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Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2)

Page 13

by Amanda Mackey

  “Jagger? What is it? What did he say?” My insides were clenching with dread.

  He was breathing harshly. He stood and kicked into the base of the sofa before collapsing onto the cushions, clasping his shoulder and crying out in agony. What the hell did he expect with all that rage? Even though he’d been punching with his good arm, it still affected his injured one.

  I didn’t know whether to touch him or not. Deciding it might be better to remain where I was, I asked again, “What’s going on?”

  It took him a moment to respond. His face was screwed up, so I gave him the time he needed. If he didn’t refrain from his anger outbursts, he was going to pop some stitches.

  “She’s torturing me. Giving me tiny pieces of my brother to rile me up and drive me insane! I’m going to kill her.”

  “Is he okay? What did he say?” I crouched down onto the floor, picking up the displaced sandwich and placing it on the small table beside Jagger.

  “He didn’t give me anything. You know Dallas. He was talking to me like he always has.”

  Deciding to risk his wrath, I grabbed my cell and sat beside him. “We need to call Agent Crowther.”

  Jagger sat up while still clinging to his shoulder. He leaned onto his side. “Back pocket. Get my wallet out. His card is in there. I’m too fucking pissed to call him. You’re going to have to do it.”

  Fishing into his back pocket, attempting to ignore his tight ass, I pulled it out and opened it up. Agent Crowther’s card was front and center.

  Keying in the number I waited for a few heartbeats before a stern, male voice answered.

  “Hello? Agent Crowther, it’s Rosalind McAllister. I’m a friend of Jagger Reed. You visited him in the hospital regarding his brother Dallas…yes, that’s correct. Well, he received a phone call just now from his brother. I thought you’d want to know.”

  He didn’t waste any time asking me for our motel address. He was coming over. He was going to trace the call.

  “Thank you. We’ll be here. See you soon.”

  I had Jagger’s full attention. “What?” he asked.

  “He’s coming over. He’s going to trace the call.”

  “He can track the call on my cell?”

  “Apparently so. It is the FBI we’re talking about.”

  He huffed out long and hard, his body sagging into the sofa. “Okay. That’s good.”

  Facing him, I reached out to touch his face. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this after everything you’ve dealt with so far. If Agent Crowther can trace the call, he’ll get his men to move in. She’s just make her first mistake by having Dallas call you.”

  Some of his tension had eased. His pupils had contracted somewhat. “I know you’re right. It’s just…I find it really hard to control my anger and think straight when it comes to Dallas. He didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “I know, and when we get him back, we’re going to make it up to him.”

  He popped a half-smile, his eyes softening. “We’re going to. You really are invested in this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, all the way. I’ve told you time and time again. Why won’t you believe me?”

  “No one has ever done anything like this for me before.”

  Climbing onto his lap, I straddled him, careful not to hurt him further. I placed my hands on either side of his scratchy jaw to hold him still. “Never doubt me. I love your brother. I love y―” There it went again. My mouth moving before I could stop it.

  His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before lighting up. His sculpted top lip lifted further, his straight teeth glinting underneath. “You love me? Is that what you were about to say?” He sounded unsure. Shocked even.

  How did I retract my faux pas? Did I want to? The truth of the matter was, I did love him. I loved everything about him, from his unkempt exterior to his soft heart that had only been hardened by unfortunate circumstances. He had so much love to give underneath all the muck and I was one of the lucky few to be able to see it. To experience it. When he held me and kissed me, he became his authentic self. His mask slipped.

  “I. uh…” Torn, I didn’t know what to say.

  “Rose?” His hand fisted a wad of my hair. His nose was almost touching mine. “Do you love me?”

  It escaped on a whisper. “Yes.”

  “Say it!” he urged.

  “I love you.”

