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The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 0)

Page 9

by Farrell, Julie

  “Oh I remember,” Jeremy said. “But that won’t happen again. Not if I shoot you.”

  “No!” Samira shouted.

  Jeremy raised the gun and smirked, then he squeezed the trigger. In slow motion, Ivan turned and shoved Samira out of the line of fire. She fell to the marble floor as the bullet struck Ivan’s shoulder, forcing him backwards. Time sped up as he flew across the kitchen with the momentum of the shot, then he crumpled with a thud against the refrigerator, holding his wounded shoulder, which was already soaked with dark red blood.

  Samira heard Craig’s voice as if he was underwater. “Jeremy, you said you wouldn’t hurt anyone!”

  Samira scrabbled to her hands and knees and propelled herself over to Ivan, but Jeremy stepped in front of her and yanked her roughly to her feet. He pulled her against himself, holding her in place like a hostage – pressing the gun hard against her cheek. Samira breathed deeply. She forced herself to focus… she’d been through this type of terror before and survived. The police in Iran were pretty trigger-happy – and she’d known when she’d been arrested that they took delight in taking turns on ‘immoral’ women. Pigs that they were. Nothing like that had happened to her thank god, but it’d taught her how to manage fear… Allow it to come up and try to stay calm.

  Jeremy turned them both to face Tariq. “Tell me where the files are, or I’ll blow this bitch’s head off!”

  Samira struggled. “Don’t tell him, Tariq. He’s a maniac!”

  Tariq spat blood at Jeremy and scowled. “Fuck you!”

  Ivan’s strained voice called over. “I’ll tell you; I’ll tell you. Just leave her alone.”

  “No, Ivan!” Samira shouted. “If the device gets in the wrong hands, we’ll all be doomed!”

  He shook his head woozily. She could see that her beloved was drifting in and out of consciousness now – struggling to stay sitting upright against the refrigerator. “I can’t let him hurt you,” he muttered. “I can’t.”

  Jeremy chuckled arrogantly. “That’s right, you will tell me Ivan. I’m going to win this – I’m going to get exactly what I came here for. And I’ll take my share of Samira, too.”

  Samira swallowed down her fear: Ivan had said rule one of street-fighting was to not make stupid little speeches. Get in and get out. Jeremy continued to explain his plans, but Samira’s attention was seized by a movement at the periphery of her vision. Craig… it was Craig… She strained her eyes to see what he was doing, skimming her gaze over the barrel of the gun that was pressed menacingly against her cheek. But Craig was too far behind for her to see. She tensed her muscles, preparing for whatever was about to happen next. Jeremy sensed a change in her stance, so he tightened his grip on her and pressed the gun painfully into her face, cutting her skin.

  “Fuck you…” Ivan said, trying to keep him talking. “You’ll never get away with it.”

  Jeremy chuckled. He started to tell Ivan that he already had, when he suddenly tensed and let out a wild guttural groan of shocked pain. Samira wriggled free and fled over to where Ivan was reclining. They huddled together on the floor as Jeremy swung around to face Craig – revealing the huge knife sticking out of his back. Samira’s head pounded with terror as she realised that Craig had stabbed him, brutally stealing his thunder and nixing his plans. And surely ending his life…

  But Jeremy was still upright, and still holding his gun. With blood gushing from his wound, he raised his arm in Craig’s direction and shot him in the chest – unloading five bullets and killing him dead – before Jeremy himself crumpled to his knees in a theatrical fit of groaning. Samira watched in shock as Jeremy keeled over and died on her kitchen floor. She held her breath…

  With fear clashing in her ears, she waited for something else to happen, but the two corpses simply lay there bleeding their last. Samira pulled herself back to the urgent present – she didn’t dare allow the body-count to include Ivan. She scrambled to her knees and cupped his chin in her hands. His eyes were half-closed.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Samira’s heart twisted with terror. “No, Ivan! Don’t you dare leave me!”

