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Abby's Plight (Southern Love #5)

Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  Paul breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s okay?”

  “I think so.”

  “Thank god she’s alright.” He sat on the couch beside her.

  Another knock rang on the door.

  “Now who the hell is it?” Paul asked.

  “I got it.” Abby jumped up and opened the door without looking. “Blaise?”

  He walked inside. “I had nowhere else to go. I don’t know anyone else in the city.” He stopped when he saw Paul. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Abby searched for a lie. “He was helping me find Alex.”

  “He got here that quick?” He eyed Paul suspiciously. Clarity spread over his face. “You’re fucking him, and Alexandra realized it when she came by. That’s why she’s so upset.” He turned to Abby, a glare on his face. “That’s cold, Abby.”

  “I’m not sleeping with him!”

  “Two men can’t satisfy you?” he asked incredulously. “I know you’re Alexandra’s sister, but anyone who fucks with my fiancé fucks with me.” He stormed out of the apartment. “Look up the word family in the dictionary. You obviously don’t know what it means.” He slammed the door shut.

  Abby collapsed on the couch and covered her face. “I hate my life right now.” The tears fell down her cheeks.

  Paul sat beside her and rubbed her back. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll back you up and so will Toby.”

  “Or will he?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Abby called Toby the next morning. “Is she there?”

  He yawned loudly. “Yep.”

  “Is she still asleep?”

  “I have no fucking idea. You just woke me up.”

  “Could you figure it out? Please.”

  He sighed then moved the phone around. His footsteps echoed down the hall. He stood still for a moment before he returned to the living room. “I think she’s still out.”

  “I’m headed over.”

  “Why?” he snapped.

  “I have to talk to her.” She hung up before he could protest.

  “What’s going on?” Paul asked. He wiped the sleep from his eyes.

  “Let’s go talk to Alex while we can.”

  Paul washed his face before they left the apartment and went to Toby’s place. She knocked on the door lightly and waited for him to answer. When he opened the door, his hair was ruffled like he’d been tossing and turning all night. His eyes were brighter than usual, probably because he got a good night’s sleep. He opened the door wider and let them come in.

  When Paul looked at his brother, words immediately flew out of his mouth. “I’m not sleeping with Abby.”

  Toby nodded. “Okay.”

  “We aren’t,” she agreed. “We haven’t been.”

  “You don’t need to convince me,” he said. He crossed his arms over his chest. “But I have a perfectly good couch and a nice bed. And I share your blood. Maybe you should come over here once in a while.” He walked into the kitchen and turned his back.

  Paul looked at Abby. “I didn’t know it bothered him.”

  “I think he feels excluded,” she whispered.

  Paul stood beside him and watched him pour three mugs of coffee. “I—I know you’re disappointed in me. I just don’t want you to think less of me—because I’m weak.”

  “I could never be disappointed in you,” Toby said quietly. “You’re my younger brother. It’s impossible.”


  He nodded. “I wish you would turn to me instead of Abby. I’m your brother. I always have your back.” He sipped the mug and returned it to the counter. “And I’ve been going through a hard time too…it would be nice to have someone around.”

  Abby knew he was referring to her. Now she felt even worse.

  Paul extended his hand. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  Toby eyed it, a grin on his face. He pulled his brother into a hug instead. “I forgive you.”

  Abby was grateful they could work out their differences. She just hoped it would work out the same for her and her sister. A knock on the door made them all jump.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Abby asked. She immediately thought of that girl from the gym.

  “No.” Toby put down his mug then answered the door. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m Alexandra’s fiancé.” Blaise extended his hand.

  Toby shook it. “Come in.”

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “She’s sleeping in my room. How did you know where I lived?”

  “When a man’s fiancé is missing, he finds her.” He turned to the hallway. “When will she be up?”

  “I’m not a mind reader,” Toby snapped.

  “When did she go to bed?”

  Toby shrugged. “I slept on the couch. I have no idea.”

  Blaise finally noticed Abby. “You should leave.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “I can explain what happened with Paul. I haven’t been sleeping with him.”

  “We haven’t,” Paul agreed.

  Blaise eyed them but didn’t comment. “Thank you for letting my fiancé stay here,” he said to Toby.

  “No problem,” Toby said. “I still love her like a sister—always will.”

  Paul’s eyes darkened at his words.

  “What happened between you?” Abby asked.

  “We had a fight,” Blaise said. “I already told you that.”

  “What did you fight about?” Paul asked.

  “None of your business,” Blaise snapped.

  Toby raised his hands. “Let’s keep it down, guys.”

  “What did you do to make my sister run away?” Abby asked. “That’s what I want to know.”

  Blaise glared at her. “Not because I was sleeping with one of her ex’s.”

  Toby smiled. “That would be awkward if you were…”

  “Not now, Toby,” she said. “Tell me. Is everything okay between you? Are you still getting married?”

  “Of course we are,” Blaise said. “I’m not letting her get away. I’ll drag her down the aisle if I have to.”

  Paul looked disappointed.

  “Then what happened?” Abby repeated.

