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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 52

by BWWM Club

  She answered him with a kiss on the lips that grew deeper until both of them were breathless. Breaking it, she pulled him to his feet. "Yes," she replied, wrapping her arms around him. "On a few conditions."

  "Which are?" Grady asked suspiciously. "I'm not going to end up naked or in pain, am I?"

  Renee laughed. "I just want to meet your mother," she said before grinning and scratching her fingers down his shirt. "Now, as for naked and in pain, I don't mind the naked. The pain part well, I'm not normally into that, but if you want, I can make an exception to the rule."

  Grady shook his head and pulled her back towards the sofa. "No pain, but I am very into the idea of being naked with you."

  They collapsed onto the sofa, Renee landing on top, their lips and tongues dueling. She pinned his arms above his head, nibbling at Grady's ears and jawline as she worked her way down to the neck of his t-shirt. Sitting up, she seized the cotton in both hands and yanked, shredding it and pulling it off of him. "Well, there's a benefit of the nanos I hadn't expected," she said, smiling as his muscular chest and stomach were exposed. "We might need to up our clothing budget."

  "You mean like this?" Grady asked, pulling his hands free to part her tank top like tissue paper. He seized her breasts in his hands, massaging the perfect cocoa colored skin in his hands. He found her nipples and rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, until they stood hard and aching on her chest. Renee mewled in joy like a contented kitten and leaned forward, kissing him.

  "Do you like my new body more than my old one?" she whispered after their kiss broke. Grady studied her eyes and shook his head.

  "I like both equally. The body is just a vessel for the heart and soul, and that's what I love. That's what is sexy about you."

  Renee grinned and got off of him, sliding to the floor. "I think it's time for another test."

  "Oh?" Grady asked, getting onto the carpet beside her. He sat cross legged, the crotch of his shorts bulging obscenely while she took off her panties and got on all fours. "And what kind of test is that?"

  Renee turned to face him, and licked the cloth covered bulge in between his legs. "I realized after the first time you injected me with the nanos, you've been holding back on me, haven't you?"

  "Mmmhmmm," he replied, his voice a bit shaky as she reached out with her hand and started to tug the waistband of his shorts down. "So?"

  "So I want you to test this body," she whispered, taking a hold of his cock. "I want you to tear every bit of sexual energy you can out of me, and then take me as hard as you want. No holding back, you give me everything you have. You do that, and I'll move in with you for sure."

  Grady grinned and nodded. "Good test. Then turn around for me, and stay on your hands and knees."

  She did as ordered, her body thrilling as she felt his strong hands begin to rub and massage her back. "You know," he said as he worked his fingers between the tense knotted muscles in between her shoulder blades, "even before the nanos, I thought you were not only the best sexual partner I've ever had, but the most beautiful. Did you know that no other woman in my entire life has ever taken me inside her the way you have without saying there was at least some pain? In fact, I was even thinking of getting a reduction surgery before you came into my life."

  "That would have been the crime of the century," Renee moaned as Grady's fingers worked their magic on her backbone. "It's the most perfect cock ever. I would even say it's angelic."

  "Hardy har har," Grady teased back. His right hand lifted from her back, before slapping down on her right butt cheek in a stinging slap. "That's for making fun of the Nephilim."

  The sharp smack wasn't painful for Renee, but instead filled her body with a new, never before explored desire. "Oh Grady, do that again."

  "Like this?" he asked, slapping her ass again, this time on her left half. The heat from the slap coursed through her body, and Renee lowered her head submissively, moaning as her pussy grew wet and hot, begging for more. She'd never been into rough play before, but with her new body, it didn't hurt at all. Instead, it lit electric warmth in her body, her skin sparking and tingling with the contact. Grady rained down slaps on her upturned cheeks until they burned, raw and aching, while her pussy burned just as much in need and want. Finally, Grady pulled back, leaving Renee sobbing in happy lust on the carpet. "I'll be right back."

