Reckless King
Page 25
I turned to Heath. “They said I got the fellowship.”
Sam: Probably had her mouth too full of weasel dick
Me: WTF?!
Heath brightened and sat up, leaning over closer to my screen. I tried to scroll to the top of the messages when a phone call came in. It was Sam. I put it on speaker.
“You’re on speaker. What is going on?”
“Where the hell have you been? Major craziness went down. Jason and Prof. Stevenson were having an affair. Her husband showed up at the school and also e-mailed all these texts and pictures they’d been exchanging to everyone in the program. Holy shit, it was so juicy. So she’s on, like, a forced sabbatical, and they are going back through everything of Jason’s she ever graded. He’s not in the running for the fellowship, and yours was the best. They announced it by e-mail earlier today.”
“Holy shit!” Heath jumped up and laughed even more. Declan and Mak stared at us both with their eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m not finishing the program.”
Their shocked outbursts exploded from the phone.
“Kara, are you sure?” Heath’s hand wrapped around my arm.
“I’m a hundred percent sure. Even more now. The fellowship isn’t what I want anymore. I don’t know if I ever wanted it in the first place. It was another way to prove that I was good enough, but I don’t need that anymore.” I trailed my fingers along the side of his face and tugged on his hair.
I took my phone off speaker. “You guys up for a drink?” I pulled the phone back at the high-pitched hell yeses from the other end.
I raked my fingers through my hair in a daze. “Wow,” I said to no one since Declan and Mak were engrossed in Heath’s dramatic retelling of the story of us.
“Yeah, wow, congrats, Kara!” Mak gave me a woohoo.
“I’m not taking it, though.”
“Still, I say we celebrate.” Heath jumped up from the couch. “You two up for a drink?”
I grinned at Heath. “The Bramble?”
“Of course!” they chorused.
He picked me up as I ended the call and spun me around.
“Let’s go!” We all jumped up and grabbed a cab on our way to the place where it all began.
We showed up on the balmy June afternoon to meet Declan and Mak after the Rittenhouse Prep graduation. Mak wanted to show her support to Avery and Avery’s little sister, Alyson, and where Mak went, Declan followed.
Kara fidgeted with her dress.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. You’ve met everyone before.” I tugged her in closer to me and ran my finger along her jaw.
“Not under the most ideal circumstances. This seems like a friends-and-family type of thing.”
“And who do you think you are? You’d better get used to this motley crew because we’re going to be seeing a lot of them. And they’ll love you because I love you.”
“Can I hear that one more time?” She looked up at me, her deep chestnut eyes making me forget what I was going to say.
“That they love you?”
She bumped against my shoulder. “You know what I want to hear.” Her fingers tickled the hair at the base of my neck, and I was tempted to find an abandoned classroom in the school to teach her a lesson about the unfairness of teasing me in public.
Pressing her against a tree that lined the sidewalk of the school, I buried my face in the nape of her neck.
“I love you,” I repeated the words as I peppered her face with kisses.
She laughed and pushed me away as someone cleared their throat behind us.
“Looks like you two are cutting straight to the after-party.” Colm laughed.
Kara’s cheeks turned rosy red as she saw the entire Kings crew assembled beside us. She’d better get used to it. I couldn’t keep my hands off her.
We walked in together so we could all sit together. It was strange being back at our old stomping grounds. Everything looked smaller and a little bit off how I’d pictured it in my mind.
Unlike Ford, I hadn’t had a reason to come back since we’d thrown our hats up in the air in the air-conditioned auditorium four years ago. Showing our support for the next generation was what we did. We were a big family. Screwed up. Too loud and full of a shit ton of love.
A bunch of us had driven up to Boston to see Liv graduate as well. It was crazy to believe that Alyson, Grant, and Olivia would be starting college in a few months. Hell, I couldn’t believe I’d graduated college and was officially a professional hockey player.
Olivia still had some local friends she kept in touch with, so she’d wanted to visit. We’d all be heading down to the shore after for a summer of sun before we kicked off the most grueling training of our lives.
“Does Emmett know we’re returning his money for the shore house?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure he’ll be pissed when he figures it out.”
Emmett walked out on the stage with the rest of the board members of the school. He took his seat beside his parents, who were also members. His family had been big donors to the school since it opened over a hundred and fifty years ago. This would probably be the first time he’d been in a room with Avery in four years. At least a room he or she didn’t immediately exit.
It wasn’t until his eyes traveled down the line of people in our row that the thought kicked me in the back of the head.
“Did anyone tell him we were sitting with Avery?”
“I thought you did,” Declan whispered back to me. Mak leaned over with an eyebrow raised.
Kara glanced over at me, and I took her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. This was not going to be good.
We all saw the second his eyes landed on Avery. She was at the end of the row with her graduation program folded on her lap. Emmett’s back went ramrod straight, and he looked at us with his eyes wide with betrayal.
I mouthed sorry. With him on the West Coast, Avery had kind of become an occasional member of the group the last few months. We’d been pretty good about keeping them far apart, but a clash was bound to happen eventually.
