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The Death of Dulgath

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by Michael J. Sullivan

  Praise for Michael J. Sullivan

  “This epic fantasy showcases the arrival of a master storyteller.” — Library Journal on Theft of Swords

  “A delightful, entertaining and page-turning read that reminds us just how enjoyable, and how good The Riyria Revelations series is. A must-buy for all fantasy lovers.” — The Founding Fields on Rise of Empire

  “Heir of Novron is the conclusion to the Riyria Revelations, cementing it in a position as a new classic of modern fantasy: traditional in setting, but extremely unconventional in, well, everything else.” — Drying Ink on Heir of Novron

  “Snappy banter, desperate stakes, pulse pounding sword play, and good old fashioned heroics are all on full display here.” — 52 Book Reviews on The Crown Tower

  “With less gore and a smaller cast of characters than George R.R. Martin’s “Song of Ice & Fire” but equally satisfying, Sullivan’s epic fantasy will be gaining fans at exponential rates.” — Library Journal on The Rose and the Thorn

  “This is social science fiction that H.G. Wells or Isaac Asimov could have written, with the cultural touchstones of today. A modernized classic, Hollow World is the perfect novel for both new and nostalgic science fiction readers.” — Staffer’s Book Reviews on Hollow World

  Death of Dulgath Copyright © 2015 by Michael J. Sullivan

  Cover Illustration © 2015 Marc Simonetti

  Cover design & maps © 2015 Michael J. Sullivan

  The Methuselah Treatment © 2015 T. C. Powell

  Published by Riyria Enterprises, LLC

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the copying, scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book (other than for review purposes) without permission is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book, prior written permission can be obtained by contacting the author at Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  ebook Version 1.02 - October 2015

  978-1-943363-02-5 — Hardcover

  978-1-943363-01-8 — Trade Paperback

  978-1-943363-00-1 — e-book

  978-1-943363-05-6 — Limited Edition Hardcover

  978-1-943363-06-3 — Rare Edition Hardcover

  All rights reserved.

  Learn more about Michael’s writing at

  To contact Michael, email him at


  The First Empire Series: Age of Myth • Age of Swords • Age of War • Age of Legends • Age of Empire

  The Riyria Revelations: Theft of Swords • Rise of Empire • Heir of Novron

  The Riyria Chronicles: The Crown Tower • The Rose and the Thorn • The Death of Dulgath

  Standalone Titles: Hollow World

  About The Death of Dulgath

  (from the back cover)

  Three times they tried to kill her. Then a professional was hired. So was Riyria.

  When the last member of the oldest noble family in Avryn is targeted for assassination, Riyria’s Royce and Hadrian are hired to foil the plot. Three years have passed since Hadrian, the war-weary mercenary, and Royce, the cynical ex-assassin, joined forces to become rogues-for-hire. All has gone well until they’re asked to help prevent a murder. Now they must venture into an ancient corner of the world to save a mysterious woman who knows more about Royce than is safe and cares less about herself than is sane.

  From the best-selling author of the Riyria novels comes the third installment of The Riyria Chronicles. Although part of a series, it’s designed to thrill both new readers looking for a fun, fast-paced fantasy and Riyria veterans wishing to reunite with old friends. For those wishing to experience the entire Riyria saga, two reading options exist:

  Publication Order: Theft of Swords • Rise of Empire • Heir of Novron • The Crown Tower • The Rose and the Thorn • The Death of Dulgath

  Chronological Order: The Crown Tower • The Rose and the Thorn • The Death of Dulgath • Theft of Swords • Rise of Empire • Heir of Novron

  Works by Michael J. Sullivan


  The First Empire

  Age of Myth (June 2016) • Age of Swords • Age of War • Age of Legends • Age of Empire

  The Riyria Revelations

  Theft of Swords (The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha)

  Rise of Empire (Nyphron Rising and The Emerald Storm)

  Heir of Novron (Wintertide and Percepliquis)

  The Riyria Chronicles

  The Crown Tower

  The Rose and the Thorn

  The Death of Dulgath

  Standalone Novels

  Hollow World


  Unfettered: The Jester

  Unbound: The Game

  Unfettered II: Little Wren and the Big Forest

  Blackguards: Professional Integrity

  The End: Visions of the Apocalypse: Burning Alexandria

  Triumph Over Tragedy: Traditions

  The Fantasy Faction Anthology: Autumn Mists

  Help Fund My Robot Army: Be Careful What You Wish For

  Author’s Note

  I’ve been locked in a room for over two-and-a-half years, the only light—the soft glow of a computer screen. That’s how I remember it, anyway. After finishing Hollow World, I began working on what was supposed to be a trilogy called The First Empire. Three books became five, and two-and-a-half years slipped away.

  Readers of The Riyria Chronicles began requesting book three immediately after The Rose and Thorn’s release in September 2013. The Chronicles—previously expected to be a flop because prequels are the third rail of publishing—did surprisingly well. I apologize to everyone who has been anxiously awaiting this book, but at least the wait is over!

