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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 46

by BWWM Club

  Grady nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that was me. I hated the nickname myself, but someone gave it to me and it stuck. I mean, Angel is a girl's name, you know? You don't exactly get a reputation as a masculine guy with a nickname like Angel."

  Renee laughed and took a bite of her fish taco, which she admitted was one of the best she'd ever eaten. The tilapia used was flaky and juicy, exactly what she wanted. "I don't know, there were quite a few girls on our team who wouldn't have minded the nickname. In fact, I'm sure more than some of them would be jealous of me right now."

  Grady actually blushed a bit at her words, and she felt herself grow warm on the inside in a different way than just embarrassment. Grady had turned from just handsome to real, and very sexy. "What events did you do?" he asked, turning the attention back to her. "I have to admit I didn't pay attention to the other events too much. I was kind of overly focused back then on just jumping."

  "I ran the four hundred mostly, although I also dabbled at the four hundred hurdles. But I rarely got into the dual meets, there were so many others in school who were faster than I was. I mean, one of those girls has a chance for the next Olympic squad. But it was fun, and I enjoyed it. It also got me into different kinds of music, since I trained so much with headphones in."

  By the time the check came, Renee was surprised at how quickly the time had gone. They'd spent two hours in the restaurant, enjoying the entire time. She didn't want the evening to end. She was happy when Grady didn't want to either. "With all of that food, would you like to take a walk?" he asked, looking at the purple orange sunset. "There's a nice park nearby, we could walk over there."

  "Sure," she said, looking down. "These sandals will do fine on the beach."

  Grady drove them the short half mile over to a parking lot, getting out and leading her along the beach. The sand was still warm from the afternoon sun, and she was happy when Grady reached over and took her hand. They walked quietly for about a minute, before Grady cleared his throat. "Ah, I've had a really great time tonight."

  "Me too," Renee replied. "You know, I was kind of surprised. I mean, it's been a while since I've had a date."

  "Me too. Uh, I know we kind of touched on it the other night, but it's not a problem being who I am, right?" Grady asked, stopping and taking both her hands.

  "You don't have a problem with who I am, right?" Renee asked, letting go of his hands and placing hers on his shoulders. "Not too many rich white guys are into seeing working class black girls."

  "Not a problem for me," Grady replied, his hands falling to her waist. Their kiss came naturally next, and Grady leaned down just enough so that his lips brushed against hers. She stood on her tiptoes for their kiss, which lasted until her calves started to cramp, and she let herself down. Grady grinned and looked around. "I've got an idea."

  He led her over to a small pile of sand just inside the high tide line, that looked like it could have been the leftovers of a child's sandcastle. Leading her on top of the pile, he stood at the base, bringing their heads closer together. "No wonder you got your PhD at such a young age," she quipped, bring her arms back around his neck. "Now, let's see if the second kiss is better than the first."

  "Why thank you," he said, pulling her in close. His lips were sensuous and full, and she felt her mouth open naturally as their tongue reached out, questing towards each other. His hands reached around to pull her in tighter, his firm muscles hard and arousing through his shirt. Reaching down he cupped her cheeks through her shorts, and both of them moaned. His cock was a hard lump against her thigh in his chinos, and she knew what they both wanted.

  When their kiss broke, it felt natural as he looked at her with his bright blue eyes, smiling at her. "Would you join me at my place for a nightcap?" he asked, still polite even as their bodies came into closer, sensual contact. "I hope you will."

  "I'd love to," she said, knowing she wanted even more. She looked into his eyes, and she knew he wanted the same thing. Taking her hand again, they walked further along the beach, just enjoying the comfortable contact. With both of them knowing what was coming next, every step, every hearing of a gull cry or the crash of a wave became a soft lead in to their foreplay, building the anticipation of what was to come.

