My Fiancé's Brother (The Guilty Series Book 2)

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My Fiancé's Brother (The Guilty Series Book 2) Page 6

by Odette Stone

  “I would like to go home now, please,” my voice wavered.

  “Emily,” Matt admonished.

  I looked down at my lap, struggling to maintain my composure.

  “Now,” my voice was barely audible.

  Matt sighed indicating his displeasure and then he motioned for the waiter to bring us the cheque. When the billfold was handed to Matt, he discretely slid it towards me.

  “What’s going on?” Jackson’s tone made me lift my head. If I didn’t know better, he sounded pissed.

  I flushed. “Oh sorry. Did you want anything else?”

  He reached across me and picked up the billfold. He gave Matt a derisive look, as he pulled his own wallet out of his pocket.

  “It’s fine,” Matt said, flushing. “Emily always pays.”

  “I’ve never let a woman buy me dinner and I’m not about to start now.”

  “Thank you, Jackson,” Irene said, patting her mouth with her cloth napkin. It enraged me that they were making Jackson pay for his own good-bye dinner, but at this point there was no fight left in me.

  Chapter 9

  Matt started to lead us out of the restaurant and I followed behind him. I needed to talk to Jackson alone. I had no idea what to say, but he could not go back to Virginia with it ending like this. We needed to talk. He may have decided that he didn’t want to marry me, but I needed to make things right between us. We were going to have a child together. We needed to get on the same page and figure this out. Did he want custody? Did he even want to be part of this child’s life? We had so much to figure out. I had no answers but at the very least, we needed to start a dialogue.

  A high pitched scream startled me out of my reflections. Matt stopped so short in front of me, I ran into his back. I put out my hand to steady myself but he was already stumbling to the side. He dove between two tables and landed on his knees. His arms covered his head as he ducked for cover.

  I turned my head to see what he was avoiding and came face to face with the barrel of a cold gun. Every muscle in my body tensed. Fight or flight? Try completely frozen. I literally couldn’t bring air into my lungs while my mind, in slow motion, pieced together the situation in front of me.

  The owner of the gun had a dirty face. His head was shaved. I couldn’t hear anything except my own rasping breath and the sound of my heartbeat thrashing in my own ears. Would it hurt? When the bullet pierced my brain, would it hurt or would I just be gone? His hand and the gun were shaking. Is this how it would all end for me?

  “Give me your purse,” he said.

  I stared with disbelief at the man, noting distractedly that his lips were cracked. He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked deranged.

  The silence in the restaurant was so considerable, I was certain that everyone could hear my heart hammer.

  Two big hands wrapped around my shoulders and gently pushed me aside. My numb trembling legs moved against my will. I turned and realized in horror that Jackson had pushed me aside. Now he was standing face to face with the man and the gun. I thought my heart would literally stop beating when I realized that the gun was pointed directly at his chest.

  No. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. Jackson was not supposed to die in a restaurant saving my life from some dirty crazed mad man. He was not allowed to sacrifice himself for me.

  “Take your gun and walk out and no one will get hurt,” Jackson’s voice was matter of fact. Relaxed.

  The guy looked scared. He raised the gun to Jackson’s head. “Fuck you, asshole. Give me your wallet. And her purse too.”

  “You can have it,” I bleated, holding my purse towards him. “Take it all.”

  The guy’s eyes dropped down to my black Givenchy bag. Jackson moved so quick, I didn’t even see how it happened.

  Now Jackson was holding the gun.


  Jackson was now holding the gun. I think we were all frozen in shock as we watched as he grabbed the top of the gun, slid the chamber back with a deafening click. He lifted the gun and aimed it at the guy’s forehead.

  The man looked down at his hand like he couldn’t believe he was no longer holding the gun. He looked back up at the barrel of the gun, his eyes wide. True terror radiated out of his eyes.

  “Get out before you do something even more stupid and I end up killing you,” Jackson’s voice was clear.

  The guy stood frozen for a long moment. Yup. I knew that feeling. Frozen in fear. Then Jackson’s words resonated with the man. He slowly backed up and then he spun around. The entire restaurant watched in mute silence as he barrelled towards the door. A loud sound echoed as the door slammed and he disappeared into the night.

  Jackson’s voice was casual. The kind of casual tone you would use when you asked someone if they wanted a second cup of coffee. “You okay?”

  I wanted to speak. I wanted to say something but I was using all my energy to just stay on my feet.

  I heard sobbing from behind me. Distracted, I looked over my shoulder. Irene was crouched on her knees behind someone’s chair. She was sobbing like it had been her with the gun in her face.

  Matt appeared at my side. He was breathing hard. His eyes looked wild. He was looking me up and down, like I had been shot. “Oh my God, Emily. Are you okay?”

  Said the guy who had jumped out of the way so I was literally in the line of fire. Call it adrenaline, call it shock, call it whatever you want to call it, but suddenly words were tumbling out of my mouth without any filter, without any forethought.

  “Jackson, is your marriage proposal still on the table?” My voice was shockingly loud. The room around us was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. I glanced around and dozens of shocked faces swam before my eyes.