  If you are new to the Riyria stories, you certainly can start with this book. The first two Riyria Chronicles told the origin story of how Royce and Hadrian met. With that tale told, this book was freed to tell a standalone adventure. If you do want to read other Riyria novels, then you should know there are two different ways you can approach the saga.

  Publication Order: Theft of Swords • Rise of Empire • Heir of Novron • The Crown Tower • The Rose and the Thorn • The Death of Dulgath

  Chronological Order: The Crown Tower • The Rose and the Thorn • The Death of Dulgath • Theft of Swords • Rise of Empire • Heir of Novron

  Personally, I prefer order of publication, but I’ve heard from people who have read chronologically and they’ve been equally pleased with the experience.

  If you are wondering if there will be a next Royce and Hadrian story, the answer is: I just don’t know. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’m protective of the duo and would rather have them leave early than stay too long. Because of that, I never know if there will be more until after a Chronicle’s release. If you want to advocate for more, by all means drop me an email. Even if you don’t, you can still reach out. I always love hearing from people. My address is:

  One of the really cool things about this project was the ability to showcase an aspiring writer’s work. We asked for submissions from anyone and everyone. I sifted through 176 entries and narrowed it down to fifteen good stories. From there it went to the final three. Robin helped me decide on the winner. I wish all of them could have been included—each one was deserving. In today’s super-saturated world of publishing, exposure often makes the difference between success and failure. Robin and I hope that you’ll like the story we’ve included, and if
you do, please look for more from T.C. Powell and help spread the word.

  One last thing I should mention. If you are interested in learning more about the novel creation process, I’ve created an e-book entitled: The Making of the Death of Dulgath. It’s free, so just drop me an email at the address above. Some people might find the process interesting.

  Now turn the page, tap the screen, or adjust the volume. Old friends are waiting to take you on a new adventure.

  Thanks for all the amazing support.

  Michael J. Sullivan

  October 2015

  To 1,876 generous backers

  and one amazingly supportive woman.

  I couldn’t have done it without you.


  It is difficult to get high resolution maps to show up well on some e-reader devices. For this reason, there are high resolution copies of the maps online, which you can reference at your pleasure.They can be found at: You can also access them at the following links: Map of Elan | Details of Dulgath Region.

  Detail Map of the area where The Death of Dulgath takes place.


  Praise for Sullivan’s Work


  About the Book

  Author’s Note



  Chapter 1: The New Sign

  Chapter 2: The Artist

  Chapter 3: Maranon

  Chapter 4: Beyond the Sea

  Chapter 5: Castle Dulgath

  Chapter 6: The House and the Bedchamber

  Chapter 7: A Game of Ten Fingers

  Chapter 8: Eye of the Hurricane

  Chapter 9: Theft of Swords

  Chapter 10: Ghost in the Courtyard

  Chapter 11: Brecken Moor

  Chapter 12: Lady Dulgath

  Chapter 13: Fawkes and Hounds

  Chapter 14: The Note

  Chapter 15: The Painting

  Chapter 16: The Road South

  Chapter 17: Shervin Gerami

  Chapter 18: Broken Bones

  Chapter 19: Pageantry

  Chapter 20: Assassin

  Chapter 21: The Storm

  Chapter 22: Long Story Short

  Chapter 23: Monastery by Night

  Chapter 24: A Need to Kill

  Chapter 25: The Fifth Thing


  Sneak Peek: Age of Myth

  Bonus Short: The Methuselah Treatment by T. C. Powell


  Works by Michael J. Sullivan

  Chapter One

  The New Sign

  If anyone had asked Royce Melborn what he hated most at that moment, he would’ve said dogs. Dogs and dwarves topped his list, both equally despised for having so much in common—each was short, vicious, and inexcusably hairy. Royce’s contempt for them had grown over the years for the same reason: They had caused him an incalculable amount of grief and pain.

  That night it was a dog.

  At first, he thought the furry creature on the mattress in the third-floor bedroom was a rodent. The dark thing with a curled tail and flat nose was small enough to be a good-sized sewer rat. Royce was pondering how a rat had gotten into a posh place like the Hemley Estate when it rose to its feet. The two stared at each other, Royce in his hooded cloak holding the diary and the mongrel on its four tiny legs. One second of held breath lasted long enough for Royce to realize his mistake. He cringed, knowing what would come next, what always came next, and the little beast didn’t disappoint.

  The mutt began barking. Not a respectable growl or deep-throated woof but an ear-piercing series of high-pitched yaps.

  Definitely not a rat. Why couldn’t you be a rat? I never have problems with rats.

  Royce reached for his dagger, but the rodent-dog leapt away, its tiny nails skittering on the hardwood. He hoped it would flee. Even if the little monster woke its master, it wouldn’t be able to explain that a hooded stranger had invaded Lady Martel’s boudoir. Aroused from a blissful sleep, the owner might throw something at the mutt to shut it up. But this was a dog, after all, and like dwarves they never did what he wanted. Instead, the animal stayed a safe distance away, yipping its turnip-sized head off.

