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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 29

by BWWM Club

It had only been a few minutes when he suddenly felt the urge to fill her mouth with his seed.

  Shit it’s too soon. It’s too fucking soon...” he thought as he tried to hold back. She breathed his relief when he felt her slowly pulling away from his strong hard member. He raised his head and looked at her.

  “Don’t hold back.” This time, it was her turn to command him. He had never been more turned on than he was at that moment. She pushed her hair back and cupped his balls with one hand before she took his length into her mouth once more. This was it. He could not hold back anymore. And why would he? He had the go ahead to cum already.

  “Oh shit…oh…Angie!” he moaned as he felt himself getting that much needed release. “ yes,” he was moaning as she milked him. She was not slowing down. She was taking down every drop he had to offer like a real champ. When he was finally done, he supported himself using his elbows and looked at her. She was smiling at him as she dabbed the sides of her mouth with her fingers.

  ‘Now you can have me,” she said as she looked at him.

  “You drained me,” he said in soft voice.

  She wrapped her small fingers around his cock and began stroking it slowly. She was looking right into his eyes as she moved her hand up and down, encouraging him even though he didn’t really need any encouragement. He was already getting hard again. He suddenly reached up and slipped an arm around her waist before he flipped her over, getting her under him.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asked as he positioned his cock at her opening. She moaned softly when he pushed himself into her. She never even got a chance to answer him. He began moving in and out of her, slowly and deeply. He was looking right into her eyes as he made love to her. Everything about the moment was perfect. The intimacy was deep…deeper than she had ever known. He looked at her as his thrusts intensified. He was fucking her harder and deeper. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside her. She interlocked her legs around his waist and tightened her hold around his shoulders.

  “Just like that…just like that…” she was moaning, her head buried in his shoulder.

  The fact that she had drained him just minutes before was a guarantee that he was going to keep fucking her hard and long. And to make matters even worse, she was already climaxing. He let out a grunt when he felt her pussy begin to tighten on him. He began fucking her harder and deeper until she couldn’t hold herself together anymore. She cried out as she felt herself coming apart on his cock.

  “Oh God…” she moaned as he slowed down. Adrian raised himself up and looked down at her before he began thrusting again. She let out a series of moans as he fucked her through the sensitivity. She was moaning loudly and gasping with every pummeling thrust and he was looking at her, marveling at the way she came apart underneath him.

  Angelina had cum a couple more times before he finally exploded inside her. She cried out loudly as she felt him shooting himself deep inside her. She was shivering and he was too. She exhaled loudly as he laid on top of her shivering in the wake of his wild orgasm. He got off and collapsed next to her. She was breathing hard and he was exhausted.

  “No one…no one has ever made me cum like that,” he whispered.

  “I don’t think I have ever been fucked like that,” she said as she looked at him.

  He smiled and draped an arm around her.

  “We still haven’t had the breakfast you mentioned,” she said as she closed her eyes.

  “Maybe we should go and get started on that,” he said in a groggy voice before they both slipped off to sleep…

  When Angelina woke up, there was the unmistakable aroma of crispy fried bacon. She got up and noticed the sticky mess in between her legs and on the bedding. She climbed off the bed and pulled off the sheet before she walked to the bathroom.

  “If I never have sex again, it will be too soon,” she thought as she used a cold washcloth on her pussy. She closed her eyes and exhaled as she felt the cool washcloth on her. She then put on a bathrobe before she made her way to the living room.

  “Good morning,” Adrian said cheerfully. He was in pajama bottoms and he was shirtless. She hated that he was so damn sexy especially after she had sworn she didn’t want to have sex any time soon.

  “Morning? What time is it?” she asked.

  “A little after midday. Which is still kind of morning for us since we are about to have breakfast,” he said with a smile.

  She smiled and sat down at the bar.

  “Jeez, Adrian. Are you expecting company and didn’t tell me?” she asked when she saw the spread he had laid out. There were pancakes, eggs and bacon. He smiled at her and poured her a glass of juice.

  “I was hungry so I just started cooking and voila!” He looked at her and smiled. “We do need nourishment after all the exercise anyway.”

  “Are we looking to nourish ourselves for the rest of our lives or something because this is a lot….a whole lot,” she said before she took a sip of her juice. He shrugged and grabbed two plates from the dish rack.

  “Shut up and eat, Angie,” he commanded as he served some eggs, bacon and canned beans on one plate. He then put two pancakes on a side plate before he carefully put a few pieces of chopped strawberries. “Whipped cream?” he asked.

  “Of course,” she said in a soft voice. “How the hell do I even start?” she wondered as she looked at the two plates in front of her.

  “I made the bacon crispy just the way you like it,” he said as he took a bite of one bacon strip.

  “Thank you,” she said before she took her first bite. Adrian walked round and sat down next to her. He took a bite of his pancakes and looked into her eyes. “This is all so…beautiful,” she said as she took another bite of her bacon.

