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Maggie Malone Gets the Royal Treatment

Page 10

by Jenna McCarthy

  “Are fish waterproof?” I ask her.

  “Oh,” Lucy says. “Well, maybe some other time then.”

  “Sorry,” I laugh. “That means yes. I’d love to come over for a swim!”

  “Cool,” she says, looking relieved. “Thanks again, Maggie. You know, for helping me get home. And for not making fun of me or anything…and for giving me another chance.”

  “You’re totally welcome,” I tell Lucy St. Claire, who might just turn out to be not so royally horrible after all.

  Chapter 26

  When It’s Back to Doughnuts for Me

  “Well?” Stella demands, throwing my bedroom door open with a bang and scaring me so badly I knock over the card house I’ve been building for the last thirty minutes.

  “Jeez, Stella, you sure know how to make an entrance,” I laugh, catching my breath and scooping up the cards.

  Stella plops down on my bed and pushes a bag toward me.

  “I stopped at Dippin’ Donuts on the way here,” she says, out of breath. “Got the last two double doozie chocolate doughnuts!”

  “Okay, I forgive you for scaring me half to death,” I tell her, pulling out my little ring of heaven and a napkin. My mom doesn’t love it when I eat in my room, but as long as I vacuum my zebra rug afterward, she lets me do it without too much fuss.

  “Anyway,” Stella says dramatically. “How was the big Pinkerton Imperial Princess Festival or whatever it’s called?”

  “It’s called the Pinkerton Royal Ball and it was a blast,” I tell her. “This girl in a wheelchair got crowned Pinkerton Princess and everybody was crying and everything.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a total blast,” Stella says sarcastically.

  “Well, there was a band and dancing and really good food too,” I tell her.

  “And what about that Lucy girl?” Stella wants to know. “Has she jumped back on the crazy train yet?”

  “Lucy’s okay,” I tell Stella. “She just had some stuff to figure out. She actually got up and gave this really awesome speech at the royal ball about how maybe the dukes and princess apprentices aren’t such a great idea because they take the spotlight off the prince and princess. I seriously thought Mr. Mooney was going to lose it for a minute, but then she added this part where she thought Mr. Mooney deserved to be called Sir Mooney as soon as the royal court was announced—at least until the ball—and he seemed to like that idea a lot. Anyway, Lucy said she’s going to run for student council president next year and really shake up the royal court.”

  “Mother of a baby squirrel monkey, speaking of royal courts, I almost forgot!” Stella shouts, pulling a Tween Scene magazine out of her backpack. “Did you hear that Princess Penelope and Prince Henry are officially a couple? It says here they’re probably going to get married. I mean, not for like fifteen years or something, but it’s pretty much a done deal. And look at them hanging out on the royal yacht,” Stella adds, shaking the magazine right in my face. “How lucky can a girl get? Honestly.”

  A girl can get pretty darned lucky, I think to myself with a smile.

  Maggie Malone’s Totally Fab Vocab

  Just like I love to try out new lives, I also love to try out new words! Here’s a list of some sort-of-fancy words I used in this book that you might not have known before. I included a synonym for each, but you could probably figure out what they mean from the way I used them in the story. Now that you know these words, don’t be afraid to use them. Being smart is totally cool.

