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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 38

by BWWM Club

  “You did?” Leila said ruthlessly squashing the sliver of annoyance that ran through her.

  “Yeah, I needed some supplies, plus I thought I’d stock the fridge.”

  “That wasn’t necessary,” Leila protested.

  “What? Of course it was. It's my job to provide for my family,” he said. Sheila let out a high-pitched giggle and Leila fixed her with a stare, indicating she should explain herself.

  “He said ‘my family’,” Sheila informed her still shaking with the giggles into the throw pillow she was clutching.

  “And that’s funny because…?” Leila asked.

  “Because you married a white dude without telling anyone,” Sheila said still shuddering and shaking with silent laughter.

  “Awesome. I’m glad I made your day,” Leila mumbled.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to hear what aunt Raychelle’s gonna say about this.”

  “Well she’s not here now so…” Leila said.

  Sheila dropped the pillow and lifted her hands in surrender. “Hey, I get it. Y’all newlyweds need some alone time. I’ll make myself scarce.”

  Leila rolled her eyes but didn’t bother correcting Sheila. Technically, she supposed her cousin was right. They did need some time…she hadn’t forgotten about the consummation of their marriage they needed to carry out. She wasn’t one for one night stands or casual sex. Her last boyfriend had been a state senator with whom she’d gone on weekend hikes and long bike rides along the walkways. They’d broken up because Leila had turned up unexpectedly at his house one weekday afternoon and found him in bed with one of his constituents. That had been two years ago and she’d been far too hurt and far too busy to look for a replacement. Now she was faced with the peculiar situation of having a one night stand with a man with whom she was in a committed relationship. It was weird to say the least.

  “So…how are we doing this?” she asked.

  Jonathon smiled, “I thought I’d buy you dinner first.”

  Leila laughed, “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Great. Where do you wanna go?”

  “How about we order in? I’m not really in the mood to get dressed and go out.”

  “Aww, and here I was looking forward to seeing you all dressed up again,” he whined.

  “I could dress up if it means that much to you,” she suggested.

  “Yay. Do you want me to dress up too?”

  “Nah. What you’re wearing’s fine.”

  “I like you. You’re an easy date. What would you like to order in?”


  “Great, so we’ll do that. Meanwhile how about we get a little used to each other? What would you like to do this afternoon?”

  Leila pondered her options. “Erm, we could go online and see if there are any interesting properties we want to look at.”

  Jonathon laughed and shook his head. “Always so practical,” he said but he got up and retrieved his Mac Book anyway.


  “Ugh, my head is spinning,” Leila said sitting back and rubbing her eyes.

  “Yeah, staring at a computer screen for hours will do that to yah,” Jonathon said still clicking on links.

  “Who knew finding an appropriate residence would be so hard?” she complained.

  Jonathon laughed, “I don’t know. It's probably something to do with all your strident requirements?”

  “I don’t have strident requirements,” Leila protested.

  “The ceiling has weird patterns on it? The dining room is disproportional? These are legit objections from you?”

  “Sure they are. Do you know how stressed you can get living in a disharmonious space?” she said.

  Jonathon laughed, “I have your number Leila m’dear. You just don’t want to move from here.”

  Leila was silent. It was true she loved her apartment, she loved that it was a stone’s throw from everywhere she frequented; her church, her aunt’s house, the corner bakery where she got her breakfast pastries…it was the perfect location.

  “How about, instead of moving, we expand?” Jonathon suggested.

  “What do you mean?” Leila asked straightening up.

  “If we bought the apartment next door, we could just make this one big enough to accommodate us all, and you wouldn’t have to move.”

  “Good luck convincing the neighbors to move,” Leila said wryly.

  “Leave that to me,” Jonathon said.


