The Great Transformation
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Karl Polanyi
The Great
The Political and
Economic Origins
of Our Time
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Fred Block
To my beloved wife
Ilona Duczynska
I dedicate this book
which owes all to her help and criticism
Part One: The International System
1. The Hundred Years’ Peace
2. Conservative Twenties, Revolutionary Thirties
Part Two: Rise and Fall of Market Economy
I. Satanic Mill
3. “Habitation versus Improvement”
4. Societies and Economic Systems
5. Evolution of the Market Pattern
6. The Self-Regulating Market and the Fictitious Commodities: Labor, Land, and Money
7. Speenhamland, 1795
8. Antecedents and Consequences
9. Pauperism and Utopia
10. Political Economy and the Discovery of Society
II. Self-Protection of Society
11. Man, Nature, and Productive Organization
12. Birth of the Liberal Creed
13. Birth of the Liberal Creed (Continued): Class Interest and Social Change
14. Market and Man
15. Market and Nature
16. Market and Productive Organization
17. Self-Regulation Impaired
18. Disruptive Strains
Part Three: Transformation in Progress
19. Popular Government and Market Economy
20. History in the Gear of Social Change
21. Freedom in a Complex Society
1. Balance of Power as Policy, Historical Law, Principle, and System
2. Hundred Years’ Peace
3. The Snapping of the Golden Thread
4. Swings of the Pendulum after World War I
5. Finance and Peace
6. Selected References to “Societies and Economic Systems”
7. Selected References to “Evolution of the Market Pattern”
8. The Literature of Speenhamland
9. Poor Law and the Organization of Labor
10. Speenhamland and Vienna
11. Why Not Whitbread’s Bill?
12. Disraeli’s “Two Nations” and the Problem of Colored Races
[Joseph E. Stiglitz]
It is a pleasure to write this foreword to Karl Polanyi’s classic book describing the great transformation of European civilization from the preindustrial world to the era of industrialization, and the shifts in ideas, ideologies, and social and economic policies accompanying it. Because the transformation of European civilization is analogous to the transformation confronting developing countries around the world today, it often seems as if Polanyi is speaking directly to present-day issues. His arguments—and his concerns—are consonant with the issues raised by the rioters and marchers who took to the streets in Seattle and Prague in 1999 and 2000 to oppose the international financial institutions. In his introduction to the 1944 first edition, written when the IMF, the World Bank, and the United Nations existed only on paper, R. M. Maclver displayed a similar prescience, noting, “Of primary importance today is the lesson it carries for the makers of the coming international organization.” How much better the policies they advocated might have been had they read, and taken seriously, the lessons of this book!
It is hard, and probably wrong even to attempt to summarize a book of such complexity and subtlety in a few lines. While there are aspects of the language and economics of a book written a half century ago that may make it less accessible today, the issues and perspectives Polanyi raises have not lost their salience. Among his central theses are the ideas that self-regulating markets never work; their deficiencies, not only in their internal workings but also in their consequences (e.g., for the poor), are so great that government intervention becomes necessary; and that the pace of change is of central importance in determining these consequences. Polanyi’s analysis makes it clear that popular doctrines of trickle-down economics—that all, including the poor, benefit from growth—have little historical support. He also clarifies the interplay between ideologies and particular interests: how free market ideology was the handmaiden for new industrial interests, and how those interests used that ideology selectively, calling upon government intervention when needed to pursue their own interests.
Polanyi wrote The Great Transformation before modern economists clarified the limitations of self-regulating markets. Today, there is no respectable intellectual support for the proposition that markets, by themselves, lead to efficient, let alone equitable outcomes. Whenever information is imperfect or markets are incomplete—that is, essentially always—interventions exist that in principle could improve the efficiency of resource allocation. We have moved, by and large, to a more balanced position, one that recognizes both the power and the limitations of markets, and the necessity that government play a large role in the economy, though the bounds of that role remain in dispute. There is general consensus about the importance, for instance, of government regulation of financial markets, but not about the best way this should be done.
There is also plenty of evidence from the modern era supporting historical experience: growth may lead to an increase in poverty. But we also know that growth can bring enormous benefits to most segments in society, as it has in some of the more enlightened advanced industrial countries.
