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Cammie Healy (Mitchell/ Healy #8)

Page 14

by Jennifer Foor

  “You were boys. You got on my nerves. I liked to read and be alone. I was feeding my brain with useful knowledge, while you guys were killing yours. I wanted no part of it.”

  “Yeah, you were always the one who refused to have fun.”

  I wasn’t offended. I knew he was right. Wes had seen how I shut everyone out because of my determination. “I thought nothing could stop me from becoming a doctor.”

  “Nothing can. No matter what happens with your scholarship, you can still finish the few classes without it. You can stay on track, even if you have to go to school in the summer to make them up. Stanford won’t know any different.”

  My mind went to the baby. How was I supposed to go to school in California without any help. “I don’t think they have daycare.”

  “Oh yeah. Well, they might. Other people have kids.”

  “You’re just saying what sounds good, Wes.”

  “Don’t give up hope. You’re going to be the best damn doctor out there. What are you thinking about doing? I wanted to be a gynecologist when I was younger, so I could see endless vaginas. Then my mom mentioned how those sexy vaginas can change, and I’d probably be dealing with old women, STDs and discharge. Then vaginas weren’t that interesting anymore. I decided it was best to stick to banking.”

  “You’re crazy. Of course you’d want to be a gynecologist.” I giggled for a few seconds. “I’m thinking of general practice. I’d like to eventually have my own office to work out of wherever I decided to settle.”

  “Dr. Healy. It has a nice ring to it.”

  “CEO Wesley Parrish. It sounds so formal.”

  “What can I say? I was born for the title.”

  The room was quiet after that. I could hear the house creaking, and a drip coming from his master bathroom. “Thanks again for this, Wes.”

  He reached over and touched my nose with his fingertip. “Don’t mention it. I happen to like you being here with me. Can I ask you something personal before you go to sleep?”

  “I don’t fart in bed.” I truly assumed that’s what it was.

  “It’s about your teacher. How long did it take for you to sleep with him? Was it fast?”

  It was personal, but for some reason I didn’t mind sharing. I wasn’t embarrassed about the length because I knew it wasn’t rushed. “A month I think. I kept telling him no. Eventually it happened. It was planned since he had to sneak around to see me. It wasn’t spontaneous.”

  “I’m glad you made him wait.”

  “I’m not easy. He just knew how to manipulate me. If I hadn’t let my guard down I wouldn’t be here today.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. I hate the circumstances, but I’m happy I get to spend time with you.” He reached over and took my hand, bringing it up to his lips. “I have one week to convince you I’m worth your time.”

  I was already convinced the possibilities of wanting more from Wes were great. He knew me, and as much as I wanted to deny it for the sake of my situation, though I knew it was inevitable. “Six days.”

  “Today counted? Damn, I wanted a fresh start.”

  I nestled my body closer, my lips brushing over his lightly. The kiss was fast but meaningful. “Six days. You better make them memorable.”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. When my six days are up you might be the one begging to stay.”

  I wasn’t convinced he could make it happen, but decided to appease him. If nothing else I appreciated I wouldn’t have to figure things out on my own. I’d have his support, since I knew my parents would only make matters ten times worse.

  I awoke the next morning and took in my surroundings. Beside me was the most handsome specimen. I readjusted and turned to watch him sleeping. While in my relationship with James I lacked the little things most couples were able to do, like being able to spend the night together. He’d always left to go home to his wife. Being here with Wes, in his home, it was nice to say the least. I could appreciate the difference immediately. I didn’t have to hide. I wouldn’t be called a whore or the other woman. We weren’t sinning to be together, at least not like I was with James. No vows were being broken.

  This was what real, normal people did. This was what it would be like if I let Wes in; if I gave him the chance he desperately wanted.

  Then came the reminder of my pregnancy. I hustled from the bed, finding the toilet bowl before spewing inside.

  I heard footsteps behind me then, out of the corner of my eyes, spotted him crouching down at my side. His hand came up on my back. “You okay?”

