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Abby's Plight (Southern Love #5)

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you made any progress getting over him?”

  “Oh.” She sipped her glass and noted the bitterness. “No…”

  Fernan studied her face before he looked down at his wine. “Give it time.”

  “I could give a lifetime and it wouldn’t change anything,” she blurted.

  Fernan shifted his weight in his seat then clenched his hand. “It will.”

  Abby took a deep breath then stared at her white wine. She continued to drink it but didn’t notice the taste. Everything she did was automatic, like she moved just to blend in. If she didn’t, people would spot her in the crowd, knowing how miserable she was. She slumped in her chair and felt the pain every time she breathed. The hurt never seemed to stop.

  “I hate seeing you like this.” Fernan stared into her eyes.

  Abby couldn’t meet his gaze.

  “He doesn’t deserve you.”

  “And I don’t deserve either one of you,” she whispered. Seeing the despair on Fernan’s face was too much. Instead, she surveyed the people in the bar. When her eyes landed on a familiar face, she froze.

  Toby was sitting across from a beautiful brunette. He was drinking a beer while she sipped her wine. Her hair was curly and long. Even in the shadows, Abby knew how beautiful she was. Her long legs stuck out from under the table, and her blue eyes were hypnotic to behold. Toby drank from his glass while he looked at her. He broke into laughter every few seconds, clearly fond of his female companion.

  The tears burned under her eyes at the sight. Whenever she imagined him with someone else, it killed her. But actually seeing it was a million times worse. It was a pain she’d never known. She’d rather be beaten by Vance than feel what she felt now.

  Fernan followed her gaze and noticed Toby. He gave her a sympathetic look then watched the tears fall.

  She grabbed her purse and accidently knocked over her glass. “I need to go.”


  She stormed out without looking behind her. When she reached the sidewalk, a man bumped into her but she didn’t give him any attention. She only knew the collision happened because of the pain in her ribs.

  “Abby!” Fernan caught up to her. “Don’t run.”

  She started to heave with sobs. “I can’t go back in there. I can’t see him with anyone else…it kills me.”

  Fernan’s face changed as he stared at her. The sympathetic look was replaced with something deeper, something darker. He rubbed his chin then glided his fingers through his hair. He looked conflicted, like he couldn’t make a decision. “You really love him.”

  She wiped her tears away then stepped away. “I have to go.”

  “Abby, wait. Let me walk you home.”

  “Just get away from me.” She jerked away and headed down the street. “I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  She moved through the crowd and put distance between them. When she looked behind her, she didn’t see him anywhere. She knew Fernan finally respected her space.

  The tears blurred her vision so she had to keep wiping them away. The memory of Toby’s smile as he stared at the brunette burned the back of her eyes. She couldn’t shake the feeling she had. It continued to burn her like a brander right out of the fire. When she reached her apartment, she couldn’t get her keys inside. She kept dropping them. Finally, she gave up and collapsed in front of her door. Her plane was leaving in a few hours and she had to get everything ready. But she couldn’t move. She just lied there.

  “Your new place is nice.”

  She stilled at the sound of his voice. Just like a switch, her tears ended.

  “I didn’t even think of checking this building.” He came into her peripheral vision. She recognized his shoes, the ones he always wore.

  Abby was too distraught to think clearly. She was angry she couldn’t have what she wanted, she was upset that Vance wouldn’t leave her alone, and she was stressed from the wedding she just threw together. She couldn’t handle the pain anymore. She rose to her feet. “What do you want?”

  “To discuss the kick you gave to my nuts the other day.” The anger shined in his eyes.

  “Then talk. But I’m not listening.” She leaned against her door again. “I don’t care anymore. Do whatever you want.” She stared at the wall across from her. “Beat me, kick me, break me in half—it doesn’t matter. I can’t be in worse pain than I am now. And if you kill me, I’ll never have to worry about you again. So do your worse, Vance.”

  He didn’t step toward her. All he did was stare.

  She looked at him. “You want to hurt me, right? Then do it. Come on.”

  Vance still didn’t move.

  “Why did you come all the way down here? Just to stare? I’m not afraid of you, Vance. There’s nothing you can do to make me feel worse, so just give it your best shot. At this point, I don’t care about anything.”

  Nothing happened. He remained beside her, studying her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “What?” She looked at him. “What kind of question is that?”

  “A real one.” He watched her carefully. “You seem—different.”

  She sighed. “I’m not in the mood to talk. Torture me and get this over with. I have a life to get back to.”

  “I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “Yes, you have,” she snapped. “You’ve broken my soul too many times to count. Why aren’t you doing it now? That’s right. Because I don’t have one.”

  Vance still didn’t make a move.

  Her anger and frustration made her illogical and impulsive. She gave him a mean stare. “What the hell is wrong with you? You aren’t interested because I’m not scared of you? Is that what it is?”

  His eyes never left her face.

  “Now it’s my turn to make you scared.”

  His eyes widened.

  She grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the floor. He lost his balance and tipped over, landing painfully on his side.

  “What the hell?” he snapped.