  How can such a tiny thing make so much noise?

  The sound echoed off marble and mahogany, amplifying into a wailing alarm.

  Royce did the only thing he could: He leapt out the window. Not his planned exit, not even his third choice, but the poplar tree was within jumping distance. He caught a broad branch, pleased it didn’t break under his weight. The tree, however, shook, rustling loudly in the quiet of the dark courtyard. By the time his feet hit the ground, Royce wasn’t surprised to hear—

  “Stop right there!” The husky voice was perfectly suited for the job.

  Royce froze. The man coming at him held a crossbow: cocked, loaded, and aimed at his chest. The guard looked disappointingly competent; even his uniform was neat. Every button accounted for and glinting in the moonlight, each crease sharp as a blade. The guy had to be an overachiever, or worse—a professional soldier reduced to guard duty.

  “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  Not at all an idiot.

  Behind the first guard came a second. He trotted over with heavy footfalls and a jangling of straps and metal chains. Taller than the first, he wasn’t so well attired. The sleeves on his coat were too short, the lack of a button ruined the symmetry of the side-by-side brass rows, and a dark stain marred his collar. Unlike the first guard, this second one didn’t have a crossbow. Instead, he carried three swords: a short one on his left hip, a slightly longer one on the right, and a huge spadone blade on his back. These weren’t the weapons of Hemley guards, but the man holding Royce at bay didn’t spare a glance when the second guard jogged up.

  Drawing the shortest of his three swords, this second man didn’t point it at Royce. Instead, he placed the sword tip against the back of the first guard’s neck. “Put the bow down,” Hadrian said.

  The man hesitated only an instant before letting the crossbow fall. The impact jarred the trigger and sent the bolt whispering through the grass of the manicured lawn. Behind them, the rodent-dog still yapped, the sound muffled by the walls of the mansion. Now that his partner had things in hand, Royce tucked the book into his belt and glanced toward the manor. No lights. Nobles were sound sleepers.

  Turning back, he found Hadrian still holding the fastidious guard at sword’s point. “Kill him and let’s get going.”

  The guard stiffened.

  “No,” Hadrian said with the indignation Royce would’ve expected if he’d asked his partner to throw out a good bottle of wine.

  Royce sighed. “Not again. Why do we always have this argument?”

  The ex-crossbowman had his shoulders hunched, hands in fists, still expecting the thrust that would end his life. “It’s all right. I won’t raise the alarm.”

  Royce had seen the look many times and thought the guy was doing well. No blubbering, no screams, no begging. He hated when his victims fell to their knees and whimpered, although he had to admit that made killing them easier. “Shut up,” he ordered, then glared at Hadrian. “Kill him and let’s go. We don’t have time for a debate.”

  “He dropped the bow,” Hadrian pointed out. “We don’t need to kill him.”

  Royce shook his head. There was that word again—need. Hadrian used it often, as if justification were a requirement for killing. “He’s seen me.”

  “So? You’re a guy in a dark hood. There’s hundreds of men in hoods.”

  “Can I say something?” the guard asked.

  “No,” Royce snapped.

  “Yes,” Hadrian replied.

  “I have a wife.” The man’s voice shook.

  “Man’s got a wife.” Hadrian nodded sympathetically while still holding the blade against the guard’s neck.

  “Kids, too—three of ’em.”

  “Maribor’s beard, he’s got three
kids,” Hadrian said with a decisive tone and drew back his sword.

  The guard let out a breath. Somehow, he and Hadrian both assumed that the ability to reproduce had some relevance in this situation. It didn’t.

  “And I’ve got a horse,” Royce declared with the same righteousness. “Which I’ll ride away on just as soon as you kill this poor bastard. Stop dragging this out. You’re being cruel, not me. Get it over with.”

  “I’m not going to kill him.”

  The guard’s eyes widened in hopeful anticipation; a tiny smile of relief tugging at the corners of his mouth. He looked at Royce for confirmation, for a sign he would indeed see another sunrise.

  Royce heard the sound of a door bursting open, and someone called out, “Ralph?” Lights were coming on in the house. Seven windows on four floors glowed with candles.

  Maybe it just took that long to light them.

  “Here!” Ralph shouted back. “Intruders! Get help!”

  No, of course he wouldn’t raise the alarm.

  That did it. Royce reached for his dagger.

  Before he touched the handle, Hadrian clubbed Ralph with the pommel of his sword. The guard dropped to the grass beside his spent bow. Whether Hadrian had hit the man as a result of his shout or because Royce went for his dagger was impossible to tell. Royce wanted to think the former, but suspected the latter.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Hadrian said, stepping over Ralph and pulling Royce by the arm.

  I wasn’t the one delaying us, Royce thought, but he didn’t bother arguing. Where one crossbow existed, there would be others. Crossbows were neither short nor hairy, but ought to be on his list. He and Hadrian ran along the shadow of the wall, skirting the blooming rosebushes, although Royce didn’t know why they bothered. In his sentry getup, Hadrian sounded like a fully tacked carriage horse.


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