  “Morning sickness,” I said in between spits.”

  Wes stood up and got me a warm washcloth. “Can I do anything else?”

  “No. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “Stop apologizing.”

  “Wes,” I sat down on my butt next to the toilet. “Don’t you see how this can’t happen between us? Look at me. Really look at me. I’m pregnant with another man’s child. My life is in California. This is the real me. You can’t keep putting me on some imaginary pedestal.”

  “I’m not. I see you. All of you. I’m still here. It’s day two. Six days. That’s what you said. Don’t go back on your word.” He opened a medicine cabinet and pulled out a package. It was a box with new toothbrushes in it. He peeled one from the wrapper and handed it to me. “Here. I got them on sale. I know you’re thinking I provide them for all my conquests. You’re wrong. They were bought for me.”

  He knew what I was thinking. It was another indication how disastrous it would be if I continued with this charade. “You’re never going to listen.”

  “I don’t give up. Are you finished getting sick, or should I piss upstairs?”

  I scooted out of the way, much like I would do if my brother were asking. “Do what you need to.”

  Wes stared at me for a second before reaching down and pulling it out in front of me. I kept my eyes focused on his. He watched me, waiting for me to take a peek. I smiled, refusing the opportunity. When I heard the stream stop I looked down at my knees. He flushed and put the lid back closed. “You weren’t at all curious?”

  “Some things are best left unknown.”

  “I beg to differ. I think you’re afraid you might want it.”

  He began brushing his teeth as if he were completely comfortable being around me. In all honesty, it felt natural, like we’d done this a million times.

  I stood up next to him and wet my toothbrush, applying the paste and then sticking it in my mouth. Side by side we brushed our teeth, taking turns spitting and rinsing it down the drain. As I went to sit mine in the holder his lips came over and stole a chaste kiss. “Are you hungry?” He asked immediately. “I’m making you pancakes.”

  Okay, he’d gone and done it. He’d pulled out the pancakes to win me over. “You think since you know my favorite things it will earn you brownie points?” I followed him back in the bedroom. He shuffled through his dresser grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head. It was disappointing since I liked the way he looked without it. Then I watched him bend over to pull on a pair of sweatpants.

  “I’ll have you know, I’m just getting started. By tonight you’ll be eating out of the palm of my hand.”

  “I’m not a puppy.”

  “I never said you were.”

  With that, Wes left the room to prepare breakfast. I sighed and sat down on the bed we’d shared, appreciating what it felt like to have these little moments. The queasiness in my stomach had already gone away. I smiled, thinking about everything we’d talked about and what he said.

  I wasn’t sure about a lot of things, but I did know six days with Wes was going to go by way too fast.

  Chapter 23

  One of my most favorite things while visiting the ranch as a kid was waking up to pancakes. When I got my house I was on a mission‎ to perfect the way they made them. I had a ton of failed attempts before finally getting it right. Confident I could impress Cammie, I got to work on the breakfast. It took her a whil
e to come out of the bedroom. I didn't worry about the reason being my quick kiss, especially after what happened the night before. She'd opened up to me. She'd slept soundly next to me. I could hardly believe it.

  My kitchen was galley style, so there wasn't a ton of room to maneuver around with two people. Cammie smiled when she came in, looking around then hopping up to sit on the countertop near where I was working. "It smells good already."

  "That's the coffee‎. I didn't know if you drank it."

  "I'm in college. I think it's a requirement."

  I stumbled on my amusement. "How do you take it?"

  "Extra cream and sugar."

  "Me too." I happily exclaimed.

  "Do you think I could use your computer today? I have an assignment due Monday."

  "I don't care," I replied while handing her a cup. "Did you need me to get your things from the ranch?"

  "No!" She was adamant. "I don't want them knowing where I am."

  "I can sneak around."

  "I figured we'd hang out here. Did you have other plans?"

