just how true that was.

  She went from being surrounded by the people she loved and who loved her to being injected with drugs and fucking random niggas. Hell, she didn’t even know what state or city she was in, and at this point, she didn’t even care. She hadn’t been outside this house since Gunner first brought her here. She would have rather stayed with Cordae and Linx’s crazy asses than be here. She vowed she would get away from here even if it was the last thing she did.


  Knowledge sat on the couch with Wysdom in his arms while Serenity sat on the floor playing with her toys. When he found out that Chelsea had something to do with Asia’s disappearance, he refused to believe it. After they killed Linx and Cordae, he rushed home to get some answers but of course, she got ghost, which only let him know that it was true. He fumed when his mother told him that when she got to the house the front door was unlocked and the girls were home by themselves.

  He knew all this that was happening was a domino effect from his actions. Had he never pursued Asia, Chelsea never would have anything to worry, Asia would still be here, and everything would be good. He looked down into Wysdom’s face and smiled. One thing for sure, he didn’t regret his baby girl, neither of them.

  Knowledge was snatched out his thoughts by the ringing of his doorbell. He opened the door and was greeted by a pretty face.

  “Hey, Uncle Knowledge. You missed me?” Sasha asked excitedly.

  “Of course I did, pretty girl.” He smiled.

  “What about me?” Symare asked as he walked up on the porch, sticking his hand out for some dap.

  “You know I missed you, too, lil dude,” Knowledge laughed.

  Today the fellas were chilling with the kids to help take their minds off of all the bullshit that had been going on lately. Asia’s birthday was coming up soon so they were planning on what they could do to celebrate for her.

  “Man, these kids are going to drive me fucking crazy.” Symir shook his head as he took his niece from her daddy.

  “Who you telling?” Knowledge laughed. “That little girl in there is a mess.”

  “Thank God I got the boy.” Khyree laughed as he and Knowledge dapped.

  “Well, I don’t have any so…” Mickey smiled.

  “Me either,” Cole agreed.

  “You lucky bastards,” Symir joked.

  Patience came bouncing down the stairs and shook her head at the guys. It was good to see them laughing and smiling like old times.

  “Now that you guys are here, I’m gone,” she announced.

  “Where you going?” they all asked simultaneously.

  “Damn. I didn’t know I had five daddies,” she laughed. “But I’m going out.”

  “With who?” Mickey asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Even though he may not have said it or acted like it, he had been feeling Patience since the first time he laid eyes on her. She was cool as hell and laid back and the fact that she was always down for whatever was a major turn on to him.

  “Who said it was with somebody?” she retorted.

  “With them little ass shorts you got on, it’s going to be nobody,” Mickey said seriously.

  All the fellas looked from Patience to Mickey, confused; especially Knowledge. He didn’t know when or how, but he was damn sure going to find out.

  “Oh yea?” Patience challenged.

  “Yea, try me if you don’t believe me.”

  Patience tried to hide the smile that was threatening to appear on her face. Besides Knowledge, no nigga had ever told her what to do or talked to her in that manner. She had to admit that she was turned on and the fact that Mickey was sexy as hell made it that much better.

  “You know what? I don’t even have time for this shit.” Patience threw her arms up in surrender.

  “Good. You need to stay here anyways, help us keep an eye on the kiddies.”

  Patience walked away while shaking her head and mumbling under her breath about how she couldn’t stand him. Everyone was still stuck and looking at Mickey with a confused look on their faces.

  “What?” he shrugged.

  “Nigga, you fucking my sister?” Knowledge asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “What? No. Not yet, at least.” Mickey said before walking towards the backyard where Knowledge had the grill set up.

  “Oh hell no. Don’t walk away now, nigga. We need to talk!” Knowledge yelled while following behind him.

  Mickey ignored him while shaking his head with a smirk as he continued to the backyard. While throwing the meat on the grill, Mickey explained to the other guys how he had been feeling Patience since Knowledge first brought her around, but it never seemed like the right time to step to her. Knowledge said he had no problem with Mickey being with his sister as long as he treated her right, which he had no doubts that he would do.

  “Enough about me, though. When was the l
ast time you seen your baby mama?” Mickey asked.

  “Man, I haven’t seen that bitch since the morning after she popped up on my doorstep at four in the morning. Her slick ass had the nerve to come here knowing she was on some grimy shit,” Knowledge spat.