  He disappeared into the back of the house for a moment, coming back with a bottle of lotion. He squirted a large dollop of it into his hands, letting it warm for a moment before smoothing it over her burning ass cheeks, cooling them. She sighed, pushing back into his hands as he massaged the lotion in. "That's fun, but I don't want to leave your skin marked at all," he said, kneading and rubbing her ass. He slipped a hand between her legs, finding her bare and soaked for him. "Did you take off all the hair for me?"

  "No," Renee replied. "Nano effect. No body hair at all, other than my head. Did I tell you you do great work?" Her words were drawn out into a long sigh as his fingers rubbed over her slick labia, her lips parting easily under the light pressure of his touch. Grady ran his fingers back and forth, parting her lips to show the wetness inside. Slipping a finger into her aching body, he pumped slowly, teasing her and bringing her body to a higher and higher level of arousal.

  "I think I'll have a taste," Grady said almost musingly, pulling his finger out. Pulling her cheeks apart, he buried his tongue into her pussy, licking and sucking the juices until they ran down his chin. Renee gasped as he reached his tongue deep inside her, until it felt like he was literally fucking her with his stiff tongue. Just when she thought she could take no more, he pulled his tongue out to lick around her lips again, kissing and teasing her. "Not yet."

  Kissing up her back, Grady reached her neck, kissing the deep hollow of the curve. When she turned her lips to him, he plunged two fingers from his right hand into her pussy, pumping them in and out while their tongues swirled and swept against each other. Renee tightened around the massaging digits, until with a soft cry, her first orgasm broke softly, a warm fire peaking inside her and sending out tendrils of pleasurable heat that curled her toes and made her heart fill with joy. A long, sensuous moan rumbled in her chest, and her eyes glowed as she looked him in the eye. "That was nice," she said, licking her lips and turning her head to look down at his stiff cock. "But you know I want more."

  "Who am I to disappoint the love of my life?" he asked, getting behind her. His words added to her warmth, as she reflected that he was the same to her. Regardless if she lived to be a thousand years old, there'd never be anyone for her like Grady Voelker. Someday, she thought as she looked back at him, he's going to ask me to marry him. And someday I'm going to have his baby. She held her breath as he stroked his thick cock tip up and down her slit, letting her juices coat the hard shaft and teased her clit with the bulbous tip. "You ready?"

  "I've never been more ready," she replied, her fists bunched underneath her. Instead of the hard thrust she had expected however, Grady eased himself in with almost infinitesimal slowness, his hands tight on her waist to stop her from pushing back into what they both knew she wanted. Each fraction of an inch he pushed in left her hungry and desperate for more, knowing she could take more. "Why? Why are you teasing me?" she begged.

  "I'll make it up to you," he replied confidently. "You'll see."

  She lost track of time, but when Grady finally nestled himself all the way inside of her, Renee was clenching and twitching around his cock, her sexual hunger even stronger than it had been before. She opened her mouth to beg for him to keep going, but before she could, he pulled out, thrusting back into her in a hard, tremendous thrust that drove the very breath out of her. Pulling back, he repeated the thrust, his hips driving hard and fast into her.

  So this is what super sex is like, Renee thought as Grady went faster and faster, pounding into her ass with more and more force. The sound of the slaps on her ass grew in pitch from sharp and light to deep and booming, echoing throug
h the small room. The sensation was like nothing she had ever felt before. The closest she could compare it to was having the speed of a vibrator while at the same time the power of being in a small car accident over and over. Her body was buffeted with every hammering thrust of his cock inside her, her nerves lit on fire. She found herself reduced to a quivering, barely breathing level, all of her body focused on the feelings coming from her pussy and the pleasure his cock was giving her.

  When her second orgasm ripped through her, Renee threw her head back and howled, her entire body exploding in a supernova of heat and energy that left her body racked with spasms. Still Grady didn't stop, barely giving her a chance to gather her breath before his thrusts started again. "Last time," he grunted in between thrusts. "One last time."