  “I would do anything for you, babe. You know that.”

  “I know,” she said in a soft voice. “Like leaving the office in the freaking morning.”

  “I had to…I needed you,” he said, looking right into her eyes.

  “But it was morning and you were at work. Didn’t you have anything to do? A meeting or something?”

  “I did have a meeting but being with you was more important,” he pointed out.

  “So you bailed on your meeting? Are you serious?”

  “If I cannot leave the office and entrust my business to one of my guys then I have been a really crappy boss,” he said as he took a long sip of her juice. She took another bite of her bacon and then took a sip of her juice. “So, you wanted to talk.”

  She nodded.

  He looked up at her and cut a piece of pancake. He forked some pancake and a whipped cream covered strawberry and raised it to his mouth.

  “What did you want to talk about?” he asked.

  She took a long deep breath. “Us.”

  He shrugged and took another bite of his pancakes.

  “What about us?”

  “Our pasts.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked, surprised.

  “I need to know how bad the situation is going to get…” she started asking before he held his fork up.

  “Whoa. What situation? What are you talking about?”

  “It’s like everywhere I turn, I see another one of your exes who want to get back with you.”

  “Well, in all honesty Jolene was not really an ex. She was more of a friend with benefits,” he said. She rolled her eyes at him. “I am not helping the situation, am I?” he asked with a smile.

  “No, you are not.”

  “Sorry But it is the truth. Jolene and I…it was purely sexual,” he said again.

  “Well, I need to know how many exes I stand to run into,” she said.

  “Okay. Let me make you a deal. Ladies first.”


  “You tell me about the whole ex thing on your side of the story and then I’ll go.”

  She sighed. “Is it that bad?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I just want to know what to expect and maybe if
you go first I will know exactly what to say.”

  “Alright,” she said as she took a long sip of her juice. “I have four exes. Two were not really serious…Bernard Teller, high school senior year and Paul Messer, second year of college. He was fine and fun but he did drugs. He was kind of a drag…pun intended,” she added with a smile.

  She took another long sip of her juice before she bit into another bacon strip.

  “So those were the non-serious ones?” he asked and she nodded.

  “Yeah.” She looked at him and sighed. “Senior year of college, Timothy Cahn.” She bit her lower lip and shrugged.

  “Why did you stop? What was so special about Timothy Cahn?” he asked. “Should I be jealous?”

  She looked at him and almost said yes because the truth was she and Tim were together for the longest time. He was actually her longest relationship ever. They had talked about having a future together, of having kids and living in the suburbs. Everything seemed great until he announced to her one day out of the blues that he was going to be joining Doctors Without Borders and moving to the Middle East. She hated the idea of living every day not knowing how he was, always having to hang on to the news. Eventually he left the Middle East but only for a few weeks during which she had been hopeful they would get back together but when he told her he was going to be going to relocating to Asia, she realized she could never be first in his life. His medical calling would always come first before anything else.

  “No,” she finally said. “He chose medicine.”

  “So what you are telling me is the only reason you broke up was because he left?” he asked.

  “Yes, in so many words that is exactly what happened.”

  “And you are telling me I have no reason to be jealous?” Adrian asked.

  “He is not you. He is not the man you are,” she said in a soft voice.

  “I count three,” he said.

  “Jean Pierre Beauchene, number four.”

  “Really? A French guy?” Adrian asked raising an eyebrow over the other.


  “He is one of the serious ones so of course I am a little concerned.” She shrugged as she took a bite of her eggs. “So, what went wrong there?”

  “He cheated,” she said.

  “Oh, alright.”

  “Yeah, you know what they say about French men…insatiable appetite and everything.”

  “And if I must point out, they are all out of state,” she said. He laughed. “There’s my dirty laundry. Your turn.” She took another bite of her eggs as she looked at him.

  “I have never really had a serious thing…not like this anyway,” he started. “The only thing that came anything close was Sophia.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel bad at all,” she said in a cynical tone. “She said you guys were together for quite a while.”

  “You guys really got personal at that party didn’t you?”

  “She was the only person who hated being there as much as I did,” she said. She looked at him for a long time before she spoke again. “She told me you would drop her off at her family’s place in Belfast.”

  “Yeah our families were kind of close…I think they still are.”

  “So she knows about your family…she has actually met your family?” Angelina asked. She didn’t know if he could hear the disappointment in her voice.

  “I know but I have met my family. You are not missing anything,” he said with a smile. She took another bite before she sipped on her juice. “Why, do you want to meet my family or something?”

  She took another bite and he raised an eyebrow again.

  “Are you serious?” he asked and she shrugged. “Meeting my family is going to be worse than that party a few days ago.”

  “No pressure, Adrian. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” She took a bite of her eggs. “So, how many women should I be concerned about?”

  “None,” he said.

  “You know what I mean,” she pointed out.

