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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 12

by BWWM Club

  “Very soon,” she reassured him, reaching over to pat his hand. “I also want you to meet his very beautiful and delightful wife, such a sweet girl.”

  “I saw their pictures in the papers, she sure is a beauty.” He commented.

  “I like this,” she told him with a contented sigh, settling back against the padded chair. “I am not used to being in a relationship where I am afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing because I am afraid of being punished.”

  “I wish you had not gone through all that,” he frowned darkly, his eyes on his soup and she knew even though he did not say it, it pulled him up the worst way that she had been abused in that manner. He was still a handsome man with his full head of gray hair and a very pleasant smile. He had two dogs that he doted on and was a very avid gardener who was into indoor gardening when winter came. He had given her a basket of vegetables only last week, his unique way of telling her that he was inviting himself to dinner.

  They finished eating and sat in the living room that Maura had always felt out of place in with its elegant furnishings and carpet that swallowed your feet when you step on it. She had always been a simple woman and luxury did not sit well with her. They sat close beside each other and only after a slight hesitation; Earl reached over an arm and pulled her close to him. Maura sank down in his arms with a sigh of contentment, closing her eyes and savoring the novelty of having a man holding her for comfort and not one who made her shiver in the corner of the room. She felt the happiness going through her like a gentle river and she hugged the feeling to her. They did not talk but sat there watching the old black and white film on the huge flat screen that her son had bought her and she finally realized that she had found happiness.

  Chapter 12

  Spring came, with it rain to melt away the snow that the harsh winter had deposited on the ground. It also came with the promise of blossoming flowers and hope anew. That was what Maura Tanner felt as she hummed to herself as she prepared the dinner she had planned. It was time to let her family know about Earl because he had asked her to marry him and she wanted to tell them before it was blurted out somewhere.

  She had invited Sybil as well as Michael and Debra and the supervisor at the soup kitchen, Mable who had been such a good friend to her. It had been hard to find a time to pin down Michael and her daughter in law but she had stressed to Debra how very important the dinner was and she had told her to leave it to her.

  With a happy smile, she slid the baking tray inside the oven with the large turkey she had seasoned and based. Sybil had offered to help but she had told her that she wanted to do it on her own. It was time to prove to herself and others that she was a woman who could stand on her own.


  “Since you became Mrs. Tanner we hardly ever go anywhere together,” Jules complained, plopping down on the chair in front of Debra’s desk, shaking back her raven black hair.

  “We had lunch just last week,” Debra reminded her as she hurriedly typed up the press release that needed to go out the next day. They had dinner at seven this evening at Michael’s mother and she had promised they would not be late. It was almost two o’clock and she still had a number of things to take care of. “And you told me you were seeing that photographer from the fashion magazine.”

  “Yes, turns out he is gay,” Jules told her with a grimace.

  “Oh honey, I am sorry,” Debra exclaimed, looking up at her friend. She had been going on and on about Jason and how gorgeous he was and how she could not wait to get him into bed.

  “He confessed when I tried to kiss him and inveigle him into my apartment.” Jules said impishly. “When he told me I thought I could cure him of it and I told him that one time with me and he would never look at another man.”

  Debra burst out laughing as she stopped what she was doing and looked at her friend who was trying hard to not to laugh. “One day you will find the right person.”

  “This from a woman who married for convenience and fell in love along the way.” Jules told her dryly.

  Debra started to deny it but then she stopped, it was safe to admit it; now that they were confident in their love for each other. “See what I mean? Love works in mysterious ways.”


  “I wish you had called first Selene,” Michael said impatiently. “I don’t have time to talk to you now, I have a board meeting scheduled in the next fifteen minutes.”“What’s the matter darling? Don’t have time to talk to an old flame?” The woman crossed beautiful long legs that had made her so successful in her career as a model. She epitomized stunning beauty with her smoky gray green eyes and jet black hair that moved past her shoulders in waves or riotous curls and her makeup was impeccable as usual. She was dressed in a designer jeans and silver gray silk shirt that fitted her frame and revealed that she was not wearing a bra.

  “Is this a business meeting?” he asked her with a frown, completely unmoved by her beauty.

  “Of course darling what else?” she asked smoothly. Amy had told him he had a visitor in his office and he had wanted to lash out at her for letting her in but Selene had been a regular visitor to the office when they had been together so he supposed Amy had no reason to think that Selene was not welcome now, even though he was married to Debra. Debra! His heart raced as he thought about his wife in the office a few feet down.

  “What is it?” he asked her impatiently, looking at his watch.

  “Relax darling,” Selene laughed throatily. “I am not here to make good on my threat to get you back; you already told me how you feel about that little wife of yours so I am woman enough to back off. I want out of my contract with the agency and they are giving me a hard time.”

  “Take it up with your lawyer,” Michael suggested coolly, impatient for her to get the hell out of his office.

  “Darling you own the agency or a piece of it so why can’t you tell them to let me go?”