  It was safe to say I had the room’s attention.

  At first it seemed like he hadn’t heard me. We all watched as he pointed the weapon down and expertly dropped the magazine out of the gun.

  “You want to get married?”

  Green eyes glanced up at my face. One look and he was taking in all of me. My trembling lips. My wide eyes. The way my chest was rising and falling with emotion.

  “Yes,” I sounded mangled.

  His eyes dropped back down to the gun. He slid the gun chamber back with a click that the entire restaurant heard. I watched as the remaining bullet flipped out of the gun.

  His eyes came back to my face. Assessing. Weighing. “What changed your mind?”

  I became aware the the entire restaurant was leaning in to hear my response.

  My whole body was shaking now. My voice was quivering. “Do you need a reason?”

  His eyebrows went up a tiny notch even though his tone was edged with disinterest. “Just curious.”

  I felt lightheaded. I knew that if I wasn’t truthful with him in this moment, he would probably not agree to marry me.

  “We need you.” It was the truth. Even if he didn’t want us, me and this baby needed him desperately. We would be nothing without him. Even if it was wrong to trap him like this, I was incapable of stopping myself.

  Green eyes narrowed on my face. His jaw tightened. Then he nodded. “Okay.”

  The entire restaurant exploded in applause. Chaos erupted around us. The maitre d’ approached Jackson from behind. He held out a tray to Jackson. I watched as Jackson set the gun and the magazine on a tray. The man said something to Jackson.

  Matt was speaking but his words were barely registering. “Emily. Don’t do this. Please don’t do this.”

  The maitre d’ was looking up at Jackson with the same level of hero worship as he would a world class sommelier. His expression one of complete reverence.

  I ignored Matt. Had I really just proposed to Jackson in public? In front of an entire restaurant full of people? Had he really said yes? Was this happening?

  Matt grabbed my upper arm, his fingers cutting hard. “I’m serious. This is the worst mistake of your life.”

  I yanked my arm out of his grip and looked up at Matt for the first t
ime. He looked incredibly frustrated.

  “Irene needs you,” my voice sounded wooden. He looked like he was about to say something and then he abruptly turned and moved towards Irene.

  I looked back at Jackson who was shaking hands with the maitre d’ and three waiters. He glanced over at me. He motioned with his head for me to move towards him. I somehow managed to walk over to him. I felt one big arm come around my shoulder, pulling me against his warm strong side.

  “You’re shaking,” he said quietly. His tone was so gentle I moved my face against his chest and took in a deep breath. I loved how this man smelled. If I could burrow my way into this man, I would. He represented everything safe and warm to me. He felt like home.

  “I thought he was going to shoot you,” my voice was muffled against his chest.

  He snorted. As if what I suggested was so preposterous it was almost insulting.

  I put my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart beating. So slow and steady. I felt myself start to slowly calm down. “Your heart isn’t even beating fast.”

  “My heart rate only goes up when the bullets are actually coming out of the gun.”

  “I thought you were going to die.”

  He looked down at me, reading my expression. I stared back up at his face. Didn’t he know that the mere thought of him being in danger filled me with so much angst, I could barely breathe?

  “Come on,” he grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the restaurant.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for the police or something?” I tripped after him, glancing over my shoulder.

  He ignored me and pulled me outside, leading me to the truck.

  Chapter 10

  He bundled me into the truck and got in beside me. Without looking at me, he started the truck and then we were driving. I sat there beside him, shaking like a leaf.

  What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he saying anything? Did he not want to marry me? Was he resenting the fact that I had publicly proposed to him? Thoughts raced through my mind.

  We pulled up to my dark loft.

  He turned off the truck and looked over at me. His features looked so angular in the dim light.

  “Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  “Yes.” My voice faltered.

  He sounded calm. “I can’t offer you what Matt can. You’re marrying a solider not a lawyer.”

  “I know that.”

  “You come from a different world. No one knows that better than me.”

  Shock rippled through me. “Why would you say that?”

  “Em, I stayed at your granny’s place. It was a penthouse that over looks Central Park. If that is the kind of luxury you’ve grown up with, you’re going to hate military housing.”

  “I don’t care about that,” I said. I didn’t. Houses did not make a person happy. Other people did.

  “I’m gone a lot.”

  “Do you not want to do this, Jackson?” I asked him, suddenly scared again.

  “I’m all in. I just want you to have realistic expectations.”

  I looked out the windshield. Thinking about the tall blond hostess who looked like she would eat him alive. I decided to be blunt about it. “What are your views on monogamy?”

  “Are you asking me if I think I’m going to cheat on you?”

  I chewed my lip.

  His voice was matter of fact. “If you keep on having sex with me, I guarantee I won’t stray.”

  I felt myself blush.

  “I leave on Friday,” he said. “That gives us two days.”

  I looked over at him in the dark. Trying to read the expression on his face. Failing.

  “I did some research. In New York, we need to apply for a marriage license at least 24 hours before we can get married, so I’ll apply tomorrow and we can get married Friday morning before I leave.”