Polanyi stresses the interrelatedness of the doctrines of free labor markets, free trade, and the self-regulating monetary mechanism of the gold standard. His work was thus a precursor to today’s dominant systemic approach (and in turn was foreshadowed by the work of general equilibrium economists at the turn of the century). There are still a few economists who adhere to the doctrines of the gold standard, and who see the modern economy’s problems as having arisen from a departure from that system, but this presents advocates of the self-regulating market mechanism with an even greater challenge. Flexible exchange rates are the order of the day, and one might argue that this would strengthen the position of those who believe in self-regulation. After all, why should foreign exchange markets be governed by principles that differ from those that determine any other market? But it is also here that the weak underbelly of the doctrines of the self-regulating markets are exposed (at least to those who pay no attention to the social consequences of the doctrines)! For there is ample evidence that such markets (like many other asset markets) exhibit excess volatility, that is, greater volatility than can be explained by changes in the underlying fundamentals. There is also ample evidence that seemingly excessive changes in these prices, and investor expectations more broadly, can wreak havoc on an economy. The most recent global financial crisis reminded the current generation of the lessons that their grandparents had learned in the Great Depression: the self-regulating economy does not always work as well as its proponents would like us to believe. Not even the U.S. Treasury (under Republican or Democratic administrations) or the IMF, those institutional bastions of belief in the free market system, believe that governments should not intervene in the exchange rate, though they have never presented a coherent and compelling explanation of why this market should be treated differently from other markets.
The IMF’s incon
sistencies—while professing belief in the free market system, it is a public organization that regularly intervenes in exchange rate markets, providing funds to bail out foreign creditors while pushing for usurious interest rates that bankrupt domestic firms—were foreshadowed in the ideological debates of the nineteenth century. Truly free markets for labor or goods have never existed. The irony is that today few even advocate the free flow of labor, and while the advanced industrial countries lecture the less developed countries on the vices of protectionism and government subsidies, they have been more adamant in opening up markets in developing countries than in opening their own markets to the goods and services that represent the developing world’s comparative advantage.
Today, however, the battle lines are drawn at a far different place than when Polanyi was writing. As I observed earlier, only diehards would argue for the self-regulating economy, at the one extreme, or for a government run economy, at the other. Everyone is aware of the power of markets, all pay obeisance to its limitations. But with that said, there are important differences among economists’ views. Some are easy to dispense with: ideology and special interests masquerading as economic science and good policy. The recent push for financial and capital market liberalization in developing countries (spearheaded by the IMF and the U.S. Treasury) is a case in point. Again, there was little disagreement that many countries had regulations that neither strengthened their financial system nor promoted economic growth, and it was clear that these should be stripped away. But the “free marketeers” went further, with disastrous consequences for countries that followed their advice, as evidenced in the recent global financial crisis. But even before these most recent episodes there was ample evidence that such liberalization could impose enormous risks on a country, and that those risks were borne disproportionately by the poor, while the evidence that such liberalization promoted growth was scanty at best. But there are other issues where the conclusions are far from clear. Free international trade allows a country to take advantage of its comparative advantage, increasing incomes on average, though it may cost some individuals their jobs. But in developing countries with high levels of unemployment, the job destruction that results from trade liberalization may be more evident than the job creation, and this is especially the case in IMF “reform” packages that combine trade liberalization with high interest rates, making job and enterprise creation virtually impossible. No one should have claimed that moving workers from low-productivity jobs to unemployment would either reduce poverty or increase national incomes. Believers in self-regulating markets implicitly believed in a kind of Say’s law, that the supply of labor would create its own demand. For capitalists who thrive off of low wages, the high unemployment may even be a benefit, as it puts downward pressure on workers’ wage demands. But for economists, the unemployed workers demonstrate a malfunctioning economy, and in all too many countries we see overwhelming evidence of this and other malfunctions. Some advocates of the self-regulating economy put part of the blame for these malfunctions on government itself; but whether this is true or not, the point is that the myth of the self-regulating economy is, today, virtually dead.
But Polanyi stresses a particular defect in the self-regulating economy that only recently has been brought back into discussions. It involves the relationship between the economy and society, with how economic systems, or reforms, can affect how individuals relate to one another. Again, as the importance of social relations has increasingly become recognized, the vocabulary has changed. We now talk, for instance, about social capital. We recognize that the extended periods of unemployment, the persistent high levels of inequality, and the pervasive poverty and squalor in much of Latin America has had a disastrous effect on social cohesion, and been a contributing force to the high and rising levels of violence there. We recognize that the manner in which and the speed with which reforms were put into place in Russia eroded social relations, destroyed social capital, and led to the creation and perhaps the dominance of the Russian Mafia. We recognize that the IMF’s elimination of food subsidies in Indonesia, just as wages were plummeting and unemployment rates were soaring, led to predictable (and predicted) political and social turmoil, a possibility that should have been especially apparent given the country’s history. In each of these cases, not only did economic policies contribute to a breakdown in long-standing (albeit in some cases, fragile) social relations: the breakdown in social relations itself had very adverse economic effects. Investors were wary about putting their money into countries where social tensions seemed so high, and many within those countries took their money out, thereby creating a negative dynamic.
