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Sinfully Theirs: Naughty Nookie Part I

Page 40

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Now I say what I want, and I am who I am. I live, because I’m alive.

  These two men have liberated me. Stopped the oppression and opened the gates to life.

  Standing between them, the house thirty yards away, the lapping of the surf at the shore only four or so and surrounded by nature, I know I’m home. Not because we’re about to shake on the deal for the property. But because, wherever I am, as long as I’m with these two, I’m home. And the future beckons, shining brightly before us and even exhausted as I am, I can’t wait to take the next step toward it.

  My journey has seen me emerge from my chrysalis. I’ve opened my eyes and envisioned a life beyond normal perceptions. I’ve ignored the orthodox and embraced the extraordinary. Behind the strangest door, I have found the most unusual path, and it has led directly to my own happy, ever after.


  Deck the Halls with Handsome Hunks


  “Guess what I bought at the store today.”

  “What?” Jake turns his head to the side, his eyes pinned to the papers in his hand though his face is aimed my way.

  Who in their right mind would regard that as having his full attention?

  I’m too happy to be peeved though. My entire body is brimming with holiday cheer. I’ve never been a fan of this season. There’s nothing to celebrate when you’re alone, is there? Yeah, Marina and Eddie are like my family, but they’re not really into the holidays either. I’ve about ten years’ worth of deprivation to make up for. Not forgetting the one huge disappointment that was the holiday season during my childhood.

  I’ve plenty to celebrate this year. I’m most definitely not alone.

  Grinning at the thought, I study Jake as he studies his papers at the kitchen table. In the farmhouse, a stone’s throw from the lake, the kitchen has become my domain. But while Zane and Jake have their offices, they spend a good portion of their time down here, with me.

  I take that as a compliment.

  A huge one.

  When Jake told me I could design the kitchen however I wanted during the ongoing renovation work on the new house on Chesapeake Bay, I made it a huge space, because I knew if it was large enough, the pair of them would spend time here. And what’s the point in being with someone if you don’t want to be with them?

  So, I decided to utilize one half of the kitchen for cooking purposes. The walls are lined with oak cabinets, top and bottom, and a matching counter as thick as a butcher’s chopping board. A rail rims the cooking area and it’s loaded down with pots of dried and fresh herbs and spices. I’m seriously in heaven. And to top it off, there’s an island with pots and pans hanging overhead.

  The other half, I filled with a huge table and I mean enormous. I can sit in the middle, Jake and Zane at either head and we’d have to stand to pass each other dishes. I had a feeling they’d use this area as a second office if I did this, and I wasn’t wrong.

  Jake’s here more than Zane. Zane needs peace and well, space. According to him, I’m too much temptation. I know what you’re thinking. A compliment designed to fob me off. But no. If they’re in the kitchen, at some point in the day, something very unhygienic for a food preparation area occurs.

  Either Zane starts it or Jake, sometimes me. Usually I leave them alone to do my own thing, knowing how busy they are, I don’t want to interrupt. Not with my two big shots.

  “Aren’t you even going to try and guess what I bought?” I grouch with a pout.

  His eyes flicker as he finally turns his attention to me. Without waiting for him to reply, because he’s still focused on whatever he was studying, I pull out a small sprig of mistletoe.

  “You’re not going to go all Mrs. Santa Clause on me, are you?” he groans.

  “I take it the idea isn’t right up your alley?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Christmas is about one thing and one thing only. Consumerism. Huge conglomerates pandering to the masses, so they can hawk their wares at exorbitant prices because of the time of year.”

  “I didn’t expect an economics lecture.” I finger the leather-like leaves of the plant and cock a brow at his displeasure in the small, traditional bush.

  He shrugs. “And even if it wasn’t about consumerism, Jesus wasn’t even born in December.”

  I eye him, studying the earnestness on his face. Within seconds, I make my decision. “Tough.” He frowns at me, but I shake my head. “No, Jake, I’m not letting you spoil our first Christmas together. It might not be important to you, but we’re a family now. A unit. We have to do things like this.”