  He crashed his mouth to mine, leaving me breathless. A needy assault ensued. His response was not what I’d been expecting, but with each hardened press of his lips and soft lick of his tongue, I knew he was showing me how much my declaration meant to him. He was a mixture of savage and soft. Whimpers and moans. My scalp burned from his tightened grip on my hair but it was a heady, wonderful kind of torture. He tasted divine and felt even greater. He hardened instantly under me, so I gave him what he needed as I ground slowly and seductively against his jeans.

  “You fucking love me. Rose loves me.” He drew back for a second, hissing in a breath before forcing my head forward again, in full control of me just by my hair still clutched in his hand.

  I murmured my assent into his mouth, needing more friction. He hadn’t said he loved me back but I was too into the moment to care. I’d overthink it later.

  Both of his hands left my head and found my breasts, achy and full. “Christ, I love your tits. From that first day you strutted up the aisle in the classroom, I wanted them in my mouth, in my hands, and pressed up against me.”

  “Jagger. I need you. Now.”

  “Undo my button. Pull my jeans down a bit. Get my cock free, woman. And take that damn top off.”

  This was my Jagger. The one I craved. I fumbled with his jeans and managed to pull them down to his knees. His thick erection sprang free. I rubbed myself against it while wrenching off my shirt and bra.

  He groaned when I was bare from the waist up. If I was going to ride him, I needed to be totally naked. Standing, I shucked off my jeans, socks, and panties before straddling him again, glorying in the feel of the soft skin on his rod of granite.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Feel what you do to me.”

  “Mmmm.” I kissed him deeply, lifting up and gripping him in one hand to aim. His hands came to rest on my waist. Swiping the meaty head of him through my dripping folds, I keened at the sensation.

  “Don’t tease me, Rose. Give me all of you.”

  Without hesitating, I speared him into me, both of us crying out at the exquisite feel. I took him all in and sat still, clenching and unclenching around him, enjoying the absolute fullness he created.

  “Jesus, you fit me perfectly.” His hungry mouth came to my breasts, sucking and nipping first one nipple, then the other. Heat spiked through me, spurring on my need to move.

  I couldn’t hold back any longer. Gripping the back of the couch, I lifted off and plunged back down, taking him all the way, grinding myself at the base of him.

  “Yeah, like that. You feel so good, Rose.”

  My pelvis was swarming with sensitive nerves, all ready to erupt into an explosive ball of euphoria. Each time the tip of him kissed my womb, it increased the tension. My breasts were heaving with the effort, one deeply entrenched in Jagger’s wide mouth, the other being deliciously manhandled. He was rumbling against my nipples with each downward thrust.

  Like an itch being scratched, so too was my pleasure mounting to such a degree, I knew I was nearing that one point that would send me flying into oblivion. My cries echoed out, throaty and wild. It was almost too much all at once.

  “So fucking sexy. I love it when you’re responding to me like this,” he praised.

  I was working him so deeply, I couldn’t distinguish pain from pleasure. It was all wrapped up in one cataclysmic earthquake, my womb at its epicenter. My lungs were starved of oxygen as I gasped and clutched at release. Standing on the fringe for an all too fleeting moment, I was pushed off the edge when Jagger’s teeth pulled painfully on my nipple. Red hot lava surged through my veins,
speeding to my erupting opening as I trembled desperately, again and again, fissuring into excessive, throbbing bliss.

  “Holy Christ, woman. You’re going off like fireworks. I can’t hold on any longer. Uuugh.”

  I barely heard his grunts. He yelled out something dirty but it was lost in my inability to perceive anything other than my own nirvana.

  Heat teemed into me, thickly coating my insides, the jets dragging out more rolling, electric waves. We were so connected in that moment. Mentally and physically. I felt as if I’d stepped inside him. Into his heart.

  He was hauling in air, his head resting in the crook of my neck, his prickly stubble grazing my skin.

  A knock sounded on the door. Shit, we’d forgotten about our visitor arriving.

  I shot up and off Jagger, bunching up my clothes and heading for the bathroom. Jagger called out, “Just a minute.”