  “I know they say ain’t nothing like a woman scorned, but that shit is crazy.” Cole shook his head.

  Symir lit up his blunt and shook his head before he spoke. “I’m actually happy her ass ran because I would have hate to fuck her ass up,” he said with venom dripping with his voice. “Now that I know my sister is alive, my main concern right now is getting her back. Then I gotta work on fixing my damn family.”

  “I hope you do, man,” Khyree spoke up. “You and Nika have been through too much to just throw that shit away now and you know Asia gon beat your ass when she finds out.”

  “Hell yea, she always been team Nika since day one. I just be fucking up when I get angry and taking it out on her. Despite what anyone may think, Nika really is a good person. She just got caught up with the wrong nigga and he made her do that shit. I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong, but she not trynna hear a nigga out this time.”

  Symir knew he was wrong for putting his hands on Anika and calling her out of her name. He had been doing some thinking and soul searching ever since she moved and he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle losing her again. Unbeknownst to Symir, his phone had butt dialed Anika’s number when he reached in his back pocket for his lighter. She sat on the other end, hearing everything he said with a somber look on her face. She hated that she had to leave him when he was going through something, but she had to let him know that she wasn’t going to take his bullshit.

  Chapter Ten

  Four months later

  She ride me like a porn star

  She ride me like a pro she did this shit before

  I hold her tight no letting go til she say she can’t take no more

  August Alsina blasted through the speakers as Asia and Cookie stood in the middle of the basement dancing and kissing on each other. Both girls were full of ecstasy, Patron shots and Hennessey. Gunner sat in the back of the room with his video camera pointed at the show before him. His dick jumped from excitement as he watched the two baddest bitches in his stable go at it.

  His eyes stayed fixated on Asia the whole time, watching her body wind to the music. Even though she was drunk and high at the same time, her movements still captivated him. Instead of drunk dancing, her body moved perfectly to the beat of the music. Fuck this.

  “Cookie, go upstairs for a minute. Let me talk to Asia real quick!” Gunner yelled over the music.

  Cookie looked confused for a minute but she obeyed and headed for the stairs. Asia stood there with a crazy look on her face as she watched Gunner walk towards her. He grabbed her face and tried to shove his tongue in her mouth, but Asia turned her head and tried to push him off of her.

  “So you’ll kiss all over a bitch but won’t let me kiss you?” Gunner laughed as he tightly grabbed her face and kissed her.

  When Asia felt his free hand go for her panties, she sobered up a little and bit down on his lip forcefully.

  “Bitch!” Gunner yelled as his hands went up to his lip.

  Asia took that as the perfect opportunity to make a run for it. She ran for the stairs but didn’t get too far before she felt herself being pulled back by her hair. Gunner threw her down on the couch and continuously punched her in her face. Asia screamed as she kicked and swung but due to her being intoxicated, her punches were slow and not hitting him.

  “I tried to be nice to your ass but you wanna fucking play!” Gunner yelled as he continued on beat her like she was a nigga in the streets.

  Cookie heard the screams as she stood at the top of the stairs. Not being able to take it anymore, she ran down the stairs and grabbed a lamp off the table near the couch. Gunner was in such a trance that he never realized Cookie was even back in the basement until it was too late.


  Cookie hit Gunner in the head with the lamp with all her might, knocking him out instantly. She wasn’t sure if she had killed him or not. Hearing Asia groan, she grabbed her off the couch and led her up the stairs. They quietly snuck to through the kitchen to the back door.

  “Come on, Asia. We have to make a run for it.” Cookie whispered.

  Even though her face was bloody and her eyes was already swelling up, she knew she had to run for her life. She just nodded her head as best as she could as Cookie slowly walked to the front of the house. Once they got on the sidewalk in front of the house, they took off running like their lives depended on it, because in actuality, they did.

  Asia didn’t know how she did it or where she was, but all she knew was that she was running down the street in nothing but her bra and panties in the middle of the night with Cookie right by her side. It had seemed like forever since she had seen the outside of a house and once she broke free, she didn’t even bother to look back. To make matters worse than they already were, her body was in pain but she had to push through it to save her life.