  Renee felt a tremble of fear pass through her as Grady's cock changed pace, going from fast and hard to slow, sensuous thrusts. She'd never, in her entire life, climaxed three times so closely together, and never after something as powerful as what she'd just felt. If her first orgasm had been nice, the second had been epic, like going from climbing a flight of steps to climbing to the top of the Empire State Building. What would the third bring?

  Still, her body knew what it wanted, and she surrendered to her desire. Pushing herself up on arms that quaked in exhaustion, she lifted her chest up off the carpet, and began to meet his thrusts with her own. The change lifted her breasts up off the floor, and she felt added heat tingling from her nipples as they brushed against the carpet with every back and forth motion of her body. The twin shocks of electricity added to the building heat in her exhausted but still clenching pussy, and she felt her body climb higher and higher.

  "So close," Grady gasped, his breath coming in harsh pants and ragged gasps. She could feel him swell inside her, and she wailed, squeezing tight with everything she had. She didn't know how much longer she could hang on, but she wanted it. She needed it.

  "Oh shiiiitttt....!" Grady groaned, his voice failing him. With a spastic change, his thrusts became hard and fast, erratic, as he sprinted the last little bit to his own climax. Renee held on tighter, wanting to feel his heat in her before her body exploded. His hips slammed against hers, and she could feel both of them slide across the carpet, light ripping sounds coming from underneath them.

  She thought she'd felt Grady climax before, but this time was nothing like anything before. His cock seemingly grew to impossible length and thickness inside her momentarily, filling every fold inside her, the combined sensation causing white sheets of energy to cascade over her vision, and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. Before the energy could recede, he exploded, his cock filling her with his wet, sticky essence. The combined assault on her nerve endings triggered her final orgasm, and she screamed, her voice rising higher and higher until blackness overtook her. She heard a tinkling sound in the distance, and then nothing but blessed silence, and the stillness of oblivion.


  When she came to, Renee found herself lying peacefully on the couch covered by a light blanket. "Grady?" she asked, blinking. "Where are you?"

  "In the kitchen," he called from the back of the house. "Just a moment."

  He came in, his body dried of sweat, but still naked. Despite the utter boneless feeling in her body, she looked at him with desire again, but a tamped one. Her lust and need could wait. After all, he'd be here, maybe for the rest of their lives. "What were you doing?"

  "Ah, sweeping up," he said sheepishly, glancing towards the kitchen. "That last time, you screamed so high and so loud that you shattered most of the crystal in the cabinets."

  Renee sat up, shocked, before falling back over, laughing. Grady joined in, and soon the two of them were giggling like teenagers at the ridiculousness of it all. "So have the neighbors called?"

  "Nah, you so quickly went ultrasonic that they couldn't have possibly guessed what that was, although a few of them might think we were being pretty energetic," he said as he calmed down, wiping tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes. "I think the neighborhood dogs might be pissed off at you though."

  That sent them into fresh howls of amusement, and they both laughed until their sides hurt. Grady sat down on the carpet next to the sofa, composing himself while the laughter died down. When Renee calmed down, she reached out to stroke her hands through his now normal light brown hair. "Is it always going to be like this?"

  Grady shook his head and smiled. "I don't think the house could take it. We're going to have to replace some carpet too, by the way. More importantly, I don't think we could take it. I'm so hungry right now you could bring an entire cow inside here, let me lop off the horns and skin, and I'll be happy gnawing it like a Rottweiler. Throw in about two pounds of spaghetti, and I might have a full stomach I think."

  Renee nodded as her own stomach grumbled at the mention of food. "I was thinking chocolate cake. You know, there's a Marie Calender's off the I-5 about fifteen minutes away."

  "That's just one more thing I love about you," he grinned leaning over and kissing her. "I'm rich, but you just want to go to Marie Calender's. Next thing you know you'll say you want to go to Hometown Buffet for dinner tomorrow."