  “Call an ambulance, Samira,” Tariq shouted. “And untie me. Quick!”

  Samira stood on shaking legs to grab the phone and dialled 911. She frantically gave the operator the address and vague details – “There’s been a shooting – a murder!”

  They promised to come as quickly as possible, so Samira darted over to cut Tariq’s bonds with sharp scissors. He spoke to her loudly in Farsi, but she wasn’t listening – she crouched back down with Ivan and cradled him in her arms, pressing her hands against his wound to try to stop the bleeding. “Talk to me, Ivan. Tell me you’re not gonna die!”

  “I’m not… I’m not. I won’t leave you, sweetheart. Never.”

  Samira allowed her tears to well up and spill down her cheeks. She could see he was in trouble; it wasn’t like in movies when the hero got shot in the shoulder and continued fighting the bad guys. This bullet could kill him.

  Tariq crouched in front of Ivan and tried to keep him conscious. “Look at me, Ivan. Talk to me.”

  Ivan lifted his heavy head. “Who was he working for?”

  Tariq frowned. “I don’t know. I can’t believe Craig betrayed me.”

  “He saved us, though,” Samira said. “Maybe he was a double-agent.”

  “Triple-agent,” Ivan said, grinning deliriously through the pain.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Well, whoever he was and whatever he was doing, he saved our lives by giving his. He knew Jeremy would kill him as soon as he stabbed him – he must’ve known. But he did it anyway.”

  Tariq rubbed his eyes. “Jesus, you think you know someone… Look, I think we shouldn’t mention the project to the police, okay? Let’s just say Jeremy was trying to rob us. And Craig, too. They were trying to rob us at gunpoint. We’ll say they argued between themselves, and it all went wrong.”

  Ivan nodded slowly. “I agree.”

  Samira reached out and held his hand. “Baby, please don’t go!”

  Tariq rubbed her tenderly on the shoulder. “I think he’ll be okay. But Samira, you two can’t see each other anymore. It’s too dangerous.”

  “No, Tariq, I love him!”

  “You agree with me, right, Ivan?

  Ivan nodded blearily. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I do agree with Tariq. It’s too risky. And you need to think about your education. You can’t let anyone come between you and your time here in America. Not even me. But when this is all over… this craziness… we’ll be together. I promise. Do you trust me?”

  She bit back her tears. “I trust you, Ivan. I love you.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I love you, too.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but the cops kicked down the backdoor and burst in, shouting loudly and pointing firearms at them. Samira froze and put up her hands. The officer-in-charge shouted to the paramedics and they rushed in too, turning Samira’s kitchen into a makeshift hospital for Ivan.

  She tried to keep ahold of his hand, but a huge cop pushed her out the way. She stumbled into Tariq’s arms. “Oh, Tariq!”

  He hugged her tight and kissed her on the head. “It’ll be alright, cousin. He’s going to survive.”

  Samira nodded, allowing her tears to flood out. But somehow, even in amongst this carnage, she felt strangely optimistic about the future. Ivan had said they’d be together in the end, and she believed him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ivan lay naked on the bed in Samira’s new room and tried to relax. He gazed at the light of the moon as it streamed in through the window and spilled over the lilac wall. It was hot tonight; his heart was heavy…

  This new place Tariq had found for her was nice enough, but more importantly, it should keep her safe. It was in a more obscure area compared to where she’d been before, so hopefully whoever Jeremy had been working for wouldn’t find her. She’d requested a transfer to a different campus, which should help too, b
ut Ivan knew the only way for her to be completely safe was for him to leave.

  If you love someone, set them free…

  His heart thumped with a painful longing. This was to be their last night together until… he had no idea. He’d spent the last few days in hospital, where he’d done a lot of thinking and he’d come to the conclusion that perhaps he would rather throw away his life’s work if it meant he could be with her. He would give everything up for her.

  He rubbed his eyes and sighed. She’d gone off to shower and he was missing her already, even though she was only in the next room along. How the hell was he going to cope in New York with her here in California, knowing they mustn’t contact each other?

