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Abby's Plight (Southern Love #5)

Page 16

by E. L. Todd

  Alexandra glided to the altar then Aunt Martha kissed her on the cheek.

  “I’m very happy for you, my daughter.”

  Alexandra nodded. “Thank you.”

  Martha grabbed Blaise’s hand and placed Alexandra’s inside. “I know she’s in good hands.”

  “Thank you,” Blaise said. He pulled Alexandra to the altar, his eyes still glued to her face. When the pastor opened the ceremony with a prayer, Blaise pressed his head against hers and closed his eyes. Together, they prayed.

  The pastor then read the passage of the bible, uniting them as one. Abby didn’t make it past the first sentence without crying. Her sister looked too happy. When it was time for Alexandra to read her vows, Abby handed them to her.

  Alexandra took a deep breath before she looked at the crinkled page. “I knew there was something different about you the moment I saw you. Not only did I trust you, know you, and adore you. But I loved you—right from the start. That’s never happened to me before… I’ve always had doubts about myself and my abilities, but you never let me give into them. You always support me and push me even when I don’t want you to. You seem to understand my needs better than anyone, even Aunt Martha. You’re the family I never had, the brother I never had, and the lover I always dreamed of. And I’m honored to spend my life with you and have a beautiful family.” A tear escaped her eyes at the end.

  Blaise leaned in and kissed her tears away. “I fell in love with you before I even knew you. I wondered if I would ever find the one woman who would call me out on my shit, tell me to shut up when I needed to hear it, and take the reins even when I didn’t want her to. But that was you. And I knew it.

  “Everyday you make me want to be a better man than I was the day before. Having such a beautiful gem in my life makes me strive for something more. When everyone told me to settle for my cotton farm, you’re the only one who told me to pursue my dream. With you, you’ve never cared about my money or where I come from. You’ve always loved me for me. And I can never tell you how much that means to me.

  “I always knew if I took a wife, she’d be hot.” He grinned. “And I’m glad I didn’t settle on that.”

  Alexandra’s cheeks reddened at his words, and the crowd laughed.

  “I know you’ll stand by me through everything, you’ll give me our children, who I’ll love and adore as much as I cherish you, and you’ll continue to make me a better person with each passing day.

  “You fell out of the sky and into my life like a passing meteor. You were never meant to come here, but the cosmos and God hit my world with your presence. That’s the only explanation. Because to me, you’re the angel of the light, the light that will guide me the rest of my life.”

  A few women awed at his words. Alexandra’s eyes softened as she listened to him.

  “And it’s the only way to explain why you would settle for a guy like me.” He grabbed her face and kissed her. Cheers and whistles rang out.

  The pastor looked confused. “You may kiss the bride…”

  Abby laughed at Blaise’s disregard for tradition.

  “Oh,” The pastor said. “We forgot the rings.”

  Alexandra and Blaise didn’t seem to notice. They only had eyes for each other. After Abby handed Blaise’s ring to Alexandra, she slipped it on his finger.

  “You better not take this off—ever,” she said.

  He slipped hers on. “Same goes for you.”

  “Then we won’t have any problems.”

  “No, we won’t.” He rubbed his nose against hers and kissed her again.

  The pastor smiled. “I’m pleased to announce Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Cunnings.”

  The cloud cheered. Women wiped their eyes and blew their noses into their handkerchiefs. Blaise pulled Alexandra down the aisle and spun her in a circle. Rose petals were tossed at their feet as they headed to their new life. Happiness that Abby never felt flooded through her body. It was the wedding her sister deserved.

  The guests moved to the tables under the lit trees. Abby helped the groomsmen move the chairs to the table, getting everyone situated. Waiters brought refreshments and hors d'oeuvres while Blaise and Alexandra took their pictures.

  Abby realized the disposable cameras weren’t on the tables, which was her responsibility. After a moment of panic, she realized she left them in the car. She pulled up her dress and took the path toward the road where all the cars were parked. She stared at the ground while she walked, making sure her heels didn’t get stuck in the dirt.

  When she slammed into a thick wall, she almost fell back. Strong arms grabbed her and stopped her from falling over. “You really should watch where the hell you’re going.”

  She recognized that voice. She looked up and saw the face she dreamt of so many times. The faint stubble was on his chin, a result of not shaving for a few days. His blue eyes were a different color than they’d ever been. They were bright and shining, relaying a foreign emotion.


