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Hard Choices (Blood Brothers #6)

Page 23

by Manda Mellett

  “He handled the meeting well enough. Got us to put the brakes on what could have been a knee-jerk reaction. The more I think of it, the more I believe he was right.” Rais taps his chin thoughtfully. “I was impressed with him.”

  “He’s a good diplomat, certainly.” I’m man enough to concede Rami’s worth.

  “I don’t like an enemy I can’t see. Same as any fighting man.” Rais shrugs. “Tell me there’s a buildup of troops and I want to be there, forcing them back. I wasn’t thinking. Rami stood up and told me I was wrong to my face. Don’t underestimate him, Hunter.”

  I go and sit on the couch opposite. “I like the man, Rais. That doesn’t mean he’s right for Aiza.”

  I’m fixed with a steely stare from those black eyes that don’t allow me to know what he’s thinking.

  His silence encourages me to keep talking. “I mean, it should totally be up to Aiza, shouldn’t it? I worry she’s getting pressure from Kadar to do the right thing.” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I feel I’m on the right track. What other reason could there be for Aiza even considering him?

  “The right thing being?” Rais tilts his head.

  “To marry Rami to form a liaison between Amahad and Alair. If he’s playing on that, putting pressure on her…”

  Rais stands and walks to the drink cabinet. As he pulls out a bottle and two glasses, I nod my head. “Kadar has assured me she can make her own choice. Rami thinks he’s in love with her. He’s always been attracted to her.”

  “He doesn’t know her.”

  As Rais returns with a glass for me, he sits back on the couch. “That’s the one thing you’ve said that’s correct.” At least we agree on something. As I start to relax, Rais continues, “You don’t understand her either.”

  I splutter and choke as the malt goes down the wrong way, then when my fit of coughing has finished, sit forwards and put my drink back down on the coffee table. “I think I understand her more than you do, Rais. That night in the dungeon, I knew exactly what she needed…”

  “I allowed you to take charge.”

  Allowed me?

  “Now stop right there, Rais. The dungeon was probably a new experience for you. For Aiza it was like coming home. I’m a Dom…”

  He slashes his hand through the air angrily. “You think I don’t know how you label yourself? Fuck, man, I’ve been friends with Nijad for years. I watched Nijad develop into the man that he is. We were close as children, even closer as men. We talk about everything. I know what he does, I know what the dungeon’s for. Just because I don’t give myself a fancy title or use specialist equipment, don’t dismiss me as not knowing what I’m talking about.”

  As he speaks he seems to grow in front of my eyes, authority radiating off him. He’s not threatening me, just letting me know I was wrong to challenge him. I find myself unable to continue looking at him, and standing, move to the windows.

  Looking down I see Rami and Aiza. It looks like they’re on their way back. They’re not holding hands, or even walking particularly close. From here their body language suggests that if Rami had been taking his chance to press his suit, he’s probably been unsuccessful. A weight lifts off my mind.

  As they disappear around a corner I continue looking out, not seeing the beautiful blooms that are kept flowering for the people of Z̧almā as well as residents of the palace to enjoy. Instead, I’m thinking, realising I’ve been putting people into boxes. Being arrogant to think that I know more about them than they do themselves. I know I’m a Dominant. I can’t be any other way. It’s reflected in my choice of career—a protector—and the way I like to control my women in bed. Why hadn’t I seen Rais is similar? He protects a whole desert and its people. In the dungeon… While I might have got Rami and Aiza to give me their submission, I certainly had none of his.

  “Tell me why you want her, Hunter.” Rais’ deep voice leaves me no choice.

  “She’s beautiful inside and out. She’s got a fire inside her.”

  As I pause, trying to string my thoughts together, Rais interrupts. “And you want to put that fire out? Control her? Make her submit to you? Would that make you feel like a man?”

  “That’s not what I want to do…”

  I feel a presence behind me and know Rais has left the couch and moved close. “Are you going to give her a nice house? A family? Love her, worship her? Make her feel like the most cherished woman in the world? Help her succeed in whatever she wants to do?”

