Play Something Dancy
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The Tragic Tales of a Strip Club DJ
Dee Simon
Copyright © 2012 by Dee Simon
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review.
Published by The Reach-Around Foundation
Author’s Note: This book is a collection of short stories that occurred during a five-year period of my life. Regrettably, the events of this book are real; however, in order to protect myself from criminal prosecution and civil liability, names, locations, and identifying characteristics had to be changed. The dialogue and events have been recreated solely from memory, and I’ve smoked a lot of drugs since these events occurred. With that in mind, some of the dialogue and certain events may have been altered, combined, and even fabricated at times to convey the substance of what was said or what occurred.
Grateful acknowledgement is made for permission to reprint the following material: Excerpt from “Sweat Loaf” by the Butthole Surfers. Copyright © 1987 by Touch and Go Records. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Cover design by Dee Simon & the evil twin (
Cover photo: Dallas Stoeckel (
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN-13: 978-0-9883474-1-0
You Can’t Make a Ho a Housewife
Frustration McLonelys
The Bigger the Bills, the Bigger the Thrills
The Ghost of Strip Club DJ Future
The Red Light Special
The Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio
Doug the Retard
The Birthday Boy
Play Something Dancy
Mariah Carey’s Rainbow
Run to the Hills
Dick Has a Sore Throat
About the Author
Daddy, what does regret mean?
Well son, the funny thing about regret is,
It’s better to regret something you have done,
Than to regret something you haven’t done.
And by the way,
if you see your mom this weekend,
Be sure and tell her, Satan, Satan, Satan!
—Butthole Surfers
“Are you going to fuck me?”
“Are you going to fuck me?”
“What time is it?”
“I don’t fucking know.”
It felt like I had fractured my brain. My head throbbed intensely. I awoke to find a woman in her mid-to-late thirties with massive fake breasts straddling me. It was sometime in the early morning. Wincing in pain, I watched the sunlight slowly creep through the crumpled plastic blinds that covered the windows of my studio apartment. I had no recollection of how the woman ended up here. I just hoped that if I had fucked her I used a condom.
“Well, if you’re not going to fuck me, do you have any more Jack?”
“Yeah, it’s over there on the table.”
She rolled off me and sauntered toward the kitchen table. Her skin was tanned and she had messy bleached-blonde hair. She grabbed a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels and took a healthy swig. And then another. And then one more.
“Do you want some?”
Slowly the events from last night were drifting back into my mind. I remembered being at a punk show at Slims. Did the Dwarves play or was it Bottles and Skulls? Was it Thursday night or Friday night? I think it was Thursday night. I forget. When you work nights, the days seem to meld together. I must have run into this girl at the club. Things were beginning to make sense now. Her name was Lexi. That wasn’t her real name. It was her stage name. I didn’t bother to learn their real names. We worked together at the Ruby Club. I took a few seconds to admire her figure. She looked good for her age. I’m sure a healthy balance of cocaine and Pilates could make anyone look good. Lexi slammed the bottle down on the table and rifled through my kitchen drawers.
“What are you doing? What are you looking for?” I was clearly irritated.
“Where’s the blow? I know we didn’t do it all.”
“I don’t know. Fuck. You don’t need it right now. You need to go back to bed.”
I covered my head with a pillow and tried to ignore this annoyance in my personal space. Strippers are fun to have sex with, but it’s definitely not fun trying to get them to leave the next morning. Lexi found my feeble attempt to hide rather amusing and ran over and jumped on top of me. Despite my protests, she pulled the blanket off and practically sliced through the skin with her sharp fingernails as she groped my crotch.
“Jesus. Would you leave me the fuck alone?”
“Damn. You’re no fun, asshole. Do you have any porn?”
“Ugghh. Yeah. Somewhere. On top of the DVD player.”
She hastily dismounted and threw the blanket over my head. I heard her flipping through my DVDs. I had a rather extensive collection of porn. Eventually, she came across one she fancied.
“How do you turn this thing on?”
“Give me that.”
I snatched the remote out of her hand and started the movie. The face of a woman with an enormous cock in her mouth filled the screen. I tried to go back to sleep. Lexi lay back on the bed and played with herself. She was aroused within minutes and moaned loudly. It was obvious that she purposely put on quite a performance because she knew that I was trying to ignore her. She lay on top of me, lifted her back into an arch, and masturbated so fast that her hand was a blur. The moans transformed into screams and it was obvious to both of us that I wasn’t going back to sleep. I had no choice but to fuck her. Maybe afterward she’ll leave. My plan was to disappoint her on a grand scale. I would fuck her as quickly as possible and then go back to sleep. She started giving me head and I could tell she was well practiced. I think she might have done this one or two thousand times before. I slipped on a condom and turned her around so that I could enter her from behind. From this new perspective, I surveyed her vagina like a passerby who just happened upon a vehicular homicide. Without exaggeration, it looked like someone had ignited an M80 in a pastrami sandwich. Her labia were enormous and grey-blue in color. They literally hung in loose folds flanking her gaping hole. It was clear to me that I would be physically unable to please her. I’ve read that the average penis falls somewhere between five to seven inches. I would say that I’m well within that category; but Lexi definitely needed an above-average penis if she hoped to receive any pleasure from this sexual encounter. In fact, I think John Holmes would have shied away from this challenge. Regardless, I decided to give it my best shot. I plugged away for about five minutes when she began to moan softly. I assumed this was some type of act, but at least it was somewhat encouraging. Suddenly, she really got into it and violently forced her ass against my thighs.