  1. Affair: event

  2. Amusing: entertaining

  3. Appointed: nominated

  4. Apprentices: beginners

  5. Beam: radiate

  6. Bedazzled: decorated

  7. Blubbers: cries noisily

  8. Bolts: shoots out from; rushes

  9. Brooch: decorative pin

  10. Canasta: a card game

  11. Christendom: all Christians

  12. Clasp: lock; fastening

  13. Committed: dedicated; unwavering

  14. Complicated: confusing

  15. Customs: traditions

  16. Desperate: in dire need

  17. Diorama: a 3-D model

  18. Drones: male honeybees

  19. Enlightenment: spiritual wisdom

  20. Esteemed: admired

  21. Flustered: confused; upset

  22. Formal: fancy and old-fashioned

  23. Fortress: castle

  24. Fury: rage; anger

  25. Glares: scowls; looks angrily

  26. Glimpse: quick look; peek

  27. Glory: honor

  28. Halfheartedly: not enthusiastically

  29. Hefty: large; muscular; solid

  30. Hesitates: pauses; waits

  31. Humiliation: embarrassment

  32. Impression: feeling; sense

  33. Inspect: scrutinize; look closely

  34. Inspiring: moving; uplifting

  35. Installed: put in

  36. Lagoons: small ponds

  37. Loyal: faithful

  38. Media: news outlets

  39. Monocle: single eyeglass

  40. Mousse: custard

  41. Narrowing: getting smaller

  42. Peeved: irritated

  43. Pitchfork: long handled fork

  44. Plastering: spreading

  45. Polar: extreme

  46. Pooling: coming together

  47. Positioned: arranged

  48. Positive: good

  49. Precisely: exactly

  50. Prosperity: wealth

  51. Quashes: suppresses

  52. Relayed: delivered

  53. Revolutionized: transformed

  54. Rhinestone: fake diamond

  55. Riot: uprising

  56. Rodent: pertaining to gnawing, nibbling animals like rats

  57. Sarcastically: scornfully

  58. Serf: slave

  59. Shock: jarring visual

  60. Smirk: sly smile

  61. Smug: pleased with oneself

  62. Sophisticated: cultured

  63. Stampede: rush of animals

  64. Stashed: hid

  65. Stragglers: lingerers

  66. Swanky: fancy

  67. Taunted: teased

  68. Taut: tight

  69. Unhinge: open wide

  70. Vile: horrible

  Thank you for reading!

  We hope you enjoyed Maggie Malone Gets the Royal Treatment by Jenna McCarthy.

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  The book you’ve just finished is Book 2 in the Maggie Malone series. Book 3, Maggie Malone Makes a Splash, will be available May 2015. In case you missed it, the first book in the series is Maggie Malone and the Mostly Magical Boots. If you loved Maggie Malone Gets the Royal Treatment, check out our mailing list for updates on new releases and access to exclusive content.

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  Take a sneak peek at the next Maggie Malone adventure!

  Maggie Malone Makes a Splash

  Coming May 2015

  “It’s so not fair,” I tell my reflection in the mirror. “I’m not jealous that Elizabeth is a better swimmer than me! Well maybe I am a little tiny bit, but I never, ever lie! If Elizabeth doesn’t quit the swim team, that evil Brianna and her ugly swimsuit will make our lives miserable! What am I going to do? How am I ever going to fix this?”

  “Are you asking yourself or me?” Frank says.


  CCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!” I scream, tipping over backward in my chair. I land in a heap on my zebra rug, my heart pounding harder th
an it did that time my brother Mickey and his friend Oliver hid under my bed and waited until I was this close to falling asleep before they rolled out, jumped up, and shouted GOTCHA! right into my face. I nearly busted a gut that time. His.

  “Geez, Frank, could you give a girl some warning before you just show up next time?” I ask, pulling myself back up into my chair.

  “If I’m not mistaken, you called me,” Frank-in-the-mirror laughs.

  Frank came with my MMBs—Mostly Magical Boots—and the only way I can talk to him is in the mirror. Since I haven’t had the MMBs that long, I’m not always sure exactly how it all works. But this is definitely the first time Frank has just shown up like this, practically uninvited. Still, I’m pretty glad to see him. I need somebody to talk to.

  “Well, since you’re here and everything,” I tell Frank, “you got any of that great genie advice you’re so famous for? Just please don’t tell me that I’ve got this, okay? Because I obviously don’t. Like, at all.” I let out a huge sigh. My heartbeat is slowing to a normal rhythm again, thankfully.

  “Which part of this little mess do you want my help with?” Frank asks.

  “Well, I... Wait, what’s that clicking sound?” I ask, totally distracted by the noise.

  Frank holds up a pair of knitting needles and a huge ball of bright blue yarn. “I’m making a beanie,” he says. “What? Knitting relaxes me.”

  “You’re weird,” I tell Frank.

  “Compared to all the other genies you know?” Frank asks with a laugh, click-clacking away.

  “Whatever, I just don’t know how to make Elizabeth believe me. Brianna said that if I don’t convince Elizabeth to quit the team, she’s going to make us pay. Elizabeth is brand-new but totally outswam Brianna during tryouts. She’s super jealous!” I explain, resting my chin in my hands.

  “I hear you,” Frank says, setting his knitting needles aside. “That little whippersnapper’s a piece of work. Who peed in her Cheerios anyway?”

  “Okay, that’s just gross,” I say, cringing.