  Jonathon went with her to see her mother that evening where Dr. Hatfield did indeed confirm the diagnosis of emphysema. Raychelle was resigned and Leila was relieved they could at least afford the best care possible now and they would not be leaving her mother alone in Leila’s house. She was more worried about announcing that she was married. She’d tried to convince Jonathon it could wait until her mother was out of the hospital but he stated, in his not so humble opinion, she’d be better off knowing right away. I mean they’d have to explain the apparent elopement; they didn’t want to add hiding it from her for however long it was that she would be admitted in the hospital. Leila had to concede that his opinion held merit so here they were, trying to explain the unexplainable.

  “Mrs. Masters, your daughter and I have something to tell you,” Jonathon said once the doctors and nurses had left the room.

  Raychelle turned to look at them, first one then the other. “Let me guess,” she said with a smile, “You’re together now.”

  Leila grimaced, “Yes and no,” she hedged.

  Raychelle lifted her brows at her, “You want to explain that cryptic comment?”

  Leila took a deep breath and made the plunge. “Jonathon and I got married today,” she said, avoiding her mother’s eyes. So she didn’t see Raychelle’s narrowed eyes, or the speculative glance she cast Jonathon’s way.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Leila looked up at her in surprise at the calm curious tone in which the question was asked. She opened her lips to mouth some platitudes but found that she couldn’t and closed them again. Jonathon was looking at her and when he saw her difficulty he turned to Raychelle.

  “We won’t lie to you; it was hardly a love match but just rest assured it was something we both wanted.”

  “Something you both wanted…” Raychelle repeated. “Is this supposed to be reassuring?”

  Leila shook her head, “No. But let's just say for legal reasons, that’s all we can tell you.”

  “Legal reasons?” Raychelle asked lifting her head from the pillow and looking perturbed for the first time.

  Leila hurried forward, “Mama relax. No-one’s in trouble okay?”

  Raychelle allowed herself to be eased back on the pillow but continued to stare at them with trepidation in her eyes.

  “Er, Jonathon will be moving in with us,” Leila announced as sort of a distraction. Raychelle’s brows went up again.

  “Why?” she asked. “Can’t you find somewhere to live? Or can’t you afford it?”

  “I didn’t want to move,” Leila said over Jonathon’s laugh. “So he’s buying the apartment next door and expanding ours.”

  “Mrs. Renfield agreed to sell?” Raychelle asked in surprise.

  Leila shrugged, “I don’t know. We haven’t asked yet. We just decided this afternoon to go with this plan.”

  Raychelle nodded, “Well…congratulations are in order, I guess.”

  Jonathon clasped her folded hands, “Thank you.” He even sounded sincere.

  “You don’t mind living with your mother in law?” she asked him.

  “As long as you don’t mind living with me,” he replied.

  Raychelle smiled, “I guess we’ll see about that.”


  They got home a little later than expected. Jonathon had shown capacity for forethought by calling the pizza place from the road so it was just ten minutes after they got in the door that the pizza arrived. Jonathon had ordered everything; chicken, mushrooms, olives, pineapple; it was an all you can eat buffet
in one pizza. Leila had already disappeared into the bedroom to change and down a few tots of whiskey that she still had from the stash Carlyle had brought over. She was going to fulfill her side of the bargain, but damned if she’d do it sober.

  “Just close your eyes and think of England girl,” she told her reflection in the mirror as she examined her appearance. She was wearing a red and black dress that Sheila had bought her as a joke. It had a fitted top which held on to everything outlining her double D’s in stark 3D relief. She laughed out loud at the unintended pun. The dress narrowed at her waist where a sash emphasized the slimness of it. The satin skirt flared out and ended just above her knee. The joke part was the embroidered Satan decorating the bodice complete with three pronged staff. The dress zipped up the back and was held up on her shoulders by straps…which were easily untied from the cute bow they made. It was more suitable for some teen prom debutante with a pink room and teddy bears; but Leila thought it would just about do for a wedding night as weird as this one.

  She was startled as Jonathon called her name, informing her the pizza had arrived. She hurried to the living room bare foot – no need to go over board, after all she was still healing from when he hit her with his car – and found that in addition to pizza there was a bottle of wine chilling and two glasses. She grimaced inwardly, not too convinced of the wisdom of mixing wine and whiskey; but seeing as it was too late…

  She walked forward and sat on the pillows that Jonathon had artfully arranged beside the table. He watched her come, appreciation in his eyes.