  "Even if I did, they’ve changed."

  "Don't rearrange your day because of me. I'll be fine here."

  I'm sure she would. She'd also go through my things, and make me worry. Besides, I wasn't wasting the short amount of time we had to spend together. "You're stuck with me."

  "You'll be bored by noon."

  I waved the spatula around. "I highly doubt it's possible."

  "Can I ask another favor?"

  "Sure. What's up?" I had no idea what I was signing up for.

  "Since I don't any of my things here, do you think we could go to a store? I just want to buy some underwear and maybe a hairbrush."

  "Yeah, I was wondering what was going on with the mop on your head. I've got a hat if you want one. It might be too bad to be seen in public with you." I teased.

  She picked up a dishtowel and tossed it in my direction. "You're cruel."

  "I'm just glad I'm not a women."

  After piling up a whole plate of pancakes, I led Cammie into the living room. "I have a dining room, but it's full of all my random shit. I usually eat while watching TV."

  Cammie took the seat beside me on the couch. "Fine by me. I'm starving."

  I ran back in the kitchen to fetch silverware, butter and syrup. When I came back I caught her shoving a dry pancake in her mouth. "I own utensils, Cam."

  "Sorry, I couldn't wait. They smelled too good."

  "How do they taste?" I asked while preparing mine with the fixings.

  "They're awesome. Thanks for making them."

  We ate in silence for a few minutes while I flipped to find something interesting on the television. After our plates were empty, I stood to gather hers and take it back to the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can wash the dishes since you cooked,” she suggested.

  “You’re my guest. Besides, I have a dishwasher. Normally I don’t even put the dishes away. I just keep them inside of it. I wash them and reuse. I suppose some would call me lazy. I just skip the step of putting them somewhere else.”

  “Are we leaving right after?”

  “We can. Are you sure you don’t want to stop by the ranch?”

  “I’m positive. I need to stay as far away as possible.”

  “They’ll be at church. You could probably sneak in without anyone knowing.”

  “No. My dad would expect me to do that. He’s probably waiting in my room cleaning his shotgun to freak me out. I’m not stepping foot on that property until I know he’s calmed down.”

  “Okay. I’ll do whatever you want.” I knew when they discovered she was with me the shit would hit the fan.

  “Do you regret keeping it a secret?”

  “Hell no. I’m having a good time. I hope he stays mad for the next several days so I can have you all to myself.” I winked to add an extra bit of charm.

  “I respect your honesty.”

  “I’m glad. It’s all I have to offer.”

  “I wish that’s all it was. It would make this a lot easier to avoid.”

  “What are you trying to avoid, Cam? Are you admitting something could be happening between us?”

  “I’m not admitting to anything.”

  “Just say the word and I’ll rock your world, baby.”

  She giggled and shook her head. “I bet you would.”

  “I’m looking forward to when you give me free reign. As soon as it happens you might never want to walk away.”

  Chapter 24

  I put my own clothes back on to go out in public. After sticking my messy hair in a twisted bun, it didn't look like I'd just climbed out of bed. We went to a large shopping mall first. Wes followed me into a popular store and waited while I picked out two cheap outfits. I didn't want to take advantage of his generosity so I shopped on the clearance rack. ‎When it was time to shop for underwear, Wes took it upon himself to embarrass me. He came around with a bra and underwear set attached to his body. The associate was standing by me as he approached. "Do you think my boyfriend would be in to this? He's so particular about how my balls look in thongs."

  I about fell on the flooring. Hunched over and losing my breath, he continued. "Maybe I should just stick to the boyfriend style so my boys don't have to get split apart. Does anyone else complain about it? I tried to wear them backwards, but I couldn't decide which side to let my dick sit."

  Snot flew out of my nose as I continued to laugh uncontrollably.

  The associate had to walk away. She was too flabbergasted to give him her opinion.

  "Was it something I said?" He asked as if he'd done nothing wrong.