  “You’re slow.”

  She glared at him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Do you think I crash weddings as a hobby? I came here to see you, obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “Good thing you have a fine ass and a beautiful face.”

  She hit his shoulder lightly. “What’s going on?”

  His hands moved to her hips. The joking look on his face disappeared, replaced with a serious expression. “I came to get my girl.”

  Her lips suddenly felt numb. Her legs were weak and shaky. “What…”

  “You were right about what you said before. I love you and you love me. Let’s not waste anymore time and just be happy together. That’s the smartest thing I’ve heard come out of your mouth.”

  The broken pieces of her heart rearranged and sealed together, repairing the traumatic damage. Her heart returned to a normal rate. She started to heal, putting herself back together. “What about Fernan? Do you believe me?”

  “Now I do.”

  She touched his arm, reassuring herself he was real. “What changed your mind?”

  He shrugged. “Fernan paid me a visit and cleared everything up. Then he handed me his ticket.”

  She covered her mouth and gasped. “I can’t believe he did that…”

  “That guy really does love you.”

  Abby absorbed all the words he said. Everything was going the way she wanted. She felt bad that Fernan was heartbroken, but she was grateful he gave her his blessing. If he didn’t want her to be happy, he never would have intervened with Toby. He clearly wanted her to happy, even if it wasn’t with him. She was speechless.

  “This is the part where you kiss me, baby.”

  She met his gaze, recognizing the nickname she loved so much. “I’m so sorry about everything.”

  “I know.”

  “I—I was just scared and confused.”

  “Not brand new information.”

  “But you can trust me again,” she pleaded. “I promise.”

  “I know that too.” He cupped her face and looked at her lips. “I’m yours and you’re mine. Got it?”

  She nodded. “Absolutely.”

  His lips hovered near hers. “There’s something I need to tell you first.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that. “What?”

  “I never slept with that girl at the gym. I just wanted you to think I did—to hurt you. I thought you would realize you didn’t love Fernan and come back to me.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. Imagining you with her was agonizing.”

  He smiled. “Good to know. And that girl at the bar was my sister.”

  “It was?”

  Toby nodded. “I’ve been yours the whole time. It just took you a long time to get that.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m never letting you go—ever again.”

  “I like what I’m hearing,” he said with a smirk.

  “I love you.” She took a deep breat
h. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “I’m so glad I don’t have to go to this wedding by myself.”

  “That’s all I’m good for?” he asked with a laugh.

  “No. Now I can tell you what I want for our wedding.”

  He smiled. “You’re doing a good job making up for all the shit you put me through.”

  “Wait until tonight.”

  He moaned then pulled her to his chest. “Keep it up.” He sealed his mouth over hers and kissed her in a different way. His rugged exterior and harshness evaporated when they touched. He was gentle and tender, touching her like she was a cherished gem. His lips parted hers then caressed them lovingly. His tongue moved into her mouth the rubbed against hers. The touch set Abby on fire.

  “Look what we have here.”

  Toby broke their embrace and looked at the voice.

  Alexandra smiled at her sister, Blaise’s arm hooked around her. “I’m glad Abby finally got the happy ending she deserved. It just took her a little longer to get there.”

  Toby nodded. “She was worth the wait—in a twisted way.”

  Alexandra waved. “Welcome to the family, Toby. I’m very happy my sister chose you.”

  “Congratulations to both of you. I’m glad we’re still family.”

  Blaise scooped Alexandra into his arms. “My wedding isn’t over yet. We still got a lot of dancing, drinking, and kissing to do.” He carried her down the path. Their laughter receded a moment later.

  Abby looked at Toby, eyeing his suit. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You better start.” His face moved close to hers. “And you still need to uphold your end of the deal.”

  “What deal?” she asked.

  “You need to compete in the Tough Mudder with me, and I need to do your art class.”

  She smiled. “Let’s just forget about it. You’re never going to care about art and I’m never going to care about the race.”

  “You’re right. But I’m still willing to try. And that’s why you chose me, isn’t it?”

  Her eyes softened. “Yes, it is.”

  Toby pulled her close to him. “You’re okay with ending up with an asshole? I won’t put up with your shit, Abby. I will push you to be better every day. There will be no opportunity to run and hide.”

  She pressed her forehead against his. “And that’s exactly what I want.”


