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Falling for the Jerk (Falling in Love Book 2)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Once he had the butter cut in, he added some water and made a ball of pastry dough.

  “Have I impressed you so far?”

  “You have. I’m quite shocked right now,” she said. “I may need to take this class you’ve been to.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about, babe. I will teach you everything I know.” He gave her a wink, and her cheeks heated at the innuendo in his voice. Not only could he teach her a great deal in cooking, she was sure there was still lots for her to learn in the bedroom as well. Her mind went instantly to the bedroom. “I love seeing you blush.”

  “You’re doing it on purpose. You know what you did.”

  “It all depends on if you want to learn.”

  “What do you have to teach me?”

  “So many things.”

  He cleaned the counter after placing the dough in the fridge. She watched as he weighed all of his filling ingredients into a bowl, and was impressed that he didn’t even need to see a cookbook. Everything came naturally to him. He placed it on the counter and moved toward her.

  “The question is, Molly, do you want to be taught?”

  “I do,” she said. She didn’t even allow herself time to think.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “All of them?”

  He nodded.

  “Right now?”

  He nodded again.

  Standing up, she slowly began to remove her boots, kicking then to one side before going for her shirt. She took her time, but Dale didn’t rush her. He seemed more than happy to keep on watching as she got naked. The shirt was gone, and she wriggled out of her jeans. With those clothes, she folded them up and placed them on the back of the sofa.

  Glancing up at him, she saw him raise a brow.

  Without saying another word, she removed her underwear and socks, standing before him naked.

  “Touch yourself.”

  “Don’t you have a pie to finish?”

  “I’ve got about half an hour before I have to worry about rolling it out. Touch your tits.”

  She’d never done this with anyone watching. There had been a few times she’d stared at her reflection and seen the changes within her body. She was no longer a girl anymore. After carrying two children, she had a lot more weight on her, which she didn’t mind. The stretch marks were reminders of her pregnancy, which she loved. She cupped her breasts, feeling the weight of them in her palms. They had been the biggest change. She’d always been a larger girl in the chest department, but in recent years they’d gotten bigger.

  “Touch your nipples, pinch them. Show me what you like. Show me what gets you so wet it’s hard for you to think.”

  Closing her eyes, she touched her breasts, doing as he asked as she pinched the nipples, making them burn and ache.

  “That’s it,” he said. “So pretty. Now touch your pussy.”

  Slowly, she slid her hand down her stomach before feeling her pussy. She’d never been able to wax her lips as it had always looked too painful, and she’d heard a few women scream while doing it. She’d also done a tester on her leg to see if it wasn’t that bad, and she’d screamed as if she was being murdered, and decided some hair was not a problem.

  “Slide a finger between your slit, and touch your clit.”

  She followed his instructions, gasping as the pleasure was instant from her own touch.

  “I need to see this.”

  Molly opened her eyes as he caught her arm, moving her toward the center of the living room.

  He eased her down on the large wooden coffee table, being careful as he did so. She didn’t fight him. His touch had aroused her, and when he took a seat on the sofa near her feet, that arousal only increased.

  “Spread your legs, Molly. I want to see that pretty pussy that has only had my cock inside.”

  Licking her dry lips, she spread her legs, and watched his gaze as it moved down her body, stroking her as if it was his fingertips. She couldn’t help but gasp as he stared at her pussy.

  “Are you wet?”


  “Show me.”

  Reaching down, she opened the lips of her sex. This was … out of this world. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, or that she was doing it in front of him and loving it.

  “You want me?” he asked.

  “Always.” She’d agreed to be honest, and she had no intention of holding back.

  “Touch your pussy. Slide your fingers across your clit, and then down. I want to see you fucking them.”

  She stroked her pussy, following his instructions, and feeling her arousal begin to build.

  “Do you want my cock in your pussy?” he asked.


  “Show me where?”

  She pushed two fingers this time deep inside her, and cried out at the instant shot of pleasure from his touch as his fingers stroked her clit.

  “I just can’t resist touching you, Molly. Seeing you come is one of the best delights I’ve ever had.”

  She opened her eyes and stared down at him. His finger stroked back and forth across her clit, and she bit her lip.

  “Let me hear what I’m doing to you. Let me hear what you need.”

  “Please, Dale. I need you.”

  “You want me?”


  “You want me to fuck you?”


  He stood up, and she watched as he opened his jeans, pulling out his already erect cock. The tip was leaking pre-cum, and she couldn’t resist. Sitting up, she wrapped her fingers around the length, watching as she ran her hand up and down his length. His pleasure spilled out of the tip.

  Flicking her tongue across the tip, she tasted him, swallowing down his pre-cum, and then taking all of him into her mouth, closing her eyes as he hit the back of her throat.

  “Oh, fuck, baby.”