  Abby kicked him in the face, crunching his nose. Blood dripped down his face. “Hurts, don’t it?” She kicked him in the ribs until he rolled away. “You aren’t getting away from me.” She grabbed his throat and started to strangle him. He spoke incoherently until he grabbed her and shoved her back.

  Abby fell, but she jumped to her feet quickly. Before he could raise his arm, she kicked him in the groin then socked him in the stomach. He bent at the waist and gripped himself, breathing through the pain. Livid, she slammed her heel into his knee, making it pop. It was a move Toby taught her.

  Vance howled in pain. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  Abby smacked her hand against his eardrum as hard as she could.

  “Fuck!” He gripped his face then tapped his ear. “I can’t hear anything.”

  She hit him again.

  “Stop.” He jumped away then gripped his head. Blood started to leak out.

  Then Abby screamed. “Help! I’m being attacked!”

  “Fucking bitch.”

  Abby dug her nails into her arm then scratched herself, making a line of blood. She fell against the wall and started sobbing.

  Her neighbor opened the door, and his eyes widened at the sight.

  “He assaulted me then tried to rape me.” Abby pushed herself against the wall, tears still falling down her face.

  “What?” Vance looked at her neighbor. “She attacked me!”

  Abby sobbed into her hands.

  ‘I’m calling the police,” the neighbor said.

  “Fuck this.” Vance started to limp down the hallway.

  “He’s getting away!” Abby shouted.

  Her neighbor went back inside then his roommate chased down Vance and tackled him to the ground. “Got em.” Vance tried to roll away but was unable to.

  Abby still cried even though she felt triumphant. Her neighbor ended the call then looked at her.

  “The cops are on their way.”

/>   ‘Thank god,” Abby said. “He attacked me. I tried to fight him off. It was self-defense.”

  “I know. I’ll tell the cops the same.”

  “She’s lying!” Vance yelled. “I didn’t touch her.”

  “Crazy lunatic,” her neighbor said.

  When the cops arrived, they handcuffed him and took him away. Abby told them the story she conjured, pinning the entire episode on Vance. She didn’t think it would be enough to keep him behind bars for long, but it was certainly enough to put on his record. And if he came after her again, she’d beat him senseless. She was pretty certain Vance was afraid of her.

  When the episode was over, she went back into her apartment and treated the cuts she had. The huge gash on her arm would be noticeable in her dress, so she sanitized it and bandaged it. Hopefully by the time the wedding started, the scars wouldn’t be so noticeable. But she defeated Vance today, and that’s the only good thing that happened to her in a long time. She took control of the situation, manipulated him, and then kicked his ass. For the first time in weeks, she smiled.

  Chapter Twenty

  When they were on the plane, Abby told her sister everything that happened with Vance.

  Her eyes widened. “That was smart.”

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.”

  “Because you were scared.” She placed her hand on top of Abby’s. “I’m proud of you.”

  “You are? You don’t think I’m stupid for getting into the situation to begin with?”

  “Of course I do.” She smiled. “But I admire your ability to handle the situation on your own. Most women never evade their abusers. The only respite they get is from death.”

  “That’s dark…”

  She laughed. “Your humor is already coming back.”

  Abby didn’t notice it until now. “It’s the only good thing that’s happened to me in a long time. I guess I want to hold onto this feeling…I’m tired of being depressed.”

  Alexandra nodded. “When I was in Savannah, a friend tried to rape me.”

  “What? A friend?” Abby’s eyes were wider than they’d ever been.

  “He was drunk and apologized for it later.”

  “That sounds like an excuse…”

  “I’m just explaining.”

  “Well, I’m going to kick his ass,” Abby snapped. “That asshole better not be at the wedding.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Alexandra said. “You think Blaise wouldn’t kill him if he showed up?”

  “Blaise didn’t kill him already? Now I don’t like him as much.”

  Blaise returned from the bathroom and sat beside Alexandra. He immediately placed his hand on her thigh. He was always touching her in some way. The affection made Abby want to gag, not because the affection bothered her. She was just jealous.

  “All of that happened before our flight?” Alexandra asked.

  “And I went out for a drink with Fernan. Seven million people live in this city, and I somehow run into Toby.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “He was on a date,” she said darkly.

  “Oh. I’m sorry…”

  “No you aren’t,” Abby snapped. “You said it wouldn’t work out anyway because Paul is his brother.”

  “That isn’t what I said. I just said it would be more difficult. Abby, I want you to be with the man you love. You rooted for Paul the entire time, but when I made my final decision, you accepted it and gave Blaise a chance. Of course I would do the same for you.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter anymore…”

  “He might come around.”

  She crossed her legs and stared at the seat in front of her. “He won’t.”

  Alexandra stared at her sister then cleared her throat. “How is Paul doing anyway?”

  “The same.”

  “Does he know I’m pregnant?”

  Abby nodded.

  “How’d he take it?”

  “I’m not sure. Toby told him, not me. I met with Paul afterwards.”

  “I hate hurting him…”

  “Toby is watching him. He’ll be okay.”

  “I hope so,” Alexandra whispered.

  Blaise squeezed her thigh. “This is our weekend, Alexandra. Don’t let other people bother you.”

  “You aren’t worried about Danielle?” she asked.