  “Here’s the thing, Malone,” he says, leaning in. “You can’t control what other people do…or how they act, what they say, or what they believe. All you can do is be yourself. Stay 100% Maggie Malone—you know the deal—in every situation. Now that’s some excellent genie advice, if I do say so myself.” Franks nods, so pleased with himself.

  “But that bratty little girl’s going to…” I protest.

  “Nope!” Frank holds up a hand to stop me.

  “And Elizabeth thinks that I…” I plead.

  “No ma’am, Pam,” Frank says.

  “Wait, who’s Pam?” I ask, confused.

  “That’s just something people say, you know like ‘hop on the bus, Gus,’ or ‘slip out the back, Jack,’ or…” Frank continues.

  “What?” I ask because honestly, genies can be so confusing. “Not to be selfish, but I really don’t care about your friends Pam or Gus or Jack right now. As a matter of fact, all I really want to do is crawl under a rock and wait for all this to be over. Or sink deep down to the ocean floor, far away from this mess where the only things I can hear are dolphins and waves and OH MY GOSH THAT’S IT!”

  “WHAT’S IT?” Frank looks up because apparently he’d gone back to his beanie.

  “Marina Tide! I want to be her!” I explain, jumping up, throwing my hands over my head. “She lives down in Florida...well technically, she lives wherever her big boat takes her, but she’s off the coast of sunny Florida right now and it’s freezing here so...I’ll soak up the sun and swim with Skipper and probably save a coral reef! It’s going to be amazing!”

  “Sounds like a plan, Stan!” Frank says, again bringing his needy friends into this. “But now remember, her life might not be as easy or perfect as you think it is.”

  “Yeah right, Frank!” I laugh. “It’ll be tough to decide which of Marina’s seventy swimsuits to wear and petting that adorable dolphin and getting a tan all day!”

  “Well, anyway…” Frank just shakes his head like he doesn’t realize that I’ve got this one. Piece of cake. “Pay attention ’cause those MMBs might have a thing or two to teach you about this little swim team snafu,” Frank explains, but I’m not really listening to him anymore.

  “Uh-huh,” I mumble.

  “Alrighty then.” Frank looks at me a little sideways and then jumps up and leans toward me in the mirror. “And don’t forget your trusty genie pocket mirror in the drawer there…I’m guessing there aren’t a lot of mirrors on Flynn Tide’s boat.”

  “Right! Good thinking, Frank! TTYL!” I say, thinking there’s no way he’ll get that.

  “OK!” Frank yells back, changing from a clear picture in my mirror to a watery blob. “TTFN!”

  I kind of love that genie.

  • • •

  Not to be full of myself or anything, but I’m kind of getting to be an MMB professional. Last night I laid out my clothes and set my alarm to go off extra early today. (I picked 4:44, because I love it when numbers repeat. On regular school days I always set it for 5:55, even though I don’t technically have to be up until 6:15. I’m sort of strange like that.) The alarm blares and I bolt straight up in bed. It’s showtime, folks!

  I tiptoe into the bathroom to brush my teeth, then I put on my favorite track suit, the hot pink one with white stripes down the sides. Even though I won’t be wearing it when I wake up as Marina, I feel sporty when I wear it so it seemed fitting. Plus it has pockets so I have somewhere to stash my genie pocket mirror. I slip the mirror in the side pocket and zip it up nice and tight. After giving my hair a quick scrunching—there’s no sense trying to comb it or anything, since I’m sure it’ll be wet in like five minutes—I walk over to my closet and pull down the MMBs from the tippy-top shelf. They smell like chicken curry mixed with burnt marshmallows. Don’t ask me why, but they do.

  I pull on the MMBs and stand up tall. Then I walk over to my mirror. I’ve got to tell you, beat-up old cowboy boots look pretty funny with my track suit, but I won’t be wearing this crazy getup for long. “With these MMBs I choose,” I say to my reflection, “a day in Marina Tide’s shoes!”

  Also by Jenna McCarthy

  and Carolyn Evans

  Maggie Malone and the Mostly Magical Boots

  About the Authors

  Jenna McCarthy is a writer, speaker, and aspiring drummer who has wanted magical boots since she learned to walk. She lives with her husband, daughters, cats, and dogs in sunny Southern California.

  Carolyn Evans is an author, speaker, and singer/songwriter who once opened for Pat Benatar—you can ask your mom who that is. She loves traveling to faraway places but is just as happy at home with her husband and kids, living by a river in South Carolina and dreaming up grand adventures for Maggie Malone.




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