“Fuck me! You motherfucking piece of shit. Fuck my fucking pussyhole! Fuck me! Fuck me!” she screamed.
“Okay. I will. You got it. I’ll fuck your pussyhole hard.”
I tried to sound enthused. Well, as much as I could considering the situation. But I’ve never been good at sex talk. It’s always been awkward for me. My friends tell me that you need to free yourself within the moment and say whatever comes to mind as long as it sounds sexy. But I’ve always felt too self-conscious hurling sexual epithets at a woman. It’s unnatural and out of character for me. And if I start thinking too much about something appropriate to
say, I lose focus on the matter at hand and then risk either prematurely ejaculating or, even worse, losing my erection. I’m like Woody Allen when it comes to sex. It’s a complex psychological operation for me.
“Are you gonna fuck me with your hard cock? Are you? Fuck me now, you fucking shit bitch!”
Shit bitch? Really? I chose to ignore that one and began fucking her as hard and as fast as I could. But, despite my efforts, my penis was drowning in a sea of vagina. This wasn’t a “hotdog in a hallway” situation; rather this was a “hotdog in a mineshaft” situation. Finally, I finished and fell forward in exhaustion. She didn’t seem to realize that I was done and continued slamming her ass into me.
I pulled out and said plaintively, “Okay, okay, stop. It’s over. I’m sorry if I didn’t make you come.”
“What? Is that it?”
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s all. I’m done.”
“Fuck that. You’re gonna eat me out, right?”
“No. Definitely not.” A quick glance at her grey meat curtains reaffirmed my reluctance to stick my tongue anywhere near that. “Sorry. I’m going to have a smoke and go to back to bed. You’re welcome to watch more porn.” She stared at me in disbelief as I lit up a smoke and lay back on the bed. “I’m sorry. I feel like shit and need to sleep.”
“Do you have a fucking vibrator?”
“No. Why would I have a vibrator?”
“I dunno. Lots of guys do.” I watched her eyes dart around the room searching for something she could shove inside of her. God, I really wanted her to leave and let me go back to sleep. She jumped out of bed, bounded toward the kitchen, and after searching through several drawers, produced a claw hammer.
“This’ll work,” she said proudly and walked to the bed holding the hammer by the claw end so that the handle stuck straight up in the air. “Fuck me with this.”
“What? That’s a hammer.”
“I know. And you’re going to fuck me with it.” She roughly shoved the tool into my hand, got down on all fours, and jutted her naked ass into the air.
With my cigarette dangling from my lips, I looked at her quizzically. “How exactly do you want me to fuck you with this?”
“Put a condom on it, stupid.”
I was too stunned to be offended. I just sat there holding the hammer in my right hand and the cigarette in my left, watching her rhythmically sway her ass from side to side.
“Well, come on.”
I grabbed a condom from the nightstand, rolled it over the wooden handle of the hammer, and apprehensively slid the tool inside of her. Lexi let out a loud gasp.
“Ohhh. Fuck me. Fuck me harder.”
“Okay,” I muttered while slowly sliding the hammer’s handle in and out of her gaping pussy. Like any rational individual, I was hesitant to fuck her with it too hard lest I ruptured something. This was a construction tool, for fuck’s sake.
“Would you fuck me with it? Fuck!” She violently shoved her ass back on the hammer’s handle and almost knocked me over.
“I am fucking you with it.”
“No, you’re not.”
She snatched the hammer from my hand, lay down on her back, and angrily shoved it between her spread thighs. With savage force, she jammed the tool inside of her again and again until she started screaming. “This is how you fuck me. This is how you fuck my pussy!”
With her mouth open and her eyes rolled upwards so that only the white parts were visible, she panted and screamed “fuck” over and over again while forcefully shoving the tool deep inside of her. It was like that scene from The Exorcist, except Linda Blair was masturbating with a crucifix, not a hammer. Her body thrashed about violently when she reached orgasm, and she started screaming out strings of profanities that I had never heard before, like “motherfuckerjesuscunt” and “dickshitasswhore.” It sounded like she was swearing in tongues. Suddenly, the song “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-A-Lot started playing from somewhere in the room. Confused, I looked around trying to locate the source of the sound but to no avail. Lexi didn’t seem to notice at all. The song stopped after about forty seconds or so and then I returned my attention to the writhing girl on my bed, watching her collapse and lie motionless with the hammer protruding from her swollen vagina. Speechless, I sat there with my cigarette—now a grey pillar of ash—resting between my lips.