  “No,” Blaise said quickly. “And if she bothers you, I’ll let Abby rip her hair out.”

  Abby smiled. “I would love to.”

  Alexandra chuckled.

  “No one will bother you. I got you covered.” Abby cracked her knuckles.

  “I’m sure Vance can attest to that.”

  Abby nodded. “I broke his nose and his eardrum.”


  She shrugged. “I’m a badass.”

  They fell silent for the rest of the plane ride. Abby could tell her sister was nervous about the meeting with their parents. She kept clenching her fists then releasing them. And she chewed on her inner lip. Blaise seemed calm, but his looks were deceptive. Abby knew the ordeal would blow up in their face, but she understood her sister. The approval of her parents was important—for whatever reason.

  When they left the plane, they dropped their luggage off at the hotel. Alexandra became more nervous with every passing hour.

  Blaise eyed her. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “No.” Alexandra tucked her hair behind her ear. “I have to. They deserve to know I’m getting married—and I’m pregnant with their grandchild.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “Just because a life-changing event has come to pass doesn’t mean they are going to miraculously start caring.”

  “People change.” Alexandra fixed her hair in the mirror then stared at her stomach. Her hand moved over the slight bump. Blaise watched her in the mirror, studying her every move. “I hope they’ll be excited.”

  Abby knew they wouldn’t.

  After they were refreshed, they took a car to their home in the suburbs. All three of them were silent on the drive. Blaise kept glancing at Alexandra, making sure she was okay. Alexandra had her gaze focused outside the window. Abby kept thinking about Toby, despite the immense pain it caused her.

  When they arrived, none of them moved.

  Blaise squeezed Alexandra’s hand. “Nothing that happens in there will change what we have.” He stared into her eyes.

  “I know.”

  Abby looked away, trying to give them some privacy.

  They walked to the front door, taking their time. The house looked the same as it did in their childhood. The tire still hung from the branch in the front yard. Abby always used to sit out there after school and hog it. Alexandra would get so angry. A statue of a stone frog was next to the front door. It was covered in dirt and grime. A loud wind chime hung from the roof. The slight breeze made the metal ring loudly. Abby always hated the sound.

  Alexandra knocked on the door then stepped back.

  “Do they know we’re coming?” Abby whispered.


  Abby’s eyes widened. “You didn’t tell them?”

  “I was too scared….they’d ask why I was coming.”

  Blaise placed his arm around her waist.

  Abby shook her head. “This is going to be great…”

  The door opened, and they all flinched. The metal gate on the outside of the door hid the inside of the house. Abby wasn’t sure who she was looking at.

  “Alex?” It was her mother. The door swung open. “Abby? What are you two doing here?”

  Alexandra took a deep breath. “We were both in the area and decided to stop by.”

  “In Atlanta?” she asked incredulously. She stepped forward, revealing the flannel pajamas she wore. It was only three in the afternoon but she was ready for bed. The scent of cigarette smoke wafted out, making Abby’s throat itch. She ignored her need to cough.

  Alexandra shrugged. “We wanted to see you.”

  Her mother s
tepped back. “Well, come in.”

  They all walked inside and heard the door shut.

  “Is there something I can get you?” Her hair was an odd array of colors. A few strands were purple, and strands of brown and gold were in random places. She really needed to see a hairdresser. Her mother always tried to keep her youth. A few years ago, she got a facelift, but she continued smoking and drinking, so it was counterproductive. She extended her hand to Blaise. “I’m Jane, Alex’s mother.”

  He shook it. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Blaise.”

  Jane eyed him. “And are you my daughter’s boyfriend?”

  Blaise eyed Alexandra, asking for direction.

  “Actually, he’s my fiancé…”

  Her mother raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s why we came by, to announce the news.”

  “Oh.” Her mother nodded then stepped back. “Well, congratulations.” She didn’t seem excited at all. In fact, she seemed angry and hurt.

  “Thanks…” Alexandra tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Blaise cleared his throat. “I would really appreciate your blessing. I love your daughter very much and will take care of her.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” she said sarcastically.

  Abby immediately knew this meeting wasn’t going to be pleasant. The smell of Jim Beam came in the air. It burned her nostrils. She couldn’t see the bottles in the dark house but she knew they were there. The TV played in the background, and all the furniture didn’t match. It was exactly as it was before.

  Blaise shifted his weight but hid his annoyance.

  “Is Dad home?” Alexandra asked.

  “He will be soon,” her mother said.

  “I look forward to meeting the man who raised two wonderful daughters,” Blaise said politely.

  Her mother rolled her eyes.

  Abby glared at her, pissed. “Alexandra is in medical school.”

  Jane raised an eyebrow. “She is?”

  Alexandra’s face started to tint.

  “I thought you were a nurse?” her mother asked. “You can never make up your mind.”

  Blaise’s face reddened in anger but he bit his tongue.

  Abby picked on her sister and teased her mercilessly, but she hated it when anyone put her down like that. It didn’t matter if it was their mother. “Alexandra didn’t change her mind. She’s enriching her career so she can do more for her patients. She’s admirable and smart. I’m so proud of her.”


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