  “I’m just irritated that we have to meet her family. If her dad never took care of her, why do I have to ask his permission to marry her? And all they do is drag her down. She needs to let them go. All they cause her is grief.”

  Now Abby understood completely. “Alex is sensitive about that topic.”

  “Apparently,” Blaise said.

  “She thinks if she can make them proud, they’ll change. Obviously, that’s never going to happen. But she keeps hoping.”

  Blaise nodded. “I love that Alexandra tries to see the good in people, but there’s no point in searching for it in them. I don’t want her to suffer. I love her.”

  Abby nodded. “I know you do.”

  Alex came down the hall, wearing the same clothes she wore the night before. Her eyes immediately went to Blaise, forgetting about everyone else.

  “Alexandra, are you okay?” Blaise immediately grabbed her and embraced her.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. “How did you find me?”

  Blaise rubbed his nose against hers. “Hard work and determination. Now let’s go home.”

  “I’m still pissed at you.”

  ‘That’s okay,” he said. “But let’s go home anyway.” He grabbed her bag from the floor.

  Alexandra spotted Abby by the door. The look on her face showed her anger and hurt. It was obvious she wanted to say something, but Alexandra kept her mouth shut, taking the high road like usual.

  “Alex, listen to me,” Abby said. “Nothing is going on between Paul and I.”

  “He just has sleepovers with you because he’s twelve?” Alexandra snapped.

  Abby knew her sister was pissed. She was normally sweet, even in the hardest situations. The fact she was being so spiteful told Abby had upset she was. “I’m not lying. Paul spent the night, and
he’s spent the night in the past. But it’s not because we’re sleeping together. It’s nothing like that. He doesn’t see me like that, and I don’t see him like that.”

  “Then why was he there?” Alexandra asked. “How do you explain that?”

  Paul looked at Abby, silently communicating with her. Abby didn’t know what else to say besides the truth. And that’s what she chose. “I lied to you before.”

  “About what?” Alexandra asked.

  “When I told you Paul was doing okay, that was a lie. He’s going through a hard time and I’ve been helping him through it. I just said he was okay because he asked me to. And I knew you wouldn’t let yourself be happy if you knew how much he was suffering.”

  Alexandra stared at her but didn’t react. She was processing everything.

  Paul cleared his throat. “Alex, I would never do that to you. You must know that by now.”

  “And I wouldn’t either,” Abby said. “I’m your best friend, not just your sister.”

  Alexandra turned to Blaise and whispered to him. They talked quietly. She turned back to Abby. “So nothing has ever happened between you?”

  “No,” Abby said immediately.

  Toby immediately turned his head and stared at her, catching her lie.

  “You promise?” Alexandra asked. “You give me your word, Abigail?”

  Abby cringed when her sister used her real name. “Well…”

  Alexandra’s eyed widened. “Tramp.”

  “Wait,” she said.

  “I kissed her,” Paul said. “But I was out of my mind, insanely depressed over you. She pulled away and ended it. Nothing else happened. I swear. I only kissed her because she reminded me of you…”

  Alexandra shook her head. “Paul, what you do is your own prerogative. But Abby is a different story. She’s my sister, and she’s supposed to have my back until the end. But instead, she lied to me and kissed you. I’m done with her.”

  “That isn’t fair,” Abby said. “I only lied to protect you.”

  “But the lie is too important to be ignored,” Alexandra snapped. “I asked you to check on Paul for me because I needed to know how he was doing. How dare you lie to me?”’

  “I asked her to,” Paul said. “Don’t be mad at her.”

  “What would you have done if I told you the truth?” Abby said. “Would you have comforted him? No. Because you can’t. You’re engaged to someone else. Paul isn’t your problem. Let it go.”

  She shook her head. “You lost my trust.”

  The insult burned Abby like acid. “I said I was sorry.”

  “I can’t believe anything that comes out of those lips—especially since they kissed my ex.” She stormed out and Blaise followed behind her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Abby didn’t know what to do. Her own sister thought she was a lying tramp. Even though all the evidence pointed to her indiscretion, and she did lie, she was still hurt her sister didn’t give her the benefit of the doubt.

  She sat on the couch then stared at the wall. Going after Alexandra was pointless, not when she was so angry. Abby pulled her knees to her chest and sighed. Paul sat beside her, equally forlorn. They both felt lower than dirt.

  Toby moved to the other couch, still sipping his coffee.

  “What do we do?” Abby whispered.

  Paul ran his fingers through his hair, still oily from skipping a shower. “I don’t know.”

  “She’s my sister—I have to get her back.”

  “There’s nothing you can do,” Toby said.

  “I’m not giving up,” Abby said.

  “I didn’t say that,” he snapped. “There’s nothing you can do right now. Give her space.” He blew the steam from his coffee then took another sip.

  “He’s right,” Paul said. “Alex will come around. She’s too irrational right now.”

  “I’m always right,” Toby said.

  “Is there ever a time when you aren’t cocky?” Abby said. She glared at him then stared at the wall again.