  “You look good,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she replied, accepting the glass he placed in her hand. “Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 7

  Leila took a deep breath, and smoothed her hand down Jonathon's chest, letting her thumb rub against one beaded nipple, making Jonathon's breath hitch and his body arc up into Leila's touch.

  ‘How about it?’ he’d said like they were in some bar and she was his hook-up for the night. Maybe that is exactly what she was. Well, if that’s what she was, might as well act like it.

  She turned her face and pressed her lips against his warm skin, skimming her hand down over Jonathon's belly as her mouth found his other nipple, tugging it into her mouth as Jonathon made a little gasping sound and bucked up into Leila's mouth. Leila ground herself slowly against Jonathon's hip, turning her body so she could slip her leg down firmly between Jonathon's, pushing his legs apart, and blanketing Jonathon's body more completely with her own smaller one.

  It was so weird how it seemed like her brain had just shut down, and her body was taking over…and what a slut her body was turning out to be…

  Jonathon's erection throbbed against Leila's stomach, and she pushed her hand down over it, getting a good grasp through the thin cotton of his boxers, beginning to work it slowly as she ground against Jonathon's hip.

  "Leila -- " Jonathon's breath came in long, ragged moans now, and Leila raised her head to look at him. His face was flushed, plush lips parted, long-lashed eyelids at half-mast from which his green eyes peeked in dazed surprise.

  That’s right Jonny, bet you don’t think I’m such a nice girl now huh?

  He swallowed, and his Adam's apple bobbed enticingly, so that Leila felt the need to taste, sliding her body up over Jonathon's so she could reach it, kissing and nibbling at the stubbled flesh on his neck as her hand worked his dick. Then his hand was in her hair, tilting her face up so he could reach her mouth with his impossibly full lips, and suddenly Leila was drowning in his kiss, tongue and teeth working at Leila's mouth until her lips felt swollen and bruised and her jaw ached.

  Whoa there cowboy…

  Somehow, Jonathon rolled her so that she was on her back and he was on top, pushing his body between Leila's legs, spreading them so that he could settle there, grinding his dick against her. Leila had a sense of his strength as he held her wrists down on the pillows beside her head, and she experienced a brief thrill of fear as she realized how strong he was.

  Then his mouth was working Leila's neck, sucking and licking and nibbling as he moved down, dipping his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat, releasing Leila's wrists so his hands could join his mouth in his exploration of Leila's luscious breasts. The straps of her dress long having been undone and her dress pushed down to expose them. Jonathon thumbed Leila's nipples to erection, then took them into his mouth one at a time, sucking and pulling at them lightly with his teeth. Leila groaned loudly and arched her back, pushing up into Jonathon's mouth, and he smiled at that, seeming to enjoy making Leila writhe and come apart beneath him.

  Oh you having a good time are you? Well so’m I damn you. This was supposed to be clinical, businesslike, over before it could really begin…hell there was no need to take my dress off, just pull it up; see? No panties.

  Jonathon moved lower, scooting backwards on the floor so he was kneeling between Leila's legs, looking up the length of her body with a smile that was predatory and dangerous as he slipped his fingers under her skirt and skittering up her naked thighs to her waiting center, making Leila shiver.

  "I can’t believe you’re naked under there," he murmured, and Leila just raised her brow and smiled cheekily, speechless with lust as she watched Jonathon, still finding it hard to believe this was really happening.

  In one smooth movement, Jonathon’s finger was inside her, seeking, exploring, mapping out all her sensitive tissue; making her crazy.

  Oh lawd, help me.

  Jonathon backed off as if he heard her thoughts and stood up, so he could push his pants off and step out of them. And then he just stood there, perfect and naked and hard and gazing down the length of Leila's body with that heavy-lidded look that was a mixture of desire, surprise and fear- a sentiment Leila could relate to because it's what she was feeling as she looked at Jonathon.