  “Why? Zane hates Christmas too.”

  “Christ, what a bunch of Scrooges.” I round the table and force my way between his chair and the table by lifting a leg and sitting down on his lap. With the mistletoe in hand, I raise it over our heads. “I’ll make it worth your while to be festive.”

  He grins at me. “That’s bribery.”

  “No. Well, yes, it is. But think of it this way. I’m offering something to you, not refusing.”

  Jake narrows his eyes at me. “You wouldn’t.”

  It’s my turn to smile at him. Smugly. “I went a long time without sex, you know. What’s a few weeks?”

  He isn’t to know it would be torture.

  Oh wait, maybe he would. Especially if the glint in his eye is anything to go by.

  “You’d last less time than me.”

  I shrug. “All you have to do is let me put up a tree and make a lovely dinner for you to enjoy.” I finger the lapel of his polo shirt. “And if you happen to buy me a gift and I buy you one, then what’s the harm in that? Not that you have much time, mind. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.”

  “What do I get for my troubles of celebrating a holiday that is of no use outside of lining the pockets of society’s fat cats?”

  “I didn’t realize you were a communist. A rich one, too. What an oxymoron.”

  He snorts. “Don’t change the subject. Disliking an unnecessary holiday doesn’t make me Lenin.”

  I smile at him as I shake my arm to remind him of the mistletoe. “Let me show you.”

  Pressing my lips to his, I kiss him gently at first. With a nip to his bottom lip, I tug it with my teeth and sooth the slight ache with my tongue. He opens his mouth and I accept the invitation, once more uniting our souls in that one simple gesture. I sigh in pleasure. There is no greater joy than being at one with him or Zane.

  As he slides his tongue against mine, a small whimper breaks free from my throat, and the mistletoe falls unnoticed to the ground. My arm slips down to rest on Jake’s shoulder, and I cling to him, enjoying the closeness, the pressure against my breasts as he ravages my mouth with his hunger.

  But as my heart rejoices, my body begins to complain. With our mouths pressed together, and my back tightly contained between Jake’s chest and the table, it means he can’t touch me. His hands stay at my waist, squeezing and releasing as we eat each other alive. I pull away, catching his eye with mine before retracting my arms from around his neck and pulling my sweater overhead.

  Jake’s hissed inhalation has my cup of confidence running over. A silky vest covers my torso, vivid emerald with in-built bra cups. It offsets my milky skin and pale strawberry blonde hair perfectly.

  His hands skim over the silk. The faint callouses on his hands snag against the soft fabric and a tingle spreads its heat through my pussy.

  Ever since we moved in a three weeks ago, I’ve watched him chop wood every day and I swear, I could climax from that alone. The best part is when he comes in, all sweaty and hot. I can take advantage of him then, after having endured fifteen minutes of torture.

  Watching the play of his muscles as he lofts the axe overhead and slams it down, over and over again. The sweat from his overheating body sinking through his soft flannel shirt. When he comes in, he radiates heat and I just want to pin him to the door and fuck him raw.

  Slowly but surely, any inhibitions I had are disappearing with these two guys as my partn

  The faint callouses are an added bonus from the wood-chopping and they have my blood turning to steam but the gooseflesh running up and down my spine has me shivering as though I’m cold. The shiver becomes a full blown shudder as he skims the silk upwards and rubs his fingers over my warm, soft skin.

  “I don’t know what’s silkier, you or the vest.”

  Smiling at him, at his hoarse words, I press a kiss to his mouth and rock my hips by way of a response. His pupils dilate, the wide orbs telling me that now, I have one-hundred per cent of his attention.

  Just the way I like it.

  His jaw tenses and I have two seconds before he explodes into action. He grabs me by the hips, pins me to him then raises me to the edge of the table. Within minutes, Jake has broken his fly in his haste to free himself, my trousers are dragged down, with little to no fumbling at the zipper, my panties are pushed to the side and then he’s there. Sliding home.