  “It does not work that way Selene,” he said with forced patience. “I do not have controlling share in the company and even if I did there is a proper procedure that needs to be followed.”

  “All this business talk,” she pouted getting to her feet in one fluid movement and standing before him. In her heels, she was eye to eye with him. “Remember what we shared Michael?” she asked him softly, reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder.

  It happened quite suddenly. The minute Selene heard his wife’s voice she made her move. With a swiftness that took him entirely by surprise she pulled him into her arms and fastened her lips on his. Shock held him immobile for a moment; that moment that had Debra staring at him before turning and hurrying away. It was seeing her leaving that brought him out of his immobility and with a sound of disgust he pushed her away from him and hurried after her. “Make sure she is not there when I get back,” he told Amy furiously, trying to catch up to his wife, his heart pounding inside his chest.

  He practically run to catch her up, not noticing the attention he was receiving from the various staff mingling on the floors.

  She was inside her office leaning against her desk and he closed the door behind him. “I did not kiss her, I would not do that to you.” He stood against the door, not daring to go further. “I saw her in my office when I came in from the meeting with the CFO and she said she wanted to discuss getting out of her contract with the agency. I own part of the agency.” He rushed to explain to her. Her silence was unnerving and he wanted her to say something to let him know that she was not going to leave him. “She kissed me and I was so shock that I did not push her away at first.”

  “I know she did,” she finally spoke. She was dressed in a dark green skirt suit and a red and green scarf around her neck and she looked like she just stepped from a fashion magazine. Emerald earrings glinted at her lobes, earrings he had bought her a month ago.

  “You do?” he asked warily, still standing by the door. He could not read her expression, it was too mutual and he could not tell whether or not she was angry.

��Hmm,” she moved at last and walked over to him. “I left because I was afraid I was going to haul her off you and beat the crap out of her but I don’t do that sort of thing, I am much too civilized for that.” She stood in front of him but still he did not reach out to her and it amused her and humbled her a little to see her strong handsome husband; a man who had clawed his way out of nothing to make a billion dollar company was afraid of her reaction to what she saw in his office. She reached up and wiped off the touch of lip gloss off his lips. She could still smell her seductive perfume on him and she had to force herself to ignore it. “I would never leave you for something like that, for someone like her. But if I ever catch her inside this building again, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” She told him softly, closing her arms around his neck. “I am not going anywhere Michael.” She brought his head down and captured his lips.

  With a relieved groan he opened his mouth under hers and met her tongue with his, his arms coming around her waist as he deepened the kiss, the fire coming alive inside him. She was the only one who was able to make him lose control and with a sudden movement he lifted her against him, his mouth hungry on hers as he showed her how much she meant to him.

  He was twenty minutes late for his meeting but he did not give a damn, his wife was not angry with him; she was not leaving him so anything after that was not worth much.


  They had stopped to change into something more suiting to the small dinner party and Debra had had to remind him constantly that they were running late because he insisted on taking a shower with her and using the sponge on her which meant there were lots of interruptions along the way. They got there at a quarter past seven.

  “Blame your son,” Debra told Maura as she hugged the woman and kissed her on one cheek. Debra was surprised to see the soft glow in the woman’s eyes and the happy and relaxed expression on her face. She almost looked beautiful.

  Her aunt was already there and a woman she had met briefly on a visit to Maura’s house and Earl whom Maura had told her about in confidence when she had called her recently.

  Maura took her son’s hand and led him over to where Earl was standing a little way from the rest. “Michael, I want you to meet someone special,” she said shyly. Michael hesitated a moment, sizing up the man in front of him and then with a smile he held out his hand to shake his hand. Earl clasped his hand firmly and gave him a nod of understanding. Maura beamed at them before introducing her daughter in law.”Very good to meet you at last Earl,” she told him with a friendly smile. She was very happy for Maura, the woman was positively glowing.

  The dinner was a success and Michael engaged Earl in conversations about stocks and bonds and the way the stock market was taking a beating these days. Earl told him about the garden he had made in doors and the way it was striving. The conversation around the dinner table was very lively and the food was very good. Maura had gone all out with the turkey and fried chicken along with fresh vegetables that she said with a fond smile were from Earl’s garden.

  Earl spoke to him when they were having coffee and carrot cake. Debra had excused herself from her husband’s side and went over to where the women were.

  “I am aware of your mother’s past Michael and the things she went through.” They were sitting in the alcove that over looked the front garden that was showing the first bloom of spring. “She is a lovely woman and I have not met anyone like her since my wife died and I am telling you that I have every intention of treating her the way she deserves to be treated.”

  “I am glad to hear that,” Michael told him calmly, placing his coffee cup on the small spindle table in front of him. “I would hate for her to have to go through that crap again.” There was a hint of steel in his voice.

  Earl smiled, not in the least bit offended. “She won’t,” he promised.

  Michael looked at the man, respect flashing in his green eyes. “I am sure she won’t,” he said with a smile.