The discomfort only got worse when Alyson stepped up to the podium as the valedictorian to give her speech.
“And there is one person I know I couldn’t have done it without. My big sister, Avery. She’s been there for me every step of the way from homework at the kitchen table to making sure I’ve got extra sunscreen on shore cleanup day. I love you, Ave.”
Everyone in the auditorium clapped. The muscles in Emmett’s neck strained as Alyson waxed poetic about what an amazing big sister she had. Avery wiped at the corners of her eyes and smiled so wide her cheeks had to hurt. None of us really knew what had happened that night in high school to split Emmett and Avery apart. Mak swore up and down that it wasn’t what anyone thought, but she clammed up beyond that, saying it wasn’t her place.
As the last of the students walked across the stage, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Everyone stood up and the place was abuzz with excitement for the new graduates.
Emmett: Can’t make it to the shore. I hope you all have a great time.
Colm: Are you seriously going to bail on our first summer where we can all hang out in forever?
Ford: …
Declan: Dude, get your head out of your ass, you’re coming
Heath: Chill out and don’t make us come get you
“Emmett!” Declan shouted, but his voice was drowned out over the enthusiastic, milling crowd leaving the graduation and snapping pictures. Ford, Colm, and Liv wove through the other people around us to get to me and Declan. Kara’s gaze bounced between all of us.
I slid my hand into hers. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain it all later.”
“I swear, this group has more drama…” She laughed.
Emmett: My parents invited me along for a vacation, so I’m going.
All of our heads whipped around. That was new. What the hell?
The level o
f BS in that statement was staggering.
Colm: Seriously?
Ford: What?
Obviously, I wasn’t the only one surprised. We shrugged, not even sure of a comeback for that one. Absentee didn’t even begin to describe Emmett’s parents. They were more like ghosts. How else could we have had such awesome parties back in high school?
Emmett stared over our heads at Mak and Avery disappearing into the crowd with Alyson to get some pics. He spun on his heel and left the stage with his parents. Maybe it wasn’t a bullshit excuse.
I shook my head, and Declan let out a frustrated sigh.
“We’re going to lose him if they don’t get this Avery thing figured out.”
“Lose who?” Olivia poked her head into the mini huddle we’d created.
“Olive, let the grown-ups speak.” Colm squeezed her out of our circle.
“I’ll show you grown-up,” Liv mumbled under her breath.
Colm snapped his lips in a tight line and turned back to me.
Emmett: I’m not coming.
Declan: She’s not even going to be there. She’s going to be around, Em. Maybe you two finally need to have that talk
Emmett: I’m not coming.
We spotted Mak, Avery, and Alyson outside. I kept my hand tight around Kara’s, not wanting to lose her in the crowd.
Declan threw his arm around Mak and kissed her on the side of her head. “Emmett’s not coming.”
Mak gave him a sad smile. “I know you wanted him to be there.” Pressing her hand against his chest, she kissed him. We finally got outside in the bright, summer sun.
Avery hugged Alyson. They let go and Alyson climbed into a car with her friends. Grant did the same, hopping into his car with some other guys. With warnings from their older siblings to be safe and not get too crazy, Avery and Ford waved bye to them as they pulled out into the line of cars exiting the jam-packed parking lot.
We’d parked on the street a few blocks away since they’d reserved parking for students and some of the VIPs. Mak and Declan followed behind us as we rounded the corner.
“I’m hungry. You guys wants to get some food?” Everyone turned to the normally silent Ford. “What? I’m just saying, I could eat.”
I laughed. “Definitely. Let’s get some food. We’ll need to find a place that’s not packed with the post-graduation crowds.”
“Avery is going to join us wherever we decide to eat,” Mak said from under Declan’s arm. Good thing Emmett hadn’t decided to come with us.
After checking in on eight restaurants, we found one that could seat us.
Avery walked up to our group like she was approaching a den of vipers, but visibly relaxed when she saw there wasn’t a certain King there with us. We went inside and ordered drinks.
“Wow, I can’t believe they’re off to school already.” Avery read over her menu.
“Not yet, they still have the summer,” Colm said, breaking off from his little spat with Olivia. She glared back at him and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Not for Alyson, she’s got a college enrichment program. She leaves tomorrow. I won’t see her until I show up for Family Day at the beginning of the school year. I don’t even know what to do with myself. The house is going to feel so empty.” She stuck the program into her bag.
“Why don’t you come to the shore with us?” Mak blurted out.
Our entire group froze.
“Uhh, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Declan said beside her.
“Why not?”
“Mak, no. Don’t be silly. I’d have to take off work, and it’s short notice, and I’ve been saving up for school. I don’t have money to chip in, and I’m not going mooch off you guys. Don’t worry about it.” Avery glanced between all of us. She’d been one of us when she was with Emmett. Since they had been joined at the hip, where he went, she went, and that was usually with us—until it all fell apart.
“Don’t worry about it, Avery. You should come,” Colm said without looking up from his menu.
All our eyes shot to him.
“Really, it’s not that big of a deal, I wasn’t saying anything to get you guys to feel sorry for me. I know things are weird for all of us now. I’m not trying to make waves.” Avery fidgeted in her seat.