  “I’d give my life for her.”

  “Of course you would. I have no doubt about that.” As I glance over my shoulder, he’s smiling wryly. “It’s the unwritten part of your job description.” Now he’s by my side. “Would you nurture her, allow her to grow, give her what she desires?”

  “Yes. Obviously. As a Dom that’s part of my job.”

  “Would you give up your career for her, or leave her alone for long periods of time?”

  I decide to challenge him. I’ve had enough of him putting me on the spot. “You want her too,” I accuse.

  I’m answered first by a gruff laugh, then, “Why do you think I’ve never married again, Hunter?”

  I have no idea… Oh fuck. The answer slams into me like a freight train. I pause, knowing once I’ve acknowledged it I’m going to have to deal with it and find some way to move on. “Because you were waiting for her to grow up.”

  He doesn’t confirm or deny it. Just stands beside me, looking out into the gardens below.

  I try to lighten the situation. “We could duel for her. Swords at daybreak. Winner fights Rami…”

  “You wouldn’t have a chance, Hunter.” He’s not bragging, just matter of fact.

  While I keep myself fit, I have to be on top of my game to provide bodyguard services, there’s no doubt that he’s speaking the truth. His prowess at unarmed combat is renowned.

  Rami’s challenge doesn’t bother me. However, Rais is a force to be reckoned with. I’m not offering, just finding out where I stand when I ask, “You want me to step aside?”

  Rais turns to face me, a wealth of seriousness in his eyes. “I want you to think about why you want her. And what for. Whether you can give her the kind of life she deserves. Or whether you just want to break her, bring to the fore her submissive side and know that you’ve won. That’s how I read you, Hunter. I can’t see how you could make her happy that way.”

  “At least I don’t live in Amahad. She won’t need to pretend to be a princess anymore.”

  He sighs. “She is a princess. Whether she’s here acting like royalty or living in a slum going to work on the tube every day, she deserves to be treated like one.” Again he looks me in the eye and says something perceptive. “She needs to be the important one in the relationship. She needs support to do what she wants to do. She’s special, she deserves the world being given to her. She’s been trying to take that in her play in the clubs, not understanding it would be given to her freely.”

  He’s right. I suddenly realise it. Aiza’s been trying to wrest that control from the men that she plays with, without comprehending she doesn’t need to lift a finger to receive it. His grasp of the situation makes me acknowledge there’s a possibility all I feel for her is only a fleeting passion, and question whether I can be the man that she needs.

  While I may be able to draw out Aiza’s submissive tendencies, never letting her have the control that she craves in the same way she needs air to breathe would break her. Would I be able to conquer my inner Dom and be the man that she requires? I frown, wishing we hadn’t started this conversation, it’s provoked too much self-examination. Deep down, I know that he’s right.

  Tamping down my competitive spirit, I look him in the eye. “If you believe you can be all that for her, I won’t stand in your way.”

  Then he says something completely out of left field. “Perhaps I wouldn’t be able to be everything for her, Hunter.”

  I stare for a moment, uncomprehending, finding myself hoping, not wanting to jump t
o the wrong interpretation. I test out the waters. “You’d consider sharing?”

  I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, and a pained expression comes over his eyes. “It’s not what I want, Hunter. What makes her happy is what we should be considering here.”

  If she became mine, would I allow another to touch her? I turn away and walk back across the room. Sharing a woman isn’t something I haven’t done many times before. Fuck, I’ve played with Ryan and Seth often enough when it’s been for pure fun, no emotion involved. Has Aiza even been between two men before? The thought that she might have has my cock thickening.

  “Rami might satisfy her other desires.” Rais has turned to face me, the smirk on his face showing he’s noticed the erection I’m unsuccessfully hiding.

  “Her other desires?”

  “When she feels the need to be in control.”