  A moan gurgles in my throat as my head falls backwards in complete abandon. There are only a few sensations that can compete with Jake’s first thrust into me. One of these is having Zane fuck me in the ass at the same as Jake is deep inside my pussy. Another, when Zane fills every single inch of me until I don’t know where I start and he ends. And finally, sliding my fingers deep inside, fucking myself as I watch my guys love each other.

  Memories of times spent together ratchets my need up by a few miles and I raise my hands, claw my fingers into his shoulders. He hisses at the sting of my nails biting into his flesh and shocks me by once again, gripping my hips and dragging me back into our earlier position. As his butt slams against the chair, the force ricochets inside me, urging me to cry out at the depth of Jake’s penetration.

  Both of us are breathing heavily after that particular move and we take a few seconds to savor the connection. I slide my arms forward until they’re crossed at the wrist and holding his throat and head hostage. The move has my face inches away from Jake’s and I press my forehead against his. Our lips brush, our breath mingles. United in more ways than just physically, Jake begins. And it isn’t how I thought it would be.

  He slides his legs apart so I drop down between the space. Gravity has it so I’m literally impaled on his shaft and short as I am, my position means my feet are dangling, forcing me all the harder on to his dick.

  For endless seconds, I can’t do anything. And neither can Jake. His eyes are closed, clenched shut, and his face is loaded with the tension of the moment, a strain that comes from the tight, fierce grip my pussy has on his cock. For myself, I’m breathless. Sensations well up inside of me until I don’t know what to do with myself. I want to scream, cry, sob out the glory of the moment. Instead, a low moan escapes and the sound acts as a trigger. Jake’s hands grip my hips and they urge me into a slow rocking motion. It’s hard to move, awkward, but Jake’s added strength helps me ride him.

  My pussy clings and clutches the invader. Welcoming rather than rejecting, embracing rather than refusing and each slip and slide of his cock deep inside the heart of me, has harsh breaths gushing out of my lungs, brushing his lips with the gusts of air. His grunts and groans caress mine. The sweat-dampened flesh of our foreheads glues us together and the contact is somehow more intimate than the joining of our sexes. Our faces are so close, I can feel the butterfly brush of his eyelashes.

  For endless moments, we move together. Jake so deep inside me, it’s like he’s at the back of my throat. My cunt caressing his shaft in a private, secret kiss.

  But the mood shifts, the instant he rubs my clit. His fingers snake down from my hip to fondle the exposed nub of my pleasure center. My pussy bears down on him so hard, a wheeze breaks free from his chest, and for Jake, that’s as much as he can stand.

  His seed batters my pussy with a wet heat and even though the sounds escaping him seem like he’s in pain, the endless amounts of cum warming me from the inside out are an indication that he’s suffering agony of a different nature.

  His fingers, in their ecstasy, cease their gentle play, and instead they turn fierce. They pinch down to the point of pain and I’m hurtled into my orgasm like a home run soaring out of the park. Every part of me is tingling with the barrage of release. It’s both exhausting and energizing but the best part is being so close to Jake.

  As intimate as we all are, this is deeper. Intense.

  We rest against each other for what could be seconds or minutes. Our foreheads still touching, our bodies connected as much as possible. I ignore the strain in my lower back and thighs, because this is just too blissful to disturb.

  Eventually, Jake’s lips touch mine and a small smile twists my mouth as I murmur, “Is that settled, then?”

  “Is what settled?” His voice is a soft whisper, redolent with pleasures experienced, and fatigue.

  “Christmas. We’re going the whole hog, right?”

  He grins at me and shakes his head. “Minx.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You better do.” he grouches, but sighs as he kisses me one more time.

  Against his mouth, I whisper, “I love you, Jake. You’ll enjoy it. I swear. I just want this, our first Christmas together, to be special.”

  “I know, honey. I’m just being the Grinch.” He stands with me still on his lap and even though I screech in shock, he manages to catch me before my jelly legs have me collapsing on the floor. Still wrapped in his arms, he murmurs, “I love you too, Mona. You never have to doubt that.”