  I didn’t look back but heard him pull his jeans up with a laugh. Talk about bad timing.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I was fucked. Literally. Purely, and blissfully fucked. If Agent Crowther hadn’t interrupted us, I would have gone another round.

  Rose had me by the balls. Hearing her say she loved me destroyed me in the best possible way. Those three words were few and far between for me. Only two people before Rose had ever uttered them. Words I cherished. I hadn’t said them back to her, not because I didn’t feel them, but because I knew in my heart she could do better. I had no job. No prospects. Nothing to my name apart from a prison sentence. If I declared how I truly felt about her, we would become a couple in every sense of the word and it scared the hell out of me. It frightened me that I couldn’t provide for her. At the moment, I felt like a burden, living off her hard-earned money.

  I wanted to give her the world and I couldn’t. No matter how much I loved her, the fact would still remain. Call me old-fashioned, but it was how I felt. A man provided for his woman.

  With my rumpled shirt on, I opened the door, motioning Agent Crowther inside.

  Rose appeared from the bathroom, having straightened her hair. A light flush still colored her cheeks from our tryst. In some possessive way, I was glad to see it still there while another man entered our domain. I’d done that to her. I’d made her scream and come undone so spectacularly.

  “Agent Crowther, nice to meet you.”

  They met in the middle of the room and shook hands.

  “Can I get you a coffee?” she asked.

  “Thank you. That would be great.”

  Leaving us to our business, she busied herself in the kitchen while we sat.

  “Good to see you out of hospital, Mr. Reed.” Agent Crowther, who was wearing a suit and tie today, loosened the knot at the base of his neck.

  “It’s good to be out.” I wanted to cut the small talk and get straight to the point. Picking up my cell, I held it out to him. “Rose mentioned you can trace Dallas’ call?”

  He took it from me, nodding. “We’ve got our ways. I’d like to take this with me, if I may. I can get it back to you in a couple of hours. I have the location software on my laptop in my hotel room.”

  “Yeah. Sure. Whatever you need to do. You think you’ll find them this way?”

  “It’ll give us a proximity as to their whereabouts. I’ve got agents on standby, ready to move.”

  It was going to happen. I was going to have my brother back. Hope was beginning to bloom in my chest.

  Running a hand over my jaw, I let myself believe everything would work out. “I’m grateful for your help. We couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Just doing my job, but I appreciate that. You going to be here this afternoon?”

  “I can’t see us doing much with me just out of hospital.” Apart from some more sex. That didn’t require me to leave the room.

  Rose walked over with our coffees.

  “I’ll call back around four to return your cell.” He sipped his drink, sitting on the edge of the seat like he was ready to leave.

  The small clock on the wall read 1:53 p.m. Not having eaten anything since breakfast and working up a raging appetite, I needed food. My barely eaten sandwich sat in the same spot Rose had put it earlier, her leftovers on the coffee table. The phone call from Dallas had made me forget all about lunch, but now that I was somewhat calmer, I was famished.

  The three of us sat in relative silence, Rose being the one to attempt small talk. As soon as Agent Crowther finished his drink, he was up and bidding us farewell.

  I was happy to have him out and it just be the two of us.

  “You look happier,” Rose declared, taking her place beside me as I reached for my rather sad looking sandwich.

  “I think you might be right. We’re going to get him back.”

  Kissing my shirt-covered arm, she replied, “Of course we are. I’m glad you realize it now.”

  She was too good to me. Way too good. If I could understand what she saw in me, perhaps blurting out that I loved her would be easier.

  “How do you always manage to stay so strong?”

  “I don’t. Not always. I’m stronger for others than I am for myself.”

  Placing my empty plate down after eating my sandwich in four large mouthfuls, I pulled her closer, delving my nose into her soft hair. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re incredible.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

  Not feeling it, I had to ask. “What do you see that’s so amazing?”

  Our eyes lined up, the beautiful green of hers transfixing me. A couple of light brown specks dotted her irises but apart from that they were flawless.