  She was grateful that Cookie had come in when she did or else she would be dead by now. She wasn’t too sure if that blow that Cookie delivered to Gunner’s head killed him or not but she wasn’t about to stay around to find out. Barely able to see due to her left eye being swollen, she could barely tell where she was or what direction she was taking. She noticed a car pulling into a driveway and ran as fast as she could once she noticed a lady getting out of her car.

  “Help!” Cookie yelled. “Help me!”

  The lady turned towards the voice and saw two girls running in her direction.

  “Oh my God,” the lady mumbled as they got closer.

  Cookie ran to her as Asia fell at her feet. “Please help us. He’s going to kill us,” Cookie said as she picked Asia up in her arms.

  The lady stood there in shock, not because of the situation before her or the fact that these two girls looked as if they had been someone’s personal punching bags or the fact that one was damn near naked. No. The reason she was in shock was because she knew one of the girls. She knew she did.

  “Asia?” she whispered.

  “Please?” Asia begged, ignoring the fact that this stranger knew her name.

  Coming back to her senses, the lady helped Asia out of Cookie’s arms and walked them into the house, making sure no one was out or watching them. Once inside, she made sure she locked her door and turned her alarm system on.

  She ushered the girls upstairs to the bathroom where she sat Asia on the toilet while she ran a hot bath for her. While the bath was running, she looked in her cabinet for the alcohol and peroxide. Asia finally got a good look at the woman and her hands flew to her mouth.

  “Mommy?” she asked.

  Sasha froze. She didn’t expect Asia to remember her after all these years. The last time she had seen her daughter, she was eight years old and holding a gun in her hand. That was the night her life changed and she lost the love of her life. She slowly lifted her head up and looked at Asia with a somber look on her face.

  She gave Asia a weak smile before pouring the peroxide on a rag and wiping the blood off Asia’s face. Asia was stuck. She couldn’t believe her eyes. At first she thought it was the drugs and liquor that had her tripping, but she knew her mother. She could never forget her face.

  “I’ll explain everything later,” Sasha assured her.

  Asia just nodded her head. After cleaning her face, Sasha and Cookie left the bathroom so Asia could bathe in peace. She led Cookie to her room where she had a master bathroom and allowed her to take a bath in her bathroom. While the girls were in the bathrooms, Sasha went back downstairs and sat on the couch.

  Her mind was all over the place. She was trying to figure out what Asia was doing in Tennessee? Who was abusing her? Where were Crystal and Symir? So many questions were running through her mind that it was giving her a headache.

  Sasha was so lost in her thoughts that
she didn’t even hear when the girls came into the room until she felt the couch move next to her. Her eyes shot open as she looked around.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” Cookie spoke as she looked from Asia to the woman she now knew as Asia’s mother. “Umm, I’m going to go to sleep so you two can talk.”

  “Okay. Let me show you to one of the guest rooms,” Sasha said as she got up.

  While the two were gone, Asia used the opportunity to look around the house. She walked over to the fireplace where a big portrait of the last family photo they took hung on the wall. Looking at it instantly brought tears to Asia’s good eye since her left one was swollen shut. This picture reminded her of when everything in her life was perfect. The only worries she had were which new Barbie or toy her daddy was going to buy her.

  “You were so happy in that picture,” Sasha said from behind her.

  “We all were.”

  “Lady Love, I—“

  Sasha’s sentence was cut off when Asia ran up to her and threw her arms around her. It had been almost thirteen years since the last time she’d been held in her mother’s arms. Just hearing her momma call her the childhood nickname that she and her daddy used to call her evoked some deep emotions inside of Asia.

  “You were dead. I watched you die on that couch before I put a bullet in him the same time he put one in daddy. They made me go into a foster home until Ma and Symir saved me. How is this even possible?” Asia asked through tears.

  “Trust me, Lady Love. I never wanted to leave you. When the police and ambulance came, I barely had a pulse. I flatlined three times according to them before they had to crack open my chest to get the bullet out. Then I was in a coma. I didn’t know how long I was in there until I woke up one day with Crystal sitting next me.”

  Sasha explained to Asia how Crystal had her moved to a private hospital for her safety because word had gotten around that she was in a coma and basically still alive. She also informed Sasha that Asia was in a foster home and that she was going to do everything in her power to get her out. Sasha knew that in order for her to keep Asia safe, she had to go away. With the help of Syrus’ lawyers and people on his payroll, they helped give Sasha a fake funeral.


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