  “Okay, first of all you must understand I have not been in relationships. I have just had women in my life but they have all been subs. Nothing more.”

  “How many more are we talking?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “Eight or twelve.”

  “Pick a number Adrian. It’s either eight or twelve.”

  “I have slept with eight but the other four were just subs…no sex. Just women who got off on pain,” he said.

  “And you didn’t mind doing that?”

  “No, not at all,” he said.

  “But you never do anything submissive to me,” she said.

  He looked at her and raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “I have been dominant with you Angie. More than once,” he said.

  “You have just spanked me a little.”

  “And that is being dominant.”

  “Sophia said that you used to chain her up and used cuffs and everything,” she said.

  “Angie, do you want to be Adrian and Angelina or Adrian and Sophia?” he asked as he looked at her. She didn’t need to answer him because she knew exactly what her answer was supposed to be. “Babe, I can’t do that stuff to you because it is not how I see you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Eat your breakfast Angie,” he said in a soft voice.

  Chapter 11

  When she walked into her office on Monday morning, Angelina felt like she was walking on sunshine. She had just had a successful meeting with one of the most promising up and coming artist Alicia Voss. The Parisian was going to be showing her work for the next year and given how good she was, Angelina knew she was going to have a great year showing Voss art. She put her bag down and kicked off her shoes just as the door opened. She looked over her shoulder and saw Matt walking in.

  “Hey boss lady…whoa,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Good morning Matt,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Good morning? You look like you just stepped off the red carpet,” he said as he looked at her light yellow skirt and black blazer which she was now taking off to reveal her striped sleeveless top.

  “I had a meeting with Alicia Voss,” she said as she hung up her coat on her chair. She rolled her eyes and put on her shoes before she walked to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her hands.

  “The Alicia Voss? Awesome painter Alicia Voss?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, that Alicia Voss,” Angelina called from the bathroom. “And we will be showing her work starting next week.” She walked out of the bathroom and looked at an impressed looking Matt. “So, you should probably update the website and everything.”

  “Just when I thought it wouldn’t get any better working here, it does,” Matt said with a smile.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked as she walked towards him. He handed her the newspaper he had in his hands. She looked at it for a minute and then looked up. “I don’t get it. What am I looking at?” she asked.

  “Down there…right down there,” Matt said as he pointed at something on the paper. She shook her head. “Oh come on, boss lady!” He grabbed the paper from her.

  “What are you…” she started asking before Matt started reading.

  “Dutch American artists voiced their concern about improper representation of their art. The two had a signed contract with local gallery Romaine’s but in light of recent events. The two have been looking around for….” Before he could finish reading that paragraph, she had grabbed the paper from him.

  “Improper representation? Had signed a contract…what the hell?” she looked up at Matt. “Carlton Romaine lost the Dutch Americans? Seriously?” she asked. She could not help but feel excited even though she was trying as hard as she could not to show her excitement.

  “So, we can get the Dutch Americans back,” Matt said.

  “Yeah, we can,” she said in a soft voice but she was not smiling anymore. She looked at him and he frowned.

  “I don’t like t
he way you are looking at me,” he said. “You are not up to any good.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “I already did my pitch with them.”

  “I thought you never got the meeting,” Matt pointed out as she began walking back to her desk. She sat down and smiled.

  “I missed the one meeting but a few days later, I set something up and let them know what The Parisian could offer them. Forty per cent as compared to what all the other galleries were offering them,” she said.

  “Forty per cent is a little high. Don’t you think?” Matt asked.

  “Well, all the pieces from those guys sell for three thousand dollars and more. Forty per cent is actually quite good,” she said as she looked at him. “We are just fine.”

  “Okay, so when are we going to be meeting them now that they are back on the market?” Matt asked but she shook her head. “Come on boss lady. This is literally the golden goose.”

  “For starters, Matt, you mean they are the goose laying the golden egg,” she started. “And two, we already have that goose. Alicia Voss.”

  “But the Dutch Americans…” Matt started.

  “The Dutch Americans are going to be waiting for us to make a move and when we don’t, they will only want us more.”

  “So reverse psychology, right?” he said with a smile.

  “Reverse psychology works. But for it to work you may need to update the whole Alicia Voss thing. We need to create some buzz online and get the people out there talking. Do everything you have to…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…the works.” She switched on her computer. “What hashtag does she use to market her art?”

  “Alicia Voss artwork. One word,” Matt said as he sat down in front of her desk.

  “Having an artist with two hundred thousand followers is going to be really good for sales. And I think The Parisian is going to be exactly where I hoped it would be.” She looked up and Matt smile.

  “Updates on all social networks are up. And now, for what I came in here to do in the first place,” he said as he handed her a white silver bordered envelope. She raised an eyebrow over the other and opened it. “It came in this morning.”

  “It’s an invite to a party in the Hamptons,” she said as she looked at it. “A white party,” she said in a low voice.


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