“Are you all right?” I asked but received no response. For some reason, I thought it might be a good idea to retrieve the hammer, but before I could grab it she fiercely pushed my hand away.
“Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me!”
“That’s cool. I’m just glad you’re conscious.” I stumbled off the bed and went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for her. After that spectacle, it was the least I could do.
“What the fuck?”
“Pardon me?” I asked.
“What the fuck is this?” Lexi held the hammer in front of her and gazed perplexedly at the thick, dark red blood covering the handle.
“Holy shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?” A puddle of blood began to form between her legs, darkening the sheets. I ran to the bathroom, grabbed a towel off the floor, and rushed back to the bleeding woman. “Are you having your period or something?”
“No. I don’t get those,” she replied, stuffing the towel between her legs.
“Umm. Does it hurt? Are you in pain?”
“No. Not really. I know what it is. Fuck. I had an abortion on Tuesday.”
“That was like two days ago. Aren’t you supposed to take it easy for a week or two?”
“I know what I’m doing. This isn’t the first time I had an abortion.”
“Well, I don’t know much about abortions, but I highly doubt it says in the abortion manual that it’s acceptable to shove a fucking hammer in your pussy two days after you had the procedure. You probably tore open your uterus or something.”
“Would you shut the fuck up? Give me a fucking cigarette.” She held the towel between her legs. It was sodden with her dark red blood.
“You’re losing a lot of blood. I think you need to go to the hospital.” Once again, “Baby Got Back” began playing from somewhere. “What is that? Where’s that coming from?”
“It’s my phone.”
“Oh.” I’ve never been comfortable with obnoxious ringtones.
“Would you get my purse?” I looked under the bed and found her ridiculous pink ostrich-feather bag and handed it to her.
She pulled her phone out and flipped it open. “Fuck. It’s Ron.”
“Who’s Ron?”
“My husband.”
“Your husband? You’re fucking married?”
“Calm down. We have an open relationship. He’s an asshole anyway. I can’t believe he called seven times. He knew I wasn’t planning to come home last night. Asshole.” She threw the phone on the floor and lifted the towel up a bit revealing the steady stream of blood still pouring out of her.
“I’m taking you to the hospital.” I pulled on my jeans and threw on a shirt before scanning the room for Lexi’s clothing. Her fishnet stockings and leather skirt lay in a pile at the foot of the bed. “Can you sit up? You need to get dressed.” She moved to the side of the bed still holding the bloody towel, and I helped her slip on her top. She lifted up her legs as I gingerly pulled her skirt over her thighs.
“Here’s your panties.” I unintentionally handed them to her as if they belonged to a leper.
“Fuck. I’m sorry for my bloody pussy. Anyway, I don’t think those are going to do much. You can keep ‘em.”
“Umm, thanks. Can you walk?”
“Yeah. I think so.” I helped the wounded girl to her feet and she unsteadily shuffled toward the door holding the towel tightly between her legs. She leaned heavily on my left shoulder and I held her up like a fallen comrade as we carefully trudged down the dimly lit hallway toward the elevator. Both of us were tacitly aware of the awkwardness of this situation but chose not to acknowledge it as we marched onw
ard in silence. It was a painfully sunny day in the San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood, and as my luck would have it, not a cab was in sight. I knew I should have called one. It’s common knowledge that whenever you need a cab, they are nowhere to be found. I propped Lexi against the front gate of my building and stepped into the street waving my right hand in the air. After a few minutes, a yellow cab screeched to a stop in front of me, practically slamming into my kneecaps. I whipped open the back door, trying my best not to curse out the driver before walking over to fetch poor Lexi. She had lost a lot of blood and appeared pale and confused as I pushed her into the backseat of the cab, hoping that the driver hadn’t already noticed the bloody towel between her legs.
“Take us to St. Mary’s.”
“Where do you need to go?” said the driver in English but with a thick Middle Eastern accent.
“We need to go to St. Mary’s. Quickly please.”
“What’s the matter? Is she having baby?”
“The matter is none of your business. Just take us to St. Mary’s.”
“The girl is having a pregnancy?”
“No, she’s fine.”
“Then why you must go to hospital?”
“We just need to go there. Now. Fuck. Would you just shut the fuck up and drive us there?”
He shook his head, muttered something foreign, and sped down Ellis Street. We arrived at the hospital in less than six minutes. I threw him a wad of cash and pulled the bleeding girl out of the cab. She could hardly stand up and I practically had to carry her through the glass doors of the emergency room and up to the front desk. An overweight nurse looked at us with a jaded frown and asked for her insurance card.
“Do you have medical insurance?” I asked Lexi.
My question made her laugh out loud. “Yeah. It’s right next to my Platinum Visa.”
I begged the nurse, “Please, this is an emergency. She’s bleeding heavily. Can we just see a doctor and sort this out later?”