  “You’re welcome, by the way.” Toby returned her look with equal annoyance. “Maybe next time I won’t call.”

  Abby didn’t respond to the insult. She knew she was lashing out at him just because she was upset. Paul was sitting next to her on the couch, but it should have been him. It seemed like he didn’t care at all, which he probably didn’t.

  Paul stood up. “I need to shower.”

  Toby eyed him. “I didn’t want to say anything…”

  “Abby, call me when you decide to talk to Alex. I want to be there.”

  She nodded.

  Paul left the apartment. When the door shut, the silence rang in the air. Toby remained in his spot, drinking his coffee. “Why are you still here?”

  She turned her head slowly. “Excuse me?”

  “Why are you still here?” he repeated. “Shouldn’t you leave?”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t give a shit what you do. But I have to get on with my life. I have plans.”

  His complete indifference stung her. “You don’t care about me at all?”

  “Should I?” He looked her straight in the eye, not wavering.

  “How can you tell me you love me, then be so cold?”

  “I should ask you the same thing,” he snapped.

  She looked away and took a deep breath. Her emotion was starting to break.


  “Well what?”

  “Are you going to leave?”

  She jumped up and marched to his front door. All she wanted was to be comforted by Toby. She was going through a difficult time, and it seemed like it didn’t matter. “Do you treat all your friends like this?”

  “Actually, yeah.”

  She gave him another glare before she turned to the door. “I’m sorry I’m hogging your time. You must want to get ready for your date tonight.”

  “I do,” he said simply.

  His admittance caught her off guard. “You’re really going to go out with her?” The emotion cracked in her voice.

  He left the couch and approached her. “I’m going to fuck her.”

  The layer of tears immediately formed under her eyes. The strong emotion caught her off guard. Imagining him with someone else cut her so deep, it severed her in half. Her heart convulsed painfully, making it so unbearable, she wished she were dead. “Don’t…”

  “Why?” He crossed his arms over his chest. All emotion was gone from his face. “I meant what I said the other day, Abby. That was your last chance. Fernan might put up with your bullshit to the end of time, but I won’t. You picked him, not me. Now embrace your decision.”

  The monotone sound of his voice, and the emptiness of his eyes told her he meant what he said. They were really over. “Was anything between us real?”

  “It definitely was.” He opened the door and extended his hand. “But it’s in the past—let it stay there.”

  “You said I was the one.” The words flew out of her mouth automatically. She felt like she was falling down a cliffface, trying to grab a hold of anything. She kept falling, and she was desperate to stop.

  “You were the one—not anymore.”

  “You can’t just take that back.”

  “I just did,” he said. “Now I need to find someone else. And I intend to enjoy the ride. Now get the hell out of my apartment.”

  “Fuck you, Toby.”

  “You wish.”

  A tear escaped her restraint. It slid down her cheek, impossible not to notice. Toby acted like it wasn’t there, shining under the florescent lights.

  “Go to Fernan,” he said simply. “He’ll give you all the comfort you want.” When she was outside the door, he slammed it shut. It was the second time she’d been kicked out of his life. And the second time felt even worse than the first.

  After she walked home, she realized she didn’t want to be alone. Knowing Toby was going on a date with that girl from made her s
tomach turn. She wasn’t sure what was wrong with her. Why did she care so much? Was it because she couldn’t have him anymore? Whatever the case, she didn’t want to be alone. So she ran to her only escape—Fernan.

  He opened the door, and his eyes widened in surprise. “Is everything alright, darling?”


  He placed his hand on her shoulder and directed her inside. “Let’s sit down.” He directed her to the couch and sat beside her. Being an inch apart wasn’t enough for her. She crawled into his lap and rested her head against his chest.

  Fernan ran his fingers down her back. “What is it?”

  She sniffed. “Abby thought I was sleeping with her ex when I wasn’t. And now she’s mad at me for lying to her.”

  “What did you lie about?”

  “Her ex…I said he was okay when he wasn’t. But I did it for her own good. I would never hurt my sister on purpose.”

  “I’m sure she knows that,” he whispered.

  “She said she was done with me.”

  “People say things they don’t mean when they’re angry.” He kissed her forehead. “And I know she didn’t mean that. Give her some space and try to talk to her again.”

  “Can you talk to her for me…?”

  He smiled. “I could try, but I don’t think it would accomplish much.”

  She sighed. “I can’t lose my sister. She’s my best friend.”

  “It’ll work out.” His fingers moved into her hair and caressed her gently. “I promise.”

  Abby gripped him tighter, trying not to cry.

  “Is there something else, darling?”



  “It’s Toby…”

  “Is he bothering you?” His voice completely changed. His compassion and concern evaporated, replaced by a fierce tone.

  “No…I’m just having a hard time accepting our break up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s already seeing someone.” She released the air from her lungs, wishing her pain would accompany it.

  “And why is that a bad thing?”

  “I don’t know…it just bothers me.”

  Fernan dropped his hand from her hair then moved to her lower back. His affection ceased. “This is what you wanted, right?”

  “Yeah…but it still hurts. I hate imagining him with someone else.”


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