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Imperfect Love: One-Night Stand-In (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by T Gephart

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I straighten my shirt, completely ignoring his suggestion. Sure, the memory of our night together was actually making my skin tingle and other parts of me take notice, but that could have easily been my anger too. I was not aroused. That would be stupid. No man could just turn me on by being in the same room.

  “I thought you said you were a sales associate at Sephora?” An eyebrow rose as he leaned back against the table.

  “You said you were a computer engineer at a pharmaceutical company.”

  Obviously we both had lied about our jobs. For me, it was a matter of keeping it simple. Besides, I had already word vomited way too much of my life story when I met him, keeping things like my full name and where I worked seemed like a smart decision. Clearly he’d felt the same way.

  “Chicks dig nerds, I was trying it on.” He smiled with zero remorse.

  “You were trying it on?” I scoffed in disbelief, unable to see how he could be so caviler about the whole thing. “What was I? A pair of freaking jeans?”

  “Tsk, tsk. And you were so honest with what you did? You going to offer to wax my eyebrows for me?” He smirked, making him look even more handsome, if that was at all possible.

  “Oh stop. You didn’t care what I did.” I deflected, not willing to admit that I had been just as deceitful.

  “Honestly, I didn’t. You were a beautiful woman I was interested in sleeping with, your job was just a talking point,” he answered with sobering honesty. “I was more interested in whether or not you screamed when I made you come.” His eyes darkened and I had no doubt what he was thinking about.

  “You are disgusting,” I snapped, hating that I had been so uninhibited with him. “I can’t believe I allowed you—”

  “To what? Allowed me . . .” He waved his hand waiting for me to continue. “Go on, finish the sentence. Because unless your memory is foggy, which is completely possible, it was you who invited me up to your room.”

  I hated that he was right. That I had wanted to sleep with him as much as he me. I hadn’t been tricked into anything. While the pretense might have been slightly skewed, I was one hundred percent aware of the intention. I wanted to have sex with him, to lose myself in the random hook up, something I had never done before.

  “Maybe I was drunk and had no idea what I was doing.” I tried in vain to explain my motives. “If you were a gentleman you would have kissed me and then left.”

  “You had a glass of champagne and a wine with dinner, you were far from drunk. And you weren’t looking for a gentleman, sweetheart. You were looking for a man, which is exactly what you got.”

  Gah! He was right. I got exactly what I had wanted that night. I didn’t want some sweet kiss goodnight. And didn’t that just make me hate him even more.

  “This is never going to work. You need to leave.” I fought the urge to drop my eyes to the floor. I didn’t want to look at him, for him to see how under my skin he was. It wasn’t just anger either. Part of me was still attracted to him, my body remembering exactly what he’d done to it. It was a cocktail of hot and cold and I couldn’t decide which was worse.

  Both then and now, the lust, the agitation. I wanted him not to matter at all, like I obviously didn’t to him.

  “Why the hell would I do that, I just got here.” He shrugged with the same indifference he’d shown the entire time. “If you can’t handle the situation, then maybe you should leave.”

  “But I was here first,” I fired back childishly.

  “Seriously? That’s the best you’ve got.” He laughed, taunting me more.

  Man, I hated him.

  Epic-level hate.

  I hated his beautiful face, his sexy as hell body, and the way his lips tugged a little higher on the left side when he smirked. All of him.

  “What are you even doing here?” I changed tactics, unable to continue to look at him as I shifted nervously on my feet. “The new appointment wasn’t supposed to start for another two weeks.”

  “I don’t start for another two weeks, but finding a place to live and relocating takes time, I was securing my apartment today.” He kept his eyes on me and gave a perfectly logical explanation. “Unless you’re offering your bed again. I’d be more than happy to play house with you, my darling wife.”

  I didn’t even need to look at him to know he was smiling, enjoying this way more than he should.