Most societies have evolved ways of caring for their poor, for their disadvantaged. The industrial age made it increasingly difficult for individuals to take full responsibility for themselves. To be sure, a farmer might lose his crop, and a subsistence farmer has a hard time putting aside money for a rainy day (or more accurately a drought season). But he never lacks for gainful employment. In the modern industrial age, individuals are buffeted by forces beyond their control. If unemployment is high, as it was in the Great Depression, and as it is today in many developing countries, there is little individuals can do. They may or may not buy into lectures from free marketeers about the importance of wage flexibility (code words for accepting being laid off without compensation, or accepting with alacrity a lowering of wages), but they themselves can do little to promote such reforms, even if they had the desired promised effects of full employment. And it is simply not the case that individuals could, by offering to work for a lower wage, immediately obtain employment. Efficiency wage theories, insider-outsider theories, and a host of other theories have provided cogent explanations of why labor markets do not work in the manner that advocates of the self-regulating market suggested. But whatever the explanation, the fact of the matter is that unemployment is not a phantasm, modern societies need ways of dealing with it, and the self-regulating market economy has not done so, at least in ways that are socially acceptable. (There are even explanations for this, but this would draw me too far away from my main themes.) Rapid transformation destroys old coping mechanisms, old safety nets, while it creates a new set of demands, before new coping mechanisms are developed. This lesson from the nineteenth century has, unfortunately, all too often been forgotten by the advocates of the Washington consensus, the modern-day version of the liberal orthodoxy.
The failure of these social coping mechanisms has, in turn, contributed to the erosion of what I referred to earlier as social capital. The last decade has seen two dramatic instances. I already referred to the disaster in Indonesia, part of the East Asia crisis. During that crisis, the IMF, the U.S. Treasury, and other advocates of the neoliberal doctrines resisted what should have been an important part of the solution: default. The loans were, for the most part, private sector loans to private borrowers; there is a standard way of dealing with situations where borrowers cannot pay what is due: bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a central part of modern capitalism. But the IMF said no, that bankruptcy would be a violation of the sanctity of contracts. But they had no qualms at all about violating an even more important contract, the social contract. They preferred to provide funds to governments to bail out foreign creditors, who had failed to engage in due diligence in lending. At the same time, the IMF pushed policies with huge costs on innocent bystanders, the workers and small businesses who had no role in the advent of the crisis in the first place.
Even more dramatic were the failures in Russia. The country that had already been the victim of one experiment—communism—was made the subject of a new experiment, that of putting into place the notion of a self-regulating market economy, before government had had a chance to put into place the necessary legal and institutional infrastructure. Just as some seventy years earlier, the Bolsheviks had forced a rapid transformation of society, the neoliberals now forced another rapid transformation, with disastrous results. The people of the country had been
promised that once market forces were unleashed, the economy would boom: the inefficient system of central planning, that distorted resource allocation, with its absence of incentives from social ownership, would be replaced with decentralization, liberalization, and privatization.
There was no boom. The economy shrank by almost half, and the fraction of those in poverty (on a four-dollar-a-day standard) increased from 2 percent to close to 50 percent. While privatization led a few oligarchs to become billionaires, the government did not even have the money to pay poor pensioners their due—all this in a country rich with natural resources. Capital market liberalization was supposed to signal to the world that this was an attractive place to invest; but it was a one-way door. Capital left in droves, and not surprisingly. Given the illegitimacy of the privatization process, there was no social consensus behind it. Those who left their money in Russia had every right to fear that they might lose it once a new government was installed. Even apart from these political problems, it is obvious why a rational investor would put his money in the booming U.S. stock market instead of a country in a veritable depression. The doctrines of capital market liberalization provided an open invitation for the oligarchs to take their ill-begotten wealth out of the country. Now, albeit too late, the consequences of those mistaken policies are being realized; but it will be all but impossible to entice the capital that has fled back into the country, except by providing assurances that, regardless of how the wealth is acquired, it can be retained, and doing so would imply, indeed necessitate, the preservation of the oligarchy itself.