  My whole body jerked. “You want to get married on Friday?”

  “I can’t move you out there until we get housing, and I can’t apply for housing until we are married.”


  “Emily, I assumed we would do this quick and easy but if you need a wedding?”

  “No,” I interrupted. “City hall is fine.”

  He gave me a steady look. “You sure?”

  “I just spent five months planning a wedding. I’m good.”

  He was quiet for a long moment. “Being in the military is a way of life. I’m not sure it’s fair to marry you.”

  “You sound like Irene.”

  “She had some valid points.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She pointed out that you’re used to a certain lifestyle. There are no fancy preschools on the base. All the kids go to the same school.”

  “I went to a private school. I was miserable.”

  “I’m trying to do what is best here for you and this kid. I’m not sure that dragging either of you into my life is the right thing.”

  “I’m the one dragging you into a life that you don’t want.”

  We stared at each for a long moment. I had visions of the look on the blond hostesses face as she looked back up at Jackson, with her come hither look. The panic began to flow through me again. My entire body tensed up. Were we making a huge mistake?

  “Em, what are you thinking?”

  “What if you can’t stand being married and a waitress with perfect blonde hair offers to do bad things with you and when you come home I’m a hot mess and the baby won’t stop crying?”

  There it was. I vomited my darkest fears into this conversation.

  He laughed. Like actually leaned his head back and openly laughed. I stared at him in fascination. This man was perfect looking when he laughed. I could not believe he was going to marry me. “That’s not going to happen.”

  I was fairly certain all of the above would at some point or another. “It might.”

  “I take my commitments seriously.”

  I stared into his eyes. He reached over and a big hand wrapped around the back of my neck. He pulled my face close and then he was kissing me. Kissing me until I was swooning, until the whole world was spinning and a moan escaped my lips.

  His mouth lifted off mine. A smile played on his lips. “I’m going to go.”

  Before I could protest, he got out of the truck and walked around to open my door. He held out his hand and then he was walking me up the steps to the loft.

  I turned and looked at him. Wondering what he would say if I invited him in. Would he say yes? Would he refuse? My fears made me mute.

  “Get some sleep,” he said, his expression hard to read.

  My lips parted.

  “I’m trying to give you some space to adjust to all of this,” he said, before dropping another kiss on my mouth.

  And then he was going down the stairs before disappearing out of sight.


  The following morning I woke up in disbelief over everything that had happened. Was I really going to marry Jackson? Had I hallucinated the entire event? I wondered around my loft in a state of shock. I was half expecting that he would call me and tell me that he had thought things over and didn’t want to get married. I braced myself for this. I would not blame him if he didn’t want to marry me. I would handle it with grace and dignity.

  My phone dinged with a text.

  Jackson: I got our marriage license.

  Holy crap

  Me: Okay.

  Jackson: I have some things I need to take care of today. Can I pick you up at 2 PM tomorrow to head down to city hall?

  I stared at my phone in shock. Did he have doubts? Were we making a bad situation worse? Should we just stop this before we took it any further?

  Me: Okay.


  The ceremony was short and sweet. Two hours later we were back at the loft and Jackson was changed and ready to leave.

  “This is shit timing, but I need to go if I’m going to get back to Virginia in time for work.”

  I nodded wordlessly.

/>   He looked around the loft. “You gonna be okay?”


  This felt surreal. How would I know when to come to Virginia? I knew he was leaving on some sort of training. Would he be out of contact for the entire time?

  “Will you just text me when I’m supposed to come to Virginia?” I asked hesitantly.

  He paused, a quizzical expression crossed his face. “I’ll probably call you tonight. When I arrive.”

  My lips parted in shock. He was acting like a real husband. It stunned me into complete silence. “Okay.”

  Chloe and I walked him out to his truck. He put his bag in the back and then turned around and looked down at me. This was weird.

  “I’m sorry you are spending our wedding night alone. That was some piss poor planning on my part,” he teased.

  I blushed.

  He laughed and grabbed my left hand. He held it up and studied the slim band on my finger. “Feel any different?”

  “I feel weird,” I was breathless.

  A big hand wrapped around my neck as he tugged me close. His mouth came down over mine. I felt all the tension flow out of me as his tongue gently teased me. I wrapped my hands up around his thick neck and clung to him as he slowly kissed me into oblivion. When he lifted his head, I was fairly panting.

  “Better?” he asked, his eyes dark.

  I gave a shaky laugh. “Better.”

  He groaned as he pulled me against his hard body. “I have to go.”


  I may or may not have shed a few tears when his big black truck pulled out of the driveway. And then he was gone.


  I was already in bed when my phone rang. I scrambled in the dark to answer it.


  “Were you sleeping?” Jackson’s voice rumbled in my ear.

  “Yes…no…just in bed but not asleep.”

  “What are you wearing?” he teased.

  “My pyjamas.” I hit my head with my head. Could I get any less sexy.

  He laughed.

  I tried to think of something to ask. “How was your drive?”


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