  The rest of the evening passed by pleasantly enough and by nine o’clock they started leaving. Debra told her mother in law that she would be calling her soon. “Next time dinner is on us, right Michael?” she looked at her husband and without waiting for a response from him she told them that she would call with the details.

  “You knew about this?” Michael asked her as soon as they got inside the car and they drove off.

  “About what?” Debra asked, deliberately obtuse.

  “Abut Mother and Earl?” her husband glanced at her briefly, admiring the way the floral dress fitted her curvaceous frame.

  “Of course,” she told him with a small smile.

  “Keeping secrets from your husband?” he queried mildly.

  “Absolutely not!” she grinned at him impishly.

  He looked at her levelly before putting his eyes back on the road. “Are we okay?” he asked her casually.

  This time Debra did not pretend not to know what he meant because even though he sounded casual she could hear the anxiety in his voice. “We are okay Michael,” she told him softly, reaching out to hold his hand that rested between their seats. He turned over his hand and clasped hers tightly all the way to the apartment.

  “I am glad she found someone,” he murmured. They were sitting up in bed and he was using her special cream to smooth on her legs after coming from the bathroom

  “So am I,” she said softly, lying back against the mound of pillows; her eyes closed as he massaged the cream into her skin. She was naked except for the silk robe that she had pulled on and was opened to reveal her nudity. He was also naked and she saw through half opened eyes as he bent his head and took a toe into his mouth to suck on it. She gasped as the sensation ran through her body.

  “I want to make love to you starting from your toes,” he whispered, lifting one of her foot and started kissing her on the inside of her thigh. Debra moaned as his mouth traveled further up until he reached between her legs. He used his fingers to open her up and ducked his head, to touch his tongue to her. Debra gasped and her back arched, her body trembling as his tongue ventured inside her slowly, deliberately, his teeth grazing her. She cried out sharply, her hands gripping the sheets, her body shuddering.

  “Michael!” she cried out. He did not stop but continued to lick her slowly, agonizingly, his hands lifting her buttocks to further accommodate his mouth on her. He spread her cheeks further as his tongue slide in and out of her increasing the tempo until she thought she would go delirious with need.

  He did not stop until she flooded his mouth with her orgasm, her voice hoarse as she called out his name. He came over her and entered her slowly, grimacing as her tightness wrapped around his shaft, pulling him in. “I love you so much,” he whispered against her mouth. “I am yours, I will always be yours,” he lifted her legs and pushed them up as he plunged inside her, his eyes on hers, watching her reaction, needing to see it.

  She moved with him, frantically, her fingers digging into hair and bringing his head down to hers so that she could taste him. He met her tongue with a ferocity that left her breathless and needy. He pulled out of her a little bit before plunging back in, wanting to prolong the intense pleasure of being inside her. He needed to show her how much she meant to him and sometimes he thought that words was not enough, never would be enough. His kiss softened on her mouth and he slowed down moving inside her at an easy pace. He released her mouth and moved his head down a fraction to capture a nipple, pulling it inside his mouth with a hunger that took her breath away. He felt the tension way down inside his testicles and as much as he fought it; he could not stop himself from exploding inside her. With a muffled groan he let go of her nipple and gather her legs he plunged inside her, his body rigid with the flood rising inside him. Debra held him to her as her own need rose to match his and they came together, their cries mingling inside the room. He was still shuddering against her even after the storm had passed and he clung to her, still buried deep inside her, his movements slower but not altogether still.<
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  “I swear that every time we make love it gets better,” she told him huskily, stroking a hand down his back causing him to shiver.

  “I cannot disagree,” he murmured, resting on his elbows so that he could gaze at her. “What have you done to me?” he wondered.

  “I have been asking myself that same question,” she teased him. She moved her bottom off the bed to take him in and saw when his green eyes smoldered and felt him harden a little inside her. “You have taken over my life and it feels good.” She whispered, her hand drifting down to his well muscled buttock and holding on.

  “Debra,” he muttered, resting his head against her forehead. “Selene put her lips on mine and I felt nothing but as soon as I see you I am fired up. I can’t believe how much I am into you, how much I love you and I will never take it for granted.”

  “I should hope not,” she warned him lightly, wrapping her legs around his waist and moving against him restlessly. “Make love to me again my husband,” she murmured. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  With a groan he complied, pulling her legs from his waist he pulled away only to turn her around and on her knees and entered her from behind; his hands reaching around to hold her breasts in his palms as he started moving within her. Debra threw back her head and her teeth clenched as he went deep inside her, his hands pulling at her nipples sending darts of pleasure inside her.

  “Don’t stop Michael!” she cried out, moving her bottom against him as he plunged inside her. “Please,” she gasped. He moved his hands away from her breasts and held her hips fast against him, moving against her rapidly, his breathing shallow and his heart racing inside his chest. He came before her, his cries hoarse as he gathered her close to him, his movements desperate, his control all but gone as his seed spilled inside her. Debra came all over him, her cries desperate and ragged as she sagged against the bed. He fell against her but did not come out of her, he could not, he wanted to feel her against him and he was not willing to let her go.


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