  I handed him the pile of items I wanted to get, which didn't include thongs. He held them up again. "Are you sure you don't want these? I think they'd look hot on you."

  "I'm good with comfort. There's no one I need to show my underwear anyway."

  Wes stuck out his bottom lip like I'd taken away his favorite toy.

  "Stop pouting." I suggested.

  "What about pajamas?" He questioned.

  "I'll just wear one of your shirts."

  "Or you could go naked. I'm thinking about cranking the heat up tonight so you have to strip down." He gave me this cocky smile when he said it. I was enjoying his company, but didn't want to tell him.

  "You wouldn't dare."

  "I guess you'll have to wait and see."

  Instead of going back to his house right away, Wes took us onto Duke's campus‎. I remembered checking it out when I was in high‎ school as a potential place I'd want to continue my education. "So what are we doing here?"

  "Just figured you'd like some fresh air and maybe a coffee."

  "‎We passed a few shops on the way here."

  Wes shocked me when he took my hand in public. I started to pull away, having been so used to hiding with James. Then I realized this was different. I leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked by a group of people our age. "It's nice isn't it?" he asked.

  "What?" I played dumb.

  "Not sneaking around. A real relationship doesn't require secrets, Cam. Speaking of which, how would you like to go out to dinner tonight? It's nothing fancy. You can wear one of the outfits we just got you."

  "You're asking me out on a date?" I was speechless.

  "You don't have to label it, but you did agree to a week. I think it involves meals."

  He was right. "Dinner sounds nice." I wasn’t going to turn down a meal.

  He squeezed my hand and smiled. "Thank you. I promise you’ll have a good time.”

  “I already am.” It was true.

  While heading back to his truck a group of females came up to Wes. “Hey, Wes. Where have been lately?” One of them asked.

  He played with my hand while still holding it. “I was visiting with some old friends.”

  They each gave me a once over. Suddenly I wished I was wearing makeup. I could only imagine how awful I looked. My hair was matted up in a knot. My clo
thes were dirty, and I wasn’t exactly feeling up to being judged after crying for several days in a row. “I’ve never seen you around. Are you new here?” Another girl asked.

  “She’s just visiting,” Wes answered for me.

  He was short with his answer and I wasn’t sure how to take it. Then he reiterated. “We’re kind of on a date, so if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to get back to my girl.”

  We got a few feet away before I addressed his comment. “Your girl?”

  “I’m hoping.”

  “I told you not to.”

  He shrugged. “I won’t stop trying.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but changed my mind at the last second. Did I want Wes to stop trying? After two days I knew I liked being around him. His kind ways were addictive. He enjoyed taking care of me, making sure I knew he was different from James. Wes was sincere. I believed he cared about me. It was nice to feel wanted. “I don’t want you to.”

  He was shocked. “Seriously?” He let go of my hand and came to stand in front of me. We were close enough where we could see his truck in the parking lot. “So, does that mean I can kiss you again? I’ve been wanting to do it since breakfast.”

  I nodded. “Right here? Where everyone can see us? You want to kiss a pregnant stranger?”

  “I want to kiss the woman of my dreams in front of anyone who cares to watch. You’ve never been a stranger and I don’t give a shit about the baggage you come with. I’d still want you if you had six kids with five different fathers. I might wear four rubbers at a time, but I’d still want you.”

  I crinkled my nose up when he said it. “Eww. You have the weirdest analogies.”

  “What can I say, I go with it and hope it makes sense.”

  I shook my head and placed both my hands at his sides. “Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind.”

  Just like how it had been at the swimming hole, I felt his lips press against mine. He was gentle. Wes took his time. Once his tongue tangled with mine I could feel my knees becoming weak. I was losing my ability to stop this from progressing. The longer I spent with Wes, the more I felt the same pull he’d been talking about. This man knew how to talk to me, to hold me, to kiss me. He probably even knew how to love me. How was I supposed to deny something this intense?


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