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Burned by Passion

Page 6

by Burke, Dez

  “What do you mean?” Blake said, anger seeping through his tone for the first time as he grabbed her shoulders. “We had chemistry Kira, right from the start. No one could script that. I felt it; you felt it. Or maybe you’re just more comfortable lying to yourself. Is that it?”

  “I don’t know,” Kira burst out with a sob, before wrenching herself from his grasp one more time. She fled from the room, the door slamming shut after her.


  Outside the library, Kira let out a shaky breath and looked around wondering which way to take to get out of the house without running into anyone. She heard Blake call out for her but she ignored him, certain he couldn’t come running after her in nothing but his shirt which was all he’d had time to put on. By the time he’d manage to get into his pants, Kira intended to be long gone.

  She could hear the dull sounds of music still coming from the dining area so she at least knew which part of the house to avoid, thankfully.

  How long had they been in there anyway? Time felt like it had stood still once Blake had pulled her into the darkened study with him. It seemed like ages, but it probably was no more than an hour. Now all she could think of was getting away.

  The main thing was not to run into her boss or any of the guests – or Terrence. Especially not Terrence. She couldn’t bear to face him right now, knowing what she’d

  done. The unthinkable. Even now she could still feel the slightly throbbing memento within her folds, bringing to mind every purposefully driven thrust Blake had made. Each step she took reminded her of the fact that she’d been thoroughly claimed and she hastily combed her fingers through her undoubtedly now well-mussed hair.

  The next door Kira went through opened into a terrace and stalking quickly across she found steps leading to the gardens. Through them she made it to the driveway and only then could she heave a sigh of relief. There were only a few cars left and to her shameful relief she noticed that even Terrence’s was gone. Glancing back at the brightly lit house, Kira moved as quickly as she could past the gates. She knew that every second she wasted could mean Blake catching up to her. Kira decided she’d get a cab once she was outside the grounds.

  Then she’d be free…

  Chapter Seven

  If she had a choice, Kira really didn’t want to show up for work on the Monday following the dinner party. But the last thing she wanted was her boss suspecting anything was wrong. She’d simply die from embarrassment if he guessed what happened that night.

  Even now, three days later, she had far from recovered mentally from her unthinkable lapse of judgment and self-control. She still felt traumatized over doing something so irresponsible. It was something she’d never have imagined doing; giving in with total lack of inhibition – and to a near stranger! Kira couldn’t blame Blake. Her lack of experience and utter stupidity had made it so easy for Blake to have his way. In short, she’d messed up big time and she didn’t think she’d ever forgive herself.

  “Oh God,” she muttered just then, her fingers slipping from her keyboard. She just kept seeing flashing images…Blake and her, from the desk to the couch…His rock-hard abs gleaming in the moonlight streaming into the study and then the dark passion on his face as he’d driven into her again, and again.

  Kira’s temples were throbbing so hard she almost didn’t hear the phone on her desk ringing. Inexplicably, she could do nothing but stare at it for a moment. Something told her it would be Blake and she couldn’t bring herself to pick it up. At last the ringing stopped and she heaved a sigh of relief. Only for it to start up again moments later. Sighing in frustration she grabbed it to her ear.


  “Kira. This is Blake,” she heard his deep, cultured voice say and at once her heart tripped over itself. Damn the way he made her feel. Around him she never knew if she was coming or going and just the sound of his voice had her belly in knots. Was she going crazy or just stupid?

  “What…what do you want?” Kira asked and then cursed inwardly at the way the words came out no higher than a squeak.

  “I want – need to see you. Please,” he said, and a ‘no’ instantly sprang to her lips but he continued before she could voice it. “Just to talk sweetheart, I promise. Could you meet me for lunch today somewhere? Or better still, dinner?”

  “No!” Kira said shakily, thrown by his endearment and the stirring tone of his voice especially when he said ‘please’ and made it sound like the most sinfully titillating word ever. Fighting down a shiver of awareness, she finally barked out, “I’m busy. And please don’t call me again.”

  With that she replaced the receiver. She was shaking so hard; she couldn’t go on with her work. She actually began to feel a little sick. All weekend she’d felt cheap and tainted by what she’d done and even though she knew she was only being irrational she couldn’t help it. To make matters worse was the fact that she had to show up at work today even when she knew she wasn’t ready to face the outside world yet and certainly wasn’t ready to function at work in any capacity.

  Suddenly Kira decided she was done; she had to leave work or she’d erupt into tears in front of everybody.

  Trying to conceal her distress, Kira went to her boss’ office and knocked. At his call for her to enter she drew open the door.

  “Yes, Kira?” Mr. Carter said kindly when she walked in. There was something in his eyes she didn’t understand at that moment. “What’s the matter; is anything wrong?” he asked in concern when she stayed silent.

  “No…not really,” she eventually let out haltingly. “I just came to say I wasn’t feeling too well and I’d…well, I was hoping I could be allowed to go home early. I feel a terrible migraine coming on and I was hoping to be able to head it off before it gets worse.”

  “I understand,” Bretton Carter said and she had an uncanny feeling he probably did. But how, she wondered hazily. Her guilty conscience must be playing tricks on her she decided.