  “Stop it, you know it wasn’t legal.” I waved my hand dismissively, wondering why he had to keep bringing up our faux nuptials. “We were never really married.”

  “You weren’t this moody when I first met you.” He stopped suddenly, his eyes narrowing as he studied me closer. “Is it me? Or the situation?”

  “I’m not moody,” I snapped, irritated he could read me so easily. “I’m just surprised.”

  “Fine, then be surprised.” He moved away from the table he’d been causally leaning against and took a step closer. “But we’re going to have to work together, that isn’t going to change. So whatever it is, we need to deal with it.”

  “Just tone down the asshole and things will be peachy.” I forced myself to meet his eyes, my emotions all over the place. Why did he have to be so good looking? It would be easier to hate him if he wasn’t. “And I wouldn’t get too comfortable either, I don’t see you fitting in around here.”

  “Oh really?” He laughed, holding his arms across his chest. “I have a fairly good idea where and how I fit.”

  Damn him.

  I refused to look away, the heat traveling up my neck as I prayed I wasn’t blushing. “Whatever,” I huffed under my breath. “Oh, and you can find your own way out. It will be good practice for when you eventually leave.”

  Careful to keep measured, I turned on my heel and walked out of the meeting room.

  My breathing was ragged, and I was beyond frazzled but I didn’t look back. Instead I walked with purpose to the elevator and maintained my composure as I pressed the button to go back down to my floor.

  Come on, move faster. I willed the elevator to hurry and put more distance between us. Even when it opened safely on my floor, I didn’t dare stop. Instead I walked straight to my office, avoiding all eye contact until I was safely inside. It was only once my door was closed that I allowed my shoulders to slump against the wood and take a deep breath.

  “Okay, Sarah.” I startled at the voice of Kennedy sitting casually in my office chair. “Start talking, and don’t even try and leave anything out.”

  It seemed my grilling was going to come sooner than later. Oh well, maybe it was a good thing. Get it all out in the open so I had someone to talk to about it.

  One thing was for sure, if I was going to survive working with him, I couldn’t allow him to get under my skin like he just did. And I was still going to need to annihilate him. That part of my plan hadn’t changed. Who knows, maybe it would be easier? My carnal knowledge might prove to be an asset.

  Yes, this job was mine, and mine alone, and if I had to play dirty to do it then I wasn’t above that.

  “Get comfortable.” I smiled, the tension in my body starting to ease slowly. “This is one hell of a story.”

  Chapter 3


  I hadn’t planned on staying in New York.

  Checking out my new apartment, picking up the keys and organizing the rest of the move from Chicago was what I’d intended to do. Now, all of a sudden, I had the urge to stick around.

  No guess as to why.

  She was beautiful.

  Long blonde hair with brown eyes and a body that was outstanding. It’s what had attracted me to her in the bar at the Bellagio, all of it packaged together just waiting for me to unwrap. And she’d been even more exquisite when I got her naked. Watching her come—well that was more fun than I’d had in years.

  See, women weren’t a problem for me. I could get laid anytime I wanted, and sure I was arrogant about it, but it was just that easy. I had a decent face, worked out, had a job and knew what to
do with my hands, mouth and dick. And that’s all it took to get a girl. It was keeping one that took effort, effort I had no interest in expending.

  So yeah, when I offered to be her husband for the night I knew she was looking for no-strings sex. Plus, I figured I’d never do the marriage thing for real so why not roleplay a little. And I’ll tell you something, just between you and me. It was kind of hot. Best part was, I got the fantasy without the fucking commitment.

  Next day, she went her way and I went mine. And even though I would have loved to have spent a few more days with her, watching her writhe all over the sheets, that night would not be a regret.

  But I won’t lie, seeing her again, knowing I would be working close with her, gave me a major hard-on. Which is why I was sitting in my new, unfurnished apartment on the floor rather than being back on a plane to Chicago.