  Reaching the end of the beach, they turned around and went back, neither of them talking much. There was no need. Every once in a while they'd look over at one another and smile, their eyes communicating more than words ever could. She could see in his eyes not only his desire for her, but his total acceptance of who she was, and his interest in her. When they reached the Jeep, again he held the door for her, kissing her hand like a old fashioned courtier before closing the door. Coming around to the driver's seat, he smiled once more before turning the key and starting up the engine.

  Renee was impressed by his house in Imperial Beach. A salmon pink, it had the funky surfer vibe she had expected of the area, without being pretentious. It was huge for the area, and she suspected that years ago it had been a beach side small hotel, but Grady had turned it into a beautiful home. He took her inside and to the back, which looked out onto the ocean itself. "Is the beach private?" she asked as she sat down in the chair he offered, watching the waves crash in the moonlight. The patio held a decent sized table, that Renee thought was probably meant for outdoor eating, and four sturdy wooden chairs in addition to the two wooden lounge chairs they were using.

  "Supposedly, but since I'm not on the cliffs nobody really pays attention to the signs. I don't really care as long as everyone respects the house itself. Thankfully, that hasn't been a problem. I don't want to have to move up onto the cliffs. I like being here where I can enjoy the ocean better."

  Renee nodded, their conversation falling off for a moment while he went inside. He came out with two tumblers of Scotch, both blended with soda water. "If you'd like wine I can do that too."

  "No, wine is not one of my favorites," she said, taking the glass. "But I'm not too big into alcohol anyway."

  Grady chuckled and took her glass back, set both tumblers aside. "Good, me neither. In fact, I'm more interested in this."

  Reaching out, he took her hand and pulled her to her feet, lifting her in his arms like she weighed barely anything before kissing her. Their kiss was stronger, more passionate, and she could feel her already warm arousal flare up brighter than ever. He slipped a hand under her butt to keep her up while his right hand came around to cup her breast through her shirt. Renee gasped as his palm brushed over her nipple through her shirt and bra, and she felt the world spin. "I want to take you to bed," Grady whispered in her ear, nibbling on her sensitive lobe in between the words. "Yes?"

  "No," Renee sighed, pushing him back. She saw his disappointment, until she hopped up on the table, spreading her legs and pulling him back into her. "I can't wait that long. Here."

  His disappointment evaporated, and Grady was on her in an instant, kissing and stroking her body. The close heat of their bodies touching soon left both of them desperate for more, and Grady pulled back, tearing at his shirt. Buttons popped in the moonlight, flying everywhere to clatter on the concrete. Renee was treated to the sight of one of the most impressively muscled bodies she'd ever seen. It wasn't just that he was obviously strong, but his muscles were defined and shaped. He had the body of Apollo, or one of the other Greek gods. Leaning in, she kissed his chest, licking down over the slightly salty tang of his skin to gently bite at his nipples. Grady inhaled sharply, then groaned in lust. "Now my turn."

  Pushing her back onto the table top, Grady took his time unbuttoning her shirt, treating the cotton like it was the finest silk. Laying the two halves to the sides, Renee felt exposed and self conscious, knowing there was a small muffin top sticking out over the waistband of her shorts. Grady's eyes answered her fears however, and he reached forward, unhooking the front clasp of her bra and exposing her breasts. Lifting her hips he continued to strip her, peeling her shorts down while his lips brushed over the skin of her thighs
before kissing her toes as he took off her sandals. Her panties came next, and she shrugged out of her unfastened tops, leaving her totally nude in the pale moonlight. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, trailing a hand over her body to cup her face. His eyes almost glowed in the semi-darkness as he pulled her up into another kiss, nipping at her neck until she was clawing at the skin of his back in want and need. "I need you tonight."

  "I'm yours tonight," she moaned, pushing him back with her hand. She smiled at him, and looked down at his pants. "But those are in the way."

  Grady looked down and chuckled, reaching for his belt before she pushed his hands away. "Let me."