  Renee grinned and shook her head. "Hell no. I've got a gig tomorrow. However, I wouldn't mind finding a Hometown or a Chinese buffet after you and I go over to the Del Mar lab and get a good workout in. If I'm going to be a superhero, I need to depend on more than a punch and a kick."

  Grady chuckled and got to his feet. He held out his hand and pulled her up, kissing her when he had her in his arms. "Don't forget a spear tackle that would make any linebacker in the NFL jealous," he said when their kiss broke. "While we're driving, I'll fill you in on the rest of your damage."

  "Such as?"

  "Such as turning a metal ruler into a throwing star and then giving the pimp slap from hell and knocking a guy out. The teacher of the class you saved gave you major props for that one."

  "Really? Well, I guess I'll have to make it part of my normal repertoire. After all, every superhero has their signature moves." She headed off towards the back, where she thought she had left some of her regular clothes from another time she had stayed over at Grady's house. Before she left the living room, she turned and looked back at him. "By the way, I'm going to have to redesign my costume. I can go with Dark Justice, but I am not flashing my panties any more to anyone. And we're going to have to come up with a better solution to my change in height than just funky padded shoes. What do you say to taking a month's vacation somewhere, where I can supposedly undergo a lot of plastic surgery? The society pages will chatter, but they'll do that anyway."

  Chapter 10

  Maria Mendoza sat in the studio, keeping her professional smile on as she controlled the excitement inside. If tonight's show went as good as she hoped, she'd be getting the call from CNN any day now. She'd even been approached by the BBC to cover their American desk, if it went well enough.

  "Happy New Year and Feliz año nuevo, San Deigo. I'm Maria Mendoza, with an Action Five special. While the Chinese calendar says that the next Year of the Horse doesn't happen for another few years, for San Diego and now most of Southern California and even Tijuana, this past year has been the year of The Horseman.

  "I personally first heard the underground urban legend about The Horseman back in March, of a red and pale suited vigilante who was breaking up drug deals and cleaning up some of the worst neighborhoods in San Diego. I, like most others who heard the story, dismissed the idea as being a bit too comic bookish to be taken seriously. After all, we live in the real world. But the stories wouldn't go away, with each of them becoming more and more fantastic than the last. The police officers I spoke to said they thought it was a combination of tall tales and the psychosis inducing effects of the latest drug craze on the streets, DCX.

  "All that changed this summer, when The Horseman was caught on video breaking up a drug den." The screen cut away from Maria, replaying the now world famou
s video of The Horseman's first taped encounter. The sound and video had been enhanced to compensate for the poor cell phone quality, and was one of the most viewed Youtube videos of all time, even more popular than Gangam Style. By last estimation, over three quarters of planet Earth had viewed the video either on the Internet or through replays on terrestrial TV.

  "After the first video, The Horseman continued his one man assault on crime, along the way being caught on video other times as well. Criminals were beginning to tape their activities for possible protection from The Horseman, hoping that the reclusive and silent hero would avoid anywhere he could be filmed. However, it didn't work, and for the rest of the long, hot summer of this past year, we in San Diego were treated to another half dozen confirmed videos of The Horseman in action."

  A quick montage of the highlights of each of the videos was shown, the most spectacular being The Horseman shouldering a car to a complete stop and then walking away. The camera cut back to Maria, whose face became even more animated. "The biggest change in the year of The Horseman came just a few months ago, as just before Halloween, The Horseman enlisted the aid of another superpowered being, a woman who this reporter was proud to have gotten the chance to name Dark Justice. The superteam, which some criminals in the city have come to call Armageddon, while many regular citizens are calling the Fallen Angels, rescued forty eight preschool children and their teachers from a team of seven gunmen. The rescue culminated in the last gunman being on the receiving end of a tackle so viscous, she was nominated for both an ESPY for Best Moment, and a Slammy Award by WWE in the OMG Extreme Hit of the Year Category. Take a look at it now."


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