  She’d never sucked a man’s cock before, and Dale was her first. He was her first for so many things.

  His hand sank into her hair and wrapped the length around his fingers.

  She took him to the back of her throat before pulling back. With his hold on her hair, Dale showed her exactly what he liked, and how she could take him.

  Pulling off his cock, she licked down the thick vein at the side before coming up to take him into her mouth. “So fucking sexy,” he said.

  She looked up at him as she still had his dick in her mouth, and she heard him hiss.

  Smiling around his cock, she took him one more time, and then eased off him, running her hand up and down his shaft.

  “I’ve never done that before.”

  She saw the wicked glint in his eye.

  “I’ve got no problem with you practicing.”

  “I want to be perfect at it,” she said, sucking on his dick. She used her teeth, and he gasped.

  “No teeth, less teeth.”

  She touched her lips to his shaft, and he groaned. She loved driving him crazy, hearing the sounds that he made when she took him just a bit harder, or used her teeth lightly around him.

  The grip in her hair tightened, and instead of hurting her, it made her want him even more.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  Suddenly, he pulled out of her, dropped down to his knees, and she cried out as with one thrust, he filled her hard. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed his lips as his hands moved to her ass.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  “I want to be everything for you, Dale.”

  “You are everything to me, and I want to be everything to you.” He squeezed her ass, and moved them so that she straddled his lap and his cock filled her pussy. “I’m all yours, baby. You can do whatever you want with me.”

  “You’re at my mercy?”

  “Yes. I’m all yours.”

  She gripped his shoulders as she eased up on his cock until only the tip remained inside her. She plunged down, taking all of him as deep as he would go, crying out as it was on the verge of pain. The pleasure
was so intense it drove her to do it again and again.

  His hands moved from her ass to cup her tits. He teased her nipples, offering them up to his own lips as he licked and sucked on them.

  Molly loved being in control as she fucked him on the sofa, taking all of his cock inside her. She glanced down, watching as he filled her.

  “Touch me, Dale. Make me come.”

  He did as she instructed, teasing her clit.

  Her orgasm was so close to the surface that with a few strokes of his finger, she came on his cock. Dale followed her with his own. She took his dick deep, feeling each pulse as he filled her with his cum.

  When it was over, she collapsed against him, resting her head against his chest and closing her eyes, listening to his heart thump against his chest.

  He was hers, and she finally realized it in that moment. They belonged to each other, and no one could take that away from them.

  Dale stroked her back, and everything seemed to settle inside her. There was no pain, nor fear, just love.


  Dale was still reeling from that experience, but he was trying not to show it. Something had changed between them. The layers of their past were being stripped away, which was exactly what he wanted. What he hadn’t expected was the emotion that seemed to take its place.

  Stroking her hair, feeling her cunt clench around him, he’d been on cloud nine. This woman, she belonged to him. She’d always belonged to him, and he’d known it. Deep in his mind and heart, he’d known that she was his. There was no getting away from it. They had this chemistry that drew them together like two moths to a flame.

  That wasn’t what had him reeling though.

  No, that was the realization of what he’d done in the past.

  He’d not fought to keep her. He’d walked away as if he didn’t have a single care in the world, and that simply wasn’t the case.

  She’d raised their kids alone. He’d seen them, and watched them, but it was only recently that they’d called him daddy, and with it, he felt this regret.

  Molly pulled back and smiled up at him, which slowly died as she looked at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I should have tried harder.”


  “With you, in high school. I should have done a lot of things to show you that I wasn’t going anywhere.” He cupped her back of her neck, holding her close. Pressing his forehead against hers, he breathed her in.

  “Dale, we can’t change what happened.”

  “I was with other women.”

  She flinched at his words.

  “In between what we had. I took others.”

  “I turned my back on you, Dale. I … I don’t want us to do this,” she said. “I know there were others. I saw you with them around town, and I heard what they had to say. I don’t want us to remember that. We weren’t together.”

  He chuckled, and she growled. “We have two kids together.”

  “And I turned down your marriage proposal every single time. You think I don’t understand how much that would hurt? Every time I did it, I regretted it. I didn’t want to hurt you, but that didn’t stop me from doing it. It’s not like you asked me the once either.” She cupped his face, staring into his eyes. “We were not together. We were not a couple. We were two people who had sex and got pregnant, but I didn’t ask anything of you. I didn’t want anything from you.”

  He held her tightly, feeling every single word like a punch in his gut.

  They were both panting, and he saw the tears in her eyes.

  “But I’m asking now,” she said.

  This was a surprise. “What?”

  “I’m asking that there’s no one else. That we’re a couple and you and I are going to make this work. No other women. Just you and me, taking care of our children. I’m asking you to stay faithful to me. That if I piss you off or upset you, you go and yell at Max or Trey. Or you save it all up and yell at me. That you don’t go to any other woman. It’s just me, and we’re in this together.” She nodded her head.