  “Are you sure you want to live with me?” Abby asked apprehensively. “I’m messy, I like to sleep in, I need a whole bedroom just to use as my closest, and I’m going to have baby Jamie over all the time.”

  Toby carried her last box into the apartment and dropped it on the ground. “I’m sure, Abby. But I like to wake up early, work out every morning, and keep my place neat and clean. Are you sure you want to live with me?”

  She smiled. “There’s no doubt.”

  “There better not be.” He grabbed her waist and jerked her toward him. “It kills me when I leave your apartment every night.”

  “It kills me too.” She hugged his waist and enjoyed the feel of his strong torso.

  “And if Vance ever bothers you again, I’ll be here to straighten it out.” The threat in his voice was unmistakeable.

  “I don’t think he’ll bother me again. And if he does, I can take care of him.”

  “No,” he said firmly. “That’s why you have me around.”

  “I keep you around for a very different reason.” She gave him a dark expression.

  He smirked. “I know that too.”

  The area between her legs burned just thinking about it.

  After everything was put away in the apartment, they both collapsed on the couch, exhausted from the day.

  “When is Alex coming by?” he asked with a sigh. He stared at the crib in the corner.

  “In an hour.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I love babysitting.”

  “She’s your niece. You better love her.”

  “Of course I do. But she’s annoying as hell.”

  “I’m annoying as hell but you still stick around,” she said.

  He eyed her. “For one very obvious reason.” He glanced down her shirt then looked away.

  “Could you try to be a little more discreet?”

  He laughed. “Like you don’t gawk at me when I get out of the shower.”

  “That’s because you’re naked. I’m clothed.”

  “If you say so…”

  She hit his shoulder lightly. “Are you calling me a slut?”

  “The biggest one I’ve ever met.” He put his feet on the table. “Which isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Because I’m only a slut with you?”

  “You got that right.”

  Abby looked at the medals they won in the Tough Mudder. Toby was the third place winner in the men’s division, and Abby came in fifth for the women’s. They trained hard to together and reaped the awards. The painting Toby got her was mounted in his living room, a reminder when Abby realized she was in love with him.

  Toby looked at her. “I can’t imagine my life without you.” His voice was quiet.

  “You don’t ever have to.”

  “I hope so.” He sighed.

  They cuddled together on the couch and fell asleep. After the long day of moving and working, they were both tired. Abby started working at his firm as a secretary so she got to see him every day. It increased the number of arguments they had, but it also increased the number of secret office meetings.

  The knock on the door woke both of them.

  Toby groaned. “We’re never having kids.”

  “That’s not up to you,” she said. “I’ll just get off the pill.”

  He eyed her. “You wouldn’t date.”

  “Try me.” She gave him a wide grin.

  “I just won’t have sex with you then.”

  Abby laughed loudly. “Yeah…okay.”

  Toby laughed too. “That was a little unrealistic.”

  “A little?” she said incredulously.

  “I can’t wait until that little terror leaves. I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Is that supposed to be a bad thing…?”

  “I forgot how much of a slut you were.”

  She hit his shoulder. “Don’t talk about your girlfriend like that.”

  Toby grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. Alexandra knocked on the door again but they both ignored tem. “You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been, baby.” The look in his eyes went straight to her heart. “I just want you to know that. I never want to take you for granted, and I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. I realize my harsh attitude makes my true affection toward you.”

  She rubbed her nose against his. “I know you, Toby. You remind me every day.”

  He kissed her forehead. “And I’m never letting you go.”

  “I don’t want you to.”

  “Then it’s settled. You’re stuck with me.”

  “And I’m very happy to be stuck with you.”

  Also by E. L. Todd

  Southern Love Series

  Then Came Alexandra

  Then Came Indecision

  Then Came Absolution

  Then Came Abby

  Abby’s Plight

  Forever and Always Series

  Only For You

  Forever and Always

  Edge of Love

  Force of Love

  Fight for Love

  Lover’s Roulette

  Happily Ever After

  Hawaiian Crush Series

  Connected by the Sea

  Breaking Through the Waves

  Connected by the Tide

  Taking the Plunge

  Riding the Surf

  Caught in the Undertow

  Alpha Series






Saga Series

  Soul Catcher

  Soul Binder

  Soul Relenter

  Essence Series

  Flight of Life

  Tale of Life

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