  "Fuck, Leila, you're just -- " Jonathon said and swallowed hard.

  Perfect? Beautiful? Incredible? Dark?

  "Come here," Leila choked out, and Jonathon complied, crawling onto the pillows she’s laid on and up her body, so they were flush in each other's arms again, dick rubbing against her stomach, chests pressed tight, legs tangled together. Leila took Jonathon's head in her hands and leaned in for a gentle kiss, then released Jonathon's mouth and gazed into his eyes again.

  "You ready?" he asked, and Leila shook her head making him laugh.

  "You?" she asked in turn.

  He hesitated, then admitted, "Any readier and I’ll blow my load before anything happens."

  "Eww," Leila said wrinkling her nose. “Too much information?”

  "It's need to know," Jonathon breathed on a laugh.

  "Hmmph, well okay then…so you gonna..." Leila said wiggling her brows suggestively.

  “It's why we're here, right?” Jonathon said.

  Leila leaned in for another soft kiss.

  "Such an ass," she whispered against Jonathon's mouth.

  Jonathon's lips curled into a smile against Leila's.

  "Why thank you m’dear," he murmured back, and Leila's tongue plunged into his mouth, silencing them both for a while.

  They were both fighting to get closer, sparring like gladiators in a ring designed to produce no winners. Leila’s head was spinning with a mixture of drunkenness and lust and she just. Wanted. Him. Inside. Of. Her.

  She wasn’t drunk enough not to be afraid of these feelings. This marriage was one of convenience and after tonight, the sex would no longer be part of it. They hadn’t talked about faithfulness though. Was she supposed to live celibate beside him after the things he was doing to her tonight? She hoped she was drunk enough so she wouldn’t remember in the morning. That way, she wouldn’t have to know what she was missing.

  And what is with all the teenage angst and whining already girl? If you want to sex him again, well he’s your husband innie?

  And then Jonathon lay her back onto the pillows so he could pin her wrists next to her head and attack her mouth an
d neck again, straddling Leila's body as he did it, sitting on her to hold her down -- it felt like being a little kid again, like being powerless and helpless and needing and wanting and vulnerable and dependent on someone else to take care of her.

  It was confusing and exhilarating at the same time, and she must have been making little whimpering noises because Jonathon lifted his head, stared down at her, and Leila began bucking up under him, trying to regain the contact.

  "You okay?" Jonathon asked. "You wanna be on top?"

  "You're asking me?" Leila didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  "'Course I'm asking, Leila," Jonathon snapped. "This ain't some kind of non-consensual bondage thing. I know you've got control issues, and I'm sure as hell not trying to possess you."

  It was almost funny, Jonathon having practically forced himself into her life, and Leila almost laughed, but probably just managed to look a little insane; because Jonathon climbed off of her, released her wrists, and slipped down beside her on the pillows.


  "Come on," Jonathon says. "You drive."

  Dude what??

  It was so incredible, Jonathon just giving in like that, that it made Leila feel more cared for than anything Jonathon could have done.

  Leila shivered pushing away the feeling but still let Jonathon cup her face and swipe his thumb across it as he lowered his mouth for another long, bruising kiss. She swept her hand down Jonathon's body, pulling him in so they were pressed together again, Leila half on-top.

  Things moved along without conversation after that, Leila devoured his body with her mouth for a while, taking her time with it; caressing and massaging with her hands until Jonathon was a quivering, boneless mess.

  That’s right. I got skills too Jonny.

  And then Leila slid to her knees on the floor and pulled Jonathon's body toward the edge of the pillows, spreading his legs wide so she could lick and suck between them. It was Jonathon's turn to writhe and moan and whimper, especially when Leila's fingers push into him, worrying that secret spot inside him that made his dick leak and his body arch in shuddering ecstasy.

  “God damn!” Jonathon shouted and then he grabbed at Leila’s arm, urging her forward onto his dick.


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