  “Go on home Kira and try to get some rest. I’ll find someone else to see to whatever needs to be done today. Don’t worry about coming in tomorrow if you’re still not feeling better.”

  Kira looked troubled and would have said something, but Bretton added firmly, “Go. It’ll be fine. You need a break and it’s perfectly okay with me.”

  Kira drew in a shuddering breath. “Thank you, Mr. Carter.” Quelling the inexplicable need to burst into tears, Kira turned to leave until his gentle tone stopped her at the door.

  “And thank you, Kira, for helping out at the party. I apologize that you had to go through the whole thing. Unfortunately it was a disaster, but try to put it behind you, hmm?”

  Kira stared back at him for a moment, wondering what disaster he could be referring to. The ruined party, or her deflowering by his son? Once again she couldn’t help but wonder how much he knew or what he’d figured out about what happened. Why did that eat at her as much as everything else?

  She felt too tired to probe him though so she nodded and quietly left the office.


  Blake replaced the receiver, feeling a burst of frustration. He’d called Kira at work and tried to figure out how to get to see her, but she’d hung up on him.

  Swearing underneath his breath, he rose from the corner of the bed and went to stare out over the gardens with the bright late morning sun glowing over the greenery. He’d had a lot on his mind since the party and he certainly couldn’t stop thinking about what happened just two days ago.

  It was the morning after the party and he’d been awakened by the phone on his bedside chest beeping insistently. He picked it up to find it was his dad who abruptly told him to meet him in the library. Mildly curious, Blake told his father he’d be right down as soon as he showered and dressed.

  They hadn’t spoken since their faceoff at the party. And once he was ready Blake let himself into the library which doubled up as his father’s study. He strove to keep his expression blank when he found his father seated behind the very desk he and
Kira had…

  He shook the tingling images off and wondered absent-mindedly why his father wanted him there.

  “Take a seat, Blake,” his father said in a grim voice. Blake’s brows tilted but he silently complied, trying to read his father’s expression. Now what?

  “In case you’re wondering,” Bretton began, “I didn’t ask you here to berate you for ruining what should’ve been a perfect evening for everyone. Neither are you here to be asked to apologize for your rudeness, especially to me. I realize I probably deserved it. I’ve always had issues with control and I realize that I probably had it coming, after saying what I did. So this isn’t about any of that. No; what I want to find out is exactly what you were up to after you left the dining room last night.”

  Blake paused, concealing his surprise at the turn of conversation. What the hell was his father getting at? “I don’t know what you mean,” he said evasively, and looked up as his father got to his feet, his face a hard mask as he moved from behind the desk.

  “Very well, Blake. I’ll explain what I mean,” his father snarled, added bluntly, “I want to know if you raped my secretary, Kira in this very room?”

  Blake went cold, too shocked to reply.

  “And don’t bother denying it,” Bretton said harshly. “I know she went after you. What I’m not sure about is what happened next but I have a good guess. She followed you into the library obviously to confront you about your horrible behavior during dinner. One thing led to another and you forced yourself on her.”

  “Wait…what? That’s not how it happened at all,” Blake gritted out, jumping to his feet. Father and son stood face to face; both their expressions were darkened with fury.

  “Then you better explain to me what you did. Or by God I’m calling the police right now to have you thrown in jail, but not before I teach you a thing or two that’ll knock some sense back into you.”

  Blake stared at his father, showing in his dark scowl that he didn’t like being threatened. But then he saw the true anger and dismay in the man’s face and calmed down enough to say after a deep sigh, “Believe me when I say Dad, that I did not rape Kira.”

  “Then how do you explain this?”

  His father withdrew his hand from behind his back and in it were a ripped pair of white bikini panties.

  Blake closed his eyes briefly. Shit. Shit. Shit. Just what he fucking needed. “Damn,” was all he could mutter.

  “Yes,” Bretton growled. “Now tell me you deny what must’ve happened.”

  Blake sank back into his seat, pushing his fingers through his hair as he let out a sigh. “Okay, I admit that I made love to Kira last night. That much is true. I won’t deny it. But it wasn’t rape! Jesus! How could you think I would be capable of such a thing?”

  At his father’s enraged intake of breath, Blake added bleakly, “Dad, it just…happened. One minute we were snapping at each other and the next we were…” He paused, shook his head and exhaled harshly. “We couldn’t help ourselves.”

  “You mean you couldn’t help yourself,” Bretton accused, shaking his head in amazement.

  Blake looked up squarely at his father and nodded. “I’m prepared to take the blame for what occurred. I started it, and now that I think about it I’m not sure I gave her a fair chance to refuse.”

  His eyes darkened with defiance as he added, “I’m not ashamed of what happened. It’s too late for that. I’m only sorry she ended up regretting it. She left immediately, probably hating me and never wanting to see me again.” There’s no probably about it, he added to himself cynically.