  “Keely.” My younger sister answered the phone on the second ring. And yeah, our parents hadn’t been super creative with names. Thankfully there were only two of us so we didn’t end up sounding like the seven fucking dwarfs. “I’m sticking around a little longer. I’ll organize the movers to box up the house.”


  I could hear the disappointment in her voice. For months she’d been hoping the move was a knee-jerk reaction, that when it came to the crunch I wouldn’t actually go. But, I was serious as a heart attack about leaving Chicago, and even if the job hadn’t panned out, I still would have left. And no amount of time was going to change shit.

  “Don’t start acting all dramatic.” I laughed, knowing it would probably annoy her. “It’s a short plane ride if you need anything. Besides, that new husband of yours will make sure shit is taken care of.” I left out the part that he had already proven that in spades or I wouldn’t have even considered leaving. “It’s time.”

  “You don’t have to go, Kyle. Just sell the house and move somewhere else. Get an apartment, get a dog. Hell, come live with me and Mike. Don’t leave.” I could hear the catch in her throat.

  I hated when she did that. She knew I couldn’t stand to see her cry, and wouldn’t you know it was a talent she seemed to be able to perform on cue. Which is why I was glad this conversation was taking place over the phone.

  “It’s not just the house. I need a change. I need—” Fuck, who was even sure what I needed, but I knew I wasn’t going to find it back there. “It’s time, kiddo. I’ll call the movers in the morning. And don’t even think about ransacking my comic book collection. I’ve already boxed those babies up.” Along with almost everything else.

  I’d been living out of a suitcase since I’d gotten back from Vegas, knowing I’d be moving soon. I couldn’t bear living in the house like it was anymore, even though I knew the walls had nothing to do with what had happened inside of them.

  “It was Dad’s collection, and technically they should be half mine,” she argued back.

  “Sure, I’ll trade you half Dad’s comics when you give me half Mom’s jewelry.”

  “It’s women’s jewelry, Kyle. You have no use for them.”

  “Oh you never know, I might get my ears pierced,” I deadpanned. “Those Cartier diamonds would look awesome on me.”

  Keely laughed, her teary manipulation hopefully forgotten. “Or you could settle down, give them to your wife.”

  The idea of a significant other was something Keely brought up often. Not maliciously, but in her head she saw my future alone and miserable. She didn’t see the parade of women that left my bedroom, which meant I was far from alone or miserable.

  “I already have a wife, I told you. We got secretly married in Vegas when I was there last. Part of the reason why I have to stay in New York.”

  Funnily enough, my surprise nuptials had served more than just one purpose. Other than the obvious outstanding sex I’d had with Sarah. On returning to Chicago after Keely had mentioned my lack of a girlfriend one too many times I’d told her about the mystery woman I’d married on a whim. She’d assumed I was either joking or exaggerating but it was enough for her to back off. The idea of me marrying someone without her rubber-stamping it was almost as bad as me not getting married at all. So I liked to pull that baby out of my back pocket from time to time. The fact it wasn’t a complete lie made it just that tiny bit sweeter.

  “Very funny.” Her laughter stopped. “Fine, have it your way but I’m not going to suddenly forget I have a brother because you’ve moved. I’m going to call constantly. And visit when I can. And I expect you to come home every holiday.” She issued her list of demands, her way of being okay with it all.

  “I’ll do my best, kiddo.”

  We said our goodbyes, me promising to call in the next few days and her promising to leave my comic books alone and no further mention of me with a woman.

  So of course it made perfect sense when my thoughts turned to Sarah. Stupid reverse psychology at its finest.

  It was a very welcome turn of events. And the more I thought about her, the more I wanted her—underneath me, begging for my cock. And even though we’d somehow ended up working together—I wasn’t even going to attempt to calculate the probability but it had to be next to zero—there probably wasn’t a good chance of sleeping with her again.