  He grabbed his phone and decided to call Dylan while he waited for her to return from the bathroom.

  Dylan answered in his usual delicate manner. “Ivan, where the hell have you been? I’ve called you like twenty times this week. Talk about fucking worrying us all.”

  “Well, you can call off the search parties – I’m coming back to New York tomorrow. You wanna grab a beer tomorrow night?”

  “Sure. But seriously, you okay? You’ve been out of reach all week.”

  “I know, sorry. Work’s been crazy.”

  Ivan hated lying to his brother, but he couldn’t tell him he’d spent the last few days recovering from a bullet wound in hospital. Dylan would go nuts… his parents would find out… it would just be too complicated.

  “So you’re still in LA, right?” Dylan asked.

  “Sure am. I’m with that fortune teller who said you’d find love in London.”

  “Huh, that’s not gonna happen… But you like her a lot, right?”

  “I do. A hell of a lot. She’s magical.”

  “Ivan… what’s wrong with you?”

  Ivan realised how stupid he was sounding. He shook himself out of it and opted for some banter. “I’m just saying I’m sure her prediction about you will come true.”


  “Aw, come on, Dylan – you’ll find love. Even a miserable bastard like you must have some warmth in there someplace!”

  Dylan chuckled. “Nope. That heartbreak at college put me off love forever. I’ll just make sure I never go to London, then her prediction can’t come true, right?”

  “We’ll see... Hey, as I’m coming back to New York, you can tell Adam I’ll be at his birthday party next week. Okay?”

  “Sure, he’ll be happy to hear that. You bringing your new lady with you?”

  “No. We’re breaking up. Tonight’s our last night together.”

  “What? Why?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Dylan sounded sincere. “Sorry, Ivan. I know you like her. So what happened?”

  Ivan opened his mouth to reply, but Samira opened the bedroom door and stood in the doorway dressed in a satin robe. She slowly undid the belt, and revealed her tight naked body. Ivan’s mouth dropped open and his cock firmed.

  “Ivan?” Dylan said. “Hey, you there?”

  “Gotta go, Dyl. I’ll see you when I get back.”

  “Alright, buddy. Be safe.”

  Ivan hung up the phone and beckoned Samira into his arms. “Jesus, you’re so fucking hot, baby.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself,” she said, kissing him. She was trying to put on a brave face, but her heart was breaking at the thought of this being her last time with this perfect man. “I don’t want you to forget me, Ivan.”

  “I never could. You’re etched in my soul.”

  Samira knelt in front of him and held his hand. He was so gorgeous, lying there naked. She wanted to relish their last night together, but there was plenty of time for talking. “I need to feel you inside me one last time.”

  Ivan shuffled up to sit against the headboard, taking care not to put too much pressure on his mending shoulder. Poor baby, she knew it was much more painful than he was making out.

  “Come and stand in front of me,” he said. “I’ll lick your sweet little pussy into ecstasy – make sure you’re possessed by me from here to eternity.”

  Samira slipped off her satin robe, then stood up on the springy bed and positioned her pelvis in front of Ivan, placing her hands flat on the wall for balance. He reached up and grabbed her hips, so she bent at the knees and lowered her pussy to Ivan’s waiting mouth. Tilting her ass backwards, she rubbed her clit between his lips for him to gently suck. They grinned into each other’s eyes, as Ivan reached around to grab her buttocks, flicking his tongue over her clit, grunting hornily and sucking gently. Samira gripped the top of the headboard and ground her hips into his mouth, feeling sexy as she thrust herself into his gorgeous face. Ivan’s strong fingers reached around her ass and eased her buttocks apart, circling her rim and slipping his fingertip inside – treating Samira to an anal finger-fuck as he sucked her clit in front. He used the fingers of his other hand to slide in and out of her wet pussy, rubbing her G-spot and making her feel as if she was being taken from all directions at once.