  “Well, that certainly makes me feel better,” was his father’s sarcastic reply before he turned and began pacing the room. “I’m not sure what to think or say. Kira has always been such a well-behaved, sensible girl. A good girl in every sense. It’s almost impossible to believe she let you seduce her like that. But I guess it isn’t her fault. She can’t be used to men like you. I’m sure you were far more than she could handle,” Bretton said grimly, swiveling to glare at Blake. “Well thank you Blake, for bedding my secretary. I hope she isn’t the first in the long line of women you’re likely to ravish during your stay. Please keep your hands off the maid, and the cook if you can.”

  Blake flinched, looking down at his clenched hands. He wondered how much angrier his father would be if he knew Kira had been a virgin. Blake didn’t regret anything that happened last night; he’d only hated that she’d felt bad about it. They’d shared something out of this world that even he couldn’t explain. He’d never have guessed she was a virgin, though there’d been a telling innocence in the sweet way she’d succumbed to him from the start. None of it had been planned. The only way he could explain it was that it had happened because it was meant to be. And he’d never forget one second of it. Ever.

  “Now look here, Blake,” his father snapped suddenly in a granite hard tone that had Blake glancing up at him. “This is one time I’ll definitely interfere in your life. If I find that you come near that girl again without honorable intentions, then I’ll see to it myself that you get kicked back to England without prospect of return. I don’t give a damn if you’re my son. Believe me, if I have to choose between you and a very dear young woman who’s been like a daughter to me…”

  “You don’t have to threaten me Dad,” Blake said calmly. “I’ll never do anything to hurt her. Not again.”

  And Blake had meant it. Now turning away from his bedroom window he sighed raggedly. He’d been attracted to her from the start, but he’d never planned on taking advantage of her and it bothered him that his father or even Kira would think that. Blake had never acted so spontaneously and even now, a fire raged on in his loins just for her. But he had to prove to her that this was more than just physical desire. She’d touched something deep inside him. He hated that she’d felt cheapened for giving herself to him. He’d make her understand that this was something special. They’d both felt the same triggering passion that no one else had been able to invoke within them.

  Speaking with her minutes ago had brought that same rampant ache right where he lived. He’d heard of people meeting and sparks flying, but with Kira it had been like fireworks erupting. Her earthy, vivacious beauty, her strength of character, had shone through even in that brief moment and the chemistry they shared was beyond compare. He wasn’t ready to walk away from all that until he found out exactly what it could mean for them both. He needed to show Kira there could be so much more.

  But first, Blake realized there was something he had to do.

  Chapter Eight

  Kira tidied up her desk, clearing up for the weekend. She slung her purse over her shoulder and then left the near-empty office. Her boss, Mr. Carter had long since gone. As she took the empty elevator down to the ground floor she let her mind go over the past few days.

  Thankfully she’d heard nothing from Blake since that one call on Monday. As far as she was concerned they had nothing to say to each other. Whatever had happened, she intended to put it far behind her. This was her one act of impulsive madness which she had no intention of repeating again in her life.

  Though a part of her felt a twinge of regret at how easily he’d backed off. Obviously he’d been faking being so desperate to see her again. After all he’d already got what he wanted so what else was there to hang around for?

  Kira remembered her father always telling her she was no good for anything but being some man’s cheap floozy. He’d always berated her for her full-figured shape and warned her that with her kind of ‘porn-star body’ the only thing a man would want her for was to bed her, not wed her.

  It was a horrible thing for a father to say to his young daughter barely over nineteen at the time. But it was one of the reasons why she’d held on so long to her virginity even until age twenty-four. She’d been so sure she’d only give herself to a man who loved her truly and who’d love her back. She’d been saving herself for marriage, yet Blake had easily snuck through her defenses and she had s
urrendered to the darkest rage of passion she’d ever experienced. Why on earth would she want to see him again and remind herself how far she’d fallen from her own standards?

  Trying to get him out of her mind hadn’t been as easy as shutting him out of her life. Each time she closed her eyes, she’d see them once more, clinging with heated lust. She hated herself all over again for letting it happen.

  Wrapping her coat around her now chilled frame, Kira finally stepped out of the elevator and was soon outside the office and onto the street. Only to stop short when she saw Terrence, leaning against his car, arms folded, in front of the office building. When he saw her he straightened and she waited nervously until he came up to her.

  “Hello Kira,” he greeted, but his expression was far from cordial. His eyes were narrowed to slits, his jaw taut. She hadn’t seen him this mad before – and she could understand the reason why he was pissed.

  She knew he’d been expecting her to call after the party, undoubtedly to apologize and explain why she’d walked off that night, leaving him and not coming back. Kira hadn’t been able to call him and had certainly been reluctant to face him again.

  “Um…hi Terrence. Look, I’m on my way home now…”

  “Not yet,” he said shortly, gripping her arm. “Come into the car and let’s go where we can talk.”

  Kira didn’t waste her breath trying to argue. Terrence deserved an explanation. He’d probably grown tired of waiting for her to contact him and decided to make the first move. And that had made him even more pissed Kira was sure.

  Inside the car he didn’t drive off immediately but instead turned to face her. From the way he looked Kira knew he wouldn’t wait until they got to their destination before he gave her a full inquisition.

  “Why didn’t you call?” he asked abruptly.

  Kira stared straight ahead through the windscreen. “I’m sorry. I should have. I’ve been so crazy busy at work.”


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