  “You really don’t know, do you?”

  “That’s why I’m asking.”

  She settled in, lifting a leg and folding it under her, slightly angled toward me. God, she was stunning. It still blew me away that she was here with me, hundreds of miles from her home, under her own free will.

  “I love your loyalty. Your strength. You might not think you’re strong, but look what you endured to keep your brother safe. Not many people could do that.”

  She was glued to me as I was to her, hanging on her every word. I daren’t speak until she was finished.

  “You’re a good person. You fight for what you believe in. You’re kind and absurdly sexy.”

  I belted out a laugh from deep in my stomach. It didn’t do my shoulder any good, but I couldn’t help myself. “You think I’m sexy, Miss McAllister?”

  “You know I do. Go take a look in the mirror!”

  That made me chuckle further. “What’s your favorite part of me?” I was eager to know what part of me turned her on the most.

  Needing contact, I delicately ran my knuckles over the inside of her wrist bringing about a shiver from her.

  “Apart from the very obvious…” Her eyes flicked to my groin and that one action served to fill my ego. I was elated at her answer. “I love your untamed eyes. They’re brooding and intense. They beguile me. Always have.” My fingers stilled for a bit before moving up her arm to her elbow, brushing over the sensitive skin there.

  “Your arms. God. Don’t get me started on those.”

  “I think you need to get a closer look so you can show me. We can’t do that with my shirt on.”

  She chewed on her lip. I swung my body around fully so she had better access. “Go easy on me, darlin’.”

  Her eyes shuttered for a moment and then she gently peeled the fabric away, sharply inhaling at the sight before her. I flexed my good arm, letting my muscles bulge for her. “Is that what you like?”

  Her fingers started at mine and worked their way up, igniting a path of shivered heat in their wake. She massaged my biceps, her tongue poking out of her mouth, her eyes following her fingers in great concentration. My dick pushed against my denim restraint, pleading for release. The feel of her tender skin against mine burned. I watched curiously as her head bent to the places her finger had touched, kissing and licking the
same path of destruction. I arched my chest out at the ticklish, erotic sensation as she hit a sensitive spot with her lips at the inside fold of my elbow. Christ, who would have ever thought?

  She hummed at my reaction, the vibrations shooting a direct hit to my dick.

  “Is that it? Any other parts of me that have you salivating?” I could barely grit out the words.

  Once she finished up my arm, she broke the connection, unmanning me with her hot gaze.

  “There is one other part of you that I wanted to save till last.”

  “Oh?” She’d already mentioned my dick, so I wasn’t sure what was left.

  Breathless, her eyes lowered to my mouth. It was parted in anticipation. A fingernail swiped across my lower lip, then ran across my top one. “This right here. You have no idea what your mouth does to me. The shape. The size. The pleasure I know it can bring me. It’s a sin to be so perfect. I’ve never kissed such fine lips.”

  The corners swept up of their own accord, bringing a murmur from her. The air thickened and sparked with the tension, her breath laborious. Her eyes devoured my mouth yet she didn’t make a move. She just sat, breathing hard, and swallowing even harder. I was sure she would orgasm just from her heavy perusal.

  I’d be damned if I was going to make the first move. I was enjoying her reaction to the different parts of me. Deciding she needed some prompting and a little teasing, I poked my tongue out and licked my lips a couple of times, glistening them up for her.

  The first sign of her crumbled will was the mew she let go. Then it was the scent of her desire wafting upwards, clinging to me with carnal claws. Just before she launched, I caught sight of her blackened orbs, glazed over in need.

  She took my bottom lip between hers and pulled and sucked on it a couple of times before doing the same with the top. Her fingers delved into my hair, gripping my scalp as she fed.

  “God, your lips are so heavenly,” she crooned.

  I couldn’t take her playing around. I needed more, so I slanted my face and gave her something to groan about. If she thought my mouth was so amazing, I was going to show her just what I could do with it.


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