  He’s suggesting a foursome? Could that work? Rais has put forward some strong arguments. Perhaps together we can be the relationship that’s right for her. It’s something to think about seriously, and decide how much I want her, and whether I still want to be part of this fight. This proposal means I’d still be close to her. It has merit, I finally decide. Before I can formulate an answer the door opens, and the man we’ve been discussing walks in.

  “Where’s Aiza?” I snarl, even before the door has closed.

  Rami stops abruptly, his welcoming smile slipping from his lips. Under my scrutiny he looks uneasy. His eyes go to the floor as he explains, his words tumbling out one after the other. “Lamis waylaid her. She’s gone to discuss the clothes that she needs, she didn’t bring many here. Zaki, the head guard, is with them along with his men.”

  “Lamis has been part of the royal household for many years.” Rais notices my concern and tries to put me at ease. “Her absence gives us space to talk to Rami.”

  It does indeed. As Rami raises his eyebrows, I wonder if this is happening too fast. It’s one thing to play in the dungeon, and my thoughts after last night were that would be fun. As for the future, I was determined to make my play for Aiza, believing I could be the one to satisfy her. Now I’ve ended up seriously thinking about sharing her, and not just a temporary arrangement, but something permanent. Letting not just her, but the enigmatic sheikh into my life. And to add in a submissive? My brain might have trouble getting on board with the idea, but my lengthening cock seems to approve.

  Rais’s head’s cocked towards me. I take a split second to decide. Fighting for her is out of the question, and we all seem to have parts of us that together make a good sum total. Taking a deep breath, I leap into the unknown.

  Once we’ve brought Rami up to speed, it’s surprisingly easy to get him on board. There’s a visible stress being lifted off him. Rais is right. In his element he’s got the strength to match any of us. With a woman, he’s out of his depth. There’s joy in his face at the thought of being the bottom in any sexual relationship, and while his robes hide his reaction, I’d be surprised if he hadn’t got hard during our discussion.

  “So, let’s get this straight. What we’re talking about is a polyandric relationship.” Rami’s voice can’t disguise his excitement.

  Rais nods. “She’ll only be able to marry one man. We will, of course, have to exercise discretion.” For a woman to take multiple husbands would not be looked upon kindly in either of the countries. Even Westerners would have some difficulty accepting it.

  “Keeping it quiet won’t be hard.” I add my thoughts. “We’ve all got a reason to stay close to her. Even when this is over, Kadar will insist she has better protection.”

  “Kadar won’t be a problem,” Rais contributes. “He’s open minded”

  “Jasim used to own a kink club.” I smirk. No, I don’t think there’d be a problem with her family.

  “Of course, I’ll be the one to marry her,” Rami states confidently, his face full of charm.

  Rais again seems to grow another few centimetres as he contradicts. “No. I will.”

  Rami opens his mouth to argue, then snaps it shut. His eyes fall to the floor, unable to challenge the dominant sheikh. I watch their interaction with interest.

  “We’ve got time to decide, and she might have a preference. It would be hard enough putting any of us forward, let alone three.” I frown, wondering how this is going to go.

  “I will marry her,” Rais insists again.

  “Why?” Rami gets up the nerve to ask.

  Rais gives him the full force of his intense stare. “Because you would take her to Alair. Hunter would take her to London. With me, she’ll stay in Amahad.”

  I scoff. “Good luck with that, Sheikh. I don’t think there’s anything less likely to tempt her.” I remember my vow that I’d get her away if there was any pressure put on her to stay. No, I’ve still got a chance to have her all to myself. What Rais is offering would never hold any appeal for Aiza.

  Chapter 27


  Given the tension of the past few days, spending the afternoon with Lamis and the other maidservants was exactly what I needed. After a brief period of awkwardness, and until I finally got them to start calling me Aiza instead of Your Highness, we found we had a lot in common. Shared history for one thing. Although I’d been out of the country, I’d still kept a close eye on what had been going on, and they’d filled in some of the details I’d missed. Some of the more salacious ones at that.