Kara’s eyebrows wrinkled.
Declan, Ford, and I exchanged glances. “Avery, seriously. We’d like you to come. It will be fun, and I know Mak, Liv, and Kara would appreciate a little more estrogen to balance the scales. And, Emmett’s not going to be there.” I addressed the elephant in the room, smiled at her, and her shoulders relaxed.
Avery bit her bottom lip. “I’ll see what I can do work-wise. Maybe come down for a week or maybe a weekend.”
“Whatever works for you.” Mak practically bounced in her seat.
And Avery did come down. She made it a week after we arrived. The house was amazing, as expected from Emmett. It was a six-bedroom wonder right on the beach with wrap around balconies and everything we would need for an unforgettable summer.
“Avery! You made it.” Mak tipsily hugged her as we finished up our game of beer pong.
Kara sank the last ball into the red plastic cup on the other side of the table. She wrapped her arms around me, and I swung her around.
“Reigning champions!” She kissed along my neck. There were no more worries about public displays of affection between us. We were completely and totally open with each other and everyone else.
Mak showed Avery to the single empty bedroom on the first floor. Avery dropped off her things and came back out to join the party. Music from high school spilled out of the speakers, bringing back intense nostalgia.
The girls all disappeared into the kitchen laughing and determined to make up a new shot for everyone to try. Olivia was allowed to join under the threat of torture by Colm if she didn’t stick to the root beer.
“I bet you twenty bucks whatever shot they come out here with is going to be pink,” Ford said, looking up from his beer.
“I’ll take that bet. Kara’s a straight up vodka drinker. She’ll be able to persuade them.” I hopped off the stool and threw down the money.
“We’ve got another ten weeks in this house. Please let’s try to keep this place in good shape,” Colm said, sternly.
“Thanks, Dad. Have you met us? We never once trashed Emmett’s place, and it was like a museum in there.” I took a sip of my beer.
“Speaking of. Has anyone heard from Emmett?” Declan glanced between all of us.
“Nope.” Ford picked up a ping pong ball and bounced it on his palm.
We all shook our heads.
The front door swung open, and we all turned to see who it was. Emmett.
He dropped his bag by the front door. “I told my parents no way was I missing out on our epic last summer together, so here I am.” He stood with his arms wide open and a huge smile on his face.
The ping pong ball Ford had been bouncing clattered to the floor.
“Don’t all look so happy to see me.” Emmett dropped his arms and strode closer to our party set up.
“Okay guys, I think you’re going to love these. We were going for a cotton candy flavor.” Mak came out first and skidded to a halt when she saw our new arrival.
It caused a pile up and Avery shouted, “Jesus Mak, you almost made me drop the tray.” Avery stepped out from behind Mak and stopped dead in her tracks.
Emmett’s gaze snapped to hers.
“What the hell are you doing here?” They both shouted at the same time, staring wide eyed at one another.
“Oh shit.” Ford muttered.
Kara stepped up from behind Mak and Avery. “Okay, now will someone explain this history to me? I’ve been dying to know what the hell is going on!”
Thank you for reading RECKLESS KING! I hope you loved Heath and Kara! There’s a link to their extended epilogue below!
If you’d love to know more about Declan and Mak’s history it all starts in SHAMELESS KING!r />
Enemies to lovers has never felt so good!
Declan McAvoy. Voted Biggest Flirt. Highest goal scorer in Kings of Rittenhouse Prep history.
Everyone’s impressed, well except one person…
I can’t deny it. I want her. More than I ever thought I could want a woman. I’ve got one semester–only four months–to convince her everything she thought about me was wrong.
Will my queen let me prove to her I’m the King she can’t live without?
Only one way to find out...
One-click SHAMELESS KING now!
If you haven’t had enough of Heath and Kara, check out there extended epilogue HERE!
If you loved Reckless King, you’ll love my steamy, emotional and unforgettable Mister series. Mr. Control, a single dad romance, is available NOW!
And don’t miss the sensual and dangerous mob romance, Under His Ink, which is ready for you to one-click TODAY!
And sign up for my newsletter to find out about my new books, including the next Kings book! [Hint Hint!] A certain roof loving, surfer dude East Coast transplant is ready to have his world rocked!
Turn the page for an excerpt from Mr. Control…
Mr. Control Excerpt
His apology and peace offering cleared the air between us. I didn’t know what it was like, entrusting your kid to someone else’s care, but I imagined it came with a whole lot of worry about whether they were good enough, responsible enough, honest enough.
“I hadn’t realized,” he said, gesturing to one of the chairs. The cool leather squeaking as I slid into the seat.
“She had a lot of fun at the snowball fight. It was nice to see her playing with other kids.”
“She doesn’t do that very often. Thanks for getting her out. She loves to stay cooped up in the house and I don’t push her to do more,” he said, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
“I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. You’re doing the best you can,” I said, cringing. Of course, he was. He had more money than God. Esme had the best of everything and above all else, she had a daddy who she knew without question loved her. He didn’t need my seal of approval. “How are you doing?”