  Touched, I squeeze his waist as much as I’m able thanks to orgasm-mushed limbs. “I never will, honey. Thanks for letting me get my own way.”

  “Your method of debate was quite persuasive.” He releases me and as we grin at each other in the only way two people in love can—goofily—the sound of the front door banging has both of us staring at each other guiltily.

  Quicker than the speed of light, we drag on our clothes and with seconds to spare, the latch on the door opens and Eddie grumbles, “Here you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

  Hoping I don’t look as guilty as I feel, I reply, “I left you a note on the refrigerator. I had to go into town.”

  From her position standing on the doorjamb, Eddie’s mouth rounds into an ‘O’ and then on a swift exhalation, she storms into the kitchen, heads to the refrigerator and spotting my note, brushes off her pique. “I didn’t see it.”

  “Evidently,” Jake grunts and I shoot him a look. The tension in his shoulders softens as he sees my silent plea, but he rolls his eyes and lowers himself to the seat the pair of us just departed.

  “Do you want some tea? I was just about to make some.”

  For the last week, ever since she turned up on our doorstep complete with five suitcases and a small dog—Yeah. Eddie, who detests animals—she’s been staying with us and she’s been weird. A bit diva-like and totally unlike my friend of old. She just appeared, cheeks blotchy, tears pouring freely from her eyes, sobs hiccupping in her chest. I’d opened the door to answer the pounding and had instantly been entangled in a hug.

  Before panic could set in, before every single instinct I’d never possessed until Henry Patterson, Zane’s ex-concierge, had attacked me, I smelled and recognized the scent Eddie always wears. She hasn’t told me why she’s here, just that she needs to lie low for a while. Only the scent of orange blossom saved her from a punch to the gut.

  Her presence has curtailed some of our activities but not overly. Okay, that’s a lie—one I have to tell myself if I lose patience with her. Ever since she got here, she’s been down. Out of sorts. And to be honest, even though I feel horrible, she’s just been a pain in the ass.

  We only had two weeks to christen every room in the new house before she turned up and while the guys haven’t complained, Eddie’s blues are affecting the whole household.

  I feel awful saying that, but she won’t tell me what’s wrong, won’t explain why she needs to lie low. She just infects the whole house with her grimness. For the fi
rst time in our friendship, I feel awkward around her. I don’t know what to say, what to do to make her feel better, because she won’t tell me.

  She’s deep in the doldrums and wants to stay there. And considering I’m her polar opposite, chatting isn’t exactly easy.

  “No, thanks, Mona. I wanted to tell you… I’ve managed to get a flight out this evening.”

  Considering Eddie hates flying, she couldn’t have shocked me more had she launched herself on the table and started a striptease.

  “A flight? You?”

  She purses her lips. “Wellington.”

  “Florida? What the hell do you need to go there for?” I sputter.

  “No. Wellington in New Zealand.”

  “New Zealand?” I screech. “You aren’t spending Christmas with us?”

  Her brittle, almost combative expression softens at my words. Her voice is soft as she mumbles, “Thanks for the offer, honey. But I’ve got something I need to deal with.”

  On that, she spins on her heel and leaves Jake and me staring at each other in shock at her unexpected announcement.

  * * *

  There’s nothing better than a stretch first thing on a morning, is there? I think that gentle play and tug of muscles is even better than my first sip of coffee. It’s even better, knowing the house is back to ourselves, and it’s even more wonderful when on either side of me, two cocks are prodding me in the hips.

  The rain might be pouring, a gale might be brewing outside, but I’m in paradise.

  Grinning at the thought, I wriggle again, waking up my whole body.

  “Here we go again,” Jake grumbles into his pillow and even though Zane isn’t a morning person, his chuckle fills the room.

  “Stop complaining. It’s better than an alarm call, isn’t it?” I tap him on the back.

  Jake snorts. “Some alarm call. You never get up past nine-thirty.”


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