  Deftly undoing the buckle on his belt, Renee massaged the thick bulge of his cock through his chinos, smiling in anticipation. "Hmmm, what do we have here?" she teased as she undid the button, and slowly slid the zipper down. She was shocked as it looked like his cock grew even larger when she pushed his chinos down, leaving his boxers straining almost obscenely. "That's big."

  "You make it that way," Grady replied, his voice quavering in barely held control. She hooked his waistband and pushed them down, letting his cock flop out. It was breathtaking, and a little bit frightening, she thought. Perfectly shaped, it was big, bigger than anything she'd had before. He's a rich PhD with the body of a goddamn porn star, she thought, reaching out and barely wrapping her fingers around the thick shaft. Why the fuck is he interested in me?

  Lightly stroking her fingers up and down his shaft, she felt fresh wetness flood her pussy. Pulling him in tighter, they kissed again, his warm skin supple and silky against hers. His leg pressed between her knees and she parted them, wanting to feel more. He pushed her back until she was on her elbows, looking down her body as he rained kisses over her shoulders and down between her breasts. He looked up at her and grinned. "You're delicious."

  Grady kissed over to her left breast, their eyes locked as he reached out with his tongue, tasting her flesh with broad, rough strokes. She'd never felt a tongue like his before, and she could only compare it to a cat's tongue on her skin. He circled, licking and sucking before capturing her nipple while his fingers simultaneously made first contact with the hot aching skin of her labia. He dipped his finger between her soaked lips as he sucked, causing Renee to throw her head back at the intensity of the pleasure that rippled through her body. Unconsciously she lifted her knees, needing and wanting more of him inside her.

  She was torn inside, as her mind wrestled with her desire to watch Grady as he used his fingers and mouth to bring her untold ecstasy, and the desire to grab his head and pull him in deeper. He teased her all the more by kissing over and licking her other nipple, flicking his tongue over it repeatedly until stars swam in her vision. His graceful yet powerful fingers continued to stroke her labia until the wetness dripped down and onto the table. She had never been more aroused in her life, and he hadn't penetrated her at all yet. "Please Grady, I can't take much more. I need you inside me."

  "I'll go slow then," he said, pulling back and sliding her to the edge of the table. From that position he was at a perfect height, his cock aligning with her aroused entrance. He stroked his tip up and down her wet slit a few times, coating himself with her juices before pushing inside. He paused just inside, letting both of them adjust. "Sorry, but it's been a while for me."

  "Me too," she whispered, her eyes slitting at the wonderful feeling. "Like you said, go slow."

  Grady nodded, holding his breath and pushed in a bit more. He was amazingly thick, and even with just a bit over an inch in her Renee felt stretched wide. Grady paused just before it caused her pain, pulling back and thrusting forward slightly, stretching her lusciously open, working his way in with tiny, almost imperceptible advances with every stroke. By the time his hips settled against her, Renee felt like she was already halfway to coming, and could only stare at his amazingly masculine torso glistened with sweat in the moonlight. "You....." she said, her words leaving her. She didn't think the words existed to describe how amazing she felt, and how aroused just seeing him inside her made her feel. Finally, she just closed her eyes and leaned back. "Yes."

  "Yes," Grady repeated, putting his hands on her waist, holding her still. He pulled back, until just the tip of his cock was inside her. He paused, his eyes filled with hidden emotion that he couldn't voice. She wanted to ask him what he wanted to say, but before she could he drove his cock into her, driving all thoughts out of her mind. He fell into a strong, powerful rhythm, his cock stretching her over and over, every nerve in her pussy igniting with fiery pleasure. She squeezed him as much as she could, her voice unable to do anything other than cry out from the depths of her soul.

  Grady's groans matched her own as his hips sped up, driving himself into her faster and faster. Their hips slapped together sharply, matching the harsh breath tearing through their chests, and the trip hammer heart beat inside. Renee's fingers dug into the table, gouging the soft pine as her muscles clenched, and in a heartbeat she felt the brittle snap of her nerves, and her orgasm smashed into her. The explosion raced out from her pussy and her back arched, her head thrown back and her voice tore out of her throat. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in as tight as she could, desperate for him as her voice found one word. "Gradyyyyy...."