  Lamis’s eyes had glazed over when she told me details I hadn’t known of how the romance developed between my brother, Nijad, and Cara, obviously enthralled by the love that they share, and that she’d been there from the beginning watching it grow. From an older woman I heard stories of my brothers when they were younger, and some of their retold antics had me wiping mirthful tears from my eyes.

  I lingered longer than I had expected, enjoying their company. Part of my extended visit down to my reluctance to return to the suite. In any lull in conversation, my mind had gone back to this morning, and Rami’s renewed marriage proposal.

  The more I think on it, the less right it seems to be. Then, should my personal preferences have any place in this scenario? My attempt at living like a normal person hadn’t worked out too well. I’m not sure I could ever go back to how I was, knowing I’m scared to be independent again. If I resumed using public transport and walking the streets, I’ll always be looking behind me. However much I try to forget it, I’ll always be a target simply because of the accident of my birth. It might not be al-Fahri. Even if we defeat him once and for all I’ll always be at risk of being taken by someone else wanting to use me against my family. Even if not for political purposes. It could simply be money. The richer the oil makes Amahad, the more I’ll be under threat. At the very least I’ll have armoured transport and bodyguards wherever I go, cramping my style.

  I could change my identity. Oh, I’d love to do that. Though the only way that would work is to give up my family. It’s only been recently I’ve had a chance to get to know them. Give up seeing my nieces and nephews grow? I couldn’t do that. I can’t disappear.

  Which makes marrying Rami an ideal solution. If I need to have bodyguards and live in a palace, I could do worse than moving to Alair. Perhaps I could continue to do my work, with the additional prestige of coming out as a member of the royal family rather than just using my money and brain.

  I’d only be a figurehead. Other people would be doing the work I love, and it’s them who’d be celebrating their successes. I wouldn’t have the same sense of pride knowing I’d arranged everything. No longer able to bribe people, as I’d have to maintain an air of respectability.

  There’s one big obstacle against me throwing everything in with Rami. While he’s pleasant enough, he wasn’t the one to get arousal flooding through me last night, or send me running with my tail between my legs into my room—or not directly. It had been the combination of Rami with Rais and Hunter.

  Rami, alone, wouldn’t be enough. And, outside of the bedroom, however muc
h he thinks he’d be able to give me a life I’d enjoy... I’ve been to Alair. I even like Rami’s father, King Asad. While the country is not as suffocating as Amahad was under my father’s rule, it is still very traditional. There’s nothing inside me that would be content with being a trophy wife.

  I stay to eat with the women, knowing I’m delaying returning and facing the men. While my lengthy presence here could be questioned, Lamis seems to understand I need this time to regroup. Eventually, I can’t put it off any longer, and begrudgingly, wishing I was staying alone, return to face the music.

  Zaki nods at the guards, then opens the door of my suite and steps inside. Even though I can hear male voices, he doesn’t forget his guard duties, checking the suite out before I enter, presumably in case anyone’s being coerced. Then, at last, he waves me in.

  Immediately I put my foot over the threshold I feel something has changed. The atmosphere is different, a camaraderie between the three men that wasn’t there before. Rais looks fresh from the shower, his long hair hanging to his shoulders, forming curls as it dries. Rami, also in Western clothing, is staring at Hunter as though waiting for him to take the lead. Hunter’s eyes fix on mine, one eyebrow raised.

  “You’ve decided to join us at last,” Rais observes.

  “Have you eaten?” Hunter asks.

  I walk in, undoing my headscarf and putting it down over a chair. “I don’t have to answer to you. My guards knew where I was, and yes, I’ve had dinner.”

  “Be careful, Your Highness,” Hunter growls.

  “Careful? Careful?” The way he’s just spoken to me gets my blood raging. “Where I go, what I do, is none of your concern.” I draw myself up to my full height, which isn’t very impressive when faced with these three tall men, and gird my mental loins with my most regal poise. “I’m grateful for your protection. However, this palace is sewn up tight. I know my guards will have informed you where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing.” In fact, I’m surprised they didn’t report back about the food I’d consumed. “I don’t need permission from you to spend some time away from the suite.”


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