  “You’ve got me, Molly. You’ve got me.”

  He kissed her hard and lifted her up, carrying her through to the shower. Each time he lifted her, she let out a little squeal and demanded that he put her down. Of course he always denied her request. He loved having her in his arms where he could hold her.

  They were both in the shower, and he kissed her.

  “You’re not going to ask me that there’s no other man?” she asked.

  “We both know there has only ever been me.”

  She didn’t deny it.

  “What about our pie?” she asked.

  “Pastry is always better when left to rest and get cold.” He picked up the bar of soap and lathered up his hands. Pulling her against him, he ran the soap all over her body, making sure he got her nice and clean, and paying careful attention to her tits, ass, and pussy.

  When he washed all the soap off, she did the same with him, lathering up his body.

  He wasn’t done though. Turning her around so that her back was to him, he pressed a kiss against her neck, then down her spine before kissing each of her ass cheeks. She giggled at this.

  “That tickles.”

  He bit her ass, sinking his teeth into the flesh. The giggle turned to a moan, and she gripped the wall as he moved around her, going to her front. Kissing her stomach, he stroked his hands up her thighs, cupping her pussy as he trailed kisses up to her tits.

  “I love you, Molly Tatum.”

  “And I love you, Dale Lewis.”

  Once they were done with the shower, he grabbed them both a towel, wrapping one quickly around his waist and then helping her out of the shower, drying her body. She kept on giggling, but he kept on drying her.

  “I’ve not been using condoms,” he said.

  When he was with Molly, condoms had always failed them, but the one time he forgot, he’d loved the feel of her naked around his cock. He didn’t want anything between them, not even a thin piece of latex.

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes. You wore a condom for Sasha and for Luke, and as we both know, they didn’t work.”

  “No, they didn’t. I’ve had more success with the pill.”

  He stroked her rounded stomach, following the path of one of her stretch marks. “I want us to have a baby. I want to have a big family with you.”

  She covered his hand with her own, flattening his palm against her stomach. “Let’s make the family we have now work. We’ve got all the time in the world for everything else.”

  “You’re not saying no?”

  “Of course not. I love kids. Being pregnant though is really tough.”

  “I’ll be there every single step of the way,” he said.

  “Before we talk about more kids, you promised me a pie that would make me fall deeper in love. Was that all talk?” she asked, teasing him.

  “Prepare to have your mind blown away.”

  The moment they were dressed, he waited for her to finish making magic. She took a seat and he rolled out the pastry dough, fit it to the baking tin. He wanted to impress her, and with her gaze on him, he wanted everything to be as perfect as it could be.

  Pouring the filling into the crust, he placed it in the pre-heated oven.

  “You know, that was hot watching you cook, but what is even better is seeing you do the dishes.”

  He chuckled. Grabbing out a bottle of wine, he poured them both a glass. “I think I’ll surprise you a great many times between now and then.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “How are you enjoying our time so far?” he asked.

  “It has been the most amazing day and a half I can ever recall spending.”

  He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “I want this, Molly. I want this more than anything else.”

  “And I am yours. Always.” She tilted her head. “We’ve just got to make it work. Not let anyone come bet
ween us.”

  “I never thought I’d want to be a father, but I do. I want to be Sasha and Luke’s dad. I want to take them to school, pick them up, and do everything fathers do.”

  “I know Sasha is really excited. They’re having a lunch at the school in a couple of weeks.”


  “It’s for fathers and daughters. They do one every single year, and she’s always been alone.”

  Pain struck him hard. “This year she’ll have me. I’ll be there. Sitting next to her, eating school food.”

  “You’re a great guy, Dale.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself.” He took a sip of his wine and wrinkled his nose. “This stuff is supposed to be good.”

  “I’m not much for wine. I can drink a beer.”

  He poured their wine down the sink and grabbed them each a beer, popping off the top and joining her at the table. Dale saw that she still had the ring on that he’d given her, and he wasn’t about to point that out, or for her to take it off.

  They talked about their plans for the children, from Halloween to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was the first time that the holidays really meant something to him, and he wanted to make it special.

  “The kids love decorating the tree, and we make a gingerbread house, and the kids eat that the moment we’re done.”

  The timer for the oven went off, and he pulled the pie from the oven. Perfectly cooked, but not ready to serve.

  Leaving it to cool down, he focused on her, and found himself with every passing minute, getting closer to her.

  By the time it was ready to serve the pie, he was starving. Serving up a large slice on one plate, he offered her some with a dollop of whipped cream.

  Watching her eyes close and the pleasure on her face, he knew he’d won her over.

  “That is one good pie.”



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