  Grady's breath hitched, and he buried his cock deep within her with one last stroke. His fingers tightened on her waist and he growled deep in his throat, his neck corded and his eyes rolled back as his own climax took over. His cock shot deep within her, his warm cum filling her body as he clenched, his face a rictus of pleasure and intensity. The sensation drove her higher, until her vision failed her, and she sagged into the table, utterly exhausted.

  It was minutes later, when she still felt like her body was jelly and her muscles couldn't do anything, that Grady carefully lifted her up, carrying her into the house. She could feel sleep taking over her as he laid her between cool silk sheets, curling behind her and pulling her close, kissing her temple as sleep overtook her.

  Chapter 4

  Renee woke up the next morning feeling like she was still dreaming. She was alone, but the silk sheets were still real against her skin. The early morning sunlight came through the window next to her was real, although it was diffused by a curtain so as not to blind her. Her body had the languid, wonderfully relaxed feeling she'd long missed, one that came only after really good sex in her opinion. The only thing that made it feel like less than a total fantasy was the fact that she woke up alone. If it wasn't for the location, she'd have sworn it was all just a dream. "Grady?"

  She wasn't sure where he was, but rolled over, stretching on the bed. As she did, her hand brushed against a piece of paper on the pillow next to her. Grabbing it, she saw it was a note from Grady.

  Dear Renee,

  Last night was.... amazing. There's no other word to describe it. Unfortunately, after our going to bed, I was struck with insomnia, which is something that does happen from time to time with me. Instead of waking you with my tossing and turning, I decided to go for a workout (if you want to use my home gym, feel free. It's in the garage). By the time I was done the sun was starting to come up, and I had to get ready for work. I'm sorry about that, as I do have a meeting with an outside investor that I can't exactly slough off on my assistant.

  I had a wonderful evening, seriously. I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful as you slept, and I didn't know what to do, so I just decided to let you sleep. I know this sounds weird, but if you want, you can have the run of the house today, or if you need to go back to your place I totally understand. I didn't leave you in a lurch, the keys to the Jeep are hanging next to the kitchen sink (for business, I normally take the Lotus). Also if you need some clothes to change into, I'll admit there isn't much, but I think I do have some old t-shirts and shorts my Mom sent me recently from back in junior high school in the spare bedroom in a box marked "Grady's stuff." Knowing Mom she washed and pressed them all, so they haven't been shu
t up in a box for the past decade before shipping them. You're free to help yourself to whatever fits.

  I do hope you can give me a call sometime this morning. I should be free sometime around nine thirty. Whether you decide to hang out today or go home, I do want to see you again. It was the best date I've ever had.



  She was touched by his note, which was written in a clear, masculine hand that still carried a touch of grace and style to it. She thought about her options for the day, and decided to stick around until she could at least call him and see what he was thinking. Sliding out of bed, she found a very large (well, Grady was nearly a foot taller than her) bathrobe lying on a chair next to the bed. Her clothes were underneath, neatly folded and stacked for her use if she wanted to. Deciding against them for now, she slipped on the robe instead. Tightening the belt, she looked around and found the master bathroom, blown away again at the understated richness of the room.

  It was Grady Voelker's style, she had come to understand. Instead of ostentatious gilt faucets or flashy gold flecked marble tiles, the room was done in rich, creamy tones, like you would expect in many other Southern California homes. However, every piece was top of the line quality, with faucet handles that had the innate heavy weight of good design, even if she couldn't recognize the brands. The countertop was slightly warm, she thought by some sort of electrical system, and even the toilet was one of those Japanese ones that had about a dozen different buttons attached to a remote control that could do everything but wipe your backside for you. Stepping into the shower, she was enveloped in rich, luxurious steam and a downpour of water from three different spouts. In water conscious California, it was the height of luxury, and she wondered how he did it, even with all of his money.


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