  Samira tensed, preparing herself to come hard, but Ivan suddenly stopped sucking her clit and glanced up. “Come ride me, sweetheart. Be a sexy cowgirl, for me.”

  She grinned. “Yes.”

  Samira dropped to her knees and leaned forward to kiss Ivan passionately, tasting her pussy’s lingering aroma as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Then, maintaining smouldering eye contact, she kissed him one last time and shuffled down to straddle his hips. Ivan’s hard cock was straining with glee, so Samira grabbed a condom from the bedside table and rolled the rubber over his glorious erection, fondling him as she went; desperate to get him inside her.

  She threw him a sultry glance, then rose up on her knees and hovered her pussy above his rock-hard erection. Ivan beckoned with his finger for her to come to him, so she leaned forward on her knees and they kissed.

  He cupped her chin. “I love you.”

  She grinned. “Me too.”

  He reached out and held his cock upright. “Ride me hard.”

  They both chuckled, then Samira lowered herself over him, easing his cock inside her. The flashing delight of him filling her up zoomed up her spine, making her gasp. He was slightly too big for her, but she knew that when she got past this, she was in for the thrill of her life. He reached out and held her hand, gazing lovingly into her eyes.

  Samira continued sinking down until Ivan’s cock was completely inside her, then she slowly tilted her hips back and forth, getting herself into a sexy rhythm and rubbing her clit over his toned pelvis. Ivan reached out to grip her hips with his strong hands, making her feel secure. He spanked her sharply – once, twice – then he pulled her hips down and quickened the pace.

  Samira’s mind began to swirl as she rode him fast. She realised that the bed was creaking beneath them, but it sounded faraway. The only thing that mattered now was the overwhelming delight of Ivan’s cock thrusting her towards ecstasy. Her eyes fluttered shut as a wave of lust took her and the tides of pleasure rippled through her body. Joy zoomed into a tight ball around her pelvis, then it exploded like a starburst through every cell in her body, filling her up with golden delight.

  She heard herself cry out. “Oh Ivan, yes, yes, yes!”

  Her pleasure rocketed as the orgasm peaked. No longer feeling like a separate being to her lover, she floated off with him to their own private universe. And still the orgasm continued – another surge of joy, and another and another. Samira glimpsed enlightenment – and she realised it was simple; paradise was love. She allowed herself to freefall, slowly floating back down to earth. She started to relax, thinking it was over, but then she was taken by another surge of delight as Ivan came deep inside her, pulling her hips down even deeper.

  Samira groaned with relief, as her mind gently floated back down to her tingling body. She opened her eyes.

  Ivan was grinning; captivated. “Wow, babe – that’s the most intense orgasm I’ve ever seen you have. You were totally gone, huh?”

ra chuckled dreamily and nodded. She realised they were holding hands, so she tenderly squeezed Ivan’s fingers. “It was amazing. Did you enjoy it?”

  “How could I not? You’re perfection, Samira.”

  Samira slowly eased herself off Ivan’s cock, then she crawled forward and kissed him on the lips. His arms fell around her, so she snuggled down onto his warm chest. She breathed contently and ran her fingers over his toned pes, enjoying the feel of his embrace.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. I’ll find you when all this is over. We’ll be together, I promise.”

  She kissed his chest tenderly and bit her lip to stifle her tears. “I know. This isn’t goodbye… only farewell.”

  Ivan squeezed her tight. Samira knew the future was going to be tough without him in it. But for now – right now – she loved him. They would always have the wonderful couple of weeks they’d spent together – discovering each other’s perfect bodies and brightening each other’s lives. They were forever in each other’s hearts, and Samira knew that as long as she was possessed by Ivan Quinlan, her life would shine with freedom and strength – just like the glorious California sunshine.

  To be continued…

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  Book One – Adam’s story – The Billionaire’s Kisses is available on Amazon and all other online stores. The Amazon link is:

  Book Two – Dylan’s story – is available on Amazon. Will Dylan find love in London? Find out in The Billionaire’s Affair!




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