  Not for lack of trying on my part. Ha. I couldn’t think of anything more exciting than bunching that skirt she was wearing up around her waist and fucking her on my desk. Or hers. I was an equal opportunity fucker. And the fact she was in my line of business didn’t intimidate me, if anything it got me harder. But I could tell that for her it might be a deal breaker. So there was the challenge. Do I attempt to screw her, possibly ending up with a shitstorm at my new place of employment? Or did I keep my dick in my pants and pretend I don’t know exactly the face she makes when I make her come.

  Tough call.

  Both options sucked so I was going to have to give it more thought. And I was going to need more intel. I picked up my discarded cell, dialed and waited.

  “What do you want?” Her no-bullshit attitude always made me smile.

  “I hear congrats are in order. What’s it like to no longer have to work for a living?”

  Camryn Palmer was a ballbuster. Smart, beautiful, and in an alternate reality I would have totally fucked her. One where she wasn’t hitched to some multi-millionaire divorce lawyer and my sister wasn’t married to her cousin. Way too many complications. She and I pretended to tolerate each other but we shared a mutual respect. And it had been her suggestion that I approach Tate & Cane, her old place of employment and where her BFF was CEO after . . . well, after it became impossible to continue to work for Stockwell. I didn’t even want to breathe the same air as those bastards, let alone be associated with them.

  “You need something? Or do you just want to talk to someone who’s more successful than you are,” she bit back, always quick with a comeback.

  “Ouch, Cami. You’d think married life would have mellowed you.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen, Sterling loves me just the way I am.”

  “That’s great, give him my regards.” I figured I’d strung it out long enough. “So, let’s cut to the chase. Sarah Madison, what can you tell me?”

  “Don’t go there, Kyle. She might look like a sweetheart but she’s fierce. She could probably take you head on.”

  “Hmmm I bet she could.” The thought alone got me hard.

  “Don’t sleep with her.”

  Yeah, a little late for that.

  “This isn’t about me sleeping with her.” Not entirely anyway. “You know I want this to work, for me to stay at T&C. And I’m not leaving New York, so how about you give me some insider info and let me do the rest.”

  While I knew I brought value to the company, Tate & Cane were a loyal bunch. I needed her on my side, to be on board with this partnership because I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “How do I know you’re going to use it for good and not evil?” Cami was cautious, and rightly so, but I had an ace in my pocket that
proved I could be trusted.

  “Because Stockwell is still standing, and I took the highroad.” Even though what I knew could bring them down to their knees. “I start in two weeks, get me what you can. And I know you told Sterling what happened, but I’d appreciate if you kept it between us.”

  “I’ve kept my mouth shut this long, haven’t I?”

  “Thanks, Cami.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  It might be early days but I had a feeling I was going to enjoy my time at Tate & Cane.

  Chapter 4


  I loved mornings.

  While other people battled dragging themselves out of bed and getting their day started, it was when I was most productive. There were less distractions, less noise—time when I could think without having to compete with a phone call or something else. Which is why I was usually one of the first people in at Tate & Cane.

  Unlike most mornings, I knew that today my quiet bliss had an expiration date.

  I had been mentally preparing myself for Kyle’s arrival. Approaching it with my usual business strategy, and tried to learn as much as I could about my adversary.

  Firstly, he was smart. After graduating from Loyola, he’d been offered an internship with Stockwell Media straight out of college. Which I already knew because Noah had told me. What he hadn’t told me was that Kyle had been the only first-year intern responsible for bringing in a seven-figure account within his first three months at Stockwell. He actively and aggressively sought business, and had a strike rate that hadn’t been matched in years. No wonder they were pissed at losing him. No amount of digging turned up his reason for leaving, but right before our Vegas trip, he inexplicably defected. Could have been money—the most logical reason—but I was sure if given half a chance Stockwell would have matched, if not doubled, whatever he would be earning at Tate & Cane. He was on the fast-track to being a partner, why go somewhere